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Guide Questions for Interview (PTS):

Extension/Reflection Questions

1. How will you determine the training needs of your trainees?

2. What are the principles of Competency-based training? Give 5 and explain each.
3. Enumerate and explain 4 adult learning principles?
4. What is a session plan?
5. What is the main basis of the contents in your session plan?
6. What are your bases in sequencing the learning events or activities in your session plan?
7. What are the factors you should consider in choosing the training methods?
8. What are the characteristics of a good information sheet?
9. What are the elements of a good performance objective?
10. What is the purpose of preparing the evidence plan?
11. What is the basis of your evidence requirements in your evidence plan?
12. How do you characterize a good actual CBT/Workshop layout?

Contingency Questions

13. What is the difference between observation method and demonstration method?
14. How do you plan for trainees with different learning styles?
15. What will you do if a trainee claims that he has evidences that shows his competence on
most of the competencies of the qualification he is training on?

Job/Role Environment Questions

16. How do you plan for skills practice of your trainees?

17. When can you conclude that your trainee is competent?
18. How do you ensure the validity/reliability of your test items?

Safety Questions

19. When preparing your shop layout, how do you plan for the safety of your trainees?

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