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After a year of perseverance and hard work, July 27, 20222 is the momentous day for the Grade

8 Level
to harvest their fruit of labor from Initao National Comprehensive High School. The recognition was held
at the Grade 8 building on July 27,2022 at exactly 1:00 in the afternoon. The session started with the
presence of parents, grade 8 advisers and learners who excitingly awaits to cover the moments. The
program started with an invocation. Followed by the National Anthem and welcome address given by
our Master Teacher Mrs. Bethel Jean Bernades, a song number is being rendered by our select Grade 8
student Jerome Acain.

The next part is the Reading of Honors and giving of special Awards. the first set of two sections are
coming from Dignity and Juan Luna that has Two with High Honors and the rest are With Honors and
having of special awards. The next part is an intermission number rendered by the select grade 8 set D
students with entertained the audience. The second set of Honors are coming from 3 sections namely
Equality, Human Rights and Cooperation all honors and receiving With Honors.

The next part is the Inspirational Message given by our very own School Principal ll Maam Nanette
Tedlos, a message the touches the heart of every learners.

The 3rd set of Honors are coming from Integrity, Truth and De vega whom they received With Honors.
Another dance number rendered by Lawrice and Partner which they showcase a dance sport that keeps
an eye to everyone that is very intertaining. The last set of Honors are coming from Acceptance and
Accountability in which most honor students received With Honors.

Lastly, a program will not be ended without a closing remarks, a message coming Maam Lenny Joy
Asumbrado T-III of grade 8 level. The master of ceremony of course is our very own English teacher
from grade 8 mam mary grace sabellano. despite of the pandemic we are able to pursue our face to
face recognition indeed it was a successful one.

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