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Mukti Mulya Sanjaya





A. Listening for main idea and detailed information

Watch the video and answer the following question:

1. What is the video about?

2. What is your purpose of watching the video?

3. What are the important points you get from the video?

4. Why do you think that he started his explanation by talking about history?

5. The farmer wore all the hats. What does it mean?

6. The farm is no longer just a unit of production. A farm is inescapably linked to the market
beyond. What does its consequences?

7. Agribusiness is expanding its role in broader economy. It is not only food, beverage, fibre,
and textiles, but also energy (biofuels), pharmaceuticals and multiple components of
economy. What does it mean?

8. What is Agribusiness by necessity?

9. How do you define Agribusiness?

10. How many times did you play the video until you get the answer to all the question?

B. Learning activities for developing listening skills.

1. Describe how to listen actively based on the following video:
2. Watch the video and note the tips.
3. Watch the video. What lesson do you learn from Yacouba?

C. Your listening strategy

Describe the best listening strategy based on your experience:
1. To understand a film that you are watching.
2. To catch the idea your teacher is explaining.
3. To listen to an interview in podcast.


1. The video tells us about agribusiness in the broadest or true sense.

2. To understand all the information that contained in the video.

3. "Agribusiness is about how decision makers, working within the agri-food system, are
making choices; and how those choices lead to the ability to have a safe, abundant,
diverse, and accessible source of plant and animal based products."

4. To provide a more in-depth explanation of agribusiness, and to make the audience

imagine the wider side of agribusiness.

5. It means the farmer is in control of everything related.

6. The consequence, as we think about the decisions made on farm, we have to think

about the implications of those decisions; all the way to the point of consumption. So, in
today's marketplace, we cannot let the farmer think they live in a "field of dreams,"
where somehow, when they produce a product, buyers will magically appear.

7. It means we have to not only think about economics and management and marketing,
but also things like political economy, political science, environmental science,

8. By necessity, Agribusiness is the integration and application of concepts, theories, and

practices from many subject areas.

9. How i define agribusiness? Mmm..

After watching the video, I think Agribusiness is the entire agri-food system that links
input supply to farm production, to assembly and istribution and processing, and then
on to wholesaling and onto retailing; all the way to the consumer and their preferences.

10. About 5 times.

1. First, we have to commit, we have to put aside whatever else might be distracting us
and make listening a real priority.
The second, it takes practice.

2. Step 1: prepare
a. knowing your subject backwards and forwards
b. know exactly how your going to present it step by step
1. write down the major points that you want to get across to the audience
2. get the ideas out of your head
3. and into the paper
4. and the next start ordering these points in a logical manner arguing your point
to the audience.

Step 2: Posture and physicality. Knowing what your body should do before you speak.

Step 3: pander to your audience.

3.The lesson we can learn from Yacouba is stop doing destructive activities such as
burning fossil fuels that can cause long-term changes in temperature and weather

1. Usually I turn on the subtitles to understand the film, or listen to the vocabulary I
understand and combine it until I understand what is being said.

2. I listen to some words that I think are familiar and then combine them until I
understand what my teacher is saying.

3. Same, I listen to some words that I think are familiar and then combine them into a
sentence that I can understand

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