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Abegail P.



A Chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances, also called reactants, are converted
to one or more different substances, known as products. ... A chemical reaction rearranges the
constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.

Corrosion Control

Corrosion control refers to measures that are implemented in various fields to control corrosion in

The chemical reactions that take place in corrosion processes are reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions.
Such reactions require a species of material that is oxidized (the metal), and another that is reduced (the
oxidizing agent). Thus the complete reaction can be divided into two partial reactions: one, oxidation;
the other, reduction. In oxidation, the metal loses electrons. The zone in which this happens is known as
the anode. In the reduction reaction, the oxidizing agent gains the electrons that have been shed by the
metal, and the zone in which this happens is the cathode.

Corrosion processes not only influence the chemical properties of a metal but also generate changes in
its physical properties and its mechanical behavior. This is why the effects of corrosion are manifested in
a variety of forms.Some other forms of corrosion are stress corrosion cracking, galvanic corrosion,
selective alloy breakdown, intergranular corrosion, fatigue, friction, erosion, cavitation, hydrogen
enbrittlement, biocorrosion, and high temperature oxidation.

Fire Control

Fire is a chemical reaction in which energy in the form of heat is produced. When forest fuels burn,
there is a chemical combination of the oxygen in the air with woody material, pitch and other burnable
elements found in the forest environment. This process in known as Combustion.The heat generated by
the reaction is what sustains the fire. The heat of the flame will keep remaining fuel at ignition
temperature. The flame ignites gases being emitted, and the fire spreads. As long as there is enough fuel
and oxygen, the fire keeps burning.The heat generated by the reaction is what sustains the fire. The heat
of the flame will keep remaining fuel at ignition temperature. The flame ignites gases being emitted, and
the fire spreads. As long as there is enough fuel and oxygen, the fire keeps burning.

Fuel + oxygen (from the air) = combustion products (mainly CO2 + H2O) + heat energy.
Food processing and preservation

Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of
food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food
products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer.

The Chemical reaction that involved to this was temperature. Decreasing temperature decreases the
energy of the molecules. The molecules collide less, resulting in fewer reactions. When we cool our food
to preserve it, we are slowing down reaction rates. In general, rate of reaction increases with increasing
temperature.It is often called nonenzymatic browning reaction since it takes place in the absence of
enzyme. When foods are being processed or cooked at high temperature, chemical reaction between
amino acids and reducing sugars leads to the formation of Maillard reaction products (MRPs).

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