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This chapter represents the review of related literature and studies gathered from

different sources such as books and internet websites, published and unpublished thesis

which in turn gave a better understanding of the topic.

Related Literature and Studies

The following are the related literature from different reading materials. The

researchers reviewed the investigation conducted by the previous researchers to

understand various situation and ideas related to study. The review covered findings and


The efficiency of shooting exercises with the training has a positive impact on

young biathletes' Marksmanship training because it increases the ability to organize

lessons in any environment, corrects mistakes, and reduces ammunition and time spent

during a training session. According to the results of control studies, the effectiveness of

shooting is linked to the types of shooting exercises (Svetlana N. Zvereva, 2021).

Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or

services of a company as measured by the number of repeat customers. It can affect

directly the emotion and behavior of the customers towards the product or brand. A

highly satisfied customer generally stays longer, buys more as the company introduces

new products and upgrades existing product, talks favorably about the company and its

product. (Kotler, Keller & Ang, 2009). [4] According to Ac-Ac (2009) the customer delight

creates an emotional affinity for a product or service, not just a rational preference and

this creates customer loyalty. [1] Ac-ac (2009) also stated that this high customer
satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand and the result is high

customer loyalty. [1]

There are many things that usually affect the satisfaction of a customer. First,

is the qualities and services of a business. When a consumer goes to a place to eat or

buy something, one of the things that they give attention is the quality and service that

they provide. (Smith, 2012) said that customer satisfaction is influenced by perceived

quality of product and service attributes, and is moderated by expectations of the

product or service. It is also a major predictor of repurchase but is strongly influenced by

explicit performance evaluations of product performance, quality and service. (Sustani,

2013) suggest that company should improve product quality and service quality that

affect customer satisfaction. Sustani also found out that these qualities have a significant

effect to the customer satisfaction. [16] (Mosahab et al., 2010) concluded that customer

satisfaction plays a mediator role in the effect of service quality on service loyalty. In

addition, the results of the research shows that service quality is an important getaway to

customer satisfaction. [8] Retrieved from: (


The expectation of a consumer can also affect their satisfaction in a

certain brand or food. (Kotler, Boven, & Makens, 2003) said that customer satisfaction

depends on a product’s perceived performance and it’s related to a buyer’s

expectations. If the product’s performance falls short of the customer’s expectations, the

buyer is dissatisfied. If performance matches expectations, the buyer is satisfied. If

performance exceeds expectations, then the buyer is delighted. [3] According to (Beard,

2013) meeting customer expectation is the most valuable part of customer satisfaction.

A satisfied customer is one that has had their expectations met. (Smith, 2012) said that
customer satisfaction reflects the expectations and experiences that the customer has

with a product or service.

Retrieved from: (

and (

(Kotler et al., 2003) Customer satisfaction is a requisite for loyalty. The

customer’s expectation must be met or exceeded in order to build loyalty. [3] Without

satisfaction, the loyalty of a customer will not be developed. But then, it is said that

satisfaction is not enough for a customer to stay loyal. Because according to what Levy

& Weitz (2009) said, consistently high levels of satisfaction build and store loyalty which

is an important source of competitive advantage for retailers. [6] According to Lambin

(2000) the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty should be a simple linear

relationship as satisfaction increases, so does loyalty. [5]

Ac-ac (2009) says that you should that consider not only the benefit being

satisfied. “Marketing myopia” is caused by short sightedness or losing sight of identifying

customer needs by only focusing on existing wants. [1] Kotler et al., (2003) says that the

customers focused in definition systems that quality begins with customer needs and

ends with customer’s satisfaction. [3] Armstrong et al., (2015) stated that marketing

concepts holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs

and wants of target market and delivering the desire satisfactions more effectively and

efficiently than competitors do. [2] These are some of the major factor that Jollibee Food

Inc. had been considered, the customers’ needs, wants and demands in terms of food

and beverages.

Marketers usually focus on how they can upgrade their product. They have

forgotten the importance of relationship marketing. Relationship marketing plays a big

role in keeping the connections between the marketer and its consumer. Ac-ac (2009)

says that the goal of relationship marketing is to deliver long-term value to the customer

and thereby secure customer satisfaction and retention of patronage. [1] Customer

relationship management systems can help companies learn more about their

customer’s information that, in turn, helps marketers better serve, satisfy and retain

customer. (MacInnis, D. & Hayer, W., 2010) [7] A second important goal of relationship

marketing in services is to develop cooperative relationships with customers that

facilitates mutual support and enhance customers’ willingness to co-produce.

(Schumann, H., 2009) [15] Jollibee Food Inc. build a relationship between its consumers to

achieve their loyalty in the products and services they offer.

Customer satisfaction increases the profits of a business. Perrault & Mc

Carthy (2000) said that the satisfied customer buys again and again. This makes their

buying job easier and it also increase their selling firm’s profits. [9] MacInnnis & Hoyer

(2000) says that customer loyalty programs can over long term, strengthens

relationships with customers and increase purchasing… profits can be increased

through repeat sales, reduced cost and referrals. [7] Satisfied customers are move likely

increase sales for your products through repeat purchase and referrals to other

customer who are looking for a great product and experience.

The companies who provide customer satisfaction will gain more advantages

to its existing competitors because satisfied customers make the profits increase and

they are the one who makes the business become more popular. Levy & Weitz (2007)

indicated that having loyal customer is an important method of sustaining advantage

over competitors. [6] According to Rayport and Jaworski (2004), firms that are better able

to offer services – and the associated benefits – will continue to compete and win on

attributes other than prize. [10] Faed (2013) agreed that in order to maintain its viability
and success in the market, a company needs to be better that to its competitors, focus

on its customers, and create value for them. [12]

In order to be successful in a business, one must give priority to its customers,

specially to their satisfaction. MacInnis & Hoyer (2010) mentioned that the customer

satisfaction is critical to business success because satisfied customers are willing to pay

higher prices, particularly if they buy product repeatedly. [7] One of the key factor of

becoming a success business and to secure a company’s longevity is to create a said

and loyal customer…, they are promoting company’s product and services. Because the

voice of customers is so important to your company. Franziska (2016) said that in

modern marketing, customer satisfaction is considered as a key element of a company

success. [13]

Retrieved from: (

satisfaction/) and (


The stability of Jollibee Food Inc. in the economy has a clear evident as

observed in their net profit. Ackah & Agbuyi (2014) suggest that customer satisfaction is

extremely important in an economy where the vendors are having to work hard to win

new business and keep their existing customers. [11] Willemsen (2010) concluded that

like any other investment, money spent on activities in order to increase customer

satisfaction should eventually yield an economic advantage. [17] Janotta, S. (2012)

agreed that marketers have to be aware of the external influences such as political,

economic, social and technological; in order to develop marketing strategies that appeal

to the target market. By making use of the right marketing instruments, customer

satisfactions and long term profitability can be established. [14]

Jollibee Food Inc. is known as one of the famous Philippine food chain globally

and now serving their trademark product and service in different nations. Customer

satisfaction is a marketing strategy that they prioritize to offer to the consumers. In this

way, they will gain the customers’ loyalty and retention which is affected by their

emotions, behavior, expectations, and experiences in the qualities of the said product

and service. So as the company’s success economically will also increase by the higher

increase in their net profit.

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