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Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

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Active travel for active ageing in China: The role of built environment T
a,b a,⁎ a b b b,c,d
Long Cheng , Xuewu Chen , Shuo Yang , Zhan Cao , Jonas De Vos , Frank Witlox
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, Southeast University, Si Pai Lou #2, Nanjing 210096, China
Department of Geography, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S8, Ghent 9000, Belgium
Department of Geography, University of Tartu, Vanemuise 46, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing 210016, China


Keywords: China has been witnessing prominent demographic ageing because of its sustained low fertility (one-child
Older people policy) and mortality rates. In 2017, nearly one in four elderly adults in the world live in China. The rapid
Active travel increase of the elderly population is supposed to dramatically influence the urban and transportation system.
Built environment Active travel plays an important role for the ageing Chinese population to sustain their mobility and wellbeing.
Socio-cultural norms
To provide suitable policy implications for age-friendly travel environments in China, this study investigates how
Nanjing (China)
the built environment affects active travel behavior. Particularly, we explore the influences of built environment
on daily active travel frequency and time expenditure while taking into account travel attitudes. A zero-inflated
ordered probit model and a Cox proportional hazards model are respectively estimated based on the Nanjing
Travel Survey data. Results show that the social and cultural contexts exert pronounced impacts on the travel
pattern of Chinese older people. Specifically, it is found that the living pattern of co-residence, and the proximity
to market, park/square, and chess/card room are influential in shaping active travel patterns. In addition, the
built environment shows larger effects on the active travel behavior of older adults than on that of young people.
Attitudes towards active travel are not significant in explaining the senior's travel behavior, indicating limited
self-selection effects. The findings will offer insights to establish effective and appropriate land use strategies and
public facility distribution for the elderly during the Chinese urban renewal process.

1. Introduction primary means of transportation for elderly people, especially those

living in large cities. For instance, active modes account for 76% of the
Demographic ageing has become a pervasive societal phenomenon seniors' daily trips in Beijing; and the percentage in Shanghai,
in most countries, and China is no exception. Because of the sustained Shenzhen, Nanjing are 73%, 79%, and 72%, respectively (Cheng et al.,
low fertility (one-child policy) and mortality rates, the population in 2017a, 2017b; Zhang, 2015). Active travel is essential for the Chinese
China is ageing at a notably high rate. The share of people aged 60 and elderly to engage in civic and social life, such as participating in com-
above in China has increased substantially from 6.7% to 17.3% during munity activities and pursuing human interactions. This contrasts with
the past two decades. In 2017, nearly one in four elderly adults in the western countries, particularly the US and Europe, where car and/or
world live in China (United Nations, 2017). According to the State public transport are the major means of transportation for the elderly
Council of China (2017), the proportion of elderly people is projected to (Buehler and Pucher, 2012). Additionally, the physical activities pro-
reach 25% (i.e., 0.36 billion people) in 2030. Evidently, the foreseeable vided by walking and cycling are effective ways to reduce obesity, high
rapid growth of the ageing population raises great challenges for urban blood pressure, and other age-related risks of chronic diseases, leading
planners, transportation operators and officials to adjust/coordinate the to healthier people and lower health care costs. Recent studies also
spatial strategies (Szeto et al., 2017). The special and complicated show that compared to people traveling by car or transit, people who
travel patterns of older people have to be considered while offering walk or cycle evaluate their trips in a more positive way (De Vos et al.,
travel options (Alsnih and Hensher, 2003). 2016). This travel satisfaction, in turn, enhances life satisfaction
Active travel plays an important role for the Chinese ageing popu- through the activities performed at the trip destinations (De Vos et al.,
lation to sustain mobility, maintain physical health, and ensure the 2013).
quality of life. In China, active modes – walking or cycling – are the Active ageing proposed by the World Health Organization (2002) is

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (X. Chen), (Z. Cao), (J. De Vos), (F. Witlox).
Received 4 September 2018; Received in revised form 19 November 2018; Accepted 24 March 2019
0966-6923/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

the process of optimizing options for health, participation, and security environment. The household structure also matters for senior's travel
to improve the quality of life as people are getting old. It has been behavior. The elderly in larger families tend to walk, cycle and take
demonstrated to be closely linked with travel behavior (Nordbakke and public transport remarkably more than those in smaller families
Schwanen, 2015). Banister and Bowling (2004) decomposed the con- (Mercado and Páez, 2009). Hess (2009), examining the impacts of
cept of quality of life for a better understanding of the meaning of household type, uncovered that the single elderly are more inclined to
wellbeing for older people. Their findings reveal that transportation and travel by public transport.
the potential to travel are key elements. Pettersson and Schmöcker In addition to the effects of socio-demographics, the role of built
(2010) also confirmed the strong connection between travel behavior environment on the elderly's mode choice is also important. A number
and active ageing. of key built environment attributes have been identified to exert pro-
It is believed that active travel, the most important means of nounced influences, for instance building density, land-use mixture,
transportation for the Chinese elderly, is essential for active ageing. dedicated infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, proximity to fa-
Against this backdrop, the objective of this study is to identify factors cilities, and transportation provisions (Kim and Ulfarsson, 2004; Mifsud
which significantly affect the elderly's decisions for active travel so as to et al., 2017; Schwanen et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2017). The elderly's
propose suitable policies for improving mobility, physical health, and travel mode choice behavior can be explained by five categories of built
well-being. In particular, we highlight the impacts of built environment environment characteristics, i.e., 5Ds: density, diversity, design, desti-
characteristics which may provide spatial strategies to adjust the land nation accessibility and distance to public transport (see, for instance,
use, facility distribution, and transportation provisions. As a measure of Ewing and Cervero, 2010).
active travel pattern, this paper pivots on travel frequency and daily
travel time. 2.1.1. Density
This study contributes to the existing literature in different aspects: Higher density has been demonstrated to decrease the probability of
1) uncover the active travel pattern of Chinese residents in different age driving (Figueroa et al., 2014; Kim and Ulfarsson, 2004), and support
cohorts; 2) investigate the determinants of daily active travel frequency public transport use (Böcker et al., 2017). Older people living in sub-
and time expenditure of the elderly, while placing emphasis on their urbs rely more on cars and perform more car trips than those who live
relations with Chinese socio-cultural norms; 3) compare the active in highly dense neighborhoods (Hanson and Hildebrand, 2011). In
travel pattern and its influencing factors between the elderly and young dense environments, good infrastructural conditions and short average
adults. distances to destinations facilitate walking and cycling for seniors, and
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 re- in particular those without cars (Kemperman and Timmermans, 2009).
views the existing literature on the influencing factors of senior's travel Nonetheless, some studies have revealed that living in high-density area
mode choice and presents an overview of the Chinese socio-cultural adversely impacts perceived safety – the elderly feel insecure in high-
norms which might affect travel behavior. This is followed by the data density areas than do young people (Böcker et al., 2017; Figueroa et al.,
collection and methodology adopted in Section 3 and Section 4 re- 2014). This, in turn, decreases the likelihood of walking and cycling
spectively. Section 5 illustrates the model estimation results and dis- and increases the use of public transport or cars.
cusses the determinants of active travel. Finally, in Section 6, our main
conclusions are drawn and future avenues for research are suggested. 2.1.2. Diversity
Neighborhoods with mixed use of residential and commercial op-
2. Literature review portunities encourage public transport use for the elderly (Currie and
Delbosc, 2010). Living in mixed-use neighborhoods also results in fewer
2.1. Determinants of senior's travel mode choice car trips (Mercado and Páez, 2009). Building diversity positively affects
active travel. A possible explanation could be the physical or spatial
Having access to various travel modes (e.g., walking, cycling, car or proximity to different facilities because of mixed land use, which makes
public transport) exerts important and positive effects on active ageing walking and cycling a feasible option, especially for the older adults
(Banister and Bowling, 2004; Mifsud et al., 2017; Pettersson and (Moniruzzaman and Paez, 2016).
Schmöcker, 2010). Travel modes offer older people with access to social
relations outside the community and are essential for them to maintain 2.1.3. Design
social networks. Regarding the determinants of the elderly's travel Neighborhood design characteristics – including traffic calming
mode choice, the literature basically identifies two main categories of zones – can affect the safety of streets and sidewalks, influencing the
factors: socio-demographics and built environment characteristics. propensity for active travel. The presence of pedestrian pathways and
Behavioral heterogeneity of the elderly in travel mode choices is sidewalks increases the likelihood of walking (Hess et al., 1999).
observed, varying by age, gender, income, driving license availability, Kemperman and Timmermans (2009) considered the effects of green
education level, car ownership, and household structure. Li et al. space, reporting that green residential environments encourage both
(2012) examined travel mode choices of the older adults in the UK and walking and cycling among the older adults. Other elements associated
indicated that the most commonly used mode is car. Nevertheless, the with walkability and cyclability have also been found to favorably af-
proportion of car use decreases at higher ages. With regard to gender, fect the elderly's active travel. For example, the presence of gardens and
Schmöcker et al. (2008) and Li et al. (2012) found that elderly females shops (Borst et al., 2009), the amount of bicycle routes in the neigh-
rely more on public transport and less on car. Schmöcker et al. (2008) borhood (Hall and McAuley, 2010), as well as traffic signals with pe-
additionally reported that seniors with higher income are unlikely to destrian controls (Michael et al., 2006b), are positively associated with
use public transport. Similar conclusions have been drawn in the stu- active travel. As an exception, Michael et al. (2006a, 2006b), showed
dies among Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Dutch elderly, where insignificant effects of walking path quantity on the number of the el-
Hjorthol et al. (2010) and Böcker et al. (2017) observed that seniors derly's walking trips.
with high incomes, as well as those having driving licenses, perform
more trips by car. With respect to education level, Schwanen et al. 2.1.4. Destination accessibility
(2001) and Van den Berg et al. (2011) revealed that highly educated Destination accessibility measures the ease of reaching trip desti-
elderly conduct more trips (in particular leisure trips) by public trans- nations (Ewing and Cervero, 2001). The convenient access to destina-
port. Schwanen et al. (2001) noted that car ownership is a crucial tions has been found to encourage the elderly to conduct more out-of-
element in explaining travel mode choice. If a senior owns a car, it is home activities. A higher level of destination accessibility is related to
more likely for him/her to travel using car regardless of the built the decreased likelihood of traveling by car (Figueroa et al., 2014). It is

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

Fig. 1. Map of the main city area of Nanjing.

also noted that enhanced accessibility tends to have much larger effects culture is deeply influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism,
on the elderly's mobility than that of the young adults (Cao et al., 2010). and the potential influences of socio-culture on senior's travel behavior
are multifaceted. We will examine their influences from two aspects in
2.1.5. Distance to public transport this study: household structure and activity participation.
Reducing the distance to public transport stops and improving First, Chinese household structure is quite unique. The Confucius
transport connections are strong indicators of senior's public transport ideology of filial piety requests that young people be responsible for the
use (Hess, 2009; Nordbakke and Schwanen, 2015). In order to increase care of their senior parents. It is thus very common in China that
the use of public transport, travel distance to transport facilities should married adults co-reside with their parents. A recent survey in Nanjing,
be shortened, and transport network connectivity should be enhanced. China reported that over 60% of married couples are living with their
Furthermore, people may choose their neighborhoods to fulfill their parents (Nanjing Institute of City and Transport Planning, 2014). These
residential or travel preferences (De Vos and Witlox, 2016). For in- aged-parents share the household responsibilities, for instance, daily
stance, Cao and Ettema (2014) stated that people choose to relocate or shopping, caring for grandchildren and other household errands. Un-
stay in their current residences partly due to their likings on a certain doubtedly, the special roles of the older people in co-resided households
travel mode. As such, the association between travel behavior and built would exert profound effects on their travel patterns.
environment is probably to be confounded by attitudinal factors – it Second, activity participation of the elderly is also different from
might be travel preference rather than neighborhood design that truly that in most western countries (Ito et al., 2014). On average, Chinese
affects travel behavior. This is the well-known self-selection hypothesis, elderly have a higher preference for conducting ‘passive’ leisure activ-
claiming that travel behavior is more affected by people's travel pre- ities, like playing mahjong, chess and cards, and visiting friends and
ferences – resulting in a choice of a neighborhood meeting these pre- relatives. There are at least three cultural traditions in understanding
ferences – than by the built environment per se (Cao et al., 2009). The such activities (Chen, 2004; Ito et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2008). The first
evidence on the residential self-selection is now well acknowledged one is motionless, which highlights the significance of a continual quiet
even though the built environment keeps important (Scheiner, 2010). mood through meditating and talking with friends who share common
In an effort to understand the elderly's travel behavior and its de- interests. If exercise, they tend to perform activities which are less
terminants, existing studies have disproportionally focused on western strenuous, such as sightseeing and playing taiji in a peaceful mood. The
countries where motorized modes are dominant (Alsnih and Hensher, second tradition is the wisdom, an important virtue for being a gen-
2003; Hess, 2009; Newbold et al., 2005). As such, little is known about tleman. As a result, they play chess, cards, and mahjong in which they
other parts of the world, in particular, China. Moreover, because of the can display their wisdom. The last one is the harmony, which under-
differences in socio-cultural contexts between China and western lines concordance and compatibility in all aspects of the society. As a
countries, it is difficult to directly apply results obtained from western result, they are prone to enroll in literary activities (e.g., calligraphy)
countries to China. This study illustrates and uncovers the active travel instead of competitive sports. Apparently, the socio-cultural norms
pattern of the Chinese elderly. The findings will serve as valuable re- could result in different preferences for activity participation, and
ferences for the policymakers in proposing effective and appropriate therefore different travel patterns.
measures that enhance the active ageing of China.
3. Data
2.2. Chinese socio-cultural norms
3.1. Travel behavior data
Socio-cultural norms could have significant impacts on an in-
dividual's lifestyle, habits, attitudes, and values, thus leading to dif- To reveal the active travel behavior of China's older people, this
ferent activity-travel patterns (Ohnmacht et al., 2009). Chinese socio- study examines their daily travel frequency and travel time based on

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

the 2013 household interview survey data from the Nanjing Travel Table 2
Survey. Nanjing is the political, economic, educational, and cultural Built environment characteristics of elderly's households.
center of Jiangsu Province. The main city area contains 495 traffic Variable Mean SD
analysis zones (TAZs) and much of the main city area is located at the
south bank of Yangtze River (Fig. 1). Population density (persons/1000m ) 3.13 1.38
Land use mixture 0.61 0.14
The survey was conducted by the local government on a normal
Distance to the nearest shopping mall (km) 1.36 0.77
weekday (i.e., Wednesday; October 30th, 2013). The questionnaire Distance to the nearest convenience store (km) 0.71 0.40
includes three parts: (a) household and individual characteristics, (b) Distance to the nearest market (km) 0.88 0.32
travel information of all trips made within the 24 h of the previous day, Distance to the nearest park/square (km) 1.50 0.83
and (c) travel attitudes towards the preference for transportation Distance to the nearest chess/card room (km) 0.71 0.48
Distance to the nearest gym/sports center (km) 0.93 0.43
characteristics. A total of 6000 questionnaires were assigned randomly
Arterial density (km/km2) 1.55 1.24
to residents in TAZs in accordance with their population. Taking a The number of parking lots 25.18 19.67
whole household as a unit, face-to-face, structured interviews were Distance to the nearest metro station (km) 1.68 1.59
adopted to record all activities involving travel details for all in- The number of bus stops 5.02 2.84
The number of bike-sharing stations 4.03 2.89
dividuals above six years old in the household.
In this study, we consider the older people that are aged 60 or above a
Note: SD is the standard deviation.
and respondents between 18 and 60 years old are referred to as young
adults. After sample selection and data cleaning, we included 702 el-
preference for walking. In this study, we will mainly focus on attitudes
derly persons and 3772 young persons for analysis. Although our
towards walking and cycling.
sample size of older adults is not very large (i.e., < 1000 respondents),
it is rather representative, and comparable with – or even larger than –
sample sizes of other studies analyzing elderly's travel behavior (e.g., 3.2. Built environment data
Böcker et al., 2017; Feng et al., 2013; Mifsud et al., 2017; Van den Berg
et al., 2011). The comparisons of socio-demographic characteristics are Built environment data were obtained from the Nanjing Urban
shown in Table 1. Regarding household structure, three categories are Planning Bureau in 2013. We applied the API service of Baidu Map to
identified: retiree household – including single and couple retired geocode the respondents' household addresses – collected in the
persons, two-generation household – retired people who live with adult Nanjing Travel Survey – into XY coordinates for projecting on the map.
children but no grandchildren, and three-generation household – re- In the analysis, the “buffer” function in the ArcGIS software (version
tired people living with adult children and grandchildren (Feng, 2017). 10.2) was used to obtain the built environment variables around each
One section of the survey asked respondents about attitudes towards household location (Table 2).
transportation facilities in the neighborhood, on a binary response of First, population density is measured by the ratio of population and
“yes” or “no”. These characteristics include favorable public transport the area of the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) in Nanjing. Land use mixture
service, sufficient parking spaces, good walking and cycling environ- represents the diversity of different functions in the neighborhood. It is
ment, etc. The preference ratings are measures of an individual's pre- calculated as an entropy index: s = − ∑i(Pi ln (Pi))/ ln (I) within 1000 m
disposition towards features of a residential neighborhood. They are radius of the household. In the equation, s represents land use mixture
considered as proxy variables for respondent's travel attitudes. For ex- (entropy); Pi is the proportion of the ith land use type (i = 1, 2, … , I).
ample, if a respondent reported that he/she has a preference for living The entropy value spans from 0 (i.e., only one land use type) to 1 (i.e.,
in a walk-friendly environment, we could infer that he/she has a utilization evenly distributed over all land use types). Five land use
types are included: residential, commerce and business, public services,

Table 1
Socio-demographic and attitudinal variables.
Variable Description Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

Individual level # of individuals = 702 # of individuals = 3772

Gender Female 321 45.7% 1980 52.5%
Male 381 54.3% 1792 47.5%
Education Low 324 46.1% 419 11.1%
Middle 287 40.9% 1180 31.3%
High 91 13.0% 2173 57.6%
Transit card ownership Yes 601 85.6% 3145 83.4%
No 101 14.4% 627 16.6%
Driving license ownership Yes 61 8.7% 1962 52.0%
No 641 91.3% 1810 48.0%
Preference for walking Yes 187 26.6% 883 23.4%
No 515 73.4% 2889 76.6%
Preference for cycling Yes 90 12.8% 751 19.9%
No 612 87.2% 3021 80.1%
Household level # of households = 481 # of households = 1704
Household structure Retiree household 164 34.1% /a /
Two-generation household 177 36.7% / /
Three-generation household 140 29.2% / /
Household income < 50,000 RMB/year 188 39.1% 270 15.8%
50,000–100,000 RMB/year 161 33.5% 691 40.6%
> 100,000 RMB/year 132 27.4% 743 43.6%
Car ownership Yes 188 39.1% 919 53.9%
No 293 60.9% 785 46.1%
Bicycle ownership Yes 348 72.3% 1177 69.1%
No 133 27.7% 527 30.9%

“/” means not applicable.

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

frequency of active travel varies considerably, rising from 0.91 to 1.99

trips as people age. This is presumably because the majority of elderly
people are retired, and they have more free time. In addition, many
older people co-reside with their married children (see Table 1) where
they are often responsible for certain household tasks, such as grocery
shopping, sending/ picking up grandchildren to/from school, therefore
perform more active trips.
The young adults spend much less time on active travel compared to
the elderly. The decreased rate is 68.18%, from 57.26 min to 18.22 min.
We made a statistical test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare
their differences. Results reveal that travel characteristics between the
older and young adults are significantly different at p < .01. The dis-
tributions of travel frequency and time show that older adults tend to be
more actively mobile than their younger counterparts. As such, the
Fig. 2. Mode choice of young adults and the elderly. lower use of motorized modes makes the activity space of the elderly
smaller. This suggests that they are more likely to be reliant on the
neighborhood or local facilities for daily travel and activities.
education, and entertainment.
Second, we measure the distance of the residence to two categories
of facilities: shopping facility – shopping mall, convenience store, and
4. Methodology
market; leisure facility – park/square, chess/card room, and gym/sports
center. They are the shortest path on the road network from the
4.1. Zero-inflated ordered probit model
household location to facilities. Markets are retail areas, consisting of
tables, stands or booths, where vendors sell vegetables, fruits, meat, and
A zero-inflated ordered probit (ZIOP) model is employed to disen-
non-food products. The third set of indicators is associated with trans-
tangle different factors affecting the number of active trips. The zero-
portation provisions. Auto transportation provision is represented by
inflated model is selected over the regular ordered probit model for
the arterial density and the number of parking lots within 1000 m ra-
accounting for an excessive number of zero observations. In our case,
dius of the household. Public transport provision includes distance to
the number of zero observations – respondents not making any active
the nearest metro station, the number of bus stops and the number of
trips – are 180 older adults and 2059 young adults. The ZIOP model is
bike-sharing stations within 500 m radius of the household.
linked to behavioral theory following the random utility maximization.
It involves two latent equations – a probit selection equation and an
3.3. Travel characteristics ordered probit equation (Lera-López et al., 2014). The first equation is a
probit model for analyzing the binary decision to perform active travel.
This section provides a descriptive analysis of the mode choice, It can be expressed as:
daily active travel frequency, and time expenditure. Fig. 2 presents the
chosen travel modes – measured at the trip level – of different age r∗ = X T β + ε (1)
cohorts. Five categories of modes are identified: walking, cycling,
public transport (PT), car and moped. Walking or cycling is referred to where X indicates a vector of covariates affecting active travel; β refers
as active mode. In Fig. 2 we observe a significant increase in walking as to a vector of the coefficients that need to be estimated; and ε is a
people age. Although the share of cycling remains stable, the market random error term which is assumed to be normally distributed. The
share of active modes of the elderly is much higher than that of the latent variable r∗ denotes the likelihood to perform and is represented
young adults, reaching up to 72%. The car is by far the least frequently in a binary expression, where r = 1 if r∗ > 0, and r = 0 if r∗ ≤ 0.
used mode by the elderly people in Nanjing, representing only 3% of As such, the probability of performing active travel is given by:
the total trips.
Pr(r = 1 | X ) = Pr(r ∗ > 0 | X ) = Φ(X T β ) (2)
Table 3 reports the active travel frequency and daily travel time of
active trips – measured at the aggregated/individual level – of young
where Φ(XTβ) represents the cumulative distribution function of the
adults and the elderly. The mean and the standard deviation are com-
univariate standard normal distribution.
puted based on all individuals (including zero-trip individuals). Even
Conditional on r = 1, the number of trips in the active travel deci-
though cycling frequencies across different age cohorts are similar,
sion is illustrated by y(y = 1, 2, .…, J). It is generated by an ordered
older people walk a lot more than young adults. As a result, the total
probit model through a second latent variable y∗. y∗ is expressed as:

Table 3 y∗ = Z T λ + η (3)
Active travel pattern.
Age Walking Cycling Active where Z is a vector of covariates with unknown coefficients λ; and η is a
cohorts random error term which is normally distributed. The mapping for
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
relating y∗ to y is shown as:
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Travel The 1.68 1.51 0.31 0.85 1.99 1.50

frequency elderly
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
⎧ 1 if… y ≤ μ1
Young 0.60 1.18 0.32 0.87 0.91 1.41 ⎪
adults y = j if μj − 1 < y∗ ≤ μj
Daily travel The 40.18⁎⁎⁎ 49.66 17.08⁎⁎⁎ 37.15 57.26⁎⁎⁎ 52.70 ⎨ …

time (min) elderly
⎩ J if μJ − 1 < y∗ (4)
Young 11.37⁎⁎⁎ 25.85 6.85⁎⁎⁎ 20.80 18.22⁎⁎⁎ 32.28
where μj(j = 1, 2, … , J − 1) are threshold values to be estimated along
Note: a
SD is the standard deviation. with λ. Under the assumption that η is normally distributed, the ordered
p < .01 of ANOVA test. probit probabilities are given by:

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

⎧ Pr(y = 1 | Z , r = 1) = Φ(μ1 − Z λ ) (in.
⎪ … Table 4, elderly: z = 5.07, p = .00; young: z = 8.22, p = .00). In
Pr(y ) = Pr(y = j | Z , r = 1) = Φ(μj − Z T λ ) − Φ(μj − 1 − Z T λ ) addition, with pseudo-R2 of 0.255 and 0.302, our models explain the
⎨ …
⎪ T
respondents reasonably well. Table 4 just shows the ordered probit part
⎩ Pr(y = J | Z , r = 1) = 1 − Φ(μJ − 1 − Z λ ) (5) of the ZIOP estimation results for brevity. The zero-inflated part of the
The maximum likelihood method is commonly used for efficiently results broadly tells the same story as the ordered probit part, which is
and consistently estimating the parameters of the ZIOP model (β, λ, μ). presented in the appendix.

5.1.1. Effects on the elderly

4.2. Cox proportional hazards model
The results in.
Table 4 indicate that population density and land use have sig-
The effects of explanatory variables on active travel in time ex-
nificant influences on travel frequencies of the elderly, even after ac-
penditure are investigated using the Cox proportional hazards (Cox PH)
counting for attitudinal factors. The elderly living in densely populated
model. This model is suitable for our analysis because in these models
or mixed land use neighborhood are prone to make more active trips.
travel time is considered as a duration-dependent process, i.e., the
Given that facilities for accessing goods and services in these areas are
probability to spend extra time unit on a trip depends on the time al-
in close proximity, it is conducive to perform more out-of-home activ-
ready spent on the trip (Ettema et al., 2007). Eq. (6) shows a typical Cox
PH hazard function. The hazard function h(t| X) denotes an individual's
When looking at the effects of facility distribution – distances to
instantaneous transition rate from one state to another, given that the
shopping facilities and leisure facilities, we conclude some interesting
transition has not yet happened before time t. The value of this hazard
findings. The distribution of markets matters to a greater extent than
function is named the hazard rate.
that of shopping malls and convenience stores. If the elderly live close
h (t | X ) = h 0 (t ) exp(X T β ) (6) to markets, they are more inclined to conduct active trips. Shopping
malls and convenience stores appeared in China and became wide-
where h0(t) is a time-dependent baseline hazard function; X indicates a
spread less than two decades ago. Before that, shopping in markets is
vector of explanatory variables; and β refers to a vector of coefficients
the most common option, which has already been habits rooted, espe-
to be estimated.
cially among older people. Meanwhile, the price of commodities at
When comparing the relative hazard contribution of explanatory
markets is usually lower than that of shopping malls and convenience
variables, it is convenient to use the hazard ratio (HR). The HR is the
stores. Markets, on the other hand, are good public places for people to
probability that an individual will finish an active trip in the next in-
socialize. The process of choosing commodities of high quality, bar-
stant, conditional that he/she has survived up until time t. Measured by
gaining with dealers and talking with other buyers provides important
the ratio of the hazard rates of two values of the explanatory variable,
meaning for the elderly. Obviously, the Chinese elderly have higher
HR is expressed in Eq. (7).
preferences for markets than shopping malls and convenience stores,
h (t | x2 ) h 0 (t ) exp(x2 βx ) which is in contrast with western countries where the latter two are the
HR = = = exp(βx (x2 − x1))
h (t | x1 ) h 0 (t ) exp(x1 βx ) (7) major places for accessing goods and services.
With regard to leisure facilities, distances to park/square or chess/
where x1 and x2 are the two values of the explanatory variable con- card room strongly influence active travel. However, distance to gym/
sidered. It is a good property of the Cox PH model that the baseline sports center does not exert profound impacts. There might be two
hazard function needs not be to explicitly specified as it will be canceled possible explanations. First, it is related to the household responsibility
out in Eq. (7). the elderly undertake. A large proportion of the elderly has to take care
The hazard ratio is important for the interpretation of the model of grandchildren, which is inferred from the percentage of three-gen-
results. Coefficient β = 0(HR = 1) suggests that the explanatory vari- eration households in Table 1. Also, the seniors themselves have the
ables do not contribute to the hazard ratio. Coefficient β < 0(HR < 1) desire for interaction with people outside and participation in com-
or β > 0(HR > 1) indicates that the hazard ratio decreases or in- munity activities. As a result, places that can satisfy these requirements
creases, respectively. are more appealing, like parks and squares. They can communicate
with friends, and in the meantime look after grandchildren. Parks and
5. Results squares, in particular, might serve as playgrounds for children. Gyms
and sports centers, on the other hand, in which more individualized
Before model specification, we tested the multicollinearity of ex- activities are conducted, cannot satisfy the diversified needs of the el-
planatory variables to avoid erroneous and spurious estimation. The derly. Second, it might relate to the Chinese cultural norms. As men-
variance inflation factor (VIF) is used. The VIF values of all explanatory tioned in Section 2, Chinese people prefer passive activities. Compared
variables range from 2.0 to 5.0. They are much smaller than the com- to gym and sports center, park/square or chess/card room are more
monly used cutoff point (i.e., 10.0), which indicates there is no multi- attractive.
collinearity (Craney and Surles, 2002). In addition, the proportional The set of transportation provision indicators also show important
odds of the ZIOP model – an elementary assumption of ordinal re- impacts. Arterial density is found to be detriments of active travel,
gression models – were checked. The significance of proportional odds which is in line with research findings in western countries (Figueroa
is larger than 0.05 (i.e., 0.44) which indicates that the model meets the et al., 2014; Kim and Ulfarsson, 2004). Neighborhoods with high ar-
assumption. For the Cox PH model, time-dependent covariates were terial density make people feel unsafe when walking or cycling outside.
used to check the proportional hazards. The results show that all time- The number of bus stops and bike-sharing stations has positive effects
interacted covariates are not significant, which suggests the data meet on active travel frequency. These significant impacts are ascribed to the
the assumption of proportionality. public transport subsidies provided by the government. People aged 60
or above in Nanjing can travel by public transport at half price while
5.1. Travel frequency people aged 70 or above can take it for free. Note that people need to
walk or cycle to/from bus stops when using public transport, thus in-
Table 4 reports the results from ZIOP model. The zero-inflated creasing active travel frequency. As expected, the number of bike-
model performs better than the regular ordered probit model based on sharing stations has positive effects. The possible reason for the insig-
the Vuong test, which suggested significant improvements in model fit nificance of distance to metro station is that the seniors are reluctant to

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

Table 4
ZIOP model for active travel frequency.
Ordered probit part The elderly Young adults

Coef. Elasticity Coef. Elasticity

⁎⁎ ⁎⁎
Constant 0.742(0.235) / 0.791(0.336) /
Gender (Female = ref.)
Male −0.109(0.060)⁎⁎ / −0.379(0.057)⁎⁎⁎ /
Education (Low = ref.)
Middle −0.189(0.134) / −0.074(0.094) /
High −0.184(0.214) / −0.247(0.101)⁎⁎ /
Transit card ownership (No = ref.) 0.205(0.193)⁎ / −0.049(0.083) /
Driving license ownership (No = ref.) −0.084(0.237) / −0.536(0.093)⁎⁎⁎ /
Household structure (Retiree = ref.)
Two-generation household 0.128(0.108)⁎ / / /
Three-generation household 0.172(0.085)⁎⁎⁎ / / /
Household income (< 50,000 = ref.)
50,000–100,000 RMB 0.085(0.158) / −0.048(0.089) /
> 100,000 RMB 0.115(0.177) / −0.140(0.090) /
Car ownership (No = ref.) −0.103(0.085) / −0.138(0.066)⁎⁎ /
Bicycle ownership (No = ref.) 0.244(0.134)⁎⁎ / 0.379(0.065)⁎⁎⁎ /

Built environment
Population density 0.116(0.063)⁎⁎ 0.074 0.052(0.027)⁎ 0.013
Land use mixture 1.283(0.428)⁎⁎⁎ 0.384 0.632(0.202)⁎⁎⁎ 0.095
Distance to shopping mall −0.111(0.169) −0.020 −0.157(0.193) −0.011
Distance to convenience store −0.070(0.087) −0.033 −0.015(0.043) −0.011
Distance to market −1.272(0.604)⁎⁎⁎ −0.050 0.147(0.305) 0.016
Distance to park/square −0.168(0.093)⁎ −0.055 −0.079(0.046)⁎ −0.100
Distance to chess/card room −0.369(0.200)⁎ −0.015 0.154(0.164) 0.016
Distance to gym/sports center 0.355(0.258) 0.054 0.264(0.148)⁎ 0.016
Arterial density −0.058(0.034)⁎⁎ −0.030 −0.063(0.037)⁎ −0.022
The number of parking lots −0.002(0.004) −0.023 −0.001(0.001) −0.001
Distance to metro station −0.073(0.068) −0.016 0.161(0.141) 0.030
The number of bus stops 0.064(0.032)⁎⁎ 0.004 0.007(0.014) 0.018
The number of bike-sharing stations 0.044(0.022)⁎⁎ 0.008 0.014(0.010) 0.022

Travel attitude
Preference for walking (No = ref.) 0.008(0.191) / 0.089(0.033)⁎⁎ /
Preference for cycling (No = ref.) 0.034(0.120) / 0.038(0.104) /
Threshold 1 −1.124(0.564)⁎⁎ 0.417(0.290)⁎
Threshold 2 −0.801(0.535)⁎ 0.474(0.289)⁎
Threshold 3 1.205(0.534)⁎ 1.495(0.286)⁎⁎
Threshold 4 1.443(0.535)⁎ 1.613(0.286)⁎⁎
Threshold 5 2.575(0.544)⁎⁎⁎ 2.517(0.288)⁎⁎⁎

Model fit
Pseudo-R2 0.255 0.302
Vuong test z = 5.07, p = .00 z = 8.22, p = .00

Note: b Standard errors in parenthesis. c

“/” means not applicable. d
1RMB=US$0.16 in 2013.

p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.

use metro because they have to go downstairs and upstairs frequently moving housing locations to new places is greatly decreased as they
(Currie and Delbosc, 2010). age. To be able to live in one's own house and community pleasantly
Travel preferences for walking and cycling do not show any sig- and securely might be a wish of many seniors.
nificant effects on the elderly's active travel frequency. This non-sig- In addition, the socio-demographics also have impacts on the travel
nificant effect of travel attitudes on travel behavior also suggests lim- frequency. The negative effect of gender indicates that women are more
ited self-selection effects. The results are different from other studies inclined to perform active trips. This corroborates the household re-
indicating that self-selection has an important effect on travel behavior sponsibility hypothesis that females bear more household affairs (Feng
(Cao et al., 2009; De Vos and Witlox, 2016). Several possible ex- et al., 2013). The education variable does not show significant impacts
planations could be given. First, a large proportion of the Chinese el- on the total number of active trips. Transit card ownership contributes
derly co-reside with their children. Their residential places are more to active travel, which is also related to the subsidy policy of the elderly
dependent on the choices of the children rather than themselves. people in Nanjing. It is interesting to note that driving license owner-
Second, it is related to the property purchasing power of the elderly. In ship and household car ownership have no profound impacts on elderly’
view of the limited pensions of the older people, it is usually unable for travel. This is distinct from western countries where driving license
them to afford to move to new places of their desire. The average possession and car ownership play important roles in daily travel
housing price in the main city area of Nanjing has reached 20,000 (Rosenbloom, 2001). It is presumably because of the low ownership of
RMB/m2 (3200 USD/m2) in 2013 (Nanjing Municipal Bureau Statistics, driving license and cars of the elderly in China. Our data show
2014). The third reason could be attributed to the philosophy of that < 10% elderly people have driving licenses, and > 60% of
“ageing in place”. The Chinese people have the strong aspiration of households have no cars (Table 1). Bicycle ownership has positive ef-
“falling leaves settle on the roots”. The willingness of older people that fects on active travel frequency, which is consistent with previous

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

findings that the travel mode ownership encourages the use of that and sports center are not significant while the distance to park/square
mode (Cheng et al., 2017a, 2017b). With regard to household structure, and the distance to chess/card room are significantly related to longer
older people from two-generation and three-generation households are duration of active travel. As well explained in the preceding model of
prone to make more active trips. The seniors living with their adult travel frequency, the Chinese elderly's preferences for leisure facilities
children undertake more household responsibilities, therefore they reflect the composite effects of socio-cultural norms. Interestingly,
conduct more out-of-home activities. distances to shopping facilities are unimportant in determining the
daily time expenditure of active travel, even the distance to markets.
5.1.2. Comparisons with young adults The reason could be that the proximity to markets decreases the travel
In order to make comparisons between age cohorts, elasticities have time of each trip, which offsets the effects of the increased number of
been computed in Table 4. The elasticity is defined as the percentage active trips.
change in the dependent variable with respect to a 1% change in an Arterial density and the number of parking lots show negative im-
independent variable. Generally, the built environment has stronger pacts on the active travel time. Pedestrians and cyclists might feel un-
effects on elderly's active travel frequency than on the active travel safe in the car-oriented community. Therefore, the elderly condense the
frequency of young adults. For instance, distance to market, distance to time spent on walking and cycling. Public transport provisions seem to
chess/card room, the number of bus stops, and the number of bike- impose different effects. Distance to the nearest metro station shows
sharing stations significantly affect elderly's travel frequency. These negligible influences on travel time. And the number of bus stops is
variables, however, exert insignificant influences on the travel fre- negatively associated with time. The good access to buses decreases the
quency of young adults. The activity participation of young adults on total time expenditure for active travel because older people can easily
weekdays is usually work-related. Therefore, the proximity to market reach places, services, and friends through buses. It is noted that the
and chess/card room are less important. When conducting leisure ac- number of bike-sharing stations contributes a lot to time spent on active
tivities, young people prefer to relax or exercise in the park/square or travel.
gym/sports center. As a result, distances to park/square or gym/sports Driving license ownership and household car ownership have in-
center are influential to young adults. significant impacts on daily travel time. However, bicycle ownership
Population density and land use are significant in affecting the has positive effects on total time expenditure. The household structure
travel frequency of old and young adults. This indicates that an effec- appears to be a prominent variable. The seniors from two-generation
tive approach for promoting the active travel of the whole population is and three-generation households make significantly longer-duration
to mix land use and increase population density in residential neigh- trips than seniors from retiree households. The pattern of co-residence
borhoods. An interesting finding is the impact of attitudinal variables. again matters in increasing travel time. The same explanations as illu-
Unlike the elderly, preference for walking has an important and positive strated in the model of travel frequency are that the older people living
impact on young adults' active travel frequency. This result suggests the together with adult children or grandchildren engage in more house-
heterogeneity of self-selection across age cohorts. It might mean that hold responsibilities compared with those living separately.
self-selection is significant on affecting travel behavior of young adults
while being insignificant on affecting travel behavior of older adults. 5.2.2. Comparisons with young adults
We compared the magnitude of impacts across age cohorts with the Similar to the results of the ZIOP model, the built environment is
use of elasticity. Among all influential factors, the effect of land use less important to young adults than the elderly in terms of travel time
mixture on elderly's travel frequency is the largest. A 1% increase in expenditure. Variables such as distance to chess/card room, arterial
land use entropy would enhance the active travel frequency by 0.38%. density, the number of bus stops, and the number of bike-sharing sta-
Land use mixture also influences the active travel frequency of young tions are important in the elderly's travel while appear to be insignif-
adults to a great extent (i.e., 0.09%), although the largest effect on icant in explaining young adults' travel. Combining the significant
young adults' active travel is generated by the variable of distance to variables in the frequency model (Table 4) and duration model
park/square. A 1% decrease in the distance to park/square could in- (Table 5), we can identify two important factors on affecting people's
crease 0.10% active travel frequency of young people. active travel behavior – i.e., land use mixture and distance to park/
square. Thus, the renewal of built environment is highly recommended
5.2. Daily travel time in these aspects. It should also be noted that land use mixture increases
active travel time to a greater extent. A 1% increase in land use entropy
5.2.1. Effects on the elderly would enhance the active travel time of the elderly by 0.55%, while this
Table 5 presents the Cox proportional hazards model estimation effect is 1.74% for young people.
results for daily active travel time. The final part is the model fit sta- Interestingly, preference for walking once more plays an important
tistics which indicate that the model as a whole is significant in ex- role in the active travel time of young adults. This indicates that people
plaining the travel time expenditure. It should be noted that a positive with positive attitudes towards walking walk or cycle for longer dura-
coefficient results in a larger value of the hazard ratio, yielding shorter tions. This is different from the elderly people where attitudinal vari-
travel time. ables have non-significant effects. In regard to sociodemographic vari-
Note again that travel attitudes – preferences for walking and cy- ables, transit card ownership has pronounced influences on elderly's
cling – are not determinant factors on the elderly's travel behavior. active travel behavior in terms of frequency and time expenditure. This
Possible reasons have been well explained in the preceding section. variable, on the other hand, does not have a significant effect on young
With respect to the effects of the built environment, a higher degree of adults' active travel behavior, while driving license ownership and car
land use mixture exerts more significant influences than high popula- ownership have strong effects.
tion density. A 1% increase in land use entropy would enhance the
active travel time by 0.55%. The elderly in mixed land use neighbor- 6. Conclusions
hood spend more time on active travel. Linking to the results in.
Table 4, it is evident that the diversified developments can provide Active modes are the primary means of transportation for the
more opportunities for accessing facilities and services by walking or Chinese elderly, which contrasts with that of western countries. Given
cycling. This finding suggests that land use mixture is more important the active-mode-dominated travel pattern and the benefits of walking
than density on shaping the active travel pattern. and cycling for active ageing, it is essential to understand the influen-
Distances to leisure facilities basically have the similar impacts on cing factors of active travel behavior for offering age-friendly travel
travel time as on travel frequency – the influences of distance to gym environment in China. In our study, an emphasis is placed on the

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

Table 5
Cox PH model for daily active travel time.
The elderly Young adults

Coef. Elasticity Coef. Elasticity

Gender (Female = ref.)
Male 0.126(0.078)⁎⁎ / 0.024(0.069) /
Education (Low = ref.)
Middle 0.009(0.100) / 0.041(0.097) /
High 0.067(0.151) / 0.155(0.105) /
Transit card ownership (No = ref.) 0.171(0.054)⁎⁎ / 0.086(0.093) /
Driving license ownership (No = ref.) 0.108(0.177) / 0.079(0.029)⁎⁎⁎ /
Household structure (Retiree = ref.)
Two-generation household −0.562(0.121)⁎⁎⁎ / / /
Three-generation household −0.767(0.148)⁎⁎⁎ / / /
Household income (< 50,000 = ref.)
50,000–100,000 RMB −0.073(0.111) / 0.042(0.009)⁎ /
> 100,000 RMB −0.032(0.138) / 0.241(0.100)⁎⁎ /
Car ownership (No = ref.) −0.129(0.112) / 0.089(0.055)⁎ /
Bicycle ownership (No = ref.) −0.219(0.106)⁎⁎ / −0.257(0.079)⁎⁎⁎ /

Built environment
Population density −0.005(0.057) −0.014 −0.019(0.029) −0.245
Land use mixture −0.664(0.359)⁎ −0.550 −0.315(0.148)⁎ −1.745
Distance to shopping mall −0.015(0.131) −0.001 0.072(0.113) 0.173
Distance to convenience store −0.049(0.069) −0.021 0.118(0.101) 0.572
Distance to market 0.420(0.494) 0.042 0.083(0.358) 0.059
Distance to park/square 0.139(0.074)⁎⁎ 0.102 0.088(0.053)⁎ 0.542
Distance to chess/card room 0.891(0.319)⁎⁎⁎ 0.098 0.220(0.187) 0.200
Distance to gym/sports center 0.085(0.134) 0.026 0.040(0.164) 0.055
Arterial density 0.148(0.015)⁎⁎ 0.256 0.039(0.485) 0.160
The number of parking lots 0.010(0.003)⁎⁎⁎ 0.453 0.003(0.002) 0.883
Distance to metro station −0.007(0.044) −0.001 0.006(0.046) 0.031
The number of bus stops 0.026(0.022)⁎ 0.026 0.036(0.016) 1.074
The number of bike-sharing stations −0.088(0.019)⁎⁎ −0.147 −0.018(0.013) −0.469

Travel attitude
Preference for walking (No = ref.) −0.077(0.134) / −0.122(0.075)⁎ /
Preference for cycling (No = ref.) −0.097(0.096) / −0.084(0.034) /

Model fit
Likelihood ratio χ2 = 57.26 χ2 = 56.39
p = .001 p = .000
Wald χ2 = 50.84 χ2 = 52.32
p = .001 p = .000

Note: b Standard errors in parenthesis. c

“/” means not applicable. d
1RMB=US$0.16 in 2013. eDegree of freedom (DF) in the Chi-square tests are 26 and 24

p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.

influences of built environment on the active travel pattern of older and time expenditure. A high density of population shows negligible
people. The results show that the special social and cultural settings influences on the time expenditure. Our study demonstrates that as a
make the travel behavior of Chinese older people and its determinants result of the Chinese socio-cultural norms, the Chinese elderly care
quite unique. more about the distribution of some specific facilities. For shopping
We utilized the Nanjing Travel Survey data to describe the active facilities, the proximity to market is shown to have stronger influences
travel patterns. Comparisons are performed with people in young age on the number of active trips than the proximity to shopping malls and
cohorts to show that travel characteristics between older and young convenience stores. And for leisure facilities, the proximity to park/
adults considerably vary. A significant increase in walking trips is ob- square, and chess/card room are more significant on affecting senior's
served as they age, and older people tend to spend much more time travel pattern, compared to the proximity to gym/sports center. Among
walking and cycling. The co-residence of the Chinese elderly makes the all the influential factors of the built environment, land use mixture
household structure an important determinant for shaping their travel appears to have the largest effect on seniors' active travel. As a result,
pattern. The seniors in two-generation (i.e., parents) and three-gen- policy measures should focus more on creating mixed-use neighbor-
eration households (i.e., grandparents) perform more active trips and hoods in order to promote the active travel of older adults.
spend more time walking/cycling. The impacts of socio-demographics Furthermore, we found that travel attitudes do not show any significant
present distinct results from western countries: the availability of pri- effects on the active travel pattern. This finding indicates that self-se-
vate car and driving license, which is important influencing factors of lection effects are limited to the travel behavior of older people.
the elderly's travel behavior in western countries, is insignificant on the Interesting findings could be made when comparing the model es-
active travel pattern of Chinese older people. timation results of the elderly and the young. The built environment has
In regard to the effects of built environment on the elderly's beha- larger effects on the active travel frequency and duration of the elderly
vior, land use mixture has more profound impacts than population than on that of young adults. For instance, distance to chess/card room,
density on enhancing active travel, including increasing the frequency the number of bus stops, the number of bike-sharing stations

L. Cheng, et al. Journal of Transport Geography 76 (2019) 142–152

significantly affect elderly's active travel behavior. These variables, distinguishing the sub-age cohorts (e.g., 60–70, 70–80 and 80+), and
however, exert insignificant influences on young adults. Two important did not examine the behavioral heterogeneity among older people.
elements affecting the travel pattern of both age cohorts are land use Second, the single travel attitude measurement may not completely
mixture and distance to park/square. Different from that of the elderly, capture the impacts of self-selection (e.g., preference for the neigh-
preference for walking has important and positive impacts on the borhood design was not measured). More comprehensive and direct
young's active travel. This result suggests the heterogeneity of self-se- indicators of attitudes should be considered for accounting self-selec-
lection. It might mean that the self-selection is significant on affecting tion effects, capturing the causal relations between the built environ-
travel behavior of young adults while it is insignificant on affecting that ment and travel behavior.
of older adults.
The study highlights the importance of accounting for Chinese
socio-cultural norms in comprehending the travel behavior of the older Acknowledgments
people. The built environment is shown to be influential on active
travel and therefore active ageing. However, the current study has some This research is sponsored by the National Natural Science
limitations. First, we treated all the older people as one group without Foundation of China (71801041, 71771049, and 71601052).

Appendix A. The zero-inflated part of ZIOP model estimation results

Zero-inflated part The elderly Young adults

Gender (Female = ref.)
Male 0.345(0.151)b⁎⁎ 0.427(0.258)⁎
Education (Low = ref.)
Middle −0.013(0.178) 0.521(0.448)
High 0.367(0.217) 1.397(0.419)⁎⁎⁎
Transit card ownership (No = ref.) −1.217(0.466)⁎ 0.318(0.491)
Driving license ownership (No = ref.) 0.336(0.225) 1.440(1.038)⁎
Household structure (Retiree = ref.)
Two-generation household −0.315(0.202)⁎⁎ /c
Three-generation household −0.219(0.117)⁎ /
Household income (< 50,000 = ref.)
50,000–100,000 RMBd −0.016(0.114) 0.421(0.321)
> 100,000 RMB −0.176(0.227) 0.334(0.389)
Car ownership (No = ref.) 0.176(0.174) 0.995(0.580)⁎
Bicycle ownership (No = ref.) −0.430(0.160)⁎⁎ −0.630(0.295)⁎⁎

Built environment
Population density −0.379(0.115)⁎ −0.302(0.286)
Land use mixture −1.413(0.508)⁎⁎⁎ −0.679(0.403)⁎
Distance to shopping mall 0.395(0.232) 0.902(0.616)
Distance to convenience store 0.149(0.103) 0.583(0.449)
Distance to market 0.216(0.083)⁎⁎⁎ −1.808(2.141)
Distance to park/square 0.111(0.054)⁎⁎ 0.243(0.165)⁎
Distance to chess/card room 0.826(0.402)⁎⁎ −1.068(0.933)
Distance to gym/sports center −0.654(0.443) −0.919(0.643)⁎
Arterial density 0.150(0.061)⁎⁎ 0.295(0.216)⁎
The number of parking lots 0.005(0.006) 0.058(0.051)
Distance to metro station 0.112(0.154) −0.663(0.225)⁎⁎⁎
The number of bus stops −0.032(0.021)⁎⁎ −0.099(0.069)
The number of bike-sharing stations −0.055(0.033)⁎⁎ −0.017(0.058)

Travel attitude
Preference for walking (No = ref.) −0.083(0.141) −0.221(0.084)⁎⁎
Preference for cycling (No = ref.) −0.227(0.255) −0.130(0.157)
Standard errors in parenthesis
“/” means not applicable.
1RMB=US$0.16 in 2013.

p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.

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