HG 11 Diagnostic Test

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Diagnostic Test in Homeroom Guidance 11

Name:_____________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

School: ____________________________________ Teacher: ___________________
Score: _________________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It concerned more on your confidence and healthy admiration of yourself.
a. self-worth c. self-affirmation
b. self-esteem d. self-confidence

2. It is how you value yourself – an inner sense of value.

a. self-worth c. self-affirmation
b. self-esteem d. self-confidence
3. The following are the ways on how to improve and raise your self-esteem, except:
a. Be with people who treat you well. c. Set goals and work toward them.
b. Stop comparing yourself to others. d. Give and help.
4. According to Rick Hanson, a Psychologist, there are five essential skills for
happiness, health, and general well-being in order to cope with life’s challenges. What
essential skill in which you understand the factors of your reactions to others and to
a. Awareness c. Insight
b. Letting go d. Taking in the good
5. What essential skill that reflects on your good intentions, kindness toward others,
and good character qualities?
a. Using the will c. Letting go
b. Insight d. Awareness
6. Your parents did not allow you to attend the birthday party of your bestfriend
because of the restrictions in their barangay due to the increase number of COVID
cases. What might you do considering your long time plan to be in her birthday?
a. Go to your bestfriend’s house despite the recent situation.
b. Understand the situation and call her instead.
c. Ask permission from your parents to allow you to be there for an hour.
d. Ask another friend to send your gift to your bestfriend.
7. It is a social skill that considers the unique characteristics of others and the
sensitivity to appreciate them.
a. acceptance c. respect
b. empathy d. cooperation
8. It is associated with our capacity to make sound judgment or at a given moment, we
can focus attention on the self or on the external environment.
a. self-awareness c. responsibility
b. decision-making d. accountability
9. What do you consider when you make a decision that would mean a complete turn-
around of your life?
a. impulse c. gut feeling
b. facts d. experiences
10. In making a decision, what way that best guides you to be responsible and
accountable to all your actions?
a. Consulting knowledgeable people. c. Weighing the pros and cons.
b. Owning whatever decisions you make. d. Considering the facts.
11. It is when a person takes the time to fully discover and learn the different choices
and probable results of decisions.
a. sound decision c. accountability
b. self-awareness d. responsibility
12. How do you improve your self-worth?
a. Set goals and work toward them. c. Challenge the critical inner self.
b. Be with people who treat you well. d. Give and help
13. What makes a person develop maladaptive behavior leading to self-destruction?
a. Comparing oneself to others c. Tracking one’s progress
b. Challenging the critical inner self d. Considering internal aspects
14. One morning you wake up seeing garbage across the street. What activity/gesture
that makes you proud?
a. Call the garbage collector.
b. Let your siblings collect the garbage.
c. Take a picture and post it in social media.
d. Help the neighborhood clean the street.
15. It is finding effort to see who you really are and starting understanding and appreciating
your own feelings, thoughts, desires and values.
a. Challenging the critical inner self.
b. Finding people that you can be yourself with.
c. Evaluating yourself based on standards of other people.
d. Doing things that make you proud.
16. It happens when we take negatively the differences of other people.
a. Prejudice c. Stereotype
b. Discrimination d. Racism
17. These are some ways to demonstrate our respect for others, except:
a. Respect yourself first. c. Look at the positive side of the person.
b. Always try to be the bigger person. d. Treat people based on your perceptions.
18. The following are some considerations in making a sound decision, except:
a. family c. media and technology
b. friends d. religious affiliations
19. Your School Guidance Counselor asked you on what course you would like to pursue in
college. Which of the following that you will consider in making your decision?
a. Financial stability of your family c. Personal choice
b. Peer pressure d. In-demand course in your society
20. You joined the cooking contest in your community so that you can have an experience in
speaking to customers and handling cash. What is developed in you in joining this contest?
a. self-confidence c. identity
b. skills d. mental health
21. What is developed when a teenager is involved in community activities?
a. skills c. self-confidence
b. mental health d. initiative
22. Being involved in something where young people often feel good, feel helpful and valued.
Which feelings can be protected?
a. frustration and anger c. inadequacy and fear
b. sadness and depression d. loneliness and guilt
23. You are a member of the youth organization in your community and you participated in
different community services. Which of the following is the main reason of your involvement?
a. for personal recognition c. to make new friends
b. for personal growth and self-esteem d. for religious reasons
24. What Republic Act that seeks to address hostile environment at school that disrupts the
education process?
a. RA 9262 (VAWC) c. RA 8353 (Anti-Rape Law)
b. RA 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act) d. RA 10175 (Cyber Crime Law)
25. Which right that presupposes that all individuals have the same rights and deserve the
same level of respect?
a. Right to Equality c. Right to non-discrimination
b. Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security d. Right to democracy
26. It plays a significant role in our decision-making process if our decisions obey the teachings
and values instilled upon us by our faith.
a. family c. community
b. school d. religious affiliations
27. Which of the following that supports the belief that our emotions affect our decisions?
a. Emotional Intelligence c. Intra-personal Intelligence
b. Logical Intelligence d. Spatial Intelligence
28. What made a huge influence on how we send and receive information, assess our situation
and make judgments and choices?
a. school c. community
b. media and technology d. personal needs and wants
29. What Universal Human Rights that states that everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other
a. Freedom from Slavery
b. Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment
c. Freedom from Discrimination
d. Right to Equality
30. Which statement that shows confidence and healthy admiration of oneself?
a. I am proud to be the highest achiever of our class.
b. I am satisfied of what I achieved for this school year.
c. I have to be kind to everybody so that they will like me to be part of the group.
d. I feel good about what I achieved and I know I can keep it up.


1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. c
13. a
14. d
15. a
16. b
17. d
18. b
19. c
20. b
21. c
22. b
23. b
24. b
25. a
26. d
27. a
28. b
29. c
30. d

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