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1) What happens when ice cream changes from solid to liquid?

2) Freeing?
liquid to solid
3) Boiling?
Liquid to gas
4) What is state of matter?

solid, liquid, gas

5) What is a solid?
a matter that has a fixest shape and size
6) What kind of matter has its own shape?
7) What is the best electricity conductor?
8) At room temperature metals are?
9) Name the metal which in liquid stated?
10) What is malleable means?
can be make into the shape
11) A natural mixture of minerals?
12) A type of rock that forms the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface of the earth?
igneous rock
13) Two ways to describe igneous rock are?
intrusive and extrusive
14) Where do we find granite?
15) ______ refers the size, shape, and distribution of the crystals or grains that make up the rock?
16) Sedimentary rock forms from remains of plants and animals?
organic rock
17) Sedimentary rock is?
formed from already existing rocks is that are weather, encoded, compacted and cemented
18) What are types of sedimentary rock?
organic, clastic, chemical
19) How do metamorphic rocks form?
heat and pressure
20) Which of these is a metamorphic rock?
21) Metamorphic rocks are classified by?
texture(foliated/non foliated)
22) What are the 3 main fossil fuels?
coal, oil, natural gas
23) Fossil fuels are classified as nonrenewable because they?
take millions of years to replace
24) Which of these is not a fossil fuel?
25) What is the definition of a renewable resource?
things that don’t run out
26) What is a problem that is link to the burning of fossil fuels?
global warming
27) What conditions are needed to form coal?
heat and pressure
28) How long does it take for fossil fuels form?
millions of year
29) Which fossil fuel is there mains of ancient plants?
30) Oil an natural gas were formed from?
a marine organisms
31) Which of the following is a fossil fuel?
32) Which of this is not fossil fuel?
olive oil
33) What is coal made of?
decomposed animal and plant remains
34) This is cleanest burning of the fossil fuels?
natural gas
35) What conditions are needed to form coal?
heat and pressure and time
36) _______ are fuels made from the remain of ancient organisms?
fossil fuels
37) Most natural gas is used to?
heat home

What is the difference between renewable energy and nonrenewable energy?

Renewable energy is from resources that can be made in a short amount of time or are unlike
to run out
EX: solar
 Non Renewable energy is from resources that cannot be made in a short amount of time and
can be considered irreplaceable
EX: coal
sedimentary rock

metamorphic rock


igneous rock extrusive

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