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Name : Grade : 5 Roll No : 2022-23

Subject : English Date : Teacher’s sign

Title of the Assignment: Back to Sivrax?
Gavren bit his lip and stared at the wall. His mother and Miss Whitaker were frowning at his latest piece of writing.
Miss Whitaker turned to him. “Gavren, I don’t understand.”
“I can’t seem to help, Miss Whitaker. It just happens.” Gavren looked at the strange symbols he had written. They looked
like Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. He sighed. He couldn’t write in English anymore. Whenever he tried, this came out
“Thanks for calling this to my attention, Miss Whitaker,” said his mother. She tucked a strand of wiry purple hair back under
her beret. “Gavren and I will have a talk at home and I’ll get back to you.”
Before Miss Whitaker could reply, his mother had whisked him out of the door and towards the car. She was silent on the
drive home. When they arrived, she ushered Gavren into the living room.
“Sit down Gavren. I’ll get your father.”
Gavren swallowed. He was in more trouble than he thought. But when his mother and father walked in, their orange eyes
looked sad, not angry.
His father sat next to him “Gavren, your mother told me about your writing. We didn’t think it would happen to you for a
few more years yet.”
Gavren wrinkled his brow. “What…?”
His mother was wringing her hands. “We should have told you before now. But it was so hard.” She glanced at his father.
“Gavren, we are not Earthlings.” We are from the planet Sivrax. We came here before you were born, when Sivrax was at
war with Goblia, our closest neighbour in our solar system. We have brought you up as an Earth boy, but now that you are
growing up, it will become harder for you to fit in. You’re not going to be able to write in English anymore. Your brain will
now only let you write in Sivraxian. And there’ll be many other things you have to hide…”
“Hang on,” said Gavren. His mouth was dry. “You’re telling me I am an alien?”
“Yes,” said his father. “Haven’t you ever wondered why we all have purple hair and orange eyes?”
Gavren touched his wiry hair and thought for a moment. He had always been teased about his looks and his family.
Everyone thought he and his parents dyed their hair and wore coloured contact lenses.
“So, what happens now?” Gavren said, his mind whirling.
His father smiled sadly. “Your mother and I think we should move back to Sivrax”, he said, “But we won’t go unless you want
to. What do you think?”
A. Circle the most appropriate option for each of the questions:
1. Gavren was born _________.
a. in ancient Egypt b. on Sivrax c. on Earth d. on Goblia
2. What language was used on Sivrax?
a. Hieroglyphics b. Sivraxish c. Sivraxian d. English
3. Why did Gavren swallow hard while waiting for his parents in the living room?
a. He was tired. b. He was hungry. c. He was thirsty. d. He was worried.
4. Goblia was _________.
a. a country on Earth b. a country on Sivrax c. a planet d. ancient Egypt
5. Everyone thought that Gavren and his parents _________.
a. were aliens b. dyed their hair c. were from Sivrax d. could not write in English
B. Answer these questions on the single line paper provided:
1. Why was Miss Whittaker frowning at Gavren’s writing?
2. What did the symbols that Gavren wrote look like?
3. What did Gavren’s mother thank Miss Whittaker for?
4. Why did Gavren’s parents come to Earth?
5. How different from his friends did Gavren look?
6. Why do you think Gavren’s mother was silent while driving home?
7. What went through Gavren’s mind while he was waiting for his parents in the living room?
8. Why could Gavren no longer write in English?
9. Why do you think Gavren’s mind was whirling?
10. Do you think Gavren’s parents were able to write in English? Explain your answer.
C. Read the sentences and identify the tenses by circling the correct option:
1. Gavren bit his lip and stared at the wall.
a. Simple past tense b. Simple future tense c. Simple present tense d. Present continuous tense
2. “Gavren, I don’t understand.”
a. Simple past tense b. Simple future tense c. Simple present tense d. Present continuous tense
3. Gavren and I will have a talk at home and I’ll get back to you.
a. Simple past tense b. Simple future tense c. Simple present tense d. Present continuous tense
4. His mother was wringing at her hands.
a. Present continuous tense b. Past continuous tense c. Future continuous tense d. Simple future tense
5. Sivrax was at war with Goblia.
a. Simple past tense b. Simple present tense c. Simple future tense d. Present continuous tense
6. You are growing up.
a. Present continuous tense b. Past continuous tense c. Simple past tense d. Simple present tense

D. Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive words.

1. Their __________ color was orange. (Eyes’, Eye’s)
2. ___________ people have wiry hair. (Sivrax’, Sivrax’s)
3. Sivraxian’s language was different from the ___________ language. (Earthlings’, Earthling’s)
4. __________ neighbour was at war with them. (Goblians’, Goblians)
5. Gavren was in ___________ class. (Miss Whitaker’s, Miss Whitakers)
E. Identify, and write whether the following sentences are simple, compound or complex.
1. Before Miss Whitaker could reply, his mother had whisked him out of the door and towards the car.
2. He couldn’t write in English anymore. _______________________
3. Gavren touched his wiry hair, and thought for a moment. _____________________
4. His father smiled sadly. _______________________
5. When they arrived, she ushered Gavren into the living room. __________________
6. Everyone thought he and his parents dyed their hair, and wore coloured contact lenses. _______________________
F. Write the homophone of the underlined word, and frame a sentence using it on the single line provided.
1. His parents dyed their hair.
2. We didn’t think it would happen to you.
3. Gavren touched his wiry hair.
4. Their orange eyes looked sad.
5. Their orange eyes looked sad.
6. Miss Whitaker was frowning at his latest piece of writing.
7. But we won’t go unless you want to.
8. He was in more trouble than he thought.
9. He couldn’t write in English anymore.
10. We came here before you were born
G. Write the homonym of the underlined word, and frame a sentence using it on the single line paper provided.
1. But it was so hard.
2. We all have purple hair and orange eyes.
3. She ushered Gavren into the living room.
4. He wore coloured contact lenses.
5. We should move back to Sivrax.

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