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The Little Prince Novella by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Book Report)

1. Most important or interesting character and why.

- The pilot who crashed his plane in the desert and happened to be the narrator is, in
my opinion, the most important or interesting character. He is indeed an important
character in the novel since he narrates and explains the little prince's adventures.

2. What is the setting? Why is the setting important to the story?

- The story is set in the Sahara Desert, where the pilot's plane crashed and there he met
the little prince who happened to be the story's protagonist.

- The setting of the story is vital so that the readers can get a feeling of the story's mood
or imagine it.

3. What do you know about the plot so far?

- The story tells the story of the little prince on his adventure to several planets, where
he learns various things. And the pilot meeting the little prince on the Sahara Desert one
day when he met a plane crash. The pilot narrates the whole story and the journey of
the little prince who meets variety of people, animals, and flowers that helped him
understand the essence of life whether it was good or bad.

4. What questions would you ask the author if you could?

-What happened to the little prince after he came back from his planet?

- Did the little prince somehow meet the different grown-ups (the king, the trippler, the
businessman, etc.) again, on his way to his planet?
5. What new or interesting words have you found?

- During my reading of The Little Prince, there were times when I needed to utilize
Google to look up a word I didn't quite understand. I learned a lot of new words, such as
boa constrictor, baobab, sire, cumbersome, coquettish, and ephemeral (my personal
favorite word from the book), which refers to "something that only lasts a limited time."

6. Read a selection as though you were the main character.

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

7. Discuss what makes this a fiction or a non‐fiction book.

-I can say that this book is pure fiction as no one can travel across different planets, and
talk to a snake, fox, and flowers just like the little prince did. We can see that at some
part of the story the setting took place on the outer space that was very unbelievable.

8. Discuss why the title is a good choice or not.

-The author chose an appropriate title (The Little Prince) since it refers to a Little
Prince's journey and how it portrays childhood. In some situations, the prince's curiosity
is awakened, and he asks questions repeatedly, as if he were a child.

9. What type of person would enjoy this book and why?

- Although it can be a book for kids because of the talking animals and the adventures
or journey of the little prince, but adults can also enjoy this book especially those people
who are adventurous just like the little prince.

10. Would you recommend this book? Why or why not?

- I will definitely recommend this book because this can be an eye opener to the readers
on how grown-ups were blinded on wrong things such as money and ambitions. There
are also a lot of life lessons that the readers can get from this book.
11. Finish this sentence: this book reminds me of...

- My childhood, because just like the little prince, back when I was a child, I tend to ask
questions and I was very adventurous. I remember that I was not afraid to try things and
talk to people or strangers just like what the little prince did when he met the pilot and
those people who lives on other planets.

12. Make a prediction about what will happen next and why.

- I think when the little prince went back to his planet, he immediately went to his flower
and told her all his amazing encounters and journey on different planets; especially that
moment on earth where he met the pilot and the fox. He first went to his flower because
of the realizations that the fox gave him.

13. Discuss a recommendation you have for the author.

- To be honest, I don't have any recommendations for the author because the novel was
so well-written. The story was fantastic and relatable, and it provide the readers with a
variety of knowledge and life lessons. And it wasn't difficult to read, which is wonderful
because it will attract a wider range of readers. It was also an excellent idea to write the
story for both children and adults.

14. Retell a part of the story in your own words.

- There was a pilot who crashed his plane in Sahara Desert. While thinking of ways on
how to fix his plane he went to sleep and was awakened by an odd small voice. The
odd little voice then said, “please draw me a sheep” that took the pilot in surprise.
Rubbing his eyes, he looked around and saw a small figure looking at him intently. He
curiously looked at the little person in front of him that seems to be not bothered at all
that he is in a desert away from people. The pilot asked the small figure “what are you
doing here?” but the small figure just ignored his questions and asked the pilot to draw
him a sheep.
15. Come up with 3 feeling words and 3 setting words. (Scary, exciting, creepy
etc.) - Disappointment, sadness, confusion

16. Discuss the main event and what leads up to the main event.

- The story's main event occurs when the author exposes the little prince's point of view,
from which we can see his journeys, all the people and objects he meets, and all the
wisdom he gains through his adventures.

17. Compare / contrast 2 characters in the book.

Contrast: The pilot and the Little Prince

- The pilot is an adult and a normal human being that has knowledge about the earth
and all the species living on it while the little prince is child and a supernatural or
otherworldly creature that lives in an asteroid called B-612.

Compare: The pilot and the Little Prince

- The pilot and the little prince are both the protagonist of the story and they are both
imaginative and sees the world in a childlike manner.

18. Give your book a rating 1‐5 (1 being not so good and 5 being very good.) and
discuss why you give this rating.

I will give this book a 5/5 rating for the reason that I really love how the narrator narrates
the story, on how they met the little Prince and all scenarios were beautifully unfolded.
And just like what I have said it can be an eye opener for people who will read this book.
I particularly love the scene where the little prince met the fox and taught him the
essence of life. There were also different life lessons in this book that many people can

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