SE MiniProject Report

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Crime Reporting and Management System

(Mini Project Report):

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree



1. Nishtha Batra D7B/07

2. Tithi Jhamnani D7B/29
3. Teesha Karotra D7B/31
4. Drishti Samvedi D7B/58

Dr. Mrs. Rohini Temkar

Department of Computer Engineering

Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology

HAMC, Collector’s Colony, Chembur,
University of Mumbai
(AY 2021-22)

This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “ Crime Reporting and

Management System ” is a bonafide work of Nishtha Batra(D7B/07),

Tithi Jhamnani(D7B/29), Teesha Karotra(D7B/31), Drishti

Samvedi(D7B/58) submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of

Engineering” in “Computer Engineering” .

(Prof. Dr. Mrs. Rohini Temkar)


(Prof. ) (Prof. )
Head of Department Principal
Mini Project Approval

This Mini Project entitled “Crime Reporting and Management System”

by Nishtha Batra, Tithi Jhamnani, Teesha Karotra, Drishti Samvedi is

approved for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer



1. Dr. Mrs. Rohini Temkar

(Internal Examiner Name & Sign)

(External Examiner name & Sign)



Abstract 5

Acknowledgments 5

List of Abbreviations 5

1 Introduction 6
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives
1.4 Organization of the Report

2 Literature Survey 7

2.1 Survey of Existing System

2.2 Limitation Existing system or research gap
2.3 Mini Project Contribution

3 Proposed System (eg New Approach of Data Summarization ) 9

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Algorithm and Process Design
3.4 Details of Hardware & Software
3.4 Experiment and Results
3.5 Conclusion and Future work.

References 26
The “Crime Management System” may be a web-based website for online
complaining and computerized management of crime records. Here during this
website an individual who wishes to file a complaint or report an event must register
before log in and once the admin authenticates the user, he or she will login into the
web site and file a complaint. This complaint will be received by police and police
can send a message regarding status of the complaint to the user who filed the
complaint. Police can use this software to manage different crimes and a few of the
works which is completed in police headquarters manually. Police gets their login
password from admin directly. Some of the modules like news, safety tips, missing
persons and most wanted criminals can be viewed through the website without
logging in. So, this website helps police to seek out the issues within the society
without them actually coming to the police headquarters.

As we have carried out the project on crime management system.
We would like to immensely acknowledge the efforts of our mentor Dr Mrs Rohini
Temkar. We were provided with all necessary instructions and guidelines from her
side, which were absolutely helpful for this project. We would like to thank the
college for coming up with such astonishing and promising ideas which indeed
benefits students in many ways.
The valuable contribution made by our team members made this project a huge
We are immensely grateful for the direct and indirect help received by everyone for
the successive completion of this project.

List of abbreviations:
CSS – Cascading style sheets
HTML – Hypertext markup language
JS – Java Script

As the title of our project is Crime Reporting and Management System, the main
objective of the Crime Reporting and Management System is to manage the details
of Crime, Criminal, Public, Solutions and Department. The project is totally built at
the administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed access. The
purpose of the project is to build an application program to make the system more
efficient and effective for the citizens of the country as well as the administrators.

The project was a great learning opportunity and the first project that we had
worked on. We were excited to begin our journey of applying our learned skills to
applications with use in the real world. The complexity of the first project,
integrating, database, web frontend, server and other technologies truly gave us a
feeling of profound motivation. The structure is made in order to make the citizens
aware of the crimes happening in the vicinity. It will also provide precautionary
measures and news from valid sources to avoid misleading people.

Problem Statement & Objectives:

A city’s safety and security depend on the authorities that are responsible to look
after the city. When the management system lacks efficiency, it puts the safety of
citizens at risk. The conventional method of filing report after standing in a line for
hours and not getting a follow up for days has failed to punish the culprits roaming
freely in the city. A well-organized system is necessary to ensure that people are
having a carefree sound sleep at nights. It is necessary when you report a crime to
police you will be listened to, and they can tell you about options that can help
make you safer. The main objective of the Crime Reporting and Management
System is to manage the details of Crime, Criminal, Public, Solutions and

Organization of the Report:

The report is divided in 4 sections: The first section contains references and
summarization. It contains the abstract, abbreviations, acknowledgement. The
second section contains Introduction, Problem statement, objectives motivations
the third section contains the literature survey and the mini project contribution. The
last section contains the full explanation about the proposed system. It contains
details about the architecture and framework, the algorithm and process design,
and the hardware and software details, experiment, results, conclusion and future
work lastly we have references.

Survey of Existing System :

Papers with their Description :

1) International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
The “Crime Management System” is a web-based website for 
online complaining and computerized management of crime 

2) International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology

This website will help the police to find out the problems in the 
society and surrounding without being physically present at the police station for the
crime reporting.

3) International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)

The aim of this project is to develop an online crime report and managing system
which is easily accessible to the citizens. This also allows the victims and witnesses
of the crime to report incidents to police 24/7 from any location.

4) International Journal of recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

Here we create an online crime reporting system software which is well accessible
to the general public, the department of local government and there-fore the body

Limitations of Existing System :

From reading all the different papers on crime management systems, we found that
the most common goal of each project is to improve data management and make
the process of recording crimes and taking appropriate actions easier for the
citizens and the police officers respectively. And we plan to try our best to achieve
this same goal in our project.

To manage crime and criminal data, we already have a pretty good system in place.
In this system when one wants to report a crime, they have to go to a nearby police
station and file an FIR with a police official. Then an inquiry will take place, followed
by filling of a chargesheet and hence the case is registered.

Up until the year 2006, the total cognizable crimes per 100000 population was
below 162. But it increased to 385.5 as of 2019. With such a drastic increase in
crime rates the above mentioned/existing system is not suitable. This is because it
is a time consuming process. It requires a lot of manpower to record crimes and to
forward documents of a case from one police station to another. The possibility of
loss of paperwork during these transfers is also there. Chances are that a case
might remain pending because of the hectic schedule of the police officials. In the
existing system there might be cases of duplicate data, incomplete information and
inconsistent formats. This points to lack of maintenance of data. There is also a
possibility of tampering of data while it is being stored in police stations.
Hence we believe that there is a way to improve our crime and criminal
management system.

Mini Project Contribution :

Online Crime Reporting and Management System is an application program which

will make the existing system more efficient and effective for the citizens of the
country as well as the administrators. It will act as an assurance to the citizens that
the data is safe and won't be manipulated. The reports filed by them won't be
neglected. It will reconstruct the bridge between the public and government officials
and ensure the welfare and safety of the society.
3) PROPOSED SYSTEM (e.g., New Approach of Data Summarization)


In our project we have used a Vanilla approach which in the development world
means to start the project from scratch. Being a high-level Python web framework
that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites, Django was
our first choice when we started planning the execution of this project. Built by
experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web
development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the
Architecture/ Framework:
In building this web application our first requirement was to identify the various
programming languages which we were going to need in order to build it. Then after
that we require an architecture on how to implement the languages according to our
need. The frontend interface is done with HTML and CSS and JavaScript was used
for validations.
The backend is done with the help of Python (Django: Version 2.2). Django is based
on MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture.
Algorithm and Process Design:

● Front End:

The interface has multiple pages containing modal pop ups to make for not only
an informative website but also a user friendly and fun interface.
The input tag is used to take input from users. Almost all basic functions of HTML
are used in this project. The frontend validation is done by JavaScript in such a way
that until the user inputs valid data, the submit button will be disabled.

● Back End:

Django, a Python-based web framework is used in this project, which allows

you to quickly create web applications without all the installation or dependency
problems that you normally will find with other frameworks. When you’re building a
website, you always need a similar set of components: a way to handle user
authentication (signing up, signing in, signing out), a management panel for your
website, forms, a way to upload files, etc. Django gives you ready-made
components to use.

Details of Hardware & Software:

This project is built in Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and it requires a local
server which is provided by the xampp software. HTML and CSS are used to create
the front end of the application, whereas the backend is done with the help of
Size on Disk : 81MB
RAM : 4GB or more
Software Requirements : As listed in the requirements.txt file
To setup and run the project :
First open the command prompt in the folder in which your project has been
downloaded. Next you can follow the below steps to complete the project setup
1. Create and start a virtual environment
➔ py -m venv name-of-your-virtual-environment
➔ name-of-your-virtual-environment/Scripts/activate
2. Install the project dependencies
➔ pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Make migrations for the app
➔ py makemigrations your-app-name OR
➔ py makemigrations
4. Then run
➔ py migrate
5. Now the project has been setup successfully. To run the project enter the
following command
➔ py runserver
6. You can copy the port address and paste it in the browser window to see the

Experiment and Results:

The experiments conducted pertain to the unique features supplied by this solution.
The paramount of which was its low processing requirement and its easy going load
put on low spec systems. We are able to store the user data into the database very
quickly and smoothly.

Here are the few snapshots of our website:














Although it must be mentioned that the application at this stage was not at an
enterprise level and was constrained by the resources available to run this system
on an individual level.

Conclusion and Future Work:

The system helps the administrators to work the prisons easily and also organizes
the crime for efficiency. We don't have to be physically present at the police station
and therefore it reduces manual data entry. This system is time saving for both, the
administrator and the user (citizens). This site enables us to view the details about
missing persons, most wanted persons, and complaints. Statistics of the case can
be easily viewed by the user. 
      The final product will be a user-friendly interface where the user can file an
FIR/missing complaint, and will be able to track the complaint status. The website will
also display the crime statistics and list of the most wanted criminals.
The website can be expanded from its basic concept of crime reporting and
management into a portal where we can share information about different safety
precautions, crime rates of various cities and states.

1. Aamir Khan, Amit Singh, Ankit Chauhan, Aishwarya Gupta

"International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)", Volume:
06, Issue: 04, Computer Science & Engineering Department, ABES Institute of
April 2019
2. Siddharth Sharma, Prachi Chauhan, Deepti Singh; Department of IT,
ABESIT, Ghaziabad
"International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology",2020
Vol. 4, Issue 12, ISSN No. 2455-2143, pages 554-557
April 2020

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