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Student Created Meal Plan

Task Description

This task is designed to assist you in succeeding with your Nutrition Goal.

You are required to create a meal plan for 4 days

You will need to:

Plan to eat/drink each meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remembering to consider the types of meals you
have chosen. (Criterion B)

Respond to the questions (Criterion D)

Key knowledge- What am I going to be assessed on in this task?

Demonstrated understanding of planning and goal setting: Design, explain and justify plans to improve
health performance. Develop goals and apply strategies to enhance performance.

Ability to analyse the information: Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome.
Analyse and evaluate performance.

Nutrition gaol -

Meal Plan
Make sure you are specific about the food and hydration which you consume.

Meal/Fluids Day & Date: Day & Date: Day & Date: Day & Date:



Question 1:

Explain & justify two of the meals you have chosen to eat.

Question 2:

Identify three different macro-nutrients & micro nutrients within your meal plan and explain the role of these macro-
nutrient & Micro Nutrients.

Question 3: To be completed Post Event

Describe how successful/unsuccessful your plan was in assisting you in the lead up to the community event. What
might you have modified in reflection? Remember to give proof and justification of the strengths and limitations of
your plan.
Criterion B: Planning for performance
Maximum: 8
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
i. design, explain and justify plans to improve physical performance and health
ii. analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome.
Level Descriptor Task Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard described by
described by any of the descriptors below. any of the descriptors below.
The student: The student:
i. outlines a plan to improve physical i. displays information in a logical form, giving a brief
1-2 performance or health account of the meal plan.
ii. State the effectiveness of a plan based on ii. Gives a brief account of the effectiveness of a meal
the outcome. plan based on what was achieved in the end.
The student:
The student:
i. displays information in a logical form, giving a
i. constructs and outlines a plan to improve
detailed account of the plan of the meal plan.
3-4 physical performance or health
ii. Gives a detailed account using justifications to
ii. Outlines the effectiveness of a plan based
describe the effectiveness of a meal plan based on
on the outcome.
what was achieved in the end.
The student:
The student: i. produces a plan and gives a detailed account using
i. Construct and explains a plan to improve justifications to describe the meal plan.
5-6 physical performance or health ii. is able to identify parts of the plan and interprets
ii. Describes the effectiveness of a plan the relationships and information to reach
based on the outcome. conclusions about the meal plan based on what was
achieved in the end.
The student:
i. produces a plan and gives a detailed account using
The student: valid evidence to support a conclusion to describe
i. designs, explains a plan to improve the meal plan.
7-8 physical performance or health ii. is able to identify the strengths and limitations of
ii. Explain the effectiveness of a plan based the  plan and interprets the relationships and
on the outcome. information to reach conclusions about the
effectiveness of a dietary plan based on what was
achieved in the end.
Criterion D: Reflecting and improving performance
Maximum: 8
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
ii. Outline goals and apply strategies to enhance performance
iii. Explain and evaluate performance.

Level Descriptor Task Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard
The student does not reach a standard described by any
0 described by any of the descriptors
of the descriptors below.
The student:
ii. can recognise a feature of how to improve their meal
The student:
planning to enhance their development
1-2 ii. list goals to enhance performance
towards achieving their community fitness goal.
iii. Summarizes performance.
iii. gives a brief summary of their meal plan whilst trying
to achieve their community fitness goal.
The student:
The student:
ii. can give a brief summary of how to improve their meal
ii. Identifies goals to enhance
planning to enhance their development
3-4 performance
towards achieving their community fitness goal.
iii. Outlines and summarizes
iii. gives a detailed account of their meal plan whilst
trying to achieve their community fitness goal.
The student:
ii. can give a detailed account with justifications of how
The student:
to improve their meal plan to enhance their development
ii. identifies goals and applies strategies
5-6 towards achieving their community fitness goal.
to enhance performance
iii. gives a detailed account with justifications of their
iii. outlines and evaluates performance
meal planning, weighing up their strengths and
limitations to achieve their community fitness goal.
The student:
ii. can give a well planned detailed account with
justifications of how to improve their meal plan to
The student:
enhance their development towards achieving
ii. outlines goals and applies strategies to
7-8 their community fitness goal.
enhance performance
iii. gives a detailed account by breaking down
iii. explains and evaluates performance.
components and providing justifications of their meal
planning, weighing up their strengths and limitations to
achieve their community fitness goal.

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