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is about 26,000 m. in length (U.S. Coast Survey 1889).


The adoption of the smaller elongated bullet, necessitated

Cranmer to make a Latin version of the First Prayer-Book

&c., are issued. The bureau of ordnance has charge of the gun


ADJOURNMENT (through the French from the Late Lat.

in the town, which has also a fine climate; and many of the

and Cyanophyceae, although they required to be immersed during

its generals and admirals, official or otherwise, enjoyed undue

It was then an independent republic with a population of

the island, is derived from a small islet on one side of the

evidence to show that it is a practice of great antiquity.

country; G. F. H. Berkeley, The Campaign of Adowa and the

Indian Corn. Wheat. Oats. Barley.

protect the vital parts of the vessel wrought-iron armour of

death of its founder. The early labours of the society were

as continuous, anyhow distributed and moving in any manner.

with a great hall annexed, forms the paupers' hospitium.

Anatolian provinces, where he was engaged for more than three

central Sudan (Wadai, &c.) in the German sphere, a barrier

properties far in excess of those of the constituent metals.

volumes borrowed from the library. On the other side of the

Yussuf Kothual, a Kharizmian. He was, however, obliged to

Presbyterian preacher. He graduated at the College of New Jersey

or not undertaken, and for the development of trades and

to an inverted saucer. Due south the plateau rim is formed

Ile-de-France and Picardy. Area 2866 sq. m. Pop. (1906)

the chief adviser at headquarters during the American War of

well washen, the which shall be to the owner greate profyte

inaugurated by Titus in A.D. 80 with shows lasting one hundred

below the melting-point of any of the four metals. But these

corn, provided the drought is confined to a suitable period,

perhaps under their supremacy (Num. xxi. 26, xxii. 1; Josh.

W. E. H. Lecky, Ireland in the 18th Century (1892): A. E.

classes restricted to wethers and wether lambs, whose function

fitful in autumn and spring, and very cold in winter, as even

regions, the commercial intercourse of the continent with

the earth revolved annually about the sun--had received

in history ever deserved more truly the epithet of Great.

AGRICOLA, CHRISTOPH LUDWIG (1667-1719), German landscape

NaHg2. This compound melts at 350 deg. C., a temperature far

he served through the campaign in the Crimea. He was made

even to the eventual obliteration of the perforations by a

18, 1872) he refused to take precautions, and, while returning

many brethren, had a natural birth at Bethlehem and also a

age. But most remarkable is the representation of Latin F

it into normal ammonium carbonate, (NH4)2CO3, which can

generally regarded by the public as sources of annoyance.

did not have the bad consequences which might have appeared

the capital (Strabo ix. 3, 7; Isoc. xv. 232; Demosth. xxi.

when it was arranged that the amir should pay a visit to

Posen. He removed in 1844 to Hildesheim, where he had been

subdivisions, and form the flanks of the mountains in the

(also written Abailardus, Abaielardus, and in many other

Their town of Devana, once supposed to be the modern Aberdeen,

Meru . . . 14,9553 Albert Edward . 30043

ALMERIA, the capital of the province of Almeria, and one of

Shah, whom he made governor of the Punjab and Sirhind. As his

animal was credited with saving many thousands of pounds

camlet. It was not until the introduction of cotton warps

to teach the views which Luther was the first to stigmatize

slaughter-house. Altdorfer has been called the ``Giorgione

the latter is a shallow-rooted crop only surface-stirring is

west coast Indians hoisted the logs that formed the plates of

Zeleia. He had also, what was more serious, command of the

settled on the terms proposed, and in 1881 the British troops

But it was Vincent Lunardi who practically introduced

and Corax to more than 7000 ft.; the snow-capped pinnacle

and Spartans (207, 201). After their benevolent neutrality

Spain, and espousing the cause of Maria Christina against

&c. The general elevation is greatest in the eastern islands

articles of export; the population of the islands is about 300.

(1907), and The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets (1909).

Luther, but it also displeased more moderate men and especially

17,000; Christians, 5000). Philadelphia was founded by Attalus

rural free mail delivery, telephone and electric lines are

what the French critics call enjambement, that is, the

on germination to a plant bearing a second sort of asexual

famous for rowing, sending an eight to the regatta at Henley each

The most valuable result of her labours was the Instituzioni

apparent to the throne. Meanwhile the independence of the

all other metallic oxides, wherefore it is most serviceable

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