Uninventing Something

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I would like to uninvent Papers because it is spoiling our future.

Currently, the world is

suffering from the climate crisis and we will suffer more in the future and mostly because of
papers. In life, everything is connected to each other like a chain, no matter if it is a
non-living thing or a living thing. Papers come from trees and we have been cutting trees for
more than centuries. This is reducing the number of trees present on our earth. Unlike
papers, a single tree takes a huge amount of time to grow. Cutting trees leads to
deforestation and that leads to desertification. Desertification causes a lot of problems such
as climate change, agricultural problems etc. And because of climate change,
glaciersaremelting and sea-level is rising which leads to flooding. In the end, we humans will
die because of flooding as well as tsunamis. Our civilization will become extinctlike other
civilizations such as the Indus Valley civilization. Cutting trees only for papers also leads to a
bunch of problems or even disasters. Everyone is telling us to plant more and more trees but
what about the trees being cut down? If we would stop using papers then there will be less
production of papers which means less trees will be cut down. The world is becoming online
and we can write anything virtually such as on Google docs, rather than writing on a paper. If
fewer trees will be cut down then the amount of CO2 present in our atmosphere will reduce
slowly and we will be able to complete the Paris agreement I.e. stayingbelow 1.5?C for a
sustainable life. Recently, I asked almost 100 people of my age group about their opinion on
the climate crisis. I was so shocked after knowing the responses. Most of the people said
they don't know and they don't care about climate. People are still living in their small
boundaries of family and friends. We should try to come out of our boundaries and try to see
what is happening around us. Using good languages and behaving formally in front of others
won't make you a good person if you are a bad person. Similarly, giving nice speeches in
front of cameras and people and setting goals which might sound impressive won't change
or erase the fact that the crisis is there. I assure you that we cannot solve this crisis until we
don't accept the truth that we are in danger. But there is a little hope and that's not leaders,
we are the hope of the world. People also said that climate is not their top priority so they
don't care. Stop Stop saying that the climate crisis is not your top priority so you don't care. It
is your responsibility to keep our earth safe from any danger because it has been keeping us
safe and now it is our turn. No one is going to knock! Knock! And say, "Hey, your
responsibility is to keep our mama earth safe so do something". If you won't complete your
responsibility then be ready to face the obstacles. As students, we can minimise the use of
papers and we can use online apps such as Microsoft word or Google docs rather than
using papers. I do most of my work in Google docs and I try to use as few papers as I can.
From last year till now, I have bought a maximum of five books. I have not seen even a
single student who wants to be an environmental activist and if you tell your parents that you
want to be an environmental activist in future, they will simply deny, including my parents. In
their perspective, you should go into such professions which will provide you a lot of money.
Let me make one point very clear, money is not everything, it is just a paper. The real money
is the smile which we get after helping other people, the real money is in nature, the real
money is happiness. If you are the happiest person on the planet, it means you are the
richest person in the world because money cannot buy happiness. If the attitude of human
beings towards our mama earth won't change, then I am 110% sure that wewill notonly
betray our earth but also ourselves, our future generations and also all the human beings.

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