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MÔN THI: VIẾT 1 Ban hành lần: 05
KỲ THI: Quá trình 2
NĂM HỌC: 2021 - 2022 Hiệu lực từ ngày: 07/01/2019
Ngày: 17/11/2021 Nhóm: N15
Họ và tên SV: Sơn Vũ Thiên MSSV: 02100913 STT:

CÁN BỘ CHÁM THI ĐIỂM BÀI THI (thang điểm 10) Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2
Ghi bằng số Ghi bằng chữ


1. Hiking is the best way to explore nature closely.
2. My uncle had a frightening experience as a young man.
3. Text messaging has become popular among teenagers.
4. Effective time management requires four steps.
5. College students drop classes for three reasons.
6. There are four steps to finding a cheap airline ticket online.
7. Video games can benefit children.
8. The government can encourage people to recycle by taking the following steps.
9. Many years ago, a special gift came to me in an interesting way.
10. I am an organized person.
11. Twenty Questions is an easy game to play when you are travelling.
12. Tea and coffee are very different from each other.
13. People should not buy expensive car.
14. It is easy to get a sports injury.
15. My city is famous because of its architecture.
16. There are some very specific differences between my part of the world and western countries.
17. I experienced a strange coincidence last year.
18. I like several things about my English class.
19. The Internet can be incredibly useful if you know how to use it.
20. My grandmother has a lot of respect in our community.

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1. The purpose: Explain

State the beneficial effects causes make hiking is the best way to explore nature closely.

The concluding: Finally, hiking is effective way for people can immerse themselves and explore nature


2. The purpose: Narrate.

Narrate my uncle's frightening experience as a young man.

The concluding: Therefore, maybe it's an experience that my uncle will never forget in his life.

3. The purpose: Explain.

Explain the reasons cause text messaging become is popular among teenagers.

The concluding: It is clear that, text messaging has become an indispensable tool for teenagers in modern


4. The purpose: Provide the steps in a process.

List the steps of effective time management.

The concluding: In conclusion, to have effective time management try to train ourselves according to the

above steps we will have a timetable that suits life.

5. The purpose: Explain

Explain the reasons make college students drop classes.

The concluding: The reasons see that college students drop a class is inevitable when life becomes

increasingly harsh.

6. The purpose: Provide the steps in a process.

List the steps finding a cheap airline ticket online.

The concluding: In conclusion, to find cheap flight tickets online, follow all the steps above will surely

save a small amount of money on myself.

7. The purpose: Demonstrate.

Demonstrate that video games can benefit children.

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The concluding: The evidence suggests that, the fact that children play video games is extremely

beneficial for comprehensive development in children.

8. The purpose: Provide the steps in a process.

List the steps helps the government can encourage people to recycle.

The concluding: In conclusion, let's take the recycling steps that the government has encouraged for a

green, clean, beautiful environment.

9. The purpose: Narrate.

Narrate the moment a special gift came to me in an interesting way.

The concluding: As a result, to this day I still can't forget that special gift that came to me in such an

exciting way wonderful gift.

10. The purpose: Demonstrate

Demonstrate let others believe I am an organized person.

The concluding: Therefore, the organization is an integral part of my life that's how I charter my own

path to success.

11. The purpose: Explain.

Explain why Twenty Question is an easy game to play when you are travelling.

The concluding: In conclusion, Twenty Question is a fairly easy game suitable for traveling.

12. The purpose: Compare.

To compare the difference between tea and coffee.

The concluding: In short, tea and coffee are two great-tasting drinks, depending on the perspective of

each person.

13. The purpose: Explain

Explain the reasons should not buy expensive car.

The concluding: Therefore, instead of buying an expensive car we can save that money and use it for

better purposes.

14. The purpose: Explain.

To explain the reasons why easy to get a sports injury.

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The concluding: It is clear that, sports injuries are inevitable, so we should take appropriate measures to

limit injury when playing sports.

15. The purpose: Demonstrate.

Demonstrate how famous my city because of its architecture.

The concluding: In conclusion, my city is wonderful it is a combination of ancient architecture that

creates a famous feature for the city.

16. The purpose: Compare

To compare the difference between my part of the world and western countries.

The concluding: Therefore, it's difficult to compare my part of the world and western countries it

depends on how each person feels.

17. The purpose: Narrate

To narrate I experienced a strange coincidence last year.

The concluding: Therefore, I will never forget the coincidence that happened the day it was the most

impressive experience of my life.

18. The purpose: Explain

Explain things I like about English class.

The concluding: Finally, I feel like several things here it's been a pleasure to learn in this exciting

English class.

19. The purpose: Demonstrate.

To demonstrate the internet incredibly useful if you know how to use it.

The concluding: Thus, internet will be a useful tool if know how to use it properly in accordance with the

purposes and requirements of users.

20. The purpose: Explain

Explain the reasons make my grandmother has a lot of respect in our community.

The concluding: Indeed, my grandmother is a very wonderful person maybe that's why my grandmother

is so respected in our community.

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