Authentic Networking

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Authentic Networking

1. What are your real passions?

:- I love creating aesthetic loooking things it can be photos cinematic videos or web design and i have all those skills with
great understanding of all of them

2. What bursts Your heart wide open?

I don’t give shit about material success for myself I don’t want anything except a black or Red THAR, but Being able to
provide my family and they have all the material success and after some level of material success help some kids with high
quality skills or education

3. What really gets you moving?

Same being able to achive material success and get whatever my family want

4. What is your MTP (massive transformative purpose)

I want to earn enough so I can help a lot of kids to have great education.

5. Idendify the who(who you want to impact)

I want to impact my family first because I want a better life for them, so they can impact others life too.

6. identify the what (what problem do you want to solve)

I want to provide services that can provide everything from aesthetics branding and marketing and looks like I’m getting
expert on eeach area

task :- 1) Come up with Your MTP 2) Think about your why

Week 1 day 1
The question Who.

You don’t have to be born within that relationship YOU HAVE TO CREATE THOSE RELATIONSHIP

It’s all about people

*Task :- reflect back on your life, who were the people who helped me.

Write those name down.

1. Papa

2. mummy

3. Rakesh Chacha

4. Ram Singh Uncle (USA)

5. SS singh uncle

Authentic Networking 1
6. Chinu Bhaiya.

Be grateful

Week 1 day 2
Intimacy and generosity

porous (make somebody sponge ) make them open to you

how you make them feel

show up early

if you want people to focus on you, You have to lead with generosity

intimacy + generosity = porousity

always ask how can I help you? (don’t ask anything in return)

generosity pyramid :

basic level

1) Universal currency (compliment, showing admiration)

2) professional currency (offering extraordinary quality service/product )

3) personal Currency (help somebody personally(with their family)

intimacy :- Be authentic (what’s going on there life personally and proffesionally)


1. Open porosity with somebody

* lead with intimacy and generosity

Activate Intimacy - Open up and get closer to ?

Activate generosity - who would you be of service to

Choose a person you can talk to this about

Week 1 day3
Come up with personalized generosity strategy

Five packets of generosity (what you have to offer in the pyramid of genrosity).
What 5 things I can do to make that person successful and serve them. how you can help them. (follow currency wheel):-

1. professional growth

2. Financial Success

3. Health and wellness

4. Deep relationship (children & family member )

5. Intellectual stimulation

6. Spirituality

7. Phylanthrophy (deep causes , giving back to the society)

Task ➖
1. Identify somebody critical to you achieving your success. ( 1. dumpy 2. Rakesh Chacha 3. Schbang founders )

2. Identify the five packet of generosity for each individual.

1. Professional Success :- Rakesh chacha dumpy and schbang founders 2. Financial


Authentic Networking 2
week 1 day 4
Networking is not a piece of pie which will end by giving a piece

How not to be a Networking Jerk( Reflect On it are you doing this)

1. Don’t schmooze (Don’t try to impress them)

2. Don’t gossip and don’t engage

3. Never Come up empty handed

4. Don’t treat people around you poorly

5. Be transparent

6. Don’t be too efficiant

Self limiting believe

1. Don’t assume they are too busy , Just ask them wirh 5 packet of generosity and see things

2. I just wait till I see her next()

3. This feels fake

4. Why would they want to know me

5. This is just soft stuff


1. Get honest with yourself

What networking jerking and self limiting believe that you have done in the past

Week 1 Day 5
Tips to improve Communication

1. Practice

Forms of Communication

1. Digital Communication

2. Physical meetings

How to practice your communication

1. In front of the mirror

2. Read books

3. Listen

4. Johari Window (Match there style According to there Energy)

5. Learn to read Non- Verbal Ques

6. Just be yourself


1. Conduct a dialogue With a person

2. Follow all the tips

week 1 bonus day 6

How to network Digitally

1. power of Fringe (Don’t know personally) What is your fringe ?

2. Become a content king

Authentic Networking 3
3. Put your toe on the water

4. Pinging (show up and be in touch stay in radar)

5. Take small break

6. Schedule the timing

Mission for today

1. Apply all the learning to be authentic on digital

2. Have some fun and play with the digital media

Week 2 Day 7
RAP (Relationship Action Plan)

step 1: -

Lets Get Focused

1. What is your MTP?

2. Translate Your MTP in 6 months Action Plan

SMART Goal Settings***

1. Specific :- Straight forward & clear

2. Measurable: To determine success

3. Attainable:- Is it still in reach?

4. Relavant :- Realastic

5. Time Bound

Create the Sub Goals

Mission For today.

1. Pick a Very specific Six month SMART goal that is aligned to your MTP.

2. Break that down Into three Subgoals.

week 2 Day 8
who do we target ?(step 2)
There are three dimention of target list

1. Types and segment of individual

2. The priorities of individuals a ,b & c’s

3. The metrics of progress thst degtermines how we are strengthening our relationship with those individuals.

Dimentions #1 Type & Segments (questions to ASK)

1. Who are the groups of individuals that I should build a relationship with in order to achieve that particular subgoal?

2. What kind of people i need to achieve those subgoals?

Dimentions #2 priorities (questions to ASK)

1. A level priorities individuals are absolutely crucial for achieving the goal.

2. B level priorities are important contacts.

3. C level priorities is you fringe network.

Dimentions #2 Relationship Quality (Give Your Network Score according to this)

-1 Strained Relationship

Authentic Networking 4
0 Aspirational Contact

1 Contact Aware Of you

2 Engaged Individual
3 Deep Relationship

Category individual Name priorities(ABC) Relationship Quality

week 2 Day 9
section for outreach

research is really important for A & B’s and C’s are important but not that Important keep them into the fringe

Targeting to A people

1. spend 70-80% of your outreach time on A’s

2. focus on most high priority individuals

3. Get a place where you are having a real conversation with every A on regular basis

4. Have consistance Pinging with A’s

5. Develop a more intimate connection.

6. if you don’t know that person very well then do that research.

Targeting to B people

1. You may want to group your B-target together to meet.

2. 10-15% of your attention should be allocated to B’s

3. have a pinging strategy

Preparing for meeting

1. Warming the cold call (5 packet of generocity with a introduction)

2. Do your homework (5 packet of generocity)

3. Manage the gatekeeper (so important)

4. Be well prepared

5. Follow up or fail

6. pinging


creating the meeting strategy

week 2 day 10
creating instant intemacy
1. Think in advance how you will treat them 60sec-1 min

2. 60 sec to 2 min of interaction

a. positive energy

b. projecting positive thoughts

c. A smile on your face

d. adjusted johari window

Authentic Networking 5
The Art of small talk

navigate the small talk

And how to make small talks more deep:- Follow the FORD

1. Family (struggels , possitive,negative , children , husband, pets )

2. Occupation (Deeper talk on the topic of work (What kind of problem they face, and how smooth its going ))

3. Recreation

4. Dreams

Personal Proffesional checkins

what the most important personally and proffesionally

Transaction →>> Small Talk →>> Deep Talk →>> Real Intimacy

Another set of intimacy Tips

1. Find something that makes you care about the individuals

2. Be vulnerable (share struggle of past, what might keeping you up in nights these days, what you thinking about the future)

3. Come Prepared to be interesting


1. do a professional personal check ins

2. schedule a conversation witha acquaintance or a friend at work

Week 2 Day 11
Candor and accountibility

candor - the quality of being honest and telling the truth, especially about a difficult subject. Key to
candor is to take small risk.

key to candor is to take small risk

1. High productive relationships, that are truly co-elevating each other, have candor and accountability.

2. Candor needs to be fluid. It's not an excuse to be a jerk

3. A great accountability partner is someone:● You feel safe and intimate with● Who delivers generously

Task for today

Identify one individual who is going to be your accountability buddy in the Tribe orchoose somebody external who is willing to
do it with you.

Day 15 - Building Your Personal Brand

1. You personally are a brand with brand attributes.

2. Manage your brand by thinking about it, positioning and exporting it to the people thatyou have in your RAP.

3. Use Keith’s five tips to build and manage your brand:

Get clear on the space that your brand occupies.

Think about your brand today and in the future.

Develop your story based on your backstory.

Think about how your backstory connects to who you are today.

Get clear on what you have to offer others.


Authentic Networking 6
1. Follow Keith’s five tips to build and manage your brand

2. Stand in front of a mirror and practice.

Day 16 - Creating Your Learning network

You can create access to the most powerful, interestin

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