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Chapter 2

Dr. Minhhuy Le
606-A4, EEE, Phenikaa Uni.

Check Homework – Student practice
Homework: x = a*cos(2*pi*f*t - phi) + b
• Waveform chart in while/for loop
• XY graph: x-axis: time t; y-axis: x value

x = a*sin(2*pi*f*t + phi) + b

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 2

Check Homework – Student practice
Homework: x = a*cos(2*pi*f*t - phi) + b
• Waveform chart in while/for loop
• XY graph: x-axis: time t; y-axis: x value
t = i: -> 2*pi*f*1 ~2*pi*f*N -> cyclic -> x values
are different only because numeric calculation

t = 0:Tmax with resolution of 1/fs -> t = 0:1/fs:T
If using “i” -> divided by fs: ti = i/fs

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 3


Chapter 2
1. LabVIEW Programming Development
2. Loops and Waveform Graphs
3. Data Files and Character Strings
4. Important Programming Structures: cases, shift registers...

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 4


Sensor DAQ Algorithm DAQ Output


Load data
Save data


Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 5

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Right-click on
Block diagram Ctrl + H
-> File I/O
-> Write

• Open/create/rep
lace file
• Write text file
• Read text file
• Close file

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 6

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Example: Save to .csv file

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 7

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Example: Read from .csv file

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 8

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Example: Logging from DAQ Assistant to .csv file
(Practice) – Students come to code

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 9

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Previous problem: manual create a file or must select file before running
Wants: Type a file name -> Record data -> How to do ???

Right-click on “file path” -> choose folders

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 10

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Wants: Type a file name -> Record data -> How to do ???

Right-click on Front panel

-> String & Path
-> String control

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 11

2.3 Data Files and Character Strings
Wants: Type a file name -> Record data -> How to do ???
Build a file path with a file name

Set file path, then only enter file name

Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 12

• Check homework: student practice

• Save data to a file
• Read data file
• Character strings with file name
• Code practice

• Program GUI interface
• Save data to file
• Read data from file
Minhhuy Le, EEE, Phenikaa Uni. 13

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