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ay : a : ih ®» Literal ®» Inferential » Applied pan Contents Preface Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: ~ Unit 7: Unit 8: ~ Unit 9: A DVD Dimension (Science fiction story) Gavin, the Gentle Giant (Fairy tale) The Marsh (Horror narrative)* Remote Control (Film review)* April Fool! (Humorous recount) A Giant Butterfly (Informational report) The Diary of an Ant (Diary entry) * Back to Sivrax? (Science fiction story). The New Girl (Humorous narrative)* > Unit 10: The Story of Gelert (Legend) * Unit 11: The Ghost Train Adventure (Adventure story) Unit 12: Sarah and the Secret Castle (Modern fairy tale)* Unit 13: Bowey Island (Adventure story) Unit 14: The Giant with Teeth of Fire (Folk tale) Unit 15: Stop clowning around! (Horror narrative) Unit 16: Blaze destroys school (Newspaper report) Unit 17: The First Spider (Myth) * Unit 18: The Rocket Builders (Autobiographical account) Unit 19: Detention with Mr Wizard (Diary entries) Unit 20: A Surfing Champion (Biographical account) Answers | A DVD Dimension om Bis science fiction story. It was Saturday morning and Carly was at the video shop with her mother to choose some DVDs to hire. It was her eighth birthday and her mother had allowed her to invite four friends to sleep over at her house to celebrate. She already had one DVD in mind to hire. Carly and her friends wanted to watch the new film based on a comic book character—Amazing Girl. Everyone was talking about it! She walked to the “New Releases” section and quickly scanned the shelves for the title. When she did not see it there, she asked the man at the desk for it. He handed her a copy from a shelf underneath. “I think that you will really get a kick out of this!” he said with a sly grin. As Carly took hold of the DVD, a shimmering rainbow light surrounded her. A strong wind lifted her hair and rushed around her body. A buzzing noise filled her ears. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest but she was too scared to even scream. The light, noise and wind stopped as quickly as they had begun. Carly found herself in a darkened city landscape, wearing a tight pink and green suit with a green cape flowing down her back. Her eyes were shielded by a bright pink mask. She spun around quickly as she heard a noise behind her. Two masked figures wearing black clothing were running towards her, each carrying a bag labelled “Sparkles Jewellers”. Sirens and alarms screeched in the background. “Get out of the way!” yelled one of the robbers. “You don't want to mess with us!” In the blink of an eye, Carly stuck out her foot and brought her hand down sharply on the neck of the first figure. He crumpled to the ground like a marionette that has lost its strings. The second figure stumbled over his companion as he turned his head to see who was following him. The police reached the men as they scrambled to their feet and prepared to flee. “Great job again, Amazing Girl!” said the police captain. “It's lucky that you were in the right place at a ¢ the right time!” He briskly shook Carly by the hand as his men bundled the robbers into a nearby police van. Carly stared after them in amazement. It had all happened in an instant. How had she managed to stop the robbers? She didn’t know how to do karate! And how on earth was she going to get back to the video shop? Was she going to miss her own birthday party ...? tr the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Carly was____ years old. A seven B eight C nine D ten 2. Asshe held the DVD, Carly heard A ascreech B_ loud music C_ her mother calling her D a buzzing noise 3 When the light, noise and wind stopped, Carly found herself in - A another DVD shop B_ the world of Amazing Girl C apolice van D Sparkles Jewellers 4 How many bags in total were the robbers carrying? A Two. B_ Three. Cc Four. D Five. 5 Carly’s suit had a A_ pink cape B green cape C green ribbon D pink badge L__] ‘elutita the answer to each question. 1 How do we know that Amazing Girl was a popular film? Amazing Girl was a popular film because Why did Carly have to ask the man at the desk for the DVD? Carly had to ask the man because What did the man at the desk mean when he said that Carly would “get a kick out of this’? What the man meant was that Carly Describe one thing that happened when Carly took hold of the DVD. When Carly took hold of the DVD, Why did Carly spin around quickly in the darkened city landscape? Carly spun around quickly because Where did the robbery take place? The robbery took place at What happened to the second robber after Carly brought down the first robber? The second robber 8 What could Carly do as Amazing Girl that she could not do as her own self? As Amazing Girl, Carly could 9 Why was Carly amazed as the police officers led the robbers away? Carly was amazed because 10 At the end of the adventure, Carly was worried about several things. Name one thing that worried her. Carly was worried about Gavin, the Gentle Giant oe ae) this fairy tale. Once upon a time in a land in the clouds lived a giant called Gavin. He grew his crops of beans and sold them for gold coins. He used some of his gold to buy a harp that sang and a hen that laid golden eggs. Unfortunately, Gavin didnt have many friends. People were often too scared to come close to him. If they did get to know him, it was often difficult for Gavin to keep them as he occasionally stepped on them by mistake. Gavin was a gentle, but lonely, giant! One day, the face of a boy appeared at the top of an enormous beanstalk. At first he was too scared to come near, but Gavin showed him his singing harp and the hen which laid golden eggs. The boy, Jack, soon became a frequent visitor to Gavin's house. “At last,” Gavin thought, “I have a best friend of my own!” Gavin even made a special set of bells for Jack to wear whenever he came to visit—just in case Gavin didn’t know where he was and accidentally stepped on him! One cold day when Jack came to visit, Gavin was making hot cocoa. As quick as a wink, Jack snatched the harp and the hen and scrambled down the beanstalk. When Gavin discovered his friend and his treasures gone, he wept huge tears which flowed out of the clouds and down the beanstalk. Jack was swept from the beanstalk and the treasures were washed from his hands. Jack's mother caught them as they fell to the ground. “There you are, you naughty child!” she cried. “Now I know what you have been up to—taking what isn't yours! It looks like I have another of your messes to clean up!” Jack's mother locked him in his room to recite his times table. Then she climbed the beanstalk with the harp and the hen firmly tied up in her apron. When she reached the top of the beanstalk, she saw Gavin sleeping quietly on the lawn, exhausted by his weeping. He awoke as she came near and she held out the harp and the hen as a sign of friendship. “I'm sorry for what my son has done,’ she said. “T'll make sure that he is punished.” Gavin said that he forgave Jack and Jack became a frequent visitor to Gavin's house again. He worked hard every day with Gavin in the bean field. In the evenings, they drank cocoa and talked as good friends do. Together they and Jack's mother lived happily ever after. tr... letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Where did Gavin live? A He lived in space. B_ He lived in a land in the clouds. C_ He lived in a field of beans. D_ He lived in Jack's house. How did people get to Gavin’s house? A By travelling there in a hot-air balloon. B_ By taking a helicopter. C By walking through his bean field. D_ By climbing the enormous beanstalk. What did Jack do one day when Gavin was making hot cocoa? A He stole from Gavin. B_ He sang to Gavin. C He cried a flood of tears. D He locked Gavin in his room. How did Gavin feel when he discovered that Jack had gone, taking along his two treasures? A He was furious. B_ He was shocked. C He was very sad. D He was unconcerned. Which sentence below tells us that Jack got himself into trouble more than once? A "There you are, you naughty child!” B_ “It looks like | have another of your messes to clean up!” ¢ “I'm sorry for what my son has done.” D “I'll make sure that he is punished.” eli the answer to each question. 1 Why did Gavin not have many friends? Gavin did not have many friends because Why did Gavin occasionally step on his friends? Gavin occasionally stepped on his friends because Why did Gavin make special bells for Jack? Gavin made special bells for Jack Why was Jack’s mother angry with Jack? Jack's mother was angry with Jack because How did Jack's mother let Gavin know that she wanted to be his friend? Jack's mother [Ss Why do you think Gavin was making hot cocoa when Jack came to visit one day? Gavin was making hot cocoa that day How did Jack’s mother punish Jack for stealing from Gavin? Jack's mother punished Jack Why did Jack’s mother tie the chicken firmly in her apron? Jack's mother tied the chicken firmly in her apron Explain why Jack’s mother was an honest and just person. Jack's mother was an honest and just person because Pick one sentence from the fairy tale that shows that Gavin and Jack's mother eventually became good friends. The sentence is: “ The Marsh . (ite) this horror story. After days of miserable wet weather it was wonderful to see the blue sky. Dad decided the family should go for a drive into the country. “Do we have to?" moaned Jan. “It’s so boring just driving and driving to nowhere and back again. | hate it.” “Don’t you complain. | have to put up with Dad's music and Susie screaming her head off while you sit with headphones on doing nothing. You're selfish, mean and grumpy.” her sister Bev told her off. “Girls, girls, can't you stop fighting just for a change?" Mum begged. “We'll fake a picnic lunch, you might even enjoy it.” It seemed to take for ever, until Dad finally stopped the car. They all got out, unpacked the food and had lunch. Susie ate everything she could get her hands on and fell asleep. Mum and Dad were comfortable in their chairs and obviously wouldn't be going home for a while. The two older girls decided to go for a walk. After trudging along the track for a while, Jan thought it would be fun to cut across the marsh back to the main road and surprise Mum and Dad by coming back to the picnic spot from the opposite direction. we Bev thought it was a stupid idea, < like most things her sister did, but she ~ couldn't be bothered arguing. She followed Jan across the marsh. iS “Yuk! It’s horrible. Don't come this way; I'm sinking,” Jan said. Bev stopped and looked at her sister, who was up to her knees in the mud. “I'm stuck, really stuck. | can't get out!" Jan exclaimed. As Bev watched in alarm, Jan seemed to be slipping down further into the sticky mud. She found a thin branch and told Jan to grab it. She then pulled and pulled but Jan didn’t move. Bev didn’t want to leave her sister, but she knew she had to get help fast. Mum and Dad heard her yelling frantically as she came running up the track. They rushed to meet her and followed her back. When they got there, Bev screamed in horror. The branch was still there, but her sister was nowhere to be seen. om 1 Jan did not want to go for a drive into the country because he letter for the correct answer in each box. it was boring A - B_ it made her hungry C she wanted to listen to music Ds she had a lot of homework to do 2 By objecting to the drive, Jan was being A boring B_ foolish Co difficult D cautious 3 Who was the youngest in the family? A Jan. B Bev. Cc Susie. D_ Susan. = 4 The family drove into the country - A_ at night B_ inthe evening C_ inthe afternoon D_ inthe morning L__J 5 What did Susie do after she finished her lunch? A She went fora walk. B_ She fell asleep. C She listened to music. D She went home. (eluysers the answer to each question. 1 Why did Dad decide to drive into the country? Dad decided to drive into the country because 2 What would Bev have to put up with during the car ride? Bev would have to put up with 3 How do we know that Bev and Jan constantly argued with each other? We know that Bev and Jan constantly argued with each other because 4 Why did Jan think it was fun to cut across the marsh? Jan thought it was fun to cut across the marsh & 10 How did the girls know that their parents would not be going home soon after lunch? They knew that their parents would not be going home soon Why did Jan not want Bev to come near to her in the mud? Jan did not want Bev to come near to her How did Bev feel as she tried to pull Jan out of the mud? Bev felt Why did Bev have to seek her parents’ help? Bev had to seek her parents’ help because What did Bev do as she ran towards her parents? Bev Why do you think Bev screamed in horror when she returned to the marsh? Bev screamed in horror because Remote Control EEG this film review. BEE EE EEE Ee ee ee 2 2 2 i Popular film director Simon Bergman has once again is produced a blockbuster with his new hit, Remote & Conirol, starring 12-year-old Cale Cooper. In the film, Cale plays the part of Blair Hunter, who receives a DVD player for his birthday from his computer whiz relative, Uncle Lindsay. His uncle also presents him a DVD to watch. As Blair settles down in a comfortable chair and begins to watch it, to his surprise he realises that the main character in the film is actually he himself! He looks the same, sounds the same and even has the same name! Blair finds that he is watching himself becoming involved in a series of adventures. In one scene, Blair is walking up a creaky staircase in what seems to be a castle. The wind is howling outside and is sneaking into the building through cracks and under doorways. Claps of thunder drown out the sound of the wind and lightning brightens up the dark house. Blair can make out furniture covered in dust sheets. Suddenly, at the top of the stairs, he sees a ghostly figure. Both Blairs scream in fright. The Blair in the chair presses “Stop” on the DVD remote control. When he has the courage to press “Play” again, he finds himself in a different adventure! E_E_ Ee ee ee eee eee ee 2 2 2 Uc rs The film continues with Blair discovering he can press the stop button to end the adventure and the play button to start another one. However, this changes when he decides to press “Rewind”. Instead of the adventure changing, it goes back fo where it began. And this time “Stop” will not work! No matter how scared he becomes, he is forced to watch. Remote Control will have cinemas packed during the schoo! holidays as children get a thrill watching Blair’s experiences. While the film is action-packed and involves many nail-biting adventures, it is still rated G. My rating: ok Jenny Jackson . C Blair Hunter D Jenny Jackson EEE Ee Ee eee ee 2 2 he letter for the correct answer in each box. The film was reviewed by A_ Simon Bergman B Cale Cooper The main character in the film is likely to be —__. A 4years old B 6years old C 12 years old D 22 years old Lindsay is __. A the director of the film B_ the producer of the film C_ very good with computers D Cale Cooper's uncle drowns out the sound of wind in the dark house. Cale Cooper's scream Blair Hunter’s scream The creaky staircase Thunder oONwUD The film can be watched by A children only B_ adults only C_ people of all ages Dboys only the answer to each question. How do we know that Simon Bergman produced more than one film? We know that Simon Bergman produced more than one film because What did Lindsay give Blair for his birthday? Lindsay gave Blair What was the first thing that Blair realised when he began to watch the DVD? Blair realised that What did Blair see in the dark house before he caught sight of the ghostly figure? Blair saw c How did the wind enter the dark house? The wind entered the dark house When the main character in the DVD film reached the top of the stairs, why did he and Blair scream? The main character in the DVD film and Blair screamed because What did Blair have to do to change the present adventure he was in? Bil etiey Fed 06 pes Describe two things that will happen when the “Rewind” button is pressed. When the “Rewind” button is pressed, the DVD player ___ Explain why children will enjoy the film. + Children will enjoy the film because — Why do you think the film is called Remove Control? The film is called Remote Control because —____ April Fool! S hin. humorous recount. Se Wow, what a day! My stomach is still aching from laughing so much. Now I know what the saying “Laugh until your sides split” means! Today was a Saturday and it also happened to be April Fool's Day— 1 April. I had decided to play some April Fool's Day jokes on my family. I started with Dad. He always reads the newspaper first thing on a Saturday. I set my alarm for 6.30 am and fetched the paper from the front lawn. After carefully unwrapping it, I swapped all the pages around. Then I rolled it up in its plastic wrapping again and put it back on the lawn for him to collect later. You should have seen the puzzled look on his face when he opened it! He turned it upside down and back to front. I popped out from behind the door and said, “Look at the date on the paper, Dad!” He looked and started to laugh as I gleefully called out, “April fool!” My younger sister was easy to fool. She fell for the “plastic spider trick”. As she was about to sit at the table for breakfast I yelled, “Sophie, watch out for that spider!” She screamed and jumped c! in the air. When I said “April fool!”, she went off in a huff back to her room. Dad and I laughed even louder. Next it was my older sister's turn. In one hand I had a black beetle I found in the garden and in the other I had a black jelly bean. I showed Kelly fy __ the beetle first, then swapped the two when ye she looked away. I put what she thought was the beetle in my mouth. “You're gross, Jamie!” she said in disgust. But she admitted it was a great trick after I said “April fool!” and showed her the chewed jelly bean and the beetle in my other hand. To trick Mum, I stuck a note on her back that said “Tickle me!” After being tickled a few times by each of us, she giggled, “Why does everyone feel like tickling me today?” She giggled even more when I exclaimed, “April fool!” Se made some delicious hot chocolate for Aes morning tea. I added a spoonful of sugar - i \ Y and took a sip. Yuk! I spat it back into YY the cup. But the jokes hadn't ended yet. Mum “April fool!” Mum laughed, as she showed me the salt packet and the ‘sugar’ bowl! te :.. letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 In the recount, April Fool’s Day fell on a A Sunday B Monday C Wednesday D Saturday 2 —___is the writer of this recount. A Jamie B Sophie Cc Kelly D Dad 3 What did the writer put in his mouth to trick his older sister? A Salt. B Abeetle. C Ajelly bean. D Aplastic spider. 4 Who is the youngest in the family? A The writer. B Jamie. C Kelly. D_ Sophie. 5 When did the writer play his April Fool's Day jokes? A At night. B_ In the evening. C Inthe afternoon. D_ Inthe morning. Welucac the answer to each question. 1 On which day was this recount written? Which sentence in the recount reveals this? This recount was written nN What is the first thing that Dad always does on a Saturday? The first thing that Dad always does on a Saturday is Why did the writer set his alarm clock for 6.30 am on April Fool's Day? The writer set his alarm clock for 6.30 am ———___ How did Sophie react when the writer told her to watch out for the spider? Sophie How do we know that Sophie was not pleased with the April Fool's Day joke? We know that Sophie was not pleased with the joke because Why did Kelly react in disgust when she saw the writer put something in his mouth? Kelly reacted in disgust because What trick did the writer play on his mother? The writer Why did the writer not like the chocolate drink when he took a sip? The writer did not like the chocolate drink How do we know that the writer thoroughly enjoyed April Fool's Day? We know that the writer thoroughly enjoyed April Fool’s Day because Of all the tricks that were played, which one do you think was unkind? Why? I think that the trick A NO 2, mS A Giant Butterfly BA On... ‘pg EEE this report. Da you knew which is the largest butterfly in the world? It is the Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly. The wingspan of the female butterfly can be up to 30 centimetres long. That’s the length This amazing insect lives in a small area of rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Like other butterflies, it begins life as an egg. This is laid by the fernale Queen Alexandre’s birdwing on only one type of plantthe pipe vine. It then takes about four months for the egg to become a butterfly. First, a caterpillar hatches from the egg. The caterpillar then eats the leaves of the pipe vine until it is ready to make a cocoon. Inside the cocoon, it changes into a butterfly. The Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly usually lives for about three months. It is not often eaten by predators. One reason for this is that the pipe vine leaves birdwing caterpillars eat are poisonous. Male and female Queen Alexandra's birdwings look different from each other. The males are smaller and have black wings with striking yellow, blue, green and red markings. The females have dark brown wings with cream and red markings. Both the male and female butterflies have bright yellow bodies. Queen Alexandra's birdwings like to fly high up among the trees where they feed on the nectar of flawers. They don't often come to the ground. This can make it difficult to find out how many there are. But it is known that they are endangered. This is mainly because large areas of their rainforest home have been cleared of trees by people for farming and for houses. Some people also catch and sell the i butterflies for large sums of money. This is against the law. The government of Papua New Guinea is trying to save the butterfly by helping people to set up butterfly farms, protecting areas of the rainforest from logging and planning to grow the pipe vine in different habitats. . ' im the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Which of the following sentences about the Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly is false? A The birdwing butterfly is the largest butterfly in the world. B_ The birdwing butterfly can be found in Papua New Guinea. C The birdwing butterfly has a brown body. D_ The birdwing butterfly is an endangered species. 2 How long does it take for the Queen Alexandra's birdwing to develop from an egg to an adult butterfly? A Two months. B_ Four months. C Eight months. D One year. 3 Male birdwings are ____ the female birdwings. A more brightly coloured than B_ identical to C_ less brightly coloured than D_ bigger than eS 4 What is the lifespan of the adult birdwing butterfly? A One year. B Four months. C Three months. D Two weeks. 5 Catching and selling the birdwing butterfly is A permitted B_ forbidden C encouraged D limited r= these questions. 1. Where does the birdwing butterfly live? 2 Why does the writer say that the birdwing butterfly is an “amazing insect“? 3 What happens to the caterpillar inside the cocoon? 4 Why are birdwing butterflies not often eaten by predators? 10 What is the difference between the food eaten by birdwing caterpillars and birdwing butterflies? Why is it difficult for us to know exactly how many birdwing butterflies there are? Why are birdwing butterflies becoming extinct? Why do people who manage to catch birdwing butterflies able to sell them for large sums of money? Describe two things that the government of Papua New Guinea is doing to save the birdwing butterfly. If the pipe vine as a plant species were to be destroyed, what would happen to the birdwing butterfly? The Diary of an Ant © - seer ithis diary entry. Dear Diary This morning has been so terrifying I can hardly bring myself to write about it. It began like any other day. I woke up early and scurried off to be with the hundreds of other worker ants. As I came up to them, I heard them talking about the queen. “She is ill, Myrmecia,” one of them told me. “We need to find some good food today to help make her better.” I could hardly believe my antennae! Our queen not well? This could mean disaster for the colony. Straight away, I raced out of our rotten log home and into the picnic ground. I knew the best place to find rich food—under the picnic table. There were always lots of breadcrumbs and other tasty treats there. I am usually very careful about looking where I go, but today, I was thinking so hard about getting the food that I forgot to look out for our worst enemy—humans. It was only when my path went dark that I looked up and realised that the sole of a human shoe was about to stomp on me. I only had a split second to decide what to do. I couldn't & stay on the ground so I ran up the humans bare leg. I was glad that he was wearing shorts. Trousers and jeans are so difficult to race up quickly! \: I ran up to his knee and i " paused for a moment. I didn't want to go any higher—I was afraid of falling. I got so worried that before I knew it, I bit the human's leg. “Ow!” One of his hands flashed down to hit me. I gulped and just managed to duck out of the way. “James! Time to go!” The human started to walk so I clung on as best I could, trying not to move. I knew that if he felt me, he would try to slap me again. He arrived at a car and got in. As soon as he slammed the door shut, the car started moving. I made my way onto the rough carpet, trembling all over. I hid under a front seat and stayed there until the car stopped moving and the humans got out. Alone, I felt quite lost. There was no food and I didn't know where I was. I would have to find a way out ... (3) wit letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Myrmecia is a 3 A queen ant B_ worker ant C soldier ant D_ baby ant 2 Myrmecia bit A aworker ant B the queen Cc agirl D aboy 3 Where does Myrmecia live? A_ Inarotten log. B_ At the picnic ground. C Inacar. D Ona rough carpet. 4 Myrmecia went out to look for food 7 A at night B_ in the evening C_ inthe afternoon D_ inthe morning 5 Why did Myrmecia stop climbing once she reached the human's knee? A She was too miserable to continue. B She was too hungry. C She was too tired. D She was afraid of falling. L__] lanswa these questions. 1 What does Myrmecia mean when she says that she could hardly believe her antennae? Why did the worker ants need to find some good food? What did Myrmecia expect to find under the picnic table? Why did Myrmecia forget to look out for humans? What did Myrmecia realise when she looked up as her path became dark? Explain whether you think Myrmecia accidentally or purposely bit the human. Why did Myrmecia stay still as the human walked? is 8 Why do you think Myrmecia was trembling as she made her way to the rough carpet of the car? 9 Why did Myrmecia hide under the front seat of the car? 10 How do you think Myrmecia is feeling as she writes her diary entry? Why do you think she is feeling this way? Back to Sivrax? Q nis science fiction story. Gavren bit his lip and stared at the wall. His mother and Miss Whittaker were frowning at his latest piece of writing. Miss Whittaker turned to him. “Gavren, | don't understand.” “Lcan't seem to help it, Miss Whittaker. It just happens.” Gavren looked at the strange symbols he had written. They looked like Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. He sighed. He couldn't write in English any more. Whenever he tried, this came out instead. “Thanks for calling this to my attention, Miss Whittaker,” said his mother. She tucked a strand of wiry purple hair back under her beret. “Gavren and | will have a talk at home and |’ll get back to you.” Before Miss Whittaker could reply, his mother had whisked him out of the door and towards the car. She was silent on the drive home. When they arrived, she ushered Gavren into the living room. “Sit down, Gavren. I'll get your father.” Gavren swallowed. He was in more trouble than LS, he thought. But when his mother and father walked in, their orange eyes looked sad, not angry. His father sat next to him. “Gavren, your mother told me about your writing. We didn't think it would happen to you for a few more years yet.” Gavren wrinkled his brow. "What ...2” His mother was wringing her hands. “We should have told you before now. But it was so hard." She glanced ai his father. “Gavren, we're not Earthlings. We're from the planet Sivrax. We came here before you were born, when Sivrax was at war with Goblia, our Closest neighbour in our solar system. We have brought you up as an Earth boy, but now that you're growing up, it will become harder for you to fit in. You're not going to be able to write in English any more. Your brain will now only let you write in Sivraxian. And there'll be many other things you'll have to hide ..." “Hang on,” said Gavren. His mouth was dry. “You're telling me I'm an alien?” “Yes,” said his father. “Haven't you ever wondered why we all have purple hair and orange eyes?” Gavren touched his wiry hair and thought for a moment. He had always been teased about his looks and his family. Everyone thought he and his parents dyed their hair and wore coloured contact lenses. “So, what happens now?" Gavren said, his mind whirling. His father smiled sadly. “Your mother and | think we should move back to Sivrax," he said. “But we won't go unless you want to. What do you think?" Gr in. letter for the correct answer in each box. 1. Gavren was born A inancient Egypt Bon Sivrax C on Earth D_ on Goblia 2. What language was used on Sivrax? A Hieroglyphics. B_ Sivraxish. C_ Sivraxian. D_ English. |; 4 3. Why did Gavren swallow hard while waiting for his parents in the living room? A He was tired. B He was hungry. C He was thirsty. D_ He was worried. 4 Goblia was . A acountry on Earth B acountry on Sivrax C aplanet D_ ancient Egypt 5 Everyone thought that Gavren and his parents —__. A were aliens dyed their hair B Cc were from Sivrax D could not write in English LJ ol (s ee these questions. 1 Why was Miss Whittaker frowning at Gavren’s writing? 2 What did the symbols that Gavren wrote look like? 3 What did Gavren’s mother thank Miss Whittaker for? 4 Why did Gavren’s parents come to Earth? 5 How different from his friends did Gavren look? 6 Why do you think Gavren’s mother was silent while driving home? 7 What went through Gavren’s mind while he was waiting for his parents in the living room? 8 Why could Gavren no longer write in English? 9 Why do you think Gavren’s mind was whirling? 10 Do you think Gavren’s parents were able to write in English? Explain your answer. & Soi Ss) The New Girl (this humorous story. “Class, this is your new classmate, Tilda. She comes all the way from Sweden. Tilda’s dad wants to have a quick chat with me outside, so keep working quietly.” Tilda sat down and picked her nails. She hated starting at a new school. Before long, she would be teased about her name and her accent. A scuffling noise made her look up. A girl had moved to the window and pressed her ear up against the flywire. She grinned. “Let's find out what's so private about the new girl.” She poked out her tongue at Tilda, making some of the class laugh. Tilda bit her lip and frowned. Her father was probably in the middle of telling her new teacher about her allergies. It was embarrassing. Sometimes he treated her like a baby. To make matters worse, he had brought their dog with him on the walk to the school. Most kids laughed when they saw her. She looked just like a cottonwool ball with legs. Tilda glanced at the girl, waiting for the teasing to start. But she was startled by what she saw. The girl's mouth was open and she was staring at Tilda. “Is-is that true?” the girl stammered. “Are you really a — 2?” “Emma! Back to your desk, please!” Mrs Tan appeared in the doorway. With wide eyes, the girl slunk to her chair, still gawking at Tilda. Puzzled, Tilda tried to concentrate on the lesson. What on earth had her father said to Mrs Tan? All morning, the class was alive with whispers. Whenever Tilda looked around, someone would be gazing at her as if she was famous. She was even more confused when she was surrounded by the class. at recess. Everyone was chattering excitedly. One girl tugged at her shirt. “Where's your crown?” Tilda wrinkled her brow. “What? My crown? What are you talking about?” “I thought every princess owned a crown.’ The girl sounded disappointed. Princess? Then, in a flash, everything suddenly made sense. Of course. Her father wouldn't have just talked about her allergies that morning. Not if the dog was there. He was so proud of her that he always told everyone her name. “She is our Princess,” he would say. But with a Swedish accent, Tilda realised, that sentence might just sound like “She is a princess”. Tilda suppressed a grin and put her nose in the air. “I had to leave my crown behind in Sweden. But I’m sure it will be sent on. Excuse me, please.” She began to laugh as she strode regally to the girls’ toilets. She was sure everyone would find out the truth eventually. But until then, she was going to have some fun as Her Royal Highness, Princess Tilda of Sweden. ir the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Which country was Tilda from? A America. B_ England. C Sweden. D Switzerland. 2 Tilda feared that her father would tell Mrs Tan about her dog allergies royal status as a princess Swedish accent onNwpD 3 “Princess” actually refers to A the dog B Tilda Cc Emma D Mrs Tan 4 Which of the following sentences shows that Emma was a rude girl? A She wanted to ask Tilda a question. B_ She slunk to her chair. C She stammered. D_ She stuck out her tongue at Tilda. 5 Which of the following best describes how Tilda’s father regarded the dog? A He was amused by her. B He was proud of her. C He was angry with her. D He was allergic to her. ee these questions. 1 Why did Mrs Tan tell the class to work quietly? 2 Why did many children laugh at Tilda’s dog? 3 Why did Tilda dislike starting at a new school? 4 Why did Emma press her ear against the flywire? cS 5 Why was Tilda startled when she looked at Emma? 6 What did Tilda’s father talk about other than her allergies? 7 Why did Tilda’s classmates gaze at and whisper about her all morning? 8 What did Tilda say about her “crown”? 9 What does the sentence “Then, in a flash, everything - suddenly made sense” mean? 10 Why did Tilda put her nose up in the air? The Story of Gelert Bins Welsh legend. Many, many years ago, the valleys below the mountains of northern Wales were inhabited only by wild plants and animals. The only building for miles around was a hunting lodge in a forest clearing. Prince Llewelyn and his wife, Princess Joan, came to stay at the lodge, as they were both very fond of hunting. One day, leaving their baby son in the care of his nursemaid, Llewelyn and Joan went out with the hunting party. Llewelyn's bravest and most faithful dog, Gelert, was the first on the scent of a wild animal. Suddenly, he turned and raced back towards the lodge. Llewelyn and Joan wondered why their dog was behaving so strangely. They decided to leave the hunt and follow Gelert. As they arrived at the lodge, Gelert came running into the house. A horrifying sight met his eyes. Blankets lay in pools of blood on the floor and his son's cradle was empty. In a rage, Llewelyn raised his sword and plunged it deep into Gelert’s heart. How could such a trusted friend kill his only child? Suddenly, Llewelyn heard a muffled cry. A blanket on the floor beside him began to move. | Using his sword, Llewelyn carefully pulled Ry back the blanket and saw his young son, FP sofe and unharmed. At that moment, a servant gave a loud cry. He had found Zp the body of a large grey wolf. Its injuries revealed that it had been attacked by a dog. Llewelyn sank to his knees in despair beside the mortally injured Gelert. Bitter tears ran down his face as he realised what he had done. He looked at his child, happy now in his mother's arms, but his own heart was heavy with grief. He gave orders for the brave Gelert to be given a hero's burial and for a large stone to be raised above his grave. On the stone, the story would be inscribed, telling how brave, faithful Gelert saved his master’s child from the wolf and of how that master, in haste, killed his most loyal friend. Today, in the town of Beddgelert, which in English means “grave of Gelert", you can still see the large stone above the grave which tells the sad story: the story of Gelert. es) es i 1 Where was Prince Llewelyn from? he letter for the correct answer in each box. A England. B Ireland. C Scotland. D Wales. 2. Llewelyn killed Gelert with A anarrow Ba large stone Chis sword D_ his bare hands 3 _____ tried to attack Llewelyn’s son. A Gelert B Awolf Cc Alion D Aservant 4 ________ found the dead body of a wolf. A Joan B_ Llewelyn C_ Llewelyn’s servant D Gelert 5 Gelert was wagging his tail when he met Llewelyn and Joan because . A he was happy that he did not have to hunt that day B_ he was excited to return to the lodge Che was unhappy that Llewelyn was going to kill him D_ he was happy to have saved Llewelyn’s son from a wolf — me these questions. 1 Why did Llewelyn and Joan come to stay at the lodge? ‘s Whom did Llewelyn and Joan leave their son with before they went hunting? Why do you think Gelert suddenly left the hunt and ran back to the lodge? What did Llewelyn see when he stormed into the lodge? Why did Llewelyn kill Gelert? Why did the blanket beside Llewelyn start to move? What did the injuries on the wolf reveal? 8 Why did Llewelyn cry when he knelt down beside Gelert? 9 What does the story on the stone above Gelert’s grave tell? 10 What does the name “Beddgelert” mean in English? SU | ¢ The Ghost Train Adventure ‘aque Se tee ns adventure story. TRY OUR < sien ge OS rame [E YOU DARE! Jenna read the sign one last time and settled herself in the small carriage. She and Hayden were the only passengers, which wasn't surprising. The ride didn't look scary at all. “When's this stupid thing going to start?” her brother said, picking at the flaking paint inside the carriage. As he spoke, the train shuddered and rattled into the dim tunnel. A skeleton lowered itself slowly from the ceiling. Jenna sighed, “That's so fake. It ...”_ She was suddenly jolted from her seat. The train had come to a halt. “Oh, no,’ said Hayden. “It's broken down! What are we going to do?” “Well, I’m not going to hang around here waiting,” said Jenna. “Let's get out and walk the rest of it” as She and Hayden clambered out of the carriage and started along the track. But after some steps out of the tunnel, they had to stop. The track was split into two. One track went uphill, the other down. “Which way do ...2” Hayden began. Then he paused. “I can hear voices.” “What?” Jenna listened carefully. Hayden was right. There were at least two people talking. The sound was coming from the direction of the downhill track. “We'll wait until the ride’ finished, then we'll hide the money in the tunnel,” one voice said. “No one would think to look there.” “I can't hear the train,’ said another voice. “It must have moved past the tunnel. Let's carry it up now. Jenna looked at Hayden. “Quick, let's hide.” She darted behind a large, plastic-looking rock. Hayden skidded in next to her. Then they both peered over it. Two men, dressed in dark clothing, were making their way towards them. One was carrying a large bag. Jenna’ eyes widened. She had seen both men on TV last night. They were the main suspects in a bank robbery. Hayden gasped loudly. One of the men paused and snapped his head in Jenna and Hayden's direction. “What was ... De 4 ui o f Hey, some kids are over there! Look!” Hayden grabbed Jenna's hand and pulled her to her feet. “Come on!” Jenna stumbled out from behind the rock just in front of the men. She twisted out of their grasping hands and fled up the track after Hayden. She hoped hed chosen the best way. Maybe the sign had been right. This ride might turn out to be an adventure after all! ér the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Hayden and Jenna were a A friends B_ siblings C neighbours D_ classmates 2 What did the children first see in the dim tunnel? A Askeleton. B_ The robbers. Cc Alarge rock. D Alarge bag. 3 The train came to a halt because the robbers stopped it the children stopped it the skeleton was in the way it broke down UNAwD 4 The children hid behind a A carriage B_ large plastic rock ¢ door D large bag 5 Which track did the children take as they fled from the robbers? A_ The downhill track. B_ The uphill track. C The track from the tunnel. D The track into the tunnel. nsw these questions. 1 Why was it not surprising that Hayden and Jenna were the only passengers on the train? What was Hayden doing while waiting for the ride to start? Why did Jenna sigh when she saw the skeleton coming down from the ceiling? What did the children decide to do after the train stopped? 51 S 5 Why did the children stop walking after taking some steps from the tunnel? 6 Which track were the men at when the children heard them? 7 + Why did the men decide to hide the money in the dark tunnel? 8 Why did Jenna’s eyes widen when she saw the men? 9 What caused the men to look in the direction of the children’s hiding place? 10 What do you think was in the large bag? Sarah and the Secret Castle 129 AB nis modern fairy tale. Once upon a time, there were two girls who were classmates in school. Sarah was rather clumsy but she was always telling jokes that made her classmates laugh. Josephine was quiet, well-mannered and elegant. Most lunchtimes, both girls could be found in the playground. Josephine would sit gracefully on a swing while Sarah would hang athletically from the monkey bars. In appearance, the two girls had very little in common. However, there was one thing they both had—a secret wish to have a best friend. One afternoon, Sarah was walking home from her guitar lesson when she spotted the long, silver car Josephine disappeared into at the end of each schoolday. It was parked outside a block of grey, quite shabby flats. Sarah decided she would see if Josephine wanted to play with her. She tapped “ on the closest door, which was quickly opened by a tall, distinguished-looking man _. wearing a white shirt with a winged collar and tie, a black coat with tails and pinstriped trousers. The man instantly frowned. RS “Please go away! come here again.” he snapped at Sarah. “Do not Sarah stared at what she guessed was Josephine’s butler. Being the rascal that she was, Sarah ducked down and scrambled into the flat through the butler's legs. She quickly stood up and was about to make a run for it to find Josephine but, instead, she froze on the spot! Before her was a magnificent ballroom—the size of the hall in her school! Sarah did a double take, looking back at the front door and then again at the enormous room. It had many chandeliers hanging from its high ceiling, a pristine marble floor and a row of statues that servants were busily dusting and polishing. Sarah spotted an elegant girl walking down a staircase, wearing a spectacular lavender gown. Her hair was piled on top of her head and featured a sparkling tiara. “You're a princess!” Sarah called out to Josephine, who looked down, quite startled. Then Josephine glided over to Sarah and gently pushed her through a marble archway into a room with a dining table the length of a swimming pool! ri “How did you ...?” Josephine began. But then she shook her head and said in a whisper, “You ease z are right. I am a princess. This is my family’s castle. You HAVE to promise not to tell. You MUST promise!” A mischievous smirk spread over Sarah's face. Although her mind was spinning with questions about how a castle could exist behind the facade of a shabby block of flats, she remembered her secret wish. “I promise I won't tell ... but only if you let me play here in the castle with you.” “Of course!” Josephine giggled with excitement, remembering a little too late to politely cover her mouth. “If you think this room is amazing, wait until you see my bedroom! Oh! And the stables—they’re full of ponies!” Princess Josephine and Sarah made a pact to spend every Saturday afternoon playing together in the castle. And this was exactly what they did. Soon, they really became the best of friends. im Sarah and Josephine each had a wish to A be elegant B_ be active Cc havea best friend D_ play together he letter for the correct answer in each box. Where would Sarah and Josephine usually be during lunchtime? A At the park. B_ Inthe playground. € Inthe school canteen. D Near a block of flats. Who opened the door when Sarah knocked? A A butler. B Josephine. C Josephine’s father. D_ Josephine’s uncle. Q Josephine’s castle was A. full of stables B_ the length of a swimming pool C_ made up of shabby flats D_ hidden in a block of flats Which of the following phrases describes what a “tiara” is? A headband with a precious pearl. A small crown worn by a woman. A hairpin made of gold. An expensive necklace. UND Es these questions. 1 How did Josephine go home at the end of each schoolday? What was Sarah doing when she saw the long, silver car? Why did Sarah knock on the door? Sarah “froze on the spot” because what she saw was too surprising. Which other expression in the fairy tale has a similar meaning? 5 What did Sarah first see when she stepped into the castle? 6 What were the servants dusting and polishing in the ballroom? 7 What was Josephine wearing in her castle? 8 In which part of the castle did Sarah promise not to tell anyone that Josephine was a princess? 9 Which parts of the castle did Josephine invite Sarah to visit? 10 What did Josephine and Sarah agree to do together? (Si - 98 Bowey Island Q eb ins passage from a chapter in an adventure novel. Chapter 4 The children collected the old boat from their grandfather's old shed, as they did at the beginning of every summer holiday. But this time they weren't rowing across the lake to Bowey Island to catch fish, or set up a tent or go swimming. This expedition had a different purpose. They wanted to see if the map Ryan had found inside a book in their grandparents’ bookcase was authentic. “Put your life jacket on, Maddy,” Ryan ordered. “Sam, push us off!” The children set off from the wooden jetty on their grandparents’ property. Maddy sat in the bow, looking tiny in her bright yellow life jacket. As she wasn't used to doing her own hair, her pigtails were lopsided, making her look as if she might tip over any minute. After a silent trip (apart from the occasional grunt from Ryan struggling with the oars), the children arrived at the island. “OK! The map says we have to find the tree with the largest trunk and stand facing the Bowey Estate,” called Ryan. Ryan walked quickly between the trees and bushes, dodging the sharp branches and prickly leaves. Maddy tried to follow her brother but a branch caught hold of one of her pigtails, causing her to yelp. 0 Sam caught up with his sister and, while he was Untangling her from the tree's grasp, realised that this was the tree they were looking for. Ryan joined the pair and stood where he could see their grandparents’ house through the bushes and trees. “We need to turn east and walk ten paces. Hmmm ... | wonder if that’s east for real or east from the direction we are facing?” Ryan said. He decided to turn east from the house and step out the paces. Maddy and Sam followed him. “OK! Now we must turn south and walk thirteen paces and from there, turn north-east and walk another eleven paces. If we have followed the map correctly, then that is where we should dig.” To show that she was up to the task, Maddy held up the miniature garden shovel she had taken from the shed. The children stepped out the number of paces and arrived ai an area not far from the water's edge. Sam pointed out the duck prints in the mud. ron Ryan and Sam began digging with their hands—scooping out the dirt into small piles. Maddy, crouching by the sife, clapped excitedly. “I've found something!” Sam exclaimed. “It feels like a tin.” The boys retrieved an old tin box from the ground and opened if. Inside was a collection of little treasures—small cars, toy soldiers, some types of sports cards and old coins. It wasn't long before they realised that these were their father's things, which he must have buried when he was a boy. “Wait until we show these to Dad! | bet he has forgotten all about them!" said Sam, smiling. tr... letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 The children went to Bowey Island to A search for a map C_ play on the island D_ dig for toys How many paces did the children walk from the tree to the site where they started digging? A Ten. B_ Eleven. C Thirteen. D Thirty-four. How many children went to Bowey Island? A One. B Two. C Three. D_ Four. look for a buried object using a map 4 What was the children’s family name? A Ryan. B Maddy. Cc Sam. D Bowey. 5 What did the children not find in the tin box? A Toy cars. B_ Coins. C Cards. D Gold bars. Es these questions. 1 What would the children usually do at the start of each summer holiday? 2 Which word in the story refers to the front part of the boat? 3 Inthe sentence “The children set off from the wooden jetty on their grandparents’ property”, what does “grandparents’ property” refer to? 4 What happened when Maddy tried to follow Ryan through the trees and bushes? 6i' rs 10 How did Sam find the tree that he and his siblings were looking for? Ryan had to make a decision about turning east. What did he eventually decide? What did Maddy take with her to the island from the shed? What did Maddy do while her brothers dug? Who had buried the tin box? Ryan appears to be the leader of the expedition. Pick one example from the text to show this. 14 The Giant with Teeth of Fire Q Bins folk tale from the Pacific Islands. Long ago, on the island of Rotuma, a giant lived in a cave high on a mountain. The villagers were terrified of him because his teeth blazed with fire. He only had to open his mouth or smile to make flames leap out and burn whatever was in front of him. One day, some of the young men of the village decided to try to steal the giant's fire. None of the villagers knew how to make fire, but they knew it would be useful. So the men gathered some dried coconut palm leaves and climbed up to the giant's cave. They breathed a sigh of relief when they found him sleeping. The men watched him for a while. Every time he exhaled, flames shot out and every time he inhaled he sucked the flames back into his mouth. When the men were ready, they crept towards the giant, holding their palm leaves up to his mouth. The next time the giant breathed out, the leaves caught fire. Excited, the men tiptoed out of the cave. They hadn't noticed that one of the leaves had tickled the giant's lips and woken him. He opened his eyes and stomped to the entrance of the cave. (8, cS He saw the men racing down the mountain with their burning leaves. “That's my fire!” the giant bellowed. He ran down the mountain after the men. But the men were quick on their feet and reached their cave ahead of the giant. As soon as they got there, they heaved a boulder across the caves entrance. Then they used their leaves to light a wood fire inside the cave. A few moments later, the giant arrived. He roared and used all his strength to try to move the boulder, but it would not budge. Then he had an idea. He would trick the men into moving the boulder. Then he could stick his head into the cave and burn them up. “I don't want to hurt you,” the giant said in the softest voice he could manage. “I want to be your friend. Move the boulder aside so I can sing to you.” The men did not believe him, but they also did not want to stay in the cave forever, so they heaved the boulder aside a little, making a small gap the giant could see through. “You won't be able to hear me sing through that gap,’ said the giant. “Push the boulder further out of the way.” By now, the young men had come up with a plan. “OK,” they called. “We'll move the boulder a little more.” The men shifted the boulder again until the giant could fit his head into the gap. But before he could open his mouth, the men pushed the boulder forward to his head, killing him instantly. The fire from his teeth was immediately extinguished. The men ran from the cave, shouting the news to the village. They shared the fire with the other villagers. From that time on, all on the island had a fire burning in their huts to cook their food a keep them warm at night. Wii letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 The villagers were afraid of the giant because he was very unfriendly B he was very big C he could burn them up easily D_ he liked to sing > The men were “quick on their feet”. This means that they A danced very well Bran very fast C moved very quietly D_ skipped very lightly The giant tried to trick the men by saying that he would A sing to them Bplay with them Cc help them D chat with them Sy ( 4 The giant spoke softly to 5 The men killed the giant with A save his energy B_ let the men believe that he was about to sing C_ make the men think that he was not angry D_ get the men to think that he was far away A fire B aknife C aspear D a boulder = these questions. 1 What was so special about the giant who lived on Rotuma? Why did the young men decide to steal the giant's fire? What did the young men use to steal the giant's fire? Why did the men heave a sigh of relief when they reached the giant's cave? 5 What happened whenever the giant inhaled? 6 What caused the giant to wake up? 7 What did the giant want to do to the men who stole his fire? 8 Why do you think the men did not believe the giant when he said that he wanted to be their friend? 9 As the giant was trying to enter the cave, what plan did the men come up with? 10 What did the villagers use the fire for? Si (s) Stop clowning around! Ryan put the clown on his bookcase and pulled a face at it. He couldn't believe that his godmother would give him a present like that for his twelfth birthday. It was a soft toy meant for a little kid! Aunty Jane had always given himsuch great presents up until now. And then this arrived in the post a while ago. Without even a card. : “Ryan! Time for dinner!” “Coming, Mum.” Ryan gave the clown one more disgusted glance and then raced down the stairs. After dinner, he went up to his room to pick a book to read. His father was watching a boring programme on television and he didn’t feel like playing on the computer. As Ryan walked into the room, he suddenly started to shiver. Someone is watching me. The thought went through his mind before he could stop it. What had made him think that? He’d probably been watching too many scary films lately. But then he looked at his bookcase. The clown was missing. Ryan gasped and then laughed at himself when he saw it sitting on his bed. He must have put it there without realising it. He shook his head and left the room. But it was strange. He was sure that it had been on the bookcase ... A few hours later it was bedtime. Ryan had almost forgotten about the clown until he walked into his room again. The same cold shudder went through him and his eyes went straight to his bed. The clown wasn't there. Bang! Ryan's door slammed shut behind him. He whirled around. The clown was sitting in front of the door, its glassy eyes boring into Ryan's. Ryan tried to scream for his parents, but the words got stuck in his throat. He reached out for the door handle, but some invisible force pushed him back. Ryan felt the sweat start to prickle the back of his neck. He looked down at the clown. Its face had contorted into a murderous 3 expression. And then it started to rise slowly in the air until it was directly in ~ front of Ryan’s terrified face. Ryan tried to.scream again, but his voice simply wouldn’t work. He staggered backwards and fell to his knees. “Please,” he whimpered. “Don't hurt me. What do you want? Why did Aunty Jane send you?” 5 70 he letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Who was Aunty Jane? A Ryan‘s grandmother. B Ryan's godmother. Cc Ryan‘s aunt. D_ Ryan’s neighbour. | 2 The clown’s eyes were “boring into Ryan‘s”. What does this mean? A_ The clown closed its eyes. B_ Bright light was radiating from the clown’s eyes. C_ The clown’s eyes looked bored. D_ The clown was looking intently at Ryan. 3 Ryan felt___ when he entered his room. A abreeze B anache Cc achill D excited 4 The clown moved from the _____ to the and then to the * A_ bookcase / chair / door B_ bookcase / bed / door C door / bookcase / bed D_ bed / door / bookcase 5 . The clown looked ________ when it trapped Ryan inside the room. A happy B_ irritated C impatient D sinister = these questions. 1 How old was Ryan? Why did Ryan not like the clown? What did Ryan decide to do after dinner? Ryan thought that someone was looking at him when he entered his room after dinner. What did he think caused this? Where was the clown when Ryan went to his room after dinner? Why do you think Ryan shook his head when he left the room? Why could Ryan not get to the door handle? 71 8 Why do you think Ryan sweated even though the room was not warm? 9 Why was Ryan unable to scream? 10 Why do you think Ryan fell to his knees? Blaze destroys school (1. this newspaper report. WOODVALE MORNING HERALD Friday, 19 January 2007 Sirens were heard at Woodvale Secondary School yesterday after- noon, but it wasn’t the school siren declaring the end of a schooldayit was the shrill sound of fire sirens. The school, which has been closed for the last five weeks for the summer holidays, was a mass of charred remains of buildings, smoke and ash yesterday afternoon. ‘The Woodvale Fire Department was, contacted at 2.30 pm after a local resident, Mrs Valerie Draper, heard a loud bang, “almost like a firework exploding”, and noticed smoke and Blaze destroys school! Fourth school in Woodvale to be destroyed by fire in this six-week summer break flames coming from the school. The fire crew arrived to find the science laboratory and neighbouring classrooms blazing, The team were successful in preventing the fire from spreading to the rest of the school. The principal of Woodvale Secondary School, Mrs Pat Staines, arrived moments after the fire was extinguished. Mrs Staines was concerned about the whereabouts of the groundskeeper, Jim Blackwood, as he was hired to be at the school until 4.00 pm each day of the holidays. Mr Blackwood was contacted and found to be at home. He told police that, due to the extremely hot weather, he had left the school at 2.00 pm that day. Mrs Staines commented that, before the holidays, a science teacher, Miss Megan Warner, had noticed mouse droppings in the chemical storeroorn—a small room attached to the science laboratory. She had informed the principal of her discovery, concerned that mice running around in the storeroom could knock chemicals from their shelves. Those chemicals could possibly mix together CF ty on the floor of the storeroom— with the potential to cause an explosion and, ultimately, a fire. Mrs Staines had asked Mr Blackwood to take care of the mice situation in the chemical storeroom over the holidays. We have been unsuccessful in our attempts to get Mr Blackwood to confirm whether he had removed the mice from the storeroom or not. Woodvale Secondary School is the fourth school in the local area to have been damaged by fire during the six-week summer break. Although one school had been the victim of an arsonist, the other two fires had begun in the science laboratories én. 1 The fire at Woodvale Secondary School occurred on A 19 January B Cc 17 January D 2 The fire occurred in the holidays. A first B C_ fourth D 3 Who reported the fire? A Pat Staines. B C Megan Warner. D 4 The and the A he letter for the correct answer in each box. 18 January 17 July week of the summer last fifth Valerie Draper. Jim Blackwood. were affected by the fire. science laboratory / neighbouring classrooms B_ science laboratory / canteen C computer room / classrooms D chemical storeroom / auditorium 5 An arsonist is someone who > takes charge of the chemical storeroom looks after the school during the holidays B C calls the fire department when there is a fire D intentionally starts a fire to cause damage = these questions. 1 What did Valerie Draper hear and notice? When did Pat Staines arrive at the scene? Why do you think Pat Staines was concerned when she asked where Jim Blackwood was? Why did Jim Blackwood leave the school at 2.00 pm? What was Jim Blackwood hired to do? How long after Jim Blackwood left the school did the . explosion occur? What was Megan Warner worried about? 8 Where was the chemical storeroom located? 9 What might happen if the chemicals were accidentally mixed together? 10 What should Jim Blackwood have done about the “mice situation” in the chemical storeroom? The First Spider ae Bins Ancient Greek myth. There once was a woman named Arachne who wove beautiful tapestries on her loom. She was so skilled that people came from far away to watch her using her weaving shuttle and thread. They paid great sums of money for her work. Arachne was very proud of her weaving and boasted about her skills io anyone who would listen. “lam the best weaver in the world,” she said one day. “lam far better than any god or goddess.” An old woman standing nearby heard what she said. Do you think you are even better than the goddess Athene@” she asked. Arachne nodded. “Of course,” she said, her nose in the air. Just then, a strong wind whipped up. As it did, the old woman's grey hair became long and golden and her threadbare coat transformed into a white robe and silver breastplate. Then the woman grew taller and taller. Arachne blinked. There, towering over her, stood the goddess Athene. “So you think you weave better tapesiries than | do?" asked Athene. “Let us find out. You and | will compete to see who is the better weaver.” Arachne felt a little frightened, but she did not think she could be beaten. She agreed and the contest began. A crowd gathered to watch. Athene wove a tapestry that showed the gods performing heroic deeds. They appeared kind, clever and handsome. The crowd were impressed by the tapestry’s beauty. Arachne wove a tapestry that showed the gods in a less favourable light. They were playing tricks, lazing about, showing off and arguing. But the crowd could not take their eyes off Arachne’s tapesiry. It was even more beauiiful than Athene’s. Arachne had made the scene in her tapesiry come to life. Athene looked carefully at her tapestry and then at Arachne’s. “You win,” she said. “Your tapestry is better than mine.” Arachne smiled. “I told you so,” she said. The goddess frowned. “But you are too proud, Arachne. And you have made fun of the gods. cS) You must be punished. Never again will people appreciate your work.” With that, the goddess pushed Arachne’s shuttle into her mouth. Instantly, Arachne's body began to transform. Her arms became stuck to her sides, leaving her long fingers waving about. Her body became tiny, round and black. Arachne had become the first spider. To this day, spiders weave beautiful webs but they are rarely admired. Most people prefer to knock them down or sweep them away. tr... letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Aloomisa A B C¢ machine for weaving cloth D aspecial cushion 2 Arachne was a____ person. A humorous B_ boastful C_ beautiful D cautious 3 Athene wore 7 A agolden breastplate B a white robe c comfortable chair precious piece of cloth a long coat D asilver helmet 4 What did Athene's tapestry show? A Gods playing tricks. B_ Gods lazing about. C Kind and heroic people. D_ Gods doing good things. 5 Who declared that Arachne's tapestry was better? A The onlookers. B Athene. C The gods. D Arachne herself. es these questions. 1 Why were people willing to pay large sums of money for Arachne’s work? 2 What did the old woman wear before she transformed into Athene? 3 Why did Arachne agree to compete with Athene? 4 How did the gods in Athene’s tapestry appear? 5 What was so special about the tapestry that Arachne produced in the contest? 6 Why did Athene punish Arachne? 7 How did Arachne make fun of the gods? 8 What did Athene do to change Arachne into a spider? 9 Describe two changes to Arachne as she became a spider. 10 What usually happens to spider webs? The Rocket Builders 18 this extract from a chapter in the autobiography of NASA scientist Jake Gilligan. Chapter Three It was an unforgettable day in October, 1957. | had been waiting outside Finley's Electronics for over an hour— determined to get a good position. With my nose pressed against the glass, | watched the launch of Sputnik on seven different televisions. She looked so beautiful when all of the engines were fired up, launching her into the sky and the Earth's orbit. | was so excited after the launch that | rode straight over and collected Dave and Gerry. We rode to Fairfield Library and borrowed the only two books we found about rockets. We passed them around the table, looking at the photographs and diagrams in amazement. Before | even realised what | said, | had announced to the gang that we were going to build arocket. Of course, the boys were sceptical, saying that our fathers would think it was a waste of time and the kids at school would call us nerds. The boys were right but, as | said to them, none of us was ever going to get noticed in this town by being a big football star, so why don't we try to build a rocket instead? LS, We decided that Gerry's basement would be the perfect location to build a rocket, so we took the books down there. Luckily, Gerry’s dad was playing golf, so we didn't have to explain our plans. We could all imagine what our fathers would say ... “You are just wasting your time building rockets. Do you actually think you will leave Fairfield and become a rocket scientist? | don’t think so. Go outside and play football instead.” That week, we spoke to Miss Warner, our science teacher, and told her about our project. She was very excited and gave us a leaflet about the state science competition that was being held in December. We now had a deadline! Whenever we could get away, we would meet in Gerry's basement and discuss and design our rocket. We started to collect materials and tools and soon after, we were sawing or sanding away. | would also ride over fo my Uncle Stan's mechanic shop whenever we needed parts welded together. By the third of December we were finished! We walked up to the hills behind the town looking for a launch site, and found a flat area that was perfect. We also discovered a wide bit of discarded steel that we could use for protection in case our rocket decided to fly sideways instead of up! Gerry, Dave and | chose a long fuse for our first ocket. | lit it and we ran behind the steel, peering vA) Out over the top. Our first launch. We counted down together ... “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... = Blast off!" Gr sn. letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Where was Jake when he watched the launch of Sputnik? A Outside a television studio. B Outside a shop window. Cc Athome. D_ Inside an electronics shop. Lal 2 Where did Jake live? A In Fairfield. B_ In Finley. C_ In Fairbanks. D In Russia. bo 3 How long did the boys take to build the rocket? A About two months. B About three months. C Between three and four months. D About four months. 4 When did the boys finish building their rocket for the science competition? A In 1937. B In 1957. Cc In 1958. D In 1962. 5 ________lit the fuse for the launch of the rocket. A All three boys B Dave C Gerry D Jake FEB these questions. 1 Why was Jake prepared to wait for over an hour to watch the launch of Sputnik? oo a] ce oo! on _¢ Why did the boys go to the library on the day of the launch of Sputnik? Why did the boys take the library books to Gerry's basement? Why were Gerry and Dave sceptical about Jake's idea of building a rocket? After learning of the science competition, what did the _ boys do in their spare time? Where did Jake go when he needed to weld parts together? 7 Why would the boys’ fathers think that it would be a waste of time to build rockets? 8 Why do you think Miss Warner was excited when the boys told her about their project? 9 How did the boys protect themselves when they launched their rocket? 10 Which word in the passage refers to a fixed time for finishing a piece of work? (Si k 88 Detention with Mr Wizard Q , : \TEEG! these diary entries. January 21 You should see this new teacher at our school. He is old, has thick grey hair and wears an immaculate suit and tie. His trouser legs each have a crease down the front that is so sharp it could cut butter and his shoes shine so brightly we need sunglasses for the glare! Alex, Jake and I decided it would be fun to try the old guy out; he looked a pretty easy target. But despite our best efforts, he stayed calm, cool and collected. He ignored most of what we did until Jake deliberately spilt some gooey stuff all over the kid who sat in front of him. Mr Wizard—our nickname for the guy—stared at him with his strange, almost colourless eyes and suggested that they should have a talk after school. Detention on day one—that must be a record even for Jake! I phoned Jake in the evening to ask how he got on. Jake sounded subdued, quite different from his usual self. He just said that the old guy had offered him a drink and some biscuits, talked to him for a while and then sent him home. Going down to the river to mess around as we often do seemed a good idea, but when I suggested it, Jake said something about wanting to help his dad in the garden. That's a joke—he must have something really special planned! Cant wait to hear about it tomorrow. I then phoned Alex and we wandered down to the river where we smashed a few bottles, threw some rocks into the water and onto some roofs until a mean, ugly dog started to make a racket and we decided wed better get out of there. January 22 I just can’t understand it. Jake arrived at school this morning with his shirt tucked in, his hair combed, and he actually worked hard. He spoke politely, offered to do boring jobs and hed even done his homework! He must be sick. Alex had scrawled “Homework stinks” all over his paper because, like me, he didn't have time to do the exercise. I escaped but he was kept in detention. I don't think Mr Wizard has a home; he seems to be in the school all the time. He's not like any teacher I’ve ever had before. January 23 Alex got a ridiculously high mark for his homework today and he really looked like he = a | cared. He seems different. I’m not sure what it is but the fun-loving, into anything friend I have been in so much trouble with has disappeared. It's scary. He and Jake were talking about joining the scouts so they could do some community service. They're weird! I feel as if they're strangers. I can’t understand them. January 24 I was detained after school! All I did was add some purple stuff to the class fish tank. The fish are a bit lethargic but still alive. I thought it looked cool, but Mr Wizard didn't agree. Boy, were his eyes strange! This is what happened in detention: I walked into Mr Wizard’ room with a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and he sat me down and said: “Ben, I've been really looking forward to having this chat with you. Would you like a drink and some of my home-made biscuits?” He poured me some green drink and handed me a biscuit which tastes like nothing I've ever eaten before and we started to talk ... ia the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 Mr Wizard's suit is described as “immaculate”. Which of the following has the same meaning as “immaculate”? A Old-fashioned. Badly ironed. B C Too elegant for school. D Perfectly clean and neat. Lt 2 What did Jake do that led to detention? He threw rocks into the river. He poured ink into the fish tank. > B C He spilt a sticky substance all over a classmate. D_ He shouted in class. 3 Jake did not want to go down to the river because his father would not let him he thought it would be dangerous he wanted to help his father UND he was very tired 4 Alex scrawled “Homework stinks” because that was the correct answer he did not do his homework his homework was smelly his homework was about smells uNwap 5 After their meetings with Mr Wizard, Jake and Alex were planning to invite Ben to join the scouts create more trouble in class do some community work ask Ben to meet Mr Wizard himself ONw>D S = these questions. 1 Why did the students feel that they had to wear sunglasses? 2 The students wanted to “try the old guy out”. What does this mean? 3 Why did Ben and Alex stop throwing rocks onto roofs? 4 Name two things that Ben noticed were different about Jake the next day. 5 What happened to Jake and Alex after their meetings with Mr Wizard? 6 Why did Ben feel that Jake and Alex were like strangers? 7 Why did Ben think that Mr Wizard did not have a home? 8 What did Mr Wizard offer each student during the meeting? 9 Why did the fish in the tank become lethargic? 10 Why did Ben have a bad feeling in his stomach as he entered Mr Wizard's room? 20 A Surfing Champion - g Bis biographical account. Name: Layne Beachley Nicknames: Gidget; Beach Date of birth: 24 May 1972 Place of birth: Sydney, Australia City of residence: Northshore, Hawaii; Sydney, Australia Turned professional: 16 years old Accomplishments: — Six consecutive world titles Trademark moves: — Big wave riding Layne was adopted by Neil and Valerie Beachley at six weeks old. At the age of four, Layne's dad gave her asurfboard. She had already been skateboarding for a year prior to this, and soon discovered she was good at surfing too. Growing up in Sydney, Australia, Layne played soccer and tennis and would ride her bicycle to Manly Beach fo teach herself to surf. While in Year 10 at school, Layne entered and won the regional scholastic surfing title. She was placed among the best schoolgirl surfers of the state of New South Wales. She continued to win competitions and was placed fifth in the nationals. By the time Layne was 16, her talent and determination found her competing in professional surfing competitions around Australia. After attaining her High School Certificate, Layne spent the next four years working in up to four part-time jobs a week to save the money needed to finance her surfing ambition and to be able to compete overseas. By 20, Layne was ranked sixth in the world. She started vigorous fitness and strength training that would give her the edge over other women surfers. She continued winning competitions and achieved success in the “big wave” events, Layne would challenge nine- metre waves—the height of a three-storey building— and conquer them! Layne celebrated her 21st birthday and claimed her first World Tour victory. In 1993 and 1996, Layne was struck down by chronic fatigue syndrome. She worked hard to get well, listening to her body, trying to determine what would give her the physical and mental energy to get out of bed each day. Although Layne considered giving up surfing, she persevered and overcame the disease each time. By 1998 Layne had won five out of the 11 World Championship events. She was a major competitor, earning the most prize money a woman surfer had ever earned in one single season. Layne continued to dominate the women's surfing circuit. To date, she has won six consecutive World Championships from 1998 to 2003, a feat never achieved before by any surfer, male or female. rN One of Layne's goals has always been to promote women's surfing and to encourage girls fo pursue their dreams whether they have sporting, cultural or academic goals, In 1993, Layne created the Aim for the Stars Foundation that offers financial grants and support to girls with big dreams. Layne also runs surfing clinics and speaks publicly to young people. In 2003, Layne joined UNICEF*, helping the organisation raise awareness of the need for safe drinking water around the globe. In 2004, Layne Beachley was awarded the Australian Female Athlete of the Year. In March 2005, at age 32, Layne was the runner- up at the Margaret River Masters, in Perth, Western Australia. Layne’s 16-year career on the professional women's surfing scene continues. “United Nations Children's Fund iz the letter for the correct answer in each box. 1 How many consecutive world titles has Layne won? A One. B_ Three. Cc Four. D Six. 2 Where did Layne grow up? A In Sydney. B_ In Perth. C: In Darwin. D_ In Brisbane. Layne won her first World Tour victory in A 1972 B 1993 c 1996 D 2003 Approximately how old was Layne when she started skateboarding? A Three years old. B_ Ten years old. C Sixteen years old. D Twenty years old. Other than surfing competitively, Layne ___ and A_ promotes women’s surfing / gives away money B sells drinking water / speaks to young people C_ sells surfboards / gives away money D runs surfing clinics / speaks publicly to young people FEB nose questions. 1 How did Layne get her first surfboard? Where did Layne go to teach herself how to surf? Why did Layne have to do up to four part-time jobs a week? 4 In which year did Layne become a professional surfer? 5 What happened to Layne in 1993 and 1996? 6 What did Layne start when she was 20 to give her an edge over other female surfers? 7 What does the Aim for the Stars Foundation do? 8 What is Layne’s role in UNICEF? 9 What does Layne do besides surfing competitively? 10 What did Layne win in 2004? Answers CEEED: 4 ovo Dimension Multiple-choice questions 1B 2D 38 4A 5B Open-ended questions 1. Amazing Girl was a popular film because everyone was talking about it, 2. Carly had to ask the man because she could not find the DVD in the “New Releases” section. 3. What the man meant was that Carly would experience something extraordinary and exciting with the DVD. 4. When Carly took hold of the DVD, (@) a shimmering rainbow light surrounded her (b) a strong wind lifted her hair and rushed around her body. (©) she heard a buzzing noise. 3. Carly spun around quickly because she heard a noise behind her. 6 The robbery took place ata jewellery shop called Sparkles Jewellers. 7 The second robber stumbled over the first robber when he turned his head to see who was following him. 8 As Amazing Gin, Carly could do karate. 9 Carly was amazed because she found it hard to believe that she had the abilities of Amazing Girl and was able to stop the robbers. 10 Carly was worried about (a) how to get back! getting back to the video shop; (b) missing her birthday party. Gavin, the Gentle Giant Multiple-choice questions 1B 2D 3A 4C 5B ‘Open-ended questions 1. Gavin did not have many friends because people were scared of him. He also ‘occasionally stepped on his friends by mistake. 2. Gavin occasionally stepped on his friends ‘because he was so much taller than they were and did not notice them until it was too late, 3. Gavin made special bells for Jack so that he ‘would know where Jack was and would not step on him 4 Jack's mother was angry with Jack because he took things that did not belong to hinvhe was up to mischief again, 5 Jack’s mother held out the harp and the hen to show Gavin that she came in friendship, © Gavin was making hot cocoa that day probably because it was a chilly day and he wanted to keep warm. 7. Jack's mother punished Jack by locking him in his room to recite his times table. 8 Jack's mother tied the chicken firmly in her apron to prevent it from escaping, 9) Jack's mother was an honest and just person because she returned the harp and chicken to Gavin and apologised for what her son did. She also punished Jack for stealing Gavin's treasures. . 10 The sentence is: “Together they and Jack's mother lived happily ever after.” CEEED : The Marsh Multiple-choice questions 1A 2€ 3¢ 40 58 Open-ended questions 1. Dad decided to drive into the country because it had stopped raining after many days 2. Bev would have to put up with her father's music and the tantrums/crying of her sister Susie 3 We know that Bev and Jan constantly argued with each other because their mother pleaded with them to stop fighting for once a change. 4 Jan thought it was fun to cut across the ‘marsh as it would surprise their parents to see them coming back to the picnic spot from the opposite direction. 5. They knew that their parents would not be going home soon as they were seated comfortably in their chairs. 6 Jan did not want Bev to come near to her as she was sinking in the mud. 7 Bev felt fearful and torn between not wanting to leave her sister and knowing she had to get help fast. 8 Bev had to seek her parents’ help because she was not able to pull Jan out of the mud on her own, 9 Bev yelled frantically to them to get their attention and to urge them to rush to help. 10 Bev screamed in horror because Jan was nowhere to be seen and she probably feared ‘that Jan might have completely sunk into the mud. Os Remote Control Multiple-choice questions 1D 2 3¢€ 4D 5 Open-ended questions 1. We know that Simon Bergman produced more than one film because the reviewer varites that he has once again produced @ blockbuster. 2. Lindsay gave Blair a DVD player and a DVD for his birthday. 3. Blair realised that the main character in the film was actually he himself 4. Blair saw furniture covered in dust sheets. 5 The wind entered the dark house through cracks and under doorways. 6 The main character in the DVD film and Blair screamed because they were frightened by the sight of a ghostly figure. 7. Blair had to first press the “Stop” button to end the present adventure and then press the "Play" button to start another one. 8 When the “Rewind” button is pressed, the DVD player returns to the beginning of the same adventure and replays it from there. The “Stop” button also does not work. 8 Children will enjoy the film because ftis action-packed and involves many exiting adventures. They will also find it thrilling to watch Blair's experiences. 10 The film is called Remote Control because Blair could control his adventures by pressing ‘the "Stop" and "Play" buttons on the remote control : April Fool! ‘Multiple-choice questions 1D 2A 3¢ 40 50D ‘Open-ended questions 1. This recount was written on April Fool's Day itself, The sentence that reveals this is: “Today ‘was a Saturday and it also happened to be April Fool's Day—1 April." 2 The first thing that Dad always does on a Saturday is read the newspaper. 3. The writer set his alarm clock for 6.30 am so that he could wake up before his family die to swap the pages of the newspaper around, 4. Sophie screamed and jumped in the ait. 5. We know that Sophie was not pleased with ‘the joke because she left in a huff and went to her roorn. 6 Kelly reacted in disqust because she thought ‘that Jamie, the writer, actually put a beet! his mouth. 7. The writer stuck a note on his mother's back that read “Tickle me!”, causing her family members to tickle her. 8 The writer did not like the chocolate drink as it tasted salty 9. We know that the writer thoroughly enjoyed April Foo!s Day because he wrote that he laughed until his stomach ached. 10 although there is technically no right or wrong answer here, the reason has to be sound, Reasons that cannot be accepted include: *X is unkind because it made Jamie laugh a lot”; “X is unkind because itis fun to trick others"; "X is unkind because Jamie lost sleep trying to trick his dad”; ete. A trick is unkind if it affects the person being tricked ina bad way. A good reason should resemble the following: I think that the trick played on Sophie was unkind because it scared her and caused her to scream. Multiple-choice questions 1c 2B 3A 4C 5B A Giant Butterfly Open-ended questions 1. The birdwing butterfly lives in a small area of rainforest in Papua New Guinea. 2. The writer states that the birdwing butterfly is an “amazing animal” because itis the largest butterfly in the world. The female butterfly’s wingspan can be up to 30 centimetres. 3. The caterpillar changes into a butterfly in the cocoon. 4 Birdwing buttertlies are not often eaten by predators because the pipe vine leaves that the caterpillars eat are poisonous/they retain some of the poison the caterpillars absorbed ‘from the pine vine leaves they ate/fed on. 5. Whereas birdwing caterpillars eat the leaves of the pipe vine, birdwing butterflies feed on ‘the nectar of flowers. 6 tis difficult for us to know exactly how many birdwing butterflies there are because they ly high up among the trees (where they feed on the nectar of flowers) and rarely come to ‘the ground, and so are difficult to count. 7. Birdwing buttertlies are becoming extinct because people clear large areas of their rainforest home for farming and for houses. Some people also catch and sell the butterflies. 8 These people are able to sell birdwing butterflies for large sums of money because they are rare. 9 The government of Papua New Guinea is helping people to set up butterfly farms

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