Answer Chap-8

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Short Question Chapter-8

 Explain the aligning strategies and training.

Strategies: At first, employers need to identify and understand the organization’s strategies.

Employee behaviors: Not all employees have same behavioral traits. Organization needs to
understand that differences and provide the type of training based on their behavior and
effectiveness- off the job training or on the job training.

Employee competency: Each individual employee has their own specialty. It is important to
identify those specialties and polish them with further training.

Training development needs: Identify the areas or department that needs training, and train them
accordingly that will support the organization’s strategies.

Training implementation and evaluation: Training implementation needs providing the training
using one or more instructional method to develop the employees. After implementing the
training program, employers need to evaluate the effectiveness of the training in terms of growth,
knowledge, development, skills etc.

 Explain can’t do/ won’t do problem.

It is important for the managers to identify whether it is can’t do or won’t do problem. If it is

can’t do problem, dig out the specific causes like: employees lack behind skills or competency,
lack of proper and adequate machinery, environmental problem, absence of job aid, etc. In that
case, employers need to train employees, buy proper machinery, and clear environmental
problem that will help employees to perform the job. If it is won’t do problem, it means
employees lack motivation, acknowledgement, recognition, etc. Therefore, employers need to
change the appraisal method.

 Explain the types of training given to the non managerial employees.

On the job training:

Coaching or understudy method: This is a one on one guidance method where employees learn
while observing its supervisors. Supervisors tend to break down the acquiring skills step by step
for the better understanding of the employee.

Job rotation: Giving multiple jobs to employees at planned intervals.

Special assignment: It is a small project or task given to junior employees in order to work on
actual projects. They are being authorized to take decision and supervise the project or task to
have firsthand experience in working on actual projects.

Apprenticeship training: a combined process of formal learning and long term on the job training
which makes employees a skilled workers. This involves while being under the direct
supervision of the employers.

Informal learning: a self directed learning process which is not arranged by organization. People
learn by doing the daily basis job with colleagues.

Off the job training:

Job instruction: This training is only for the employees who operate machinery/equipment that
gives detailed step by step training. This training is not for service oriented employees

Lectures: Quick and easy way to share knowledge/information to a large number of people.
Here, employees do not acquire any skills.

Video conference: With the usage of technology/internet/satellite, employers spread knowledge

to the geographically dispersed employees.

Vestibule training/stimulation: A job related environment is created to train employees. It is used

when it is costly or dangerous to perform on the job training.

Behavior modeling: This is a skill acquisition process where trainers show the right way of doing
something to the trainee; let the trainees practice the job; and asks for feedback on the trainees’

Mobile learning: Delivering information via mobile phone or laptop wherever and whenever the
learner has time and desire to access.
Virtual classroom: A teaching method that collaborates software where remote learners can have
access to the classroom via pc, laptop or mobile phone.

Team training: Team training focuses on interpersonal, technical, and team management issue.
Cross training facilitates flexibility and job rotation.

Lifelong learning: Employers make sure to provide the adequate amount of knowledge needed to
do their job throughout the time with the companies to ensure that employees will be getting
wide horizon of opportunity.

 Explain managerial job tr

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