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ISBN 0-582-52283-8 LONGMAN CLASSICS Stories from Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream “Marry Demetrius, or...” ‘There was once in Greece law which made young women very unhappy. This aw said that father could choose ary ‘man and make his daughter marry bi. One day an old msn brought his beautiful daughter Hermit othe Duke of Athens, Athens was the biggest iy in Greece, and the duke was avery powerful man. Every ‘one in Athens obeyed the duke “Thave come fo tell you about my daughter Herma.” fald the old man. Then he tured and pointe ta 100 ‘young men who ha come with leriia One ofthe young men was called Demetris andthe other was calles Lys der. "Thave ordered Hermia to mamy Demettus bu she won't do it. She loves Lysander, and she warts to merry him. Pletse tell her about the od aw af Athens” “Your ther shouldbe like god to you.” sald the duke, “And you should doas your father wishes. Demis is ‘00d man” “So is Lysander; he fsa gond ma to,” sai Herma, ‘Then Lysander spoke lo Hermie father and the duke “Tam as good apd as rich as Demetri,” he sd." love Hermis and she loves me. Why shouldnt marry her? ‘There is something else” headed. “Demetrius once ved Herma’ rend, Helena, and Holona loves Demetris, Le him mary Helena” ‘The duke was very powerful and kine, but he could not change the laws of Athens, 6 “You must do what your father tells you odo,” he sad toHertna. "Think carefully about ths matter. In four days you must marry Demetrius” Helena When Lysander and Hermia were slo together te [Gourde Listen ome, Horm. Les go aay ror ‘Alpena get manied,Lzee your fer shoue mor tow night and meet mein te wood outde Aten. TM De sein for you tere "Ar i eet you ther,” sid Herma, “promise io “Keep that promise, dear Hermia!” said Lysander. “Lot Here comes Helena” “an! Beil Helena Heri, “Where ar you oingt” Mont cal me beaut, Demetrius ves you: ne loves Jour eje your mice nd eventing sbowtyou, Of ach Trew youtook and how you sped so that ean win is " [don't want Demetrius to love me,” said Hermia. “But tne more Tat him, te more he flows me “Tye ore ve hi sald Helen, the more hates Don't be sn’ Herma. “He wont Se my face again, "Tomorrow Lyanir tnd ae gong 1 Fave ‘Rens. And then hope yo may have Deets "When Helena as a lst lone, she Began to think out Hermla and Lysander “Deretus does love me Sreause neve ony Hermie. Fl go ad el him about er pan Thon be can flow Hernia He doesn ove fe uthe wiatest thanks for teling Rim and shall beable ogo there and came back with him 7 Stn tom Ses ‘Tania and Oberon ‘The next evening there were great many people inthe wood where Lysander hed arranged to mest Heri But these people were nat ike other people: they were fairies, Oberon and Titania, the king and queen of te tures, ere holding thei evening dances inthe wood, But only a short time before this, the fry king and ‘queen had querélled, Titania ha ite boy who was her servant. Titania did not want to give the Ite boy to (Oberon, so Oberon became very angry. ‘On that evening Titania was waking through the wood with all he fry servants when she met Oberon, “This is @ bad meeting an such a beautiful night” said Oberon, “lam your master. Why do you quarel with me? only ask you to give me your ite boy" “Don't ask me for him any more” sid Titan. “Al your fairy money won't buy ths eld fom me. The boy's ‘mother is dead, She was one of my favourite servants (Come, fries! We shall get angry i we stay.” Titania and her fay Servants danced away under the bright light of he moon “Well Got” cried Oberon, “but hefore you leave this "Wood, II make you stand sorry for wht you have sl” Puck ‘Then Oberon called Puck, his chief servant, Puck was able to fly very quey to any place. He loved to do things to people which would make them angry or cause other people to laugh at them. He went intron of people who ‘were traveling by night and led them ito strange places “Come here, Puck.” called Oberon. “Bring me the flower that young gil call Lovesmdeness. When the liquid from it's poured on the eyes of somone who is 8 sleepin, it will make that man oe woman fin love with the next person he sees. Bring the lower tome as quickly 5 you can” “Tl fy round the earth in forty minutos” sl Puck, and te lee ay TH find Tania when she's sleepin.” sti Oberon. “Then I drop some ofthe quid fom the flower on her eyes, When she opens her eyes, shel falin lve with the frst thing she see ever if isa bear wol, a monkey, oF fany other beast Tl make her give her litle boy to me ‘fore I take this magic liquid away from her eyes.” er Nepean ca a rn Seca Sa “So a nt eee Spiraea SE aa ery a a apeeae he me eft Be ee need ae ane aaa ane cee een et ey tm wet” ba ee Serene or eens 9 Sleeping, but be certain that te ladys near him. Meet me here before the morning comes,” So Puck flew sway ta carry out Oberon’ orders, The magic liquid Oberon said, “I know & bank that is covered with sweet-smelling lowers) That is where Tiana sleeps He found Titania giving orders to her sity sevants before she went to Bed, Then she sid “First sing me to sleep, and then go and do your work As soon as Titania fell asleep, the fines left to do the things that their queen had ordered. Then Oberon came and poured the magi lid on her eyes ‘You wil fall i ove with the fis thing you see when you awaken,” he red. “Open your eyes when something uly nea While Oboron was pouring the magi guid over Titania's yes Puck was looking everywhere for Demet, On his ‘way through the big wood, Puck sw some workmen trom Athens. These workmen were simple people and were Dreparing to actin pla. They were going to give the play atthe marriage ofthe Duke of Athens, Pack thought that these players were very foolish. The most foolish of them was called Bottom. When Bottom et ‘the others, Puck followed him and changed his head into a onkey’s head Bottom di not know that his head hac been changed Ho camo back to his frends when i was time for him 10 speak inthe pley. When the other workmen saw Bottom with a donkey's nes, they ran away “Why have they run away?” Bottom wondered 20 a Su hm Shegpece “There tying Yo make me afraid, But mn not afai M sing, and then they hear that Im not strid” So he began t sing loucly — with his donkey's voce ‘Titania was sleeping not far sway. She sudcenly woke ‘up when she heard the loud noise. She opened her eyes and of course the first person she saw was Bottom. The ligui rom the magic Nower began to work en she fein love with the big ualy Bottom. “What beaut ir awakens me from my sleep? she sald. “Please sing again. Tlove to hear your voice and ee you. You must stay here. ove you. Come with me and 1 Shall give you faines to serve you. They will give you Jewels and sing fr you” Bottom among the fares ‘Tiana called forfour of her fry servants “Be kind to ths sweet gentleman.” she sad. “Dance rund him wien he walks. Pia ins sight. Peed im with fruit and steal food from the bees for him, Although Titania was deeply in love withthe foolish Bottom, even she soon grew tired of hearing him talk “Bring him to my fairy garden and te up his tongue’ she ordered When they reached this beautiful part ofthe wood. ‘Tania spoke again to Bottom, “Come, st with me upon this bed of flwers” she si “Let me gent touch te hair on your face. ‘Then Tl put roses on your hetd and kiss your beautiful big ears.” Bottom fet very proud of himself end he loved to have fhiry servants “Rub my head, Peas-blessom,” ordered Bato ‘Then Botiom asked for another fry alle Cobweb, “T want some honey ~ the sweet quid of the bes, 2 ‘Where's Mustard-seed?" “Ready” sad Musard-seed. “What do you want?” “Nothing” answered Botta. Then he thought again “Hep Peas blossom to rub my Road. T must ask yomeone vo eat my hair 1 think my face is very airy.” “What do you want #0 eat, my sweet love?” Tania asked, “L want some dried grass" answered Bottom, “But don't let anyone wake me. 1 thnk Il go to seep” “Sleep in my arms, then” sid Titania. "TTove you so sucht” era and Lysander ‘ater Puck had given Batt the donkey's hat be went to took for Demetun At last he sae a young tan fom ‘Nery adeep inte wood. ABeautifl ig was alep not fer away Puck nade certain thatthe beaut ay was ute near ‘he young man. Then he poured some of the mage uid tn the eyes ofthe man "No hel ee he when he aes, nde fl in ove with her” Puck laughed ashe feof ote Oberon what he had done But Pk id nt know thst the young man he ad seen was Lysander, end not Demet The beaut ad Seeping not far vay was Herma, of course. Things ‘wold ave been ll ght Lysander had woken and sen Hermia, But tat i not happen. THelena hed grown ted of running ater Demers. She ald not ew im any furthes and se wandered Sealy trough the wood Soon she srved atthe Place cere Lysander wa aleping ‘When se sw Lysander Helen wondered whether he a 24 ‘was dead or asleep, She didnot se any blood or a wound Se she woke nim Lysunder opened his eyes; the magic liquid did its wong and he fl love with Helena ~ the fist person he “oh, Helena” he erigd, “You ae so beautiful I would rum through fire for you. I wish I hac never loved Herm for now | love nobody but you. Youre much more eautfl than Herma Demetris hss been crual 0 you: 1 shal kl Demetrius ‘Don't say these thing,” sald Helona. “Demetrius loves your Herma, but she loves you and you lve he” Nol Teor. {dont love Herma. Iove you, Helena “Wy are you so unkind to me? Why sre you making fun of me” ‘she went sly away into the wood agnn. But Lysan ‘er was not pretending he really was nove with Helena now. So he eR Herma sone inthe wood and ran ater Helena Soon after Lysander had left her, Hermia woke up. She cried out with fear bactuse she had haba dream. She fale out to Lysander, but he was not near her. She was lone and aad Hermie and Demetrive Herma went to lok for Lysander, whom sho had always loved, but she met Demetrius “where is Lysander?” she cried angry. ‘Why are you angry with me, when 1 Jove you so such” "Tm angry” tcl Hermia, “because 1 believe that you have led Lysander. Ifyou have killed him, kl me, to! (Or tell me where he Is 2 “L don't know where he i" Herma ran avy. “its useless to folow her when she's tke tis” sid Demetrius. “Tl stay here and get some sleep” ‘Oberun and Puck hed Been watching Demetrius and Hormia, and they had heard every word they sid “What have you done?” sid Oberon to Puck. “You dave put the guid on the eyes ofthe wrong maa! Fl put it lnthis man's eyes. He must wake and love Helena. Go! Go ‘wickly ant bring Helena here before he wakes ‘The mixed-up lovers So Puck led Helena to the place sehere Demetrius was Sleeping. She was followed by Lysander, who was stil talking about his love for her. “wy are you making fun of me?” said Helena. “Love yout” “Tel that to Hermit! ‘The sound of their voices woke Demetrius. Helena was the first woman he saw, soe fll in love with her. “On, Helena” he ened. “Beautiful Helena! Your eyes fare ike jewels. Oh, let me kiss you, my princess” “Lse tht you both want to make fun of ne Hate me 285 know you do, ur dont jin togather to hurt me" "You are unkind, Demetris,” sid Lysander. "You love Hermia; know you do. {give you Hermi, but let ne love Helena. Tlove her and wil love her til |e “Lysander, Keep your Herma” cried Demetrius, “All iy love for her has gone.” So both Lynde tnd Dome shued tht loved Helena, deme Then Hermia came, and saw Lysander. “Why dd you leave me alone inthe wood?” she asked % ret you because [love Helena now" Hermia di not beleve him. Helens now thought that at three Nad mage a plan to burt het: “"Why have you jonied inthis plan to make & fool of me?" ahe asked Hermia angrily. "You aro very unkind 1 lMugh at me. Ill go back t Athens and not follow you ny ‘more. [leave my fools heart behind.” Tysander ered, “Helena, [love you!” Tove you tore than he does,” shouted Demetrius ‘The two nen were growing angrier and angrier. They walked away to another part of the wood 10 fight each ‘other for Helena’ love Oberon gives orters “"Demetnus and Lysander have gone to Took fora good place to fight” sa Oberon to Puck. “Fil the night with a fick black cloud. Then lead the two men far from each bother. When they are tied of looking fr each other, they. fie down end fall sleep. Pour this magic liquid on Iysander’s eyes. It will make his old love for Hermis come bck to him when he wakes. Then everyone wil be happy “They hink that al this hasbeen ony a dream. While you {do tha il go to Tiana. TH ake the litle boy from her. ‘Then Tt set her Sree and she will stop loving the fools ian withthe donkey's head, Music! ‘When Oberon found Tiana, she was sleep. She had put beautful flowers round Bottom’s donkey's head. Oberon found it easy to take the hte oy from her while she wes Sleeping. Taen he was ready to take away the magic igo from her eyes. He touched her eves with snother flower land genly woke he. a : sete nite donkeys treat [Ei hb rel Png Botan [Be Seiten one Tin “Lot are Gam emi eure ace ae: Boum: Demet Laer Hoe ne He sy rt Se aoe nein Seabee an To Athens Early that morning, the Duke of Athens uke of Athens and Hermie’ father entered the foros They came with a great many Fronds and servants. They reached the pace where Hermie, Helena, Lysander. ana Demetrius were sleeping. ‘Tre ou our people were when y the es ‘duke and his friends. tie i Lysander now ive only Herm, nd Demet ove only Helena. " et ‘The ws dake new thet this was a good ening. He

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