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1. How strong is My Motivation to Manage?

We can utilize motivation as a powerful instrument to advance in life

and realize our aspirations and objectives. Setting goals for ourselves is
something I think is crucial since I strongly believe in pushing oneself to grow
both physically and mentally throughout life. Each of us has different
resources or means at our disposal to spur us on toward our ultimate
objectives. We need to have a goal and be driven to accomplish that goal in
order to stay motivated.

Being able to be in my position right now, managing perfectly all the

task including the pressure that often life and my chosen career brought me, I
can say that my motivation to go further to manage everything on my own
pace is strong enough to be here where I am enjoying what is given on my
plate despite of the hassle and pressure in which is inevitable. Its tiring but
fulfilling at the same time because as your day goes by in my teaching career,
I’ll able to see the fruit of my hard work and that see my pupils progress not
only on academics but also on dealing with real-life problem solving. And I
was also able to learn about my strengths in facing a challenging scenario
and develop the ability to handle it, whether in my personal life or at work,
such as when dealing with parents who gripe about their kids' academic
performance or school paperwork’s that needed to be done and pass on time.
I will be able to learn to put work-related personal issues aside and treat our
head and co-teachers with consideration and respect in spite of our
disagreements and differing viewpoints.

This strong motivation I possess came aside from the encouragement

that my family brought me and from the skills and knowledge I’ve acquire
about management and ethics but also from the right environment or
workplace that currently I am in, where I feel comfortable being myself there,
either working autonomously or in a team. The environment is very welcoming
and gives us the tools we need to succeed. My co-teachers are respectful and
welcoming and our head is very supportive, monitor us from time to time and
always appreciate our hard work. This kind of workplace will more
immediately develop employees who have a strong desire or motivation to do
their best work.
2. Assessing My Perspective on Ethics

The phrases ethics and morality are sometimes used interchangeably,

although this is not the case. You will see some what-ifs on the definition,
such as what the ancient philosophers thought, or remarks to that effect. I
don't hold that viewpoint or opinion. It's how the words are currently used and
used in our societies. However, when applied in daily life, ethics can break
deadlocks and strive to prevent violent clashes. Is occasionally—and possibly
infrequently—ever satisfied with the result. We generally concur that being
honest is morally right and that being dishonest is punishable, but our judicial
systems must account for complexities. like stealing versus lying. We may all
agree that both are bad since they can cause harm to other people, but not
everyone agrees with the sanctions used to ensure everyone's welfare, such
as the death penalty. Other disputes, such as the right to regulate and defend
our own bodies versus another person's right to do the same, are frequently
ethically settled but are essentially just means of avoiding a conflict. The most
difficult dilemma we've ever encountered, similar to abortion. Since that is its
own topic and is only being used as an example, I won't go into details here.

Ethics is just acting morally even when no one is looking. Even when it
results in a personal loss, it is still the correct thing to do. Doing the right thing
when it's 10 times tougher than the easy way out is the definition of ethics.
Being ethical means giving rather than taking. Knowing right from wrong is all
that it is. An ethical individual knows the difference between a good and bad
judgment, whether it's in business, at home, at school, or during leisure time.
Humans are capable of choosing what course of action to take. There are
shades of gray in life. In order to exist, we occasionally have to make poor
choices. Though it may be unethical, this choice is the least of two evils.
3. How Satisfied Am I with my Present Job?

A study identified ten components for job satisfaction, and I

wholeheartedly concur with each one of them. Out of the ten ingredients
mentioned in the study, the ones I'll discuss are those that are visible at our
workplace and that, in some way, satisfy me in my chosen job as a teacher or
educator. A job must first allow for communication, which means that we as
employees are free to be honest, trustworthy, and even combative when
necessary. It also has culture since it sets standards and offers guidelines on
a variety of subjects, including proper degrees of employee contact and
organizational goals. The knowledge that you work for a successful
organization with long-term objectives may give you a sense of stability,
indicating a sense of belonging to that organization. A good leader, or
someone who can persuade a group of people to achieve a vision or a set of
objectives, also increases employee motivation. By offering difficult
possibilities, you can encourage people to take on engaging projects and
escape their mundane jobs. In order to learn and develop ourselves as
educators to the fullest extent possible, career development for teachers is
also encouraged. has favorable working conditions that support tolerance of
different viewpoints, constructive criticism, mentoring opportunities, and
harassment-free workplaces. Rewards and recognition are also seen in
situations where your hard work is acknowledged and given credit.

Teaching is a noble profession and a fulfilling job it is often a difficult

process, but the end result is very rewarding. Watching a child develop
confidence and seeing a student progress in their studies is a very exciting
process. Teaching young children is especially great because it is setting a
foundation for life-long learning. But regardless of how much you claim to love
your job and find fulfillment in it, let's be honest about the fact that the pay for
teachers in our country is insufficient to support us, and that occasionally we
spend our own savings for school or academic advancement. However, I can
state that overall, in terms of emotional fulfillment, I am content with my
current employment.
4. What is My Big Five Personality Profile

Having a positive personality profile substantially increases one's

chances of being considered for or accepted for a job. It also greatly aids in
blending and establishing strong relationships with coworkers and your
employer, which will help you also keep your job for a long time. It also
benefits you in other areas of your life, such as socializing, considering
positive attitudes enable you to approach others with regard and respect
when you encounter them on a daily basis.

Having thoroughly assessing myself through the years and with the
feedback that I hear from my family, friends and colleagues, the five big
personality profile that I possess, although I can't state that I am sociable
outright, let's say that I am approachable and easy to get along with. I can
easily blend in and adapt to new environments. For instance, after my transfer
to Core Shelter, I was able to win the respect and trust of my new coworkers
and develop friendships with them outside of the workplace in just a few
weeks. Team playing is in my nature, I support and give my full trust to the
assigned leader, but there are instances that your group must decide to chose
and no want wants to be due to lack of confidence or whatever reasons, I can
play the rule of leader or them. There is one time that no one wants or have a
confidence to lead our group, so I’d step-in and volunteer to be the leader,
think for the concept to present and I am the one who teach them the
choreography and of course not forgetting to ask for their opinion, comment
and suggestion because that’s what leaders do.

I am a responsible person, being responsible is doing your best to

follow the rules and obligation, using your work-time in work-related activity
only and finishing the task assigned in due time even if no one is monitoring
or observing you. One also of my biggest personality profile is I can work
efficiently and effectively under pressure, because often times there are
additional school work that the Deped or Division demand in only a short
period of time, we fortunately finish the work flawlessly despite the pressure in
time. I am also a type of person that is always open to possibilities and

5. What Rewards Do I Value Most?

Us employees value three things more highly than anything else: time,
choice and incentives, like for instance, giving employees the freedom to
choose how they spend their time at work sends two very strong messages to
them: first, that we trust them, and second, that we treat them like adults
because we know they'll complete the task at hand. Additionally, allowing
employees to buy and/or sell holidays is a gain for them because it improves
their ability to balance their personal and professional lives.

And the choice is about giving employees a say in their compensation

and putting them in control of the decision-making process. The products and
services that are offered by an employer for purchase by employees, typically
at a discount, out of their taxable income or through a salary sacrifice plan,
are an example of a voluntary benefit where we are given a choice as to what
is important to us. access to a range of health initiatives, including on-site
gyms, workshops to help people quit smoking, nutrition guidance, and
assistance with mental wellness. Similar to voluntary benefits, there has been
an increase in wellness program offerings, driven once more by employee
and corporate demand.

For the incentives or money, we are talking about the salary increase,
pension and also discount platforms such as Reward Gateway’s, offers
discounts on everything from the weekly food shop to special holidays,
meaning that employees’ families are able to benefit too.  This are the
rewards that is valuable to the eyes of us employees specially s teachers who
is one of a low paying job in the Philippines.
B. Answer the following questions and cite examples.

1. How can performance monitoring and evaluation improve your

performance and your ability to manage the performance of others?

Monitoring and evaluation is a continuous management function that

determines whether an investment plan, program, project, or plan and its
activities have any unintended consequences (positive or negative), identifies
implementation slowdowns, and tracks progress toward achieving expected
results. The planning, monitoring, and evaluation processes are meant to
assist in making decisions toward specific goals. While monitoring and
evaluation support learning from past successes, challenges, and
implementation-related issues, planning aids in concentrating on the results
that matter.

By monitoring and evaluation, you will be able to track down your

performance or the performance of others, in this continuous process you
may able to identify the strength and the weak points of a certain plan,
program or activities that you or the others made. In other words, you will able
to see if the plan or the performance succeeded or failed. And through
monitoring an evaluation you able to trace down which effective and which
isn’t. And if overall you fail you will be able to determine or see the problem
and have a chance to think of other plans or strategies to make it right or use
the most effective way.

For example in my classroom, in order to help my pupils in their

academics specifically in reading comprehension through M&E I will be able
to identify who among of my students is having a difficulty in the said area and
I will be conducting different strategies to help them improve their skill in
comprehension and by continues M&E, the result will help me which activity
or methods is effective and continue using it to aid the comprehension of my
pupils and for my future students who is having the same struggle. At this
point I am not just able to improve my performance to manage my class by
unlocking new learning but I be able to teach effectively and track down the
performance of my students and help them with the best of my ability by
continuous monitoring and evaluation.
Monitoring and evaluation can determine whether an effort is
successful or unsuccessful. It is an essential component of all businesses and
organizations. You won't be able to assess the efficiency of your team,
department, or organization without tracking performance. This will lead to
goals without direction and a disorganized, aimless workplace atmosphere.
How can you know who to award to keep workers motivated and retain them if
you don't know exactly how well or poorly you or your personnel are
performing? How will you know who to help, too? or when those who are
performing poorly need to be subjected to disciplinary measures? By keeping
an eye on performance, you can determine who is working hard and who isn't
in the office and figure out how to increase productivity in general.

Monitoring and evaluation help improve performance in a way also that

If you yourself or the others know that there are frequent monitoring and
evaluation – that individual that is monitored will strive hard, learn and
improve his/herself because everyone wants to be acknowledged, be praise
and be awarded for their hard work. For example, in a classroom setting, the
class know that you are a type of teacher who is dedicated by monitoring their
activities or assignment and constantly after evaluation you give constant
reward or simply praise them for doing a great job this simple feedback give
them motivation to improve their performance day by day to be able to be
noticed and be awarded same as in a business organization.
2. How can you apply power, influence, and politics to increase your

You cannot lead your union without influence, and if you are unable to
do so, you are helpless. Given the negative connotations associated with
power, the first thing that comes to mind when considering the use of power in
the workplace is likely to be a power grab or some other form of misuse of
one's position. But as long as your intention is good and without malice, just
want to put your power and influence into good use, for instance as a teacher
that you want only the welfare and the success of your student.

Effectiveness includes not only aiding a student with their academics

but also, to the best of a teacher's ability, the community, the environment,
and the school because these are all aspects of the student's future. As a
teacher, educator, mentor, facilitator if I have such power and influence and
power over politics, I will use my influence to encourage the community the
stockholders to continue help and improve the school, for instance conducting
a daily clean-up drive activity, nutritional program like feeding and gardening,
conduct activities that is educational and fun. Use social media to solicit for
help to produce fund to create a program that help the out-of-school children
to go back to school, or any other materials like used clothes, toys or books
for our less fortunate students who is shy to go to school because they don’t
have even proper clothes to wear and a food to eat during recess.

In politics, you can request for the improvement of school facilities,

build more classroom and recreational place like a covered court where you
can facilitate all of the school activities rain or shine, a resource room for the
students with learning disabilities, and request for books and other material
like TV, computer, etc. that is helpful when it comes to the learning of the
student. The power over politics can help teachers from over work load due to
paper works, if I have power over politics, I will make an amends to hire non-
teaching staff to do the school paper works and others stuff that requires the
teachers to produce in due time limiting their time to teach.

If the school's location has no electricity, we can request for a solar

power project and an internet provider. I was once in a far-flung barangay
where both problems are occurring, I noticed that most of the parents enroll
their children in other school specially in a school where they know that the
teachers are active even these kids are only in elementary. Because teachers
in a far-flung barangay is not active and always absent due to the location of
the school and they missed their family and also maybe there is lack of
monitoring in the school. We can’t blame them, like any other employee they
also want be noticed for their hard work. As a teacher who experienced being
assigned to a far-flung area, we know that we oath to do our job no matter
what but as in the higher position with influence and power over politics we
must also help our people to their job correctly, we must hear their plea. If
only we provide them a solar power project to aid the lack of electricity,
provide the school a internet provider or even phone signal to communicate
with their family if they’re missing them, and a salary increase provide
necessary incentives so they can’t use their own saving for school expenses.
In this way we can use our power in a good way that is to help teachers in
those situations to be active, efficient and effective teacher to our future

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