CMBIO Learning Activity #1

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Topics Evolutionary Theory Creationism Theory

Origin of Life Molecules According to The theory of evolution,

in the Oparin-Haldane theory, though widely accepted over
life evolved gradually from the course of years, poses
inorganic molecules, with key many gaps in the logic of the
elements like amino acids origins of life molecules. In
forming first and Stanley Miller’s experiment,
subsequently combining to for instance, a trap is used to
form complex polymers eliminate molecules from the
(Rogers, 2018). The complex sparks or radiation that are
molecules were then used to produce them. If these
separated and then they will organic molecules were
be able to acquire certain unable to escape, it would
characteristics from living eventually induce their
organisms. Afterwards, they destruction before they could
will be able to obtain ever form into a living cell.
nutrition, develop, and Taking this into account,
reproduce. anti-evolution advocates,
including creationists, argue
that the second law of
thermodynamics, which
entails that as entropy
increases over time the
systems become more
disordered, negates the
concept of evolutionary
theory; hence, this goes to
show that both evolutionary
theory and the second law of
thermodynamics cannot
coincide (Morris, 1987, as
cited in Schreiber & Gimbel,

Origin of the Prokaryote Most likely, the earliest cells Intelligent Design (ID) argues
were very primitive that irreducibly complex
prokaryotic forms. The planet organisms, like prokaryotes,
is 4 to 5 billion years old, exist as they are. Irreducible
according to radiometric complexity is described as a
dating, and prokaryotes may single system composed of
have evolved more than 3.5 several well-matched
billion years ago. The theory interacting parts that
that life emerged from contribute to basic functions,
nonliving chemical systems, wherein removal of any one
known as theory of of the parts causes the system
abiogenesis, has supplanted effectively to cease
spontaneous generation as the functioning (Behe, 1996).
main theory for the origin of Studies by the proponent,
life. Miller and Urey's Michael Behe, conclude that
experiments revealed that Darwinian evolution cannot
early Earth conditions might explain many biochemical
have produced the organic reactions occurring inside the
compounds required for life cell because of its irreducibly
to emerge. Miller's complex nature.
experiments did not exactly
replicate the environment of
primordial Earth, but they did
show the feasibility of
spontaneous synthesis of
organic molecules, which
provided the fundamental
elements from which the
earliest living creatures

Origin of the Eukaryote The initial stage in the It was discovered that new
evolution of eukaryotes from bacterial and eukaryotic
prokaryotes was primarily genomes are sequenced and
the proteins encoded are
connected to the survival in
deduced, which confuses the
the new oxygen-rich evolutionary idea of
environment: an aerobic endosymbiosis. The lack of
prokaryotic microbe was evidence for mitochondrial
consumed into the cytoplasm genes derived from the
of a heterotrophic anaerobe. bacterial origin in both the
Lynn Marguilis also proposed mitochondrial DNA and the
genome in the cell's nucleus
that the mitochondria
that would support
originated from an endosymbiosis poses a
endosymbiotic bacteria serious problem for
capable of aerobic respiration evolutionary theory. The
(Knoll, 2012). sequences for many
eukaryotic genomes are now
clearly showing that the gene
repertoires needed for the
mitochondria to function are
not derived from bacteria.
(Tomkins, 2015)

The origin of life forms on Earth started with simpler and originally perhaps from
non-living substances. Science has documented evolutionism and creationism theory with how
life started and it led to various criticisms on which theory is correct. However, we stand that
both theories were correct and that each supports evidence to the other theory. The origin of
molecules has undergone a natural transformation from inorganic molecules to organic
molecules with the presence of lightning and UV radiation from earth’s early atmosphere. By the
presence of lightning and UV radiation, it generated molecules that were evolutionalized through
combining into complex molecules and acquiring certain characteristics from living organisms.
This led to the biochemical evolution of life. Spontaneous generation of organic molecules led
life to thrive on Earth. Thus, Prokaryotes have existed while utilizing the biochemical molecules
for survival but they later evolved into organisms with several well-matched interacting parts as
earth’s early condition produced the organic compounds required for life to emerge and thrive.
Later on, eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes as a result of endosymbiosis wherein an aerobic
prokaryotic microbe was consumed into the cytoplasm of a heterotrophic anaerobe.

1. Study the summary table you created and postulate your own theory on how life started,
until multicellularity. Note: No one is asking you to defy your religious beliefs! This
activity is for the purpose of learning how to use scientific evidence to create your own
2. Discuss and justify your theory with your group. Finalize and summarize your output and
submit the output you have created along with your group output in your folder in your
google classroom. Make sure you have labelled your group folder with the name of your
group and your section.

Andrew H. Knoll (2012). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Retrieved from:
109 (4) 1022; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1120472109

Aviezer, N. (2010). Intelligent Design versus Evolution.Retrieved from

Cooper, G. M. (2000). The Origin and Evolution of Cells - The Cell - NCBI Bookshelf. NCBI.

Morris, H. M., (1985). Institute for Creation Research, & Institute for Creation Research.
Scientific Creationism. Adfo Books. Retrieved from

Rogers, K. (2018). Abiogenesis. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from:

Schreiber, A., & Gimbel, S. (2010). Evolution and the Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Effectively Communicating to Non-technicians. Evolution: Education and Outreach,
3(1), 99–106.

Tomkins, J. P., PhD. (2015). Endosymbiosis: A Theory in Crisis. The Institute for Creation

Discussion & Summary

What have you learned about the origin of life? About evolution? How are all of these related to
the cell’s structure and function? What are your reflections about the various articles you have
read? In this lesson, you have learned about the most accepted theories on the origin of life. Why
do you think these theories were more accepted by the scientific community?

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