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PURPOSE: To convince people that Face- to- Face classes should not be implemented until

there is a vaccine for Covid 19

AUDIENCE : Students , adults and parents who have childrens that are studying

TOPIC : FACE- to FACE should be implemented or not

CLAIM: We share about the safety of people and to reduce the number
of Covid19 patients
EVIDENCES: > Preventing Covid 19 to spread
> Safety first before prevention
> That face to face should not yet be implemented because of the virus that has
not been given a cure

Our parents always says that “ Education is the only thing that we can give to you that
no one else can ever steal ” that they will do everything just to make their children finish their
studies ad have a better life in the future.
Covid 19 is the one that truly gives us a big impact and a wide – ranging change to our lives
or what we call “THE NEW CHANGE”.
Peoples job and also the way of studying of students in different levels has also been
affected .
Dep Ed or the Department of education is implementing face- to- face classes to those places
that has a lower risk of Covid 19 and also some universities that is trying to implement face to
face classes for the second semester for the month of January .

“ The pilot shall be under strict health and safety measures and where there is
commitment for shared responsibility among Dep Ed” said by the Presidential Spokesperson
Harry Roque and being approved by President Rodrigo Duterte that dry run face – to –face is
being implemented .At this point you could easily decide that you must not be in favor in this
type of approval and first come that will enter in your mind is the safety and the danger that
could happen if someone is infected by the virus and spread to other people that he or she will
be interacting with.
The question is that they implemented online classes so that students can continue
their studying and to chase their goals in life but what if face to face is being approved and the
number of cases in that particular place has increase specially to those courses that is related
to health and soon to be nurses or doctors the fact that they are the ones who could help
people is the one who will be going to be patient and one of those needed to give care.
All of us is suffering from this kind of virus and some people including the
Department of Education wants face to face so that they can teach and give more information
unlike the ones that is happening in online classes and module type that those information is
limited and could give more knowledge in face- to – face sessions.
Nothing is easy in this world especially in college that reality will be slapped to you as you
enter college. If you want to chase your dreams and have a better life in the future strive and
work hard for it .

For me if I will be asking if I am in favor in this kind of set up I would probably say
NO as for now because I will be thinking about the safety of myself and also for other
people , yes face to face is better that online class but if you will be reviewing the situation for
now I will be staying at home and study my modules because the learning and the way how
you can finish your studying life depends on you. Learn how to trust yourself and also our
Heavenly Father most specially in this kind of situation that life and death is fighting . I would
agree as soon as the vaccine is already tested for its effectiveness and also if everything is
being under the control.

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