CS402 Assignment Solution

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Assignment No.

Semester: Spring 2022
Total Marks: 20
Theory of Automata – CS402

Deadline Date:
August 24, 20222

To assess the understanding of students about the concepts of: 
 Sequential Circuit
 Concatenation of TGs
 Complement of FA
 Myhill Nerode theorem 
 Prefix of language

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
1. You should consult the recommended books, handouts, PowerPoint slides and video
lectures to clarify your concepts.
2. You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like
scan images, PDF, zip, rar and bmp etc will not be accepted. 
3. It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
 The assignment is submitted after due date.
 The assignment is copied from Internet or from any other student.
 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

Note: No assignment will be accepted after the due date through email in any case (load
shedding, server down, internet malfunctioning etc.). 
It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing date.

For any query about the assignment, contact at CS402@vu.edu.pk

Question: 1                                                                                           Marks =3+3+4 3
a. Consider the following sequential circuit.

Old A= 0
Old B= 1
Then find:
1. New Value of A
2. New Value of B
3. Value of Output
New Value of B = old A = 0
New A = (input) XOR (old A OR old B)
= (1) XOR (0 OR 1)
= 1 XOR 1
New value of A = 0
Output = (Input) AND (OLD B)
= 1 AND 1

b. Consider the following TG1 and TG2 and find the resultant TGr which is equal to the
concatenation of TG1 and TG2.


c. Find the complement of the following FA:


Question, 2:                                                                                            Marks =5+5 

a. Prove by Myhill Nerode theorem that the following language is regular or non-
        The language L defined over Σ = {u, v} in which all the strings ends with v.

It can be observed that L partitions into the following two classes
C1=set of all string ending in v
C2=set of all string not ending in v
Since there are finite many classes generated by L is regular.

b. Let T = {xx, xyxxxyy, yyxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyy} U = {y, yyyy, yyyxxx, yyyxxxxx,

xyxxxyyxx, xyyxxyyyxx} 
            Then find pref (T in U).
Solution: Pref(T in U) = {y, xyxxxyy, yyyx, yyyxxx}

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