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Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM


1. Field of Study: Business

Research Topic: Climate Finance

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Climate Finance to a one


Subject: One country

IV: Climate Finance

DV: Effects of Climate Finance

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Business

Research Topic: Financial Crisis

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Financial Crisis to the


Subject: People

IV: Financial Crisis

DV: Effects of Financial Crisis

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions


1. Field of Study: Economics

Research Topic: War

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of War on economy?

Subject: Economy

IV: War

DV: Effects of War on economy

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Economics

Research Topic: Decimalization

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Decimalization on Market

Volatility and Liquidity?

Subject: Market Volatility and Liquidity

IV: Decimalization

DV: Effects of Decimalization on Market Volatility and Liquidity

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Public Health

1. Field of Study: Public Health

Research Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the causes of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Subject: Alzheimer’s Disease

IV: Alzheimer’s Disease

DV: Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Public Health

Research Topic: Physician

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: How can a Physician influence a patient?

Subject: Patient
Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

IV: Physician

DV: Influences of Physician on patient

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Political Science

1. Field of Study: Political Science

Research Topic: Legislative Polarization

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Legislative Polarization on

Stock Market?

Subject: Stock Market

IV: Political Science

DV: Effects of Legislative Polarization on Stock Market

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Political Science

Research Topic: Media

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Media on the U.S 2016

Presidential Primaries?
Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

Subject: U.S Presidential Primaries

IV: Media

DV: Effects of Media on U.S Presidential Primaries

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Social Science

1. Field of Study: Social Science

Research Topic: Teenage Pregnancy

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Teenage Pregnancy on the


Subject: Teenager

IV: Teenage Pregnancy

DV: Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Social Science

Research Topic: Family Structure

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: How can Family Structure influence on Children’s

Access to Health Care?

Subject: Children’s Access to Health Care

IV: Family Structure

DV: Influence of Family Structure

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

School of International and Public Affairs

1. Field of Study: School of International and Public Affairs

Research Topic: El Nino

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of El Nino on Rice Production

in the Philippines?

Subject: Rice Production

IV: El Nino

DV: Effects of El Nino

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: School of International and Public Affairs

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

Research Topic: Anti-Corruption System

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Anti-Corruption System on

a government?

Subject: Government

IV: Anti-Corruption System

DV: Effects of Anti-Corruption on a government

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions


1. Field of Study: Sociology

Research Topic: Education

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Education on the Children?

Subject: Children

IV: Education

DV: Effects of Education on the Children

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Sociology

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

Research Topic: Unemployment

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the causes Unemployment?

Subject: Unemployment

IV: Unemployment

DV: Causes of Unemployment

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions


1. Field of Study: Statistics

Research Topic: Father’s Earnings

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of a father’s earning on a


Subject: Family

IV: Father’s Earnings

DV: Effects of father’s earning on a family

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Statistics

Research Topic: High Crime Rate

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of High Crime Rate on Mexico?

Subject: Mexico

IV: High Crime Rate

DV: Effects of High Crime Rate on Mexico

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Teachers College

1. Field of Study: Teachers College

Research Topic: Family Communication

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the positive effects of Family

Communication on High School Students?

Subject: High School Students

IV: Family Communication

DV: Effects of Family Communication on High School Students

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Teachers College

Research Topic: Native Language Proficiency

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Native Language Proficiency

on the literacy Achievement of English Language?

Subject: Literacy Achievement of English Language

IV: Native Language Proficiency

DV: Effects of Literacy Achievement of English Language

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Other Columbia Departments and Centers

1. Field of Study: Other Columbia Departments and Centers

Research Topic: Seasonal Climate Change

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Seasonal Climate Change

on Rice Production?

Subject: Rice Production

IV: Seasonal Climate Change

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

DV: Effects of Seasonal Climate Change on Rice Production

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

2. Field of Study: Other Columbia Departments and Centers

Research Topic: Gentrification and Crime

Type of Research: Quantitative Research

Research Problem: What are the effects of Gentrification and Crime on

the City of New York?

Subject: City of New York

IV: Gentrification and Crime

DV: Effects of Gentrification and Crime on the City of New York

EV: The respondents lie about their answer

CV: Respondents refusing to answer the questions

Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM
Cabriana, Dwince Earl 12-WISODM

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