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Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8 ISSN:


Social Studies Department, College of Social Studies Department, College of Teacher
Teacher Education, Pamantasan ng Lungsod Education, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
ng Muntinlupa, Philippines Muntinlupa, Philippines


Social Studies Department, College of
Teacher Education, Pamantasan ng Lungsod
ng Muntinlupa, Philippines

ABSTRACT: Barangay is responsible for keeping residents' records and the first-hand source of national
government information to develop programs, projects, and community services and maintain order and
stability. Information systems have been essential for organizations to operate efficiently in today's
technologically advanced environment. This study aims to 1) identify the demographic profile of the
residents, 2) assess the functionality of the barangay information system, 3) assess the user satisfaction
with the barangay information system, 4) determine the issues encountered by the residents in using the
BIS, and 5) propose process improvements in BIS. Mixed-method was used to assess the barangay
information system, purposive sampling to obtain the sample, structured interview, and close-ended survey
to gather data. One hundred (100) residents of Barangay Sucat were the respondents of the study. In
general, the BIS functionality and user satisfaction rating are positive. However, some issues were
encountered as the residents expressed their concerns about its quality. Thus, it is recommended to
maximize the use of Information and Computer Technology (ICT) and adopt more efficient dissemination
strategies. This paper’s proposed improvement is a web-based information system framework incorporating
open-data features and Short Message Service (SMS) technology for the fast delivery of information.

Keywords: information system, user satisfaction, functionality, information services, Barangay Sucat

The research and this paper would not be possible without the exceptional guidance and support of our research
adviser, Dr. Zoren Gubalane. His passion, expertise, and thorough attention to detail have inspired us and kept
our work on track, from the formulation of survey questions to the final draft of this paper. Dr. Marites Tagulao, our
research professor at the College of Teacher Education, has also looked over the first draft of our research title and
objectives. Dr. Edsel Umali, Dr. Fermae Tamayao, Professor Glorynor Navarro, Ms. Jenelyn Bait, Mr. Cyrus
Esguerra, and Mrs. Audepaz Benitez, our notable professors at the College of Teacher Education - Pamantasan
ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, have provided insightful comments in the outline of the study. The unwavering support
of Barangay Sucat officials in providing necessary data and assistance. The dedication of Project PEN staff with
the manuscript preparation and finalization. The generosity and expertise of everyone have improved this study in
numerous ways. Above all, the guidance and blessings of our Almighty God. For that, we are beyond grateful.

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

Introduction contributed to the

GUIDELINES FOR continuing advancement of all
IS (Information System) is the collection of classes of industry. Nevertheless, some sectors
technical and human resources dedicated to today seem
to be your researchintitle/study
left behind adopting the use of
 Discuss your study
providing storage, computing, distribution and various techniques to facilitate progress on their
 Review of Related articles/studies to
communication of information necessary for all or part (Martinez et al., 2019). Despite the concerted
your research
part of an organization (Rouse, 2015). As the basic efforts in providing information services, the
 Discuss your independent variable
political unit, Barangay Sucat serves as the residentsand cite
stillrelatedexperience misinformation
literature or studies
primary planning and implementing unit of (Tagliabue et. al.,
 Discuss your 2020). Barangay
dependent Sucat
variable and is one of
government policies, plans, programs, projects, the mostcitedeveloped and progressive
related literature or studies barangay in
and activities in the community. It is a highly  State your research aim and an information
Muntinlupa City. It has adopted
urbanized residential/industrial area with several system that collects, stores, analyzes, and uses
high-rise residential properties and commercial data for planning, development of government
establishments. programs, emergency disaster preparedness; to
monitor crime and enhance the safety and security
According to Campbell (2017), there are a
of the residents.
variety of specific difficulties in engaging with
However, the persistent concern on
urban communities, initially because urban
information dissemination to the residents is
populations are highly mobile and diverse. In
undeniable and limits citizen participation.
addition, several urban response surveys have
Improving the information system of the barangay
revealed that poor communication is a serious
is part of the commitment to enhance the quality of
issue, specifically because information competes
service directed towards the development of the
with several sources in urban areas and rumors
community. Thus, this paper aims to assess the
abound. To deal with environmental uncertainty
functionality and user satisfaction of Barangay
and enhance decision making, organizations need
Sucat’s Information System. Specifically, the
quality information. Thus, this paper utilized the
objectives of the study are (1) to identify the
Organizational Information Processing Theory
demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
(OIPT), first defined by Galbraith (1974, as cited in
age, gender, and level of awareness; (2) to assess
Mayer & Krauter, 2019), which describes how the
the functionality of Barangay Sucat’s Information
organization's structure should respond to
System through the Barangay Chairman or its
uncertainty in order to achieve optimum efficiency.
representative; (3) to assess the satisfaction of the
Moreover, the study on the resident's residents with the barangay information system in
satisfaction that involves a comparison of prior carrying out information; (4) to determine the
expectations with observed performance paved issues encountered by the residents on the
the way to the utilization of Expectation Theory of barangay information system; and (5) to propose
Oliver (1977, as cited in Huang, 2015), wherein the process improvements on Barangay Information
user's perception of overall satisfaction results System.
from a comparison between expectation and
outcome performance of barangay information Methodology
system. During the pandemic, there’s even a This paper aims to assess the Barangay
stronger demand for barangays to disseminate Information System of Barangay Sucat as a tool in
credible information, as they play a vital role in the the processing and dissemination of information
campaign versus the COVID 19 (Labella, 2020). with its constituents. Mixed-method was employed
The development of technology has significantly to evaluate the functionality and user satisfaction

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

of the barangay information system. An interview Figure 1 revealed that the majority of the
with the barangay secretary was conducted to respondents are 18-28 years old. This age bracket
assess the functionality of the Barangay  State
is also the research
known approachadults that need
as emerging
Information System. The functionality includes the  Statesupport
substantial the methods of data collection
to navigate the transition (to
data input, process, information output and and analysis
stable adulthood) successfully (Wood et al., 2018).
feedback loop. Aside from the interview, a survey Such support
the methods used; must
information be
provided by the
supported with related literature
questionnaire was developed to measure the family and the community.
 State the sample design and sample
resident's satisfaction with the Barangay
Information System by utilizing the dimensions of 1.2. Gender
 Statistical Treatment used
user satisfaction (Kalankesh et. al., 2019). The
instrument also gathers data on the issues Male
encountered by the residents in using BIS. 40%
Specifically, the questionnaire was divided into LGBTQIA+
six parts which are (1) demographic profile (age,
gender, level of awareness), (2) system quality, (3)
information quality, (4) service quality, (5)
perceived usefulness, and (6) comments and Figure 2. Respondents’ profile in terms of gender
suggestions to the dimensions of user satisfaction
with information system. The researchers used Figure 2 reveals that the majority of the
purposive sampling in selecting the respondents respondents are female. Accordingly, the study of
for the survey. The questionnaires were distributed Gran (2019) revealed that the role of women in
through Google forms to one hundred (100) urban labor has risen exponentially in recent
residents of Barangay Sucat. decades. Their formal and informal work can
transform the community from a relatively
autonomous society into a participant in the
Results and Discussion national economy.
The research findings revealed the social reality  Restate your research
1.3. Level of Awareness
that provides answers and explanations to the questions/objectives/statement of
study objectives. The data below presents the problem
11% 13%
information relative to the assessment of  Present the results/findings Strongly
Barangay Information System’s functionality and chronologically based on studyAware
user satisfaction. objectives/Statement of the Moderately
76% Aware
1. Demographic Profile  Discuss the results/findings Not Aware
1.1. Age  Cite related articles/studies to the
2% 5%1%
18-28  May include graphs, figures, tables,
Figure 3.diagrams, etc. profile in terms of level of
29-39 awareness
 Ensure that barangay
to the information system
all graphs/figures/tables
92% are properly labelled
51-59 Figure 3 reveals that the majority of the residents
are moderately aware of the barangay information
system. This clearly shows an acceptable
Figure 1. Respondents’ profile in terms of age

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

awareness level, likewise in the study of Wehn & mentioned that the barangay officials play
Almomani (2019) indicates that the citizens' significant roles in distributing information to their
involvement in the Shared Environmental target beneficiaries. A Full Disclosure Board
Information System paved the way for greater exhibits the budget policies, project financial
awareness and enhanced community statements, and partner agencies that assist the
stewardship. Furthermore, community services rendered. He also noted how the social
participation is an essential factor to the increased media platform helped the residents to identify the
awareness of the information system. community programs, policies, and
announcements. During the pandemic, the
2. Functionality Assessment of Barangay barangay was advised to rely only on credible
Information System sources such as WHO, DOH, IATF, and the City
Government accredited FB page in distributing
As to the functionality of the Barangay Information information to the public. He further added, "Every
System, the following were the presented day, the social media provides updates on
responses of the Barangay Secretary to the important events in the barangay. For those who
questions asked in the interview. In the question of don't have access, the community volunteer
applying the context of the information system in leaders and organization officers are assisting.
Barangay Sucat, Mr. Lopena (Barangay
Secretary) said that it is a public trust. As a public The social media platform of the barangay that
official, he recognized the important role of the is used to disseminate information also provides
barangay as the primary planning and opportunities for residents to ask, comment and
implementing unit of government policies, plans, give suggestions that form part of their enhanced
programs, projects, and activities in services to the public. The comments and
the community. The residents' records are vital for suggestions were used to improve the service of
every community. When gathering data, the the barangay. He mentioned that as of now, their
barangay secretary stated that part of the protocol Facebook page has almost 12,000 followers.
is to explain to the residents the importance and Assuming that either one or two residents follow
purpose of the data to be obtained. the page, the updates & announcement will be
much easier to reach others in the area. However,
The collected data will then be encoded in he also recognized that social media are prone to
the database by the barangay secretary. From hacking. For instance, the FB page of a barangay
there, the barangay determines the population in councillor was hacked, the said account was active
terms of gender, age, jobs, and much more. in sharing and reporting updates in the
Records were used for easy identification, but it community. Similarly, the results of the study
also serves as their basis for planning and (Cimene, 2019) showed the vital role of ICT in the
implementing projects and programs. The effective distribution of services that would
barangay secretary manages the updating and contribute to people's common good. Moreover,
retrieval of data from the database. In encoding the principles of good governance encourage the
information, he stated that "sometimes it takes use of ICT in serving the people.
time because we lack manpower; also, the
information is changing thereupon there's a need
for updates." When the barangay secretary
described the dissemination of information, he

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

3. User Satisfaction with Barangay 4. Issues Encountered in using the Barangay

Information System Information System
Table 1. Dimensions of User Satisfaction Results Table 2. Issues encountered by residents in
using the BIS and offered solutions
System Quality 3.69 S 2
Issues/Concerns ● Slow updates
Information Quality 3.56 S 3 ● Unsatisfactory
Service Quality 3.37 MS 4
Suggestion/Possible Maximize the use
Perceived Usefulness 3.73 S 1
Solution of social media by
AVERAGE providing reliable,
3.59 S
complete and
0 – 1.49 = Very Dissatisfied 1.5- 2.49 = Dissatisfied valuable
2.5 – 3.49 = Moderately Satisfied 3.5 – 4.49 = Satisfied
4.5 – 5 = Very Satisfied


Table 1 presents the dimensions of user Issues/Concerns ● Use of English

satisfaction result revealing a satisfied rate with the language
barangay information system. This clearly ● Inadequate
indicates that the system was able to meet the ● Vague
information needs of the residents. However, ● Confusing
service quality having the lowest average mean of
Suggestion/Possible Make it more
3.37 showed the concern on the capability of the
Solution simple and
information officer to deliver information and
respond to the needs, queries and comments of
the community. SERVICE QUALITY

Accordingly Masri et al. (2019) states that

Issues/Concerns ● Delayed service
service quality on multi-communication ● Slow Response
mechanisms enables the user to have their ● Doesn’t
accommodate all
complaints responded to in a timely manner. In
addition, service quality measures the difference
between what the residents’ feelings and needs Suggestion/Possible Improve the
and what is offered accordingly to fulfill residents’ Solution responsiveness in
expectations. These data help in illustrating the distributing
amount of attention that barangay have given in information
accordance to the dimensions of user satisfaction especially in this
and identify areas of improvement. setting with

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

Table 2 shows the concerns expressed by the GUIDELINES

system. TheFORinformation
CONCLUSION: system of Barangay
residents with their experience in Barangay Sucat is primarily focused on the collection,
 Present conclusions chronologically
Information System relative to the dimensions of storing, analysis and use of data for project and
based on each research question/
user satisfaction. While the study directly explores programobjective/
and implementation.
of the problemIt adopts a
the issues encountered in BIS, several computer-based
 It may be indatabase as its
numerical order, storage, and
respondents mentioned that even though the disseminates information
form, or paragraph form through barangay
information system is good, they believe that officials, volunteer community leaders, and social
there's still room for further development. The media.
existing information system of Barangay Sucat,
received an overall satisfied rating from its Despite the concerted efforts to provide
residents as the barangay officials and its staff are quality service, the barangay recognizes the need
observed to be doing their best in providing quality for manpower and training of officials to adapt to
service. However, despite these efforts, there are the changing environment and needs of the
still some factors that need improvement. community. In the assessment of satisfaction on
the barangay information system, the accumulated
Likewise, several studies have developed data revealed that the residents are satisfied with
an information system that can automate the the information system (system quality,
record-keeping process of the barangay. While it information quality, perceived usefulness) wherein
becomes beneficial to the residents and the majority of the respondents expressed service
barangay, an immediate dissemination of quality as a concern. Despite obtaining an overall
information is still an issue. The study findings of rating of "satisfied," some residents still encounter
Almalki (2017) indicate that the management issues using the barangay information system.
aspect is an influential variable in the Recognizing the barangay's efforts to strengthen
implementation of the information system while its information services, the residents believe that
providing further evidence that there is a lack of some of its processes could still improve. The
coordination between IT and industry at the respondents do not just report issues, but they also
institutional level and in upper management. present suggestions on how the barangay could
Similarly, the issues encountered with BIS could provide their information needs with emphasis
be solved by building a stronger connection and given to consider the residents in middle age.
collaboration between the barangay and residents.
It is to align the information needs of the residents
with system priorities. Recommendations
Assessing the government initiatives on the
efficiency of providing information needs is
important in maintaining a sustainable, safe and
Efficient information system holds considerable peaceful community especially now with the
advantages in processing and disseminating pandemic. While the satisfaction with the
information in the community. This paper information system is reasonably good, there is a
concludes that the majority of the respondents are growing concern on maximizing the use of
at the emerging adult stage with ages ranging from technology to respond to the needs of the
18-28 years old. Most of them were female and are community. For the barangay officials, providing
moderately aware of the barangay information access to training programs particularly

Behind the Truth Social Science Research Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp: 1-8

GUIDELINES the service quality indicators - along
FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Cimene, F.T. (2019). Digital Divide in Urban Barangay
Governance and Its Policy and Research
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 May chronologically present Implications. International Journal of Innovative
systems - should be adopted. There could also be Research and Development, 8(3). DOI:
recommendation based on each
a core group of individuals trained and committed 10.24940/ijird/2019/v8/i3/MAR19020
research question/ objective/
to the fast dissemination
statement of reliable information, if
of the problem Gran, M. (2019, March 8). The global role of women -
 It with
may betechnical competency.
in numerical order, bullet Moreover, caretakers, conscience, farmers, educators, and
community information and
form, or paragraph form education drive must entrepreneurs. Global Volunteers.
also be Maytaken to instil the different
enumerate the beneficiaries of policies
implemented in the community.
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statements for each of them Huang, H.H. (2015). The Probability Model of Expectation
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