Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

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International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management

Volume 6, Issue 5, 2019, PP 7-16

ISSN 2394-5923 (Print) & ISSN 2394-5931 (Online)

Insecurity in Nigeria: the Implications for Industrialization and

Sustainable Development
Ndubuisi-Okolo Purity .U., Ph.D1*, Theresa Anigbuogu., Ph.D2
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Awka, Anambra State,
*Corresponding Author: Ndubuisi-Okolo Purity .U.,Ph.D, Department of Business Administration,
Faculty of Management Sciences, Awka, Nigeria, Email:

Nigeria as a great nation is fraught with violent conflicts, chaos, anarchy and disorderliness, and
retrogression. These scenarios precipitated the innate desire to embark on this research. This study
concentrated on insecurity in Nigeria: The implications for industrialization and sustainable development.
Objectives are set to highlight the causes of insecurity in Nigeria and also to proffer solutions on how to
redress the issues of insecurity in the country. Exploratory Research Design was adopted. Data were
generated via the internet, library, and other documented materials relevant to the study. Democratic Peace
Theory was utilized to explain the challenges of insecurity. Findings revealed that insecurity is a pivotal
factor hindering the growth of industrialization and sustainable development in Nigeria. Based on this
revelation, it was concluded that rapid growth of industrialization and sustainable development is only
possible when the menace of insecurity is halted. The study, therefore, recommended that Government need
to take the business of governance seriously and redress issues bordering on injustices, victimization,
marginalization, discrimination, insecurity and also create a safe and an enabling environment for
investments which will step up industrialization and sustainable development thereby enhancing the
livelihoods of the greatest numbers of its citizens.
Keywords: Industrialization, development, insecurity, government

INTRODUCTION dwindling at present is a real symptom of

insecurity. Similarly, insecurity has threatened
Insecurity is a critical issue that has hampered
the desperate attempt to industrialize, the
industrialization and sustainable development in
existing socio-cultural tranquility and
Nigeria in particular and Africa at large. Nigeria
sustainable development. Consequent upon this,
which is perceived as the giant of Africa has
the Global Peace Index (2012) rated Nigeria low
witnessed an unprecedented incidences of
as regards security matters.
insecurity ranging from the activities of Fulani
Herdsmen; Boko Haram Insurgencies, Armed The implication is that Nigeria symbolizes
Robber Attacks, kidnapping, political/religious unsafe place of abode and has also been
crisis, murder, destruction of oil facilities by included among one of the terrorist countries of
Niger Delta militants, Child Abduction/ the world. Therefore, investors, foreigners,
Trafficking etc. Other crimes committed by expatriate and even indigenes of Nigeria are
these Islamic sect include; destruction of scared about investing and committing their
vehicles; burning of churches, police stations, hard-earned resources in lucrative businesses in
schools, hospitals, clinics, shops, army barracks Nigeria. Insecurity, therefore, refers to the state
and residential houses; abduction of expatriates. of fear, anxiety, restlessness, uncertainty,
These challenges have made security a pivotal stemming from lackadaisical attitude of our
issue that has culminated in the allocation of disgruntled and greedy politicians, militants and
country‟s huge meagre resources to the Boko Haram Sects. This is proven by the high
protection of lives and properties. It has also rate of bombings and killings in Nigeria cum
made government to divert resources meant for political and economic related assassinations as
developmental purposes to security. Also, the well as the politically influenced communal
alarming rate at which the economic, political, wars making the job of security agents in
social and religious affairs of the nation are Nigeria porous and insignificant. Insecurity per

International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I5 ● 2019 7

Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

sec is a real menace to industrialization, healthy to provide a secure and conducive environment
living, freedom of worship, national growth and for protection of lives, properties and the
sustainable development because businesses conduct of business and numerous economic
thrive tremendously in an atmosphere devoid of activities has led to lack of interest and
rancour, economic, social, religious and dissatisfaction among business investors,
political quagmire. Insecurity in Nigeria has led Anekwe, Ndubuisi-Okolo and Anigbogu (2015).
to the destruction of lives, properties and This has resulted in communal clashes, religious
equipments; relocation and closing down of violence and crime in different parts of the
businesses, Adeleke (2013). country, disrupted businesses and economic
activities, and retarded economic growth and
To buttress this point further; the lives of fifty development in Nigeria.
five citizens were claimed in Kaduna State on
Thursday, 18th October, 2018.Also six farmers All these have implications on industrialization
were reported dead in Ebonyi State on and sustainable development. This is because no
Thursday, 24th October, 2018 as a result of business investor would want to invest in an
brutal and inimical attitude of Fulani Herdsmen. unsafe and insecure environment. In the light of
the foregoing, the study sets out to examine how
Insecurity is a real threat to human existence
and economic development. insecurity is detrimental and inimical to
industrialization and sustainable development,
Security which is the opposite of insecurity is the causes of insecurity in today‟s contemporary
ideally a part of human existence and environment and remedies to the menace of
sustenance has been recklessly and ruthlessly insecurity in Nigeria.
neglected owing to religious, cultural and
political misconceptions. Security is therefore STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
perceived as a situation in which citizens are The quagmire in which security challenges has
free from any threats to their life and means of placed this nation is unquantifiable. A nation
livelihood, free from bodily harm, diseases, endowed with both human and natural resources
unemployment, and human rights violations are suffering from severe pangs of hunger to the
wherever they may find themselves within a detriment of the citizenry. This scenario has
sovereign nation. Nigeria as a nation has prompted many youths to engage in nefarious
witnessed an unprecedented level of insecurity and precarious activities such as armed robbery,
despite the propositions of the 1999 constitution
kidnapping, child abduction etc. Youths who are
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which
leaders of tomorrow are neglected. This ugly
stipulates that “The security and welfare of the
situation has resulted in migration of youths
people shall be the primary aim of government”.
from one country to the other in search of
But, unfortunately, government has not played a greener pastures where many have lost their
pivotal role as far as security matters are lives.
concerned in Nigeria. This is because Muslims Therefore, it is crystal clear that the state of
Leaders are bent on exterminating Christianity insecurity in Nigeria is largely a function of
in Nigeria and have packaged terrorists to damn
government failure and lackadaisical attitude
the image of Christians which turned out to the
towards the poor masses. This is showcased by
detriment of both Muslims and Christians. The
the inability of government to deliver public
provision of secured and safe environment for
services and to provide basic needs for the
lives, properties and the conduct of business and
masses like shelter, food and clothing. The
economic activities in Nigeria have been
impinged owing to the attitude of some top paucity of basic needs by the people of Nigeria
government officials towards security of lives. has created a pool of frustrated people who are
Evidence has showed that those occupying ignited easily by any event to be violent. The
prestigious positions are the authentic argument here, is that, Nigeria has the resources
perpetrators and supporters of Boko Haram to provide for the needs of her people, but
unruly insurgencies in the country. This corruption in public offices at all levels has
unscrupulous attitude of government has made it impossible for office holders to focus on
continued to position Nigeria in a perpetual state the provision of basic needs for the people.
of retrogression and infancy. This is reflected by Nigeria earns a great deal of revenue through oil
the nation‟s high rate of dependency on other sales, but fails to use these earnings to meet the
foreign counterparts and high poverty rate in the needs of its people and to develop infrastructure
country. Therefore, the inability of government as well as the economy.

8 International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I5 ● 2019

Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

When these situations exist, crime rate is bound security borders on ensuring safety of lives and
to rise and the security of lives and properties properties. Williams (2008) who sees security
cannot be guaranteed. Without security, the from the socio-political perspective opines that
economic, social and political stability of the security involves the capacity to pursue
nation is in jeopardy. Insecurity in the country cherished political and social ambitions. That is,
not only affects foreign direct investment and security is socio-political in nature as without
business activities, it also affects business security there can be no political stability and
confidence and stability as numerous firms consequently social activities will be in chaos.
losses confidence in establishing businesses in
some states in Nigeria. What then can we do to
curb the incidences of insecurity in Nigeria? This study adopts the Democratic Peace Theory
propounded by Doyle, (1998). The theory
explains the Security challenges in Nigerian. It
The major objective of this study is to determine proposes that security largely depends on
the effect of insecurity on industrialization and encouraging liberal institutions to discharge
sustainable development in Nigeria. their responsibilities creditably; and a security
Specifically, the study is established to: policy must have as its long-term spread of
 Highlight the causes of insecurity in Nigeria. liberalism. Therefore, the route to peace is to
encourage democratic system, the universal
 Proffer remedies to security challenges in respect for human rights and the development of
Nigeria. civil society. But such conclusion depends on an
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK untroubled and robust correlation between the
democratic nature of a state and peaceful
The Meaning of Insecurity inclination. Thus, the democratic peace theory
The word „insecurity‟‟ has myriads of assumes that liberal states do not fight wars
connotations. It signifies danger; hazard; against other liberal states. This theory was first
uncertainty; lack of protection, and lack of enunciated in a keynote article by Michael
safety. Beland (2005) defines‟ insecurity as “the Doyle in Journal of Philosophy and Public
state of fear or anxiety stemming from a Affairs (Doyle, 1998). Thus, Doyle argued that
concrete or alleged lack of protection.” It refers there was a difference in liberal practice towards
to lack or inadequate freedom from danger. This liberal societies and liberal practice towards
implies that insecurity is an absence of peace, non-liberal societies.
order and security. Achumba, Ighomeroho, Insecurity and Industralization in Nigeria
Akpor (2013) defines insecurity from two
perspectives. Firstly, insecurity is the state of Rapid industrialization is very vital to modern
being open or subject to danger or threat of economic growth and development. The level of
danger, where danger is the condition of being industrial performance reflects the ability of any
susceptible to harm or injury. Secondly, economy to utilize its resources, its level of
insecurity is the state of being exposed to risk or technological and managerial development to
anxiety, where anxiety is a vague unpleasant enhance the standard of living of its citizens.
emotion that is experienced in anticipation of The term “industrialization‟ originated from the
some misfortune. These definitions of insecurity industrial revolution of 18th and 19th century in
underscore a major point that those affected by Europe. Industrialization describes an increase
insecurity are not only uncertain or unaware of in the share of manufacturing in the Gross
what would happen but they are also vulnerable Domestic Product (GDP) and in the occupations
to the threats and dangers when they occur. of the economically active population.
People engaged in business activity, either It could also be used to explain the development
directly or indirectly, to satisfy unlimited human of economic activity in relatively large industry,
wants. Therefore, business has become part and Nnabuife, Okeke, and Ndubuisi-Okolo(2018).
parcel of human existence in particular and Industrial development is one of the best training
global world in general. United Nations grounds for skill acquisition/development, and it
Development Programme (1994) defines can increase the flexibility of the economy and
Security as protection from hidden and hurtful reduce dependence on external forces. Industrial
disruptions in the daily activities, at homes, development provides employment, foreign
offices or communities etc. This implies that exchange, and domestic earnings.

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Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

Industrialization in Nigeria is bedevilled by national goals, organizational goals and

paucity of data, threats of insecurity, individual goals that can persist over
transportation facilities, power outages, finance generations. As noted by Akpobibibo (2003),
etc. But the major cankerworm besetting the principle behind sustainability is to make
industrialization and its efficient performance is life meaningful to all. Therefore, security is
enormous rate of insecurity in the country which crucial for sustainable development. In the
has vitiated the morale of inventors. Relentless absence of security, economic growth and
effort to industrialize the country began after development cannot be sustained as it destroys
independence in 1960 with the implementation economic, human and social capital. Under
of four national development plans, a conditions of peace and security, people and
perspective fifth development and several other government can direct their efforts and
economic policies like the indigenization and resources towards improving human life.
structural adjustment policies, the vision Insecurity is a threat to sustainable development
20:2020 among others which aimed at globally. It is a bane to economic growth and
strengthening the Nigerian manufacturing development and has simultaneously frustrated
sector. These economic policies are designed to and undermined the dreams and aspirations of
address problems relating to industrialization as great dynamites owing to its obvious negative
they come up such that different policies are consequences. There are three components of
passed at different times to address issues of the sustainable development: economic
time (Muo, Okeke & Okpala, 2008). development, social development and
environmental protection. Sustainable
Despite these challenges, it is very conspicuous
development ensures a developed world with
that the major challenge confronting
secured and healthy environment for all; human
industrialization at present is still high rate of
beings, animals and plants. Sustainable
insecurity. It is crystal clear that insecurity is
development is only achievable when social,
detrimental to general well being of the people
economic, political and environmental
with its resultant effects in the areas of illnesses;
sustainability elements in Nigeria are stable,
low life expectancy; low quality of life and even
secured, viable and equitable, Ndubuisi-Okolo
death. Therefore, with the incessant security
and Anekwe (2018). In Nigeria, government at
challenges and the inability of the security
all levels from the federal, states, and local
agents to guarantee safety and security in the
governments have not fared well in the
country, many factories have been burnt down,
provision of public goods such as infrastructure,
lives and properties lost, investors on the run,
health, education, employment and security
relocation and closing down of businesses. All
despite the enormous oil revenues accruing into
these bottlenecks hamper smooth industrial
their coffers. Many people provide all the
growth and development.
services that otherwise would have been
Africa as a continent has continued to lag provided by the government including security.
behind in industrialization mainly because most Monies are allocated to the various tiers of
of the countries that make it up are still not government for the development of their areas
measuring up in the indices of global but it is diverted by those in position of
competitiveness, as confirmed by Ease of Doing authority into their private purse. Gwom (2011)
Business Index Published by the World Bank opines that kidnapping and terrorism are signs
(2005) as cited in Nnabuife Okeke, and and consequences that formal authority is
Ndubuisi-Okolo (2018).This is precipitated by ineffectual and checks and balances in
diverse security challenges confronting Africa governance are not working. Despite
in particular and the entire world at large. stupendous wealth in the country, majority of
Industrialization in Nigeria is affected not only the youths are not gainfully employed while
by dearth of infrastructure and inadequate some lack the requisite skills to acquire a
power supply but also by high rate of insecurity. befitting job. This is made worst by the
This situation has hampered and constrained inexplicable wealth displayed by those whose
entrepreneurship. rise to fame could only be traceable to few
moments of lawlessness or defiance of order
Insecurity and Sustainable Development in
rather than to hard work. Most of the youth
learn from those they see as models even if they
The aims of sustainable development are to are not doing the right thing. Some of the super
ensure a safe and healthy environment for all rich men were former coup plotters, retired
and sundry and to maximize simultaneously armed robbers, internationally acclaimed

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Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

kidnappers turned into Heads of States and their several causes of insecurity in Nigeria that are
retinue of appointees. In addition, they are those inimical to socio-economic growth and
who looted the ministries and parastatals by development (Ali, 2013; Okorie, 2011; Jega,
taking advantage of the loose judicial and weak 2002; Salawu, 2010;Onyishi, 2011; Ezeoba,
enforcement arms of government. 2011; Lewis, 2002; Achumba and Akpor 2013).
Every month and occasionally, the north is These causes have bedeviled the smooth flow of
allocated huge amount of money in hundreds of business activities in Nigeria. They include but
billions of naira from oil revenue and taxes from not limited to the following:
commodities they (Muslims) prohibit, however, Political Quagmire
there is nothing to show for these huge revenues
that have accrued into their states coffers. The The existence of innumerable political parties
northern elite‟s corrupt attitudes towards the has caused havoc in Nigeria. This is because
masses have been incredible. They see majority has not really comprehended the ethics
themselves as „gods‟ that can never be of politics. Misconceptions, uprisings from
challenged by the minority group. These monies diverse parties have landed many politicians to
only ended up in the pockets of the few that has their untimely grave. Politics is a game of luck
produced and nurtured the Islamic sects they and not „„a Do or Die affair‟ business. For
will want to abandon after training and using instance, few years ago, the unexpected power
them. Of course the skills they have acquired shift from the northern hegemony to a minority
will have to be used to survive even if those that geo-political zone of South-south, as a result of
trained them no longer need their services. It has the death of President Yar‟adua could be linked
been the vehicle used to express their anger on to the initial high tempo of insecurity.
the innocent and ordinary Nigerians.
That is, the death of President Yar‟adua resulted
Boko Haram insurgency is thriving in Nigeria in an alteration of the northern perpetual claim
especially in the northern parts of Nigeria on political power in Nigeria. In addition, the
because their governments have jettisoned their refutation of the North-South agreement on
creator, is greedy and corrupt, embraced rotational presidency within the People‟s
injustice and marginalization instead of justice Democratic Party (PDP) is also another major
and equity. The Nigerian elites (leaders, element, thus the death of Yar‟Adua and the
administrators etc) are known globally for their ascendancy of Good luck Ebele Jonathan as the
heartless greed and embezzlement of public president disarrayed planned and articulated
funds, avarice and disdain for the common man. political arrangement (Ferrell, 2012).
This grand larceny is common to all tiers of
government in Nigeria. They are the foremost In addition, there is incessant rancour among
terrorist group because their acts have caused political leaders even within same party and
avoidable maimed and deaths either by roads or rancor between the ruling party and the
airplane mishaps that are frequent. There is the opposition parties. There are also several
poor health care system that is responsible for economic related assassinations all over the
the fear, bereavement, emotional torture and nation which creates problems to the nation‟s
psychological pains experienced by many economic growth and development.
resulting from deaths of their loved ones. All Furthermore, there is the power inter-play and
these are the consequences of the shameless over-ambition of politicians who willfully
looting of public funds which is worse than that encourage the procurement of weapons in order
caused by Boko Haram‟s insurgencies. All these to pursue their inordinate political ambitions
evil acts weaken the pace of industrialization (Egbewole, 2013).
cum sustainable development. Can we make
headway amidst these challenges? Yes, if The struggle for political power, religious
Nigerian leaders can say no to injustice, imposition and land disputes and the lack of aid
corruption, victimization and marginalization for victims or punishment for troublemakers,
etc, the state of the economy will automatically corrupt persons, and the mismanagement of the
change for the betterment of the entire citizenry. economy have all fuelled tensions in the
country, Akonbede (2013). Tom (2012)
The Causes of Insecurity in Nigeria maintained that three things are interwoven in
Myriads of factors have been attributed to have Nigeria - religion, politics and ethnicity - and
contributed to magnitude of insecurity in the three are beclouded with corruption, poverty
Nigeria. Many erudite scholars have identified and insecurity.

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Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

Leadership/power Tussle there is an unchecked inflow of Small Arms and

Light Weapons into the country which has aided
This factor has resulted in putting the square
militancy and criminality in Nigeria (Hazen and
peg in a round hole. This has deprived Nigerians
Horner, 2007). Available data show that Nigeria
the benefit of being administered by good
host over 70 percent of about 8 million illegal
leaders as most of the political leaders are in
weapons in West Africa (Edeko, 2011). Also,
office for their own selfish gains. Often, sadly,
the porosity of the Nigerian borders has aided
these crops of political leaders oppress the
the uncontrollable influx of migrants, mainly
citizens with the looted money, train thugs and
young men, from neighboring countries such as
hooligans who later turn to armed robbers,
Republic of Niger, Chad and Republic of Benin
kidnappers, drug pushers etc when they are
responsible for some of the criminal acts
dumped by the politicians after elections thus
(Adeola and Oluyemi, 2012).The porosity has
constituting a serious threat to national growth
raised a lot of dust which has degenerated into
and development.
the ugly experiences we are currently facing
Unemployment/ Poverty Issue today. Nigeria is the only country people troop
The degree with which unemployed youths are in and out without adequate tracking and
roaming about the street is alarming. These checkmating.
unemployed youths at present employ Ethno-Religious Conflicts
themselves by engaging in illegal activities such
These have arisen from distrust among various
as kidnapping, robbery, child abduction, and
ethnic groups and among the major religions in
other nefarious activities. As a result of the high
the country, Ibrahim and Igbuzor (2002), Hazen
level of unemployment and poverty among
and Horner, (2007), Salawu (2010) and Igbuzor,
Nigerians, especially the youths, they are
(2011) identified ethno-religious conflict as a
adversely attracted to violent crime (Adagba, et
major source of insecurity in Nigeria. Ethno-
al, 2012). This is depicted by recent
religious conflict was defined as a situation in
development in Anambra State where reports by which the relationship between members of one
Fides (2018) unveiled a 70-year old farmer ethnic or religious group and another of such
butchered by disgruntled, hunger-infested and group in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious
jobless youths residing in their villages owing to society is characterized by lack of cordiality,
unemployment palaver. Nwagbosa (2012) posits mutual suspicion, fear, and tendency towards
that the failure of successive administrations in violent confrontation. Frequent and persistent
Nigeria to address challenges of poverty, ethnic conflicts and religious clashes between
unemployment and inequitable distribution of the two dominant religions (Islam and
wealth among ethnic nationalities is one major Christianity), present the country with a major
causes of insecurity in the country. security challenge. In all parts of Nigeria, there
Unemployment has a severe negative exist ethno-religious conflicts and these
implication on sustainable and national according to Ibrahim and Igbuzor (2002) have
development in Nigeria. Poverty also is a threat emerged as a result of new and particularistic
to human existence and reduces a man to a forms of political consciousness and identity
perpetual state of infancy. International Fund for often structured around ethno-religious
Agricultural Development (IFAD, 2007) opines identities. The claim over scarce resources,
that despite Nigerian huge resources and oil power, land, chieftaincy, local government,
wealth, poverty is still rampant to the extent that councils, control of markets and sharia among
the country is ranked one of the 20th poorest other trivial issues have resulted in large scale
countries in the world”. Indeed, over 70 percent killings andviolence amongst groups in Nigeria
of the population is classified as poor, with 35 (Adagba, et al, 2012).
percent living in abject poverty (Andenrele,
Weak Security System
This result from inadequate equipment for the
Porous Borders security arm of government, both in weaponry
Achumba, Ighomeroho and Akpor-Robaro and training (Achumba et al. 2013). This is in
(2013) observe that the porous frontiers of the addition to poor attitudinal and behavioural
country, where individual movements are disposition of security personnel. In many cases,
largely untracked have contributed to the high security personnel assigned to deal with given
degree of insecurity in Nigeria. As a result, security situations lack the expertise and

12 International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I5 ● 2019

Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

equipment to handle the situations in a way to institutional infrastructures. The foundations of

prevent them from occurring. And even when institutional framework in Nigeria are very
these exist, some security personnel get shaky and have provoked a deterioration of state
influenced by ethnic, religious or communal governance and democratic accountability, thus,
sentiment and are easily swallowed by their paralyzing the existing set of constraints
personal interest to serve their people, rather including the formal and legitimate rules nested
than the nation. Thus, instead of being national in the hierarchy of social order.
watch dogs and defending national interest and
Evidently, as Igbuzor (2011) observed, the state
values, and protecting people from harm by
of insecurity in Nigeria is greatly a function of
criminals, they soon become saboteurs of
government failure, or can be linked to
government effort, by supporting and fuelling
government failure. This is manifested in the
insecurity through either leaking vital security
incapacity of government to deliver public
information or aiding and abetting criminals to
services and to provide for basic needs of the
acquire weapons or to escape the long arm of
masses. The lack of basic necessities by the
the law (Achumba and Akpor, 2013).
people in Nigeria has created a pool of
Wrong Perception between the Public and frustrated people who are ignited easily by any
Government event to be violent.
Over the years, there has been a standing The argument here, is that, Nigeria has the
mismatch between public and government resources to provide for the needs of her people,
perceptions. A situation which often result in but corruption in public offices at all levels has
the reactions of the public to the excesses of the made it impossible for office holders to focus on
military regimes which governed Nigeria and the provision of basic needs for the people.
has continued after the end of military regimes Hazen and Horner (2007) describe the Nigerian
and created a sensitivity by those in government situation as a “Paradox of Plenty”.
at public intrusion in matters of state. A situation where the country earns a great deal
Frequently, on any given incident, public and of revenue through oil sales, but fails to use
government reactions diverge. these earnings to meet the needs of her people
In such situations, the media has never helped and to develop infrastructure as well as the
matters. Media practices have always focused economy. When these situations exist, crime
on the dramatic and the spectacular view of the rate is bound to rise and the security of lives and
given situations. Such reports have always been properties are in jeopardy.
capitalized on in sophisticated ways by various Insecurity in Nigeria
groups, some of which are violent to incite
public clamour for a change and immediate Nigeria has witnessed an unprecedented level of
reaction through strategically provocative insecurity since the inception of the immediate
violence. past administration till the present democratic
political dispensation. The nature of insecurity
The point here is that the approach of media has been regionalized: militia groups in the
report over the years has contributed to south, insurgency in the north, kidnapping in the
exacerbate insecurity or perception of insecurity east and south, ritual killings in the east and
in Nigeria. President Jonathan alluded to this west, political and non-political calculated
situation when he made reference to the popular assassinations across the nation.
axiom that the pen is mightier than the sword. In
his statement, the sword is used to kill and Boko Haram birthed as a radical fundamentalist
destroy but what we use the pen to do is also Islamic sect, formed by Ustaz Mohammed
very critical. When you have a society with Yusuf, in 2002 in Maiduguri, Borno state. In
these unending political conflicts, it is there on 2004, it moved to Kanamma, Yobe state, where
the media whether print, electronic or social it set up a base called Afghanistan (Ikenga and
media and this brings a lot of insecurity to the Efebeh, 2013).
system” (Bello & Oyedele, 2012). The sect officially calls itself “Jama‟atul Alhul
Sunnah Liddo‟ wati Wal Jihad” which means
Lack of Institutional Capacity Resulting in
“people committed to the propagation of the
Government Failure
prophet‟s teachings and Jihad” (Nwanegbo and
This result from what Fukuyama (2004) Odigbo, 2013; Ikenga and Efebeh 2013;
describes as the corrosion or breakdown of Meehan & Speier, 2011). Their violent activity

International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I5 ● 2019 13

Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

started in 2009. The Table below depicts the carried out by the Boko Haram sect from 2009-
summary of the violent attacks and activities 2018 to the best of our knowledge.
Year States involved in the attack Deaths/ Casualties recorded
2009 Yobe, Borno, Bauchi and Kano. Over eight hundred(800) killed
Over three hundred and thirty (33 0) killed and seven
2010 Borno, Abuja, and Plateau
hundred (700) prison inmates acquitted.
Over four hundred and twenty-five(425) were killed,
Borno, Kaduna, Yobe, Niger, Bauchi, Abuja,
2011 over three hundred(300) persons injured. UN Building
Katsina, and Plateau
in Abuja was razed down.
Adamawa, Kano, Kaduna, Kogi, Bauchi,
2012 Killed over 1047, many sustained injury
Plateau, Yobe, Abuja, Sokoto and Katsina
Borno, Adamawa, Kano, Plateau, Gombe,
2013 Killed over 732 persons and many others injured.
Yobe, Bauchi
Over 270 Chibok girls were abducted in Borno State,
2014 Borno, Adamawa and Yobe some women were kidnapped in Adamawa, killed over
200 persons and several injured.
2015 Borno, Enugu State and Kaduna State. Over hundred lives were claimed.
2016 Over two hundred lost their lives and properties.
2017 Enugu state,Maiduguri; Zaria, Kaduna etc Over hundred were killed and few injured.
Over seventy people were killed, 24 soldiers killed in
Ebonyi State, Kaduna, Benue State, Borno and
2018 Borno on 24th Dec., and one(1) soldier killed in Yobe
Yobe State.etc.
Source: Adapted from Avweromre, 2014; Ikenga and husband can lead to infidelity of the wife.
Efebeh, 2013; Achumba, Ighomereho and Akpor- Unemployment increases governments‟
Robaro,2013,Newsletters, etc. expenditure or transfer payments where welfare
How to Curtail the Incidence of Insecurity in programs are implemented in favor of the
Nigeria unemployed.
Abolishment of Bribery and Corruption and Effect of corruption is that it leads to a reduction
Entrenchment of Justice in economic growth and development by
lowering incentives to invest; it also leads to a
Corruption is the antithesis of progress and divestment in such economies. Serious investors
development as it creates political instability,
are always wary of offering bribes before being
social unrest and crime infested environment, it
allowed investment rights or operational
breeds inefficiency, incompetence, mediocrity,
licenses. This is due to the fact that there is no
unethical values and other negative instincts in
guarantee that greased officials may keep their
man such as greed, malice, envy, avarice and
side of the agreement in case of contract breach,
rapacity, Anekwe, Ndubuisi-Okolo and
the fleeced investor is on his own (Eppele,
Anigbogu(2015). Corruption is so entrenched
and endemic in Nigeria that it has become a 2006). To the above is the fact that foreign
household issue and all elements of the investors are also prone to withdraw their
economy are caught in corruption web, such capital from a country with high incidence of
that Nigeria ranked among the top ten most corruption because the risk involved in doing
corrupt nations in the world (Onimajesin 2013). business in such nations sometimes outweighs
Corruption and injustice in Nigeria must be the benefits. Corruption contributes immensely
totally eliminated. Nepotism and a culture of to inhibition of economic performance; it
impunity must also be eschewed from our negatively affects investment and economic
national psyche and life to ensure national growth, which is detrimental to national
growth and sustainable development in Nigeria. development. If corruption discourages
investment, limits economic growth and alters
Creating Employment for the Qualified the composition of government spending, it
Unemployed Youths automatically hinders future economic growth
Social effects of unemployment include and sustainable development. Unemployment
personal hardship, depression, decay of acquired must be seriously tackled and curtailed. The
but unused skills, involvement in crime (mostly private sector must be encouraged and
among youth) as well as dispute among married supported to create the much needed jobs.
people, delayed marriages among singles and Constant electricity supply will no doubt boost
sometimes broken homes. Joblessness of a employment and increase productivity.

14 International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I5 ● 2019

Insecurity in Nigeria: The Implications For Industrialization and Sustainable Development

Accepting of Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of deserves to make Nigeria habitable for
the World indigenes and non-indigenes.
Nigeria has continued to suffer simply because These recommendations are made in line with
we have not only failed but also disappointed our observations:
our maker. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6”My
people perish for lack of knowledge.  Government need to step up physical
security measures around the country via the
The Israelites suffered tremendously when provision of security facilities and the
jettisoned their creator. Let us draw closer to development of stringent measures to be
God since He is the way, the truth and the life meted out on security defaulters. This
so that all these predicaments barring us from implies that Government must be proactive
attaining peace, unity and justice will be in dealing with security issues and threats,
exterminated. through training, modern methods of
Solidification of Security Personnel/Agencies intelligence gathering, and intelligence
sharing, logistics and deploying advanced
Training and retraining of officers must be
technology in managing security challenges.
carried out on a regular basis with special focus
on human rights, weapon handling,  Government need to glance through the
communication skills, new interrogation Nigerian constitution and ensure that the
techniques (torture is outdated), exposure to fundamental human rights are strictly
new equipment and technology. adhered to especially the one pertaining to
freedom of worship. This is because the
GOOD GOVERNANCE major challenge confronting our great nation
According to Oluwarotimi (2012), good has correlation with religion.
governance is the panacea for the insecurity  Government are admonished to take the
challenge in Nigeria. She states that the war business of governance seriously and redress
against insecurity would be won only by raising issues of injustices, victimization,
governance standards, which is, cultivating the marginalization, discrimination, security and
culture of good governance where the also create a safe and an enabling
government is responsible and accountable to environment for investments which will step
the people. up industrialization and sustainable
development thereby enhancing the
In her view, security engagement cannot be
livelihoods of the greatest numbers of its
separated from good governance. Many others
have also linked security to governance system.
The general view is that peace and security is  Government need to enshrine Security
determined by good governance. Management in School Educational
curriculum at all Levels ranging from
However, as Oluwa (2012) has pointed out, primary, school and Tertiary Institutions in
good governance is a function of effective, Nigeria. This will enable children as well as
visionary, transparent, trustworthy and credible youths to appreciate the relevance of
political leadership whose driving force is an security.
improvement in the collective well-being of the
citizens through well conceived, effectively REFERENCES
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Citation: Ndubuisi-Okolo Purity .U, Theresa Anigbuogu, “Insecurity in Nigeria: the Implications for
Industrialization and Sustainable Development "International Journal of Research in Business Studies and
Management“, 6(4), 2019, pp.7-16.
Copyright: © 2019 Ndubuisi-Okolo Purity .U. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

16 International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management V6 ● I2 ● 2019

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