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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System


Commissioning Guide

Issue 01
Date 2007-06-15
Part Number 31501956

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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Huawei Technologies Proprietary

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning.......................................................................1-1
1.1 Safety Precautions...........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Warning and Safety Symbols.................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Safe Usage of Fibers..............................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.3 Anti-Static Protection.............................................................................................................................1-4
1.2 Preparation of Meters and Tools.....................................................................................................................1-5
1.3 Reference Documents.....................................................................................................................................1-6
1.4 Engineering Design Information.....................................................................................................................1-6
1.5 Check Before Commissioning........................................................................................................................1-6
1.6 Requirements for Commissioning Personnel................................................................................................1-10
1.7 Commissioning Items....................................................................................................................................1-11
1.8 Testing Connection Points............................................................................................................................1-12

2 Network Element Commissioning.........................................................................................2-1

2.1 Checking Power Jumpers on the GSCC..........................................................................................................2-3
2.2 Powering on the Equipment............................................................................................................................2-5
2.2.1 Checking Fuse Currents of the Power Supply.......................................................................................2-6
2.2.2 Testing Resistance Between Power Cable Poles of a Cabinet...............................................................2-6
2.2.3 Powering on a Cabinet...........................................................................................................................2-8
2.2.4 Powering on a Subrack...........................................................................................................................2-9
2.3 Observing Board Indicators..........................................................................................................................2-11
2.4 Observing Fan Indicators..............................................................................................................................2-12
2.5 Connecting the PC.........................................................................................................................................2-13
2.6 Starting the T2000-LCT................................................................................................................................2-15
2.6.1 Starting the PC.....................................................................................................................................2-16
2.6.2 Setting IP Address for a PC..................................................................................................................2-16
2.6.3 Starting the T2000-LCT Server............................................................................................................2-17
2.6.4 Starting the T2000-LCT Client............................................................................................................2-18
2.7 Logging in to an NE......................................................................................................................................2-18
2.8 Configuring NE Commissioning Data..........................................................................................................2-19
2.8.1 Setting NE ID.......................................................................................................................................2-20
2.8.2 Configuring NE Name, Date and Time................................................................................................2-21

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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Contents Commissioning Guide

2.8.3 Configuring Services to the NE for Commissioning...........................................................................2-21

2.9 Testing Cable or Fiber Connection...............................................................................................................2-24
2.9.1 Testing Connection of Cables to Service Interfaces............................................................................2-24
2.9.2 Testing Optical Fiber Jumper Connection...........................................................................................2-27
2.10 Testing Specifications of Optical Interfaces...............................................................................................2-29
2.10.1 Testing Mean Launched Optical Power.............................................................................................2-29
2.10.2 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface Board........................................................2-34
2.11 Testing Board Protection Switching...........................................................................................................2-36
2.11.1 Testing TPS of Electrical Interfaces...................................................................................................2-36
2.11.2 Testing 1+1 Protection of the XCS....................................................................................................2-39
2.11.3 Testing 1+1 Protection of the GSCC..................................................................................................2-41
2.12 Testing PDH Channels................................................................................................................................2-44
2.13 Ending NE Commissioning.........................................................................................................................2-45
2.13.1 Deleting Services Configured for Test...............................................................................................2-46
2.13.2 Releasing Software or Hardware Loopback.......................................................................................2-46
2.13.3 Cancelling Permanent Alarm Cut-off Status of ALMC Button.........................................................2-47
2.13.4 Checking Orderwire Phone................................................................................................................2-48

3 Network Commissioning......................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface Board.....................................................................3-3
3.2 Checking Network-Wide Fiber Connection....................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Checking Connection of an NM Computer to the Equipment........................................................................3-6
3.3.1 Checking Direct Connection of an NM Computer to the Equipment....................................................3-7
3.3.2 Checking Connection of the NM Computer to the Equipment Through a LAN...................................3-9
3.4 Creating and Configuring Network...............................................................................................................3-11
3.5 Querying Network-Wide Software Versions................................................................................................3-12
3.6 Testing Clock Protection Switching..............................................................................................................3-13
3.7 Testing Orderwire Phone..............................................................................................................................3-14
3.8 Testing Network Protection Switching.........................................................................................................3-14
3.8.1 Testing Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection Switching.....................................................3-15
3.8.2 Testing Four-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection Switching.....................................................3-17
3.8.3 Testing 1+1 or 1:1 Linear MS Protection Switching...........................................................................3-19
3.8.4 Testing SNCP Protection Switching....................................................................................................3-20
3.9 Testing Ethernet Service Channels...............................................................................................................3-22
3.10 Testing Point-to-Point BER........................................................................................................................3-24

A Glossary.....................................................................................................................................A-1
B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................B-1

ii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide Figures


Figure 1-1 Slanting optical interface....................................................................................................................1-4

Figure 1-2 Level optical interface........................................................................................................................1-4
Figure 1-3 Wearing an anti-static wrist strap.......................................................................................................1-5
Figure 1-4 Front panel of the AUX board............................................................................................................1-9
Figure 1-5 Front panel of the EOW board.........................................................................................................1-10
Figure 1-6 Testing connection points of the OptiX OSN 7500..........................................................................1-13
Figure 2-1 Positions of J30 and J31 on the GSCC board.....................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-2 Capping or decapping the power jumpers J30 and J31......................................................................2-4
Figure 2-3 Illustration of removing a board.........................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-4 Illustration of inserting a board..........................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-5 Positions of the power cable poles of the DC PDU............................................................................2-7
Figure 2-6 Mapping relation between the subrack power switches and the PIU boards...................................2-10
Figure 2-7 Fan location on the OptiX OSN 7500..............................................................................................2-13
Figure 2-8 Pins of a network cable connector....................................................................................................2-14
Figure 2-9 Connection of a PC to OptiX OSN 7500..........................................................................................2-15
Figure 2-10 Board configuration of the OptiX OSN 7500.................................................................................2-22
Figure 2-11 Signal flow for test of cable connection to service interfaces........................................................2-25
Figure 2-12 Actual connection of cables to service interfaces...........................................................................2-26
Figure 2-13 Test connection diagram for OptiX OSN 7500..............................................................................2-28
Figure 2-14 Connection for the test of the mean launched optical power..........................................................2-30
Figure 2-15 Specification label of an optical interface board............................................................................2-32
Figure 2-16 Connection for the test of the received optical power....................................................................2-35
Figure 2-17 Signal flow for TPS........................................................................................................................2-37
Figure 2-18 TPS test connection........................................................................................................................2-37
Figure 2-19 Signal flow for 1+1 protection of the XCS board..........................................................................2-39
Figure 2-20 Connection diagram for the test of the 1+1 protection switching of the XCS boards....................2-40
Figure 2-21 Connection diagram for the test of the 1+1 protection switching of the GSCC boards ................2-42
Figure 2-22 Illustration of removing a board.....................................................................................................2-43
Figure 2-23 Illustration of inserting a board......................................................................................................2-43
Figure 2-24 Connection of the meter to service ports in the test of PDH channels...........................................2-44
Figure 2-25 Actual connection for the test of PDH channels.............................................................................2-45
Figure 3-1 Fiber connection of a two-fiber ring...................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-2 Fiber connection of a four-fiber ring..................................................................................................3-5

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary iii

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Figures Commissioning Guide

Figure 3-3 Fiber connection of an unprotected chain...........................................................................................3-5

Figure 3-4 Fiber connection of a 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS........................................................................................3-6
Figure 3-5 Fiber connection of 1:N (N≤14) linear MS...................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-6 Direct connection of the NM computer..............................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-7 Pins of a cross-over network cable connector.................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-8 Connection of the NM computer through a LAN.............................................................................3-10
Figure 3-9 Pins of a straight through network cable connector..........................................................................3-10
Figure 3-10 Connection for the test of two-fiber bidirectional MSP protection switching................................3-16
Figure 3-11 Connection for the test of four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring protection switching.......................3-17
Figure 3-12 Connection for the test of 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS protection switching...........................................3-19
Figure 3-13 Connection for the test of the SNCP protection switching.............................................................3-21
Figure 3-14 Connection for the test of the Ethernet service channels................................................................3-23
Figure 3-15 Connection for the test of network-wide BER...............................................................................3-24
Figure 3-16 Connecting 2M ports in a serial manner.........................................................................................3-25

iv Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide Tables


Table 1-1 Warning and safety symbols on the OptiX OSN 7500........................................................................1-2
Table 1-2 Meters and tools...................................................................................................................................1-5
Table 1-3 Commissioning items.........................................................................................................................1-11
Table 1-4 Descriptions of testing connection points of the OptiX OSN 7500...................................................1-14
Table 2-1 Sequence of lines at both ends of a crossover network cable............................................................2-14
Table 2-2 Parameters to be selected for service configuration...........................................................................2-23
Table 2-3 Relations of service rate, coding and pseudo-random serial code.....................................................2-26
Table 2-4 Specifications of optical interfaces....................................................................................................2-32
Table 2-5 Mapping relation between TPS protection slots................................................................................2-38
Table 3-1 Pin sequence at both ends of a cross-over network cable....................................................................3-8
Table 3-2 Pin sequence at both ends of a straight through network cable.........................................................3-10
Table 3-3 Configuration procedure....................................................................................................................3-11
Table 3-4 Mapping relations of the service rate, coding scheme and pseudo-random serial code....................3-25

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary v

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide About This Document

About This Document

The Commissioning Guide describes the entire process for commissioning the OptiX OSN
7500 equipment. The manual covers the description of preparation before commissioning,
methods and steps for each commissioning item.

With the guidelines provided in the manual, you can commissioning the OptiX OSN 7500

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX OSN 7500 V100R007

LCT V200R005C01

T2000 V200R005C01

Intended Audience
The intended audience of this document is Commissioning Engineers.

This document is organized as follows.

Chapter Description

1 Preparation Before This section describes what should be prepared for

Commissioning commissioning.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
About This Document Commissioning Guide

Chapter Description

2 Network Element This section describes how to perform each network element
Commissioning commissioning item.

3 Network This section describes how to perform each network

Commissioning commissioning item.

A Glossary This section lists the glossary used in this document.

B Acronyms and This section lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this
Abbreviation document.

Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which,

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not

avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save
your time.

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or

supplement important points of the main text.

General Conventions
Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For
example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Terminal display is in Courier New.

2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide About This Document

Command Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italic.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are


{ x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets

and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can
be selected.

GUI Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the “>” signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation
Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressingCtrl+Alt+A means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operation
Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
About This Document Commissioning Guide

Update History
Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version
contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

This document of the V100R007 version is of the first release. Compared with the V100R006,
this version has the following new or optimized content:
l Description of some new boards are added in the section "Testing Connection Points".
l In section "Testing Specifications of Optical Interfaces", the specifications of the L-1.2,
Ve-1.2, L-4.2 and Ve-4.2 optical interfaces are additionally listed.

4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

About This Chapter

Before commissioning, you need to understand the knowledge of safe operation. Moreover, you
need to prepare the necessary meters and tools, the reference documents, and the engineering
design information.

1.1 Safety Precautions

This section describes the guide to safe operation. It contains the personal safety regulations and
equipment operating regulations. These regulations must be strictly followed to avoid personal
injury and damage to equipment during equipment operation.
1.2 Preparation of Meters and Tools
Have the meters and tools necessary for commissioning prepared beforehand.
1.3 Reference Documents
Before commissioning, prepare the following reference documents.
1.4 Engineering Design Information
Attain the following engineering design information before the commissioning.
1.5 Check Before Commissioning
Before commissioning the OptiX OSN 7500, it is required to check the listed items.
1.6 Requirements for Commissioning Personnel
Before using this manual, the commissioning personnel must receive trainings on the optical
network equipment. They also should be skilled in using the commissioning tools. The
commissioning personnel must attain familiarity with the following items:
1.7 Commissioning Items
This section helps you gain a general understanding of equipment commissioning by introduces
the commissioning procedure.
1.8 Testing Connection Points
This sections describes the positions of the testing connection points.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

1.1 Safety Precautions

This section describes the guide to safe operation. It contains the personal safety regulations and
equipment operating regulations. These regulations must be strictly followed to avoid personal
injury and damage to equipment during equipment operation.

1.1.1 Warning and Safety Symbols

Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the equipment.
1.1.2 Safe Usage of Fibers
The laser beam can cause damage to your eyes. Take great care when using optical fibers.
1.1.3 Anti-Static Protection
Before maintenance of the equipment, take the anti-static measures to prevent damage to the

1.1.1 Warning and Safety Symbols

Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the equipment.

Table 1-1 lists the warning and safety symbols of the OptiX OSN 7500 and their meanings.

Table 1-1 Warning and safety symbols on the OptiX OSN 7500

Symbol Indication

This symbol is for anti-static protection.

A notice with this symbol indicates that you
should wear an anti-static wrist strap or glove
when you touch a board. Otherwise, damage
might be caused to the board.

This symbol is for laser class.

LASER A notice with this symbol indicates the class
PRODUCT of the laser. Avoid direct exposure to the laser
beams launched from the optical interface.
LASER Otherwise, damage might be caused to the eye
or skin.

A notice with this symbol indicates where the

subrack is grounded.

A notice with this symbol indicates that the

ATTENTION 警告 air filter must be cleaned periodically.

1-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

Symbol Indication

严禁在风扇高速旋转时接触叶片 Fan safety alarm symbol

FAN LEAVES BEFORE A notice with this symbol indicates that do not
touch the fan leaves when the fun is rotating.

A notice with the APD symbol indicates that

! APD the overload value of an optical interface is -9
Receiver dbm.

1.1.2 Safe Usage of Fibers

The laser beam can cause damage to your eyes. Take great care when using optical fibers.

When installing or maintaining an optical interface board or fibers, avoid direct eye exposure to
the laser beams launched from the optical interface board or fiber connectors. The laser beams
may cause permanent eye damage.

Cleaning Fibers
The fiber connectors and optical fiber interfaces of the optical interface board must be cleaned
with special cleaning tools and materials listed below:
l Special cleaning solvent: Isoamylol (preferred), Propyl alcohol (next preferred), Alcohol
(forbidden), Formalin (forbidden)
l Non-woven lens tissue
l Special compressed gas
l Cotton stick (medical cotton or long fiber cotton)
l Special cleaning roll, using with cleaning solvent listed in the first item
l Special magnifier for optical connectors

For cleaning steps, refer to Appendix "Inspecting and Cleaning the Fiber-Optical Connectors"
in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System Troubleshooting.

Replacing Fibers
When replacing a fiber, cap the fiber connector of the fiber not used with the protective cap.

Connecting Fibers
l Use an attenuator if the optical power is too high. A high receiver optical power causes
damage to the optical interface.
l Connect an attenuator to a slanting optical interface. Insert the attenuator in the IN port,
not the OUT port.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-3

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

l Do not connect any attenuator to the level optical interface. Use the optical distribution
frame to connect an attenuator to a level optical interface.
Figure 1-1 shows the slanting optical interface, and Figure 1-2 shows the level optical interface.

Figure 1-1 Slanting optical interface

Slanting optical

Figure 1-2 Level optical interface

Level optical

1.1.3 Anti-Static Protection

Before maintenance of the equipment, take the anti-static measures to prevent damage to the

The static discharge from human bodies might cause damage to the static-sensitive components
on the board.

1-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

To avoid component damage caused by static discharge from human body, wear the anti-static
wrist strap when touching the equipment, board or IC chip. The other end of the anti-static wrist
strap must be inserted into the anti-static jack of the equipment subrack. Figure 1-3 shows how
to wear an anti-static wrist strap.

Figure 1-3 Wearing an anti-static wrist strap

When a board is not used, put the board in an anti-static bag. Some desiccant must be put inside
the bag to keep the internal air dry.

1.2 Preparation of Meters and Tools

Have the meters and tools necessary for commissioning prepared beforehand.

Table 1-2 lists the meters and tools that are used to commission the OptiX OSN 7500

Table 1-2 Meters and tools

Name Usefulness

SDH analyzer It is used to test multiplex section switching time, frequency deviation
and jitter at optical or electrical interfaces.

Optical power meter It is used to test the actual received optical power, receiver sensitivity,
and receiver overload at optical interfaces.

Optical attenuator It is used to attenuate strong optical power received at optical

interfaces to avoid damage.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-5

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Name Usefulness

Laptop It must be installed with LCT and T2000 and used in the process of
NE commissioning. Besides, it is also used to test the Ethernet

Multimeter It is used to test voltage, resistance, current intensity.

BER tester It is used to test bit errors at electrical interfaces.

Fiber jumper It is used to connect an optical interface to the ODF or to perform a

self-loop to the optical interface board.

Network cable It is used to connect an NE to a PC, and to test the Ethernet service

1.3 Reference Documents

Before commissioning, prepare the following reference documents.
The reference documents include:
l OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Troubleshooting
l OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Alarms and Performance Events
l OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide
l OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Installation Guide

1.4 Engineering Design Information

Attain the following engineering design information before the commissioning.
The necessary engineering information includes:
l Networking diagram
l IP address allocation diagram
l Board layout of each NE
l Fiber and cable connection table
l Timeslot allocation diagram
l Clock tracing diagram
l Orderwire diagram

1.5 Check Before Commissioning

Before commissioning the OptiX OSN 7500, it is required to check the listed items.

Checking Installation of NMS

Check the following items as to the NMS:

1-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

l The T2000 must have been installed in the central equipment room. The installation must
have been checked.
l The T2000-LCT must have been installed in the laptop computer. The installation must
have been checked.

Refer to the OptiX iManager T2000 Installation Guide and OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User

Checking Hardware Installation

l Check the installation of the cabinet.
– The installation position of the cabinet must meet the requirements in the engineering
design drawing.
– When several cabinets are installed, these cabinets must be kept horizontal and firm.
– The egress cabling hole on the top of the cabinet must face against the fiber-routing
trough in the equipment room.
– The screws between the bracket and the ground, the bracket and the cabinet, must be
installed in a correct manner. Verify that all required screws are installed firmly. The
flat washer and the spring washer must be installed in the correct order.
– The orderwire phone and the anti-static wrist strap are still exclusively available.
– No other objects are in the cabinet.
l Check installation of the subrack.
– The subrack is properly grounded.
– No objects must be in the slot. No objects as screws, strips should be in the subrack.
– The front panel should be installed to cover the empty slot.
– The fiber routing trough should not be damaged and should be connected firmly with
the subrack.
l Check the fiber routing.
– All cables are bound with proper tightness. The spacing between the cable ties is even,
and the remaining parts of the cable ties are cut off neatly. All cable ties face the same
direction. The overall appearance is then kept nice.
– All cables are arranged smoothly, with no roundabout twists and turns.
– When a trough is used for cabling outside the cabinet, do not make the cables overflow
the trough.
– Cables shall be secured on the beam of the cabling frame, if such a cabling frame is
used for cabling. They shall be bound neatly in rectangle shape (or in circular shape
when the cables are single-cored).
– If necessary, bend the cables in a radius (more than 6 cm) as large as possible. The cables
cannot be bound where they are bent.
– The power cable and PGND cable are connected correctly and firmly.
– The diameter of the power cable and PGND cable meets the power distribution
– The external power cable and PGND cable are arranged separately from signal cables,
with a spacing of more than 3 cm.
– The power cable and PGND cable are bent smoothly.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-7

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

– The power cable and PGND cable must be made of an entire piece of copper core,
without any joint in the middle.
This section lists the regulations for fiber routing. For details, refer to the relevant appendix in
the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Installation Guide.
l Check the board appearance.
– The metal spring at the side of the front panel does not tilt.
– The ejector lever of the cross-connect and timing board must be locked (The two tact
switches must be good and kept on).
– All the boards must be inserted completely and the front panels must be locked well.

In case of any anomaly, contact local offices of Huawei.

l Check the connection of the interfaces of the AUX and the EOW boards.

For the OptiX OSN 7500, 12 RJ-45 interfaces are on the front panel of the AUX and the EOW
boards. The interfaces access different signals. Connect the interfaces in a correct manner to
prevent damage to internal chips. For details on the AUX and the EOW boards, refer to the
OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware Description. Figure 1-4 shows
the positions of the interfaces on the AUX board. Figure 1-5 shows the positions of the interfaces
on the EOW board.

On the AUX board, LAMP1 is the egress port, and LAMP2 is the ingress concatenated port for
the alarm indicators on the cabinet.

1-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

Figure 1-4 Front panel of the AUX board




Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-9

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 1-5 Front panel of the EOW board




Checking Grounding
l Check if the equipment is grounded.
l Check if the grounding is proper.

1.6 Requirements for Commissioning Personnel

Before using this manual, the commissioning personnel must receive trainings on the optical
network equipment. They also should be skilled in using the commissioning tools. The
commissioning personnel must attain familiarity with the following items:

l Knowledge on SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy), PDH (Plesiochronous Digital

Hierarchy, and Ethernet1980
l Knowledge of OptiX OSN 7500
l How to use the T2000 to configure services
l How to use the T2000-LCT to configure services

1-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

l How to use the commissioning meters (SDH, PDH, Ethernet)

1.7 Commissioning Items

This section helps you gain a general understanding of equipment commissioning by introduces
the commissioning procedure.

Table 1-3 lists the commissioning items concerning the OptiX OSN 7500.

Table 1-3 Commissioning items

Item Sub-Item Section

NE Check the setting of the power jumper of a GSCC 2.1

commissioning board.

Power up the equipment. 2.2

Observe the board indicators. 2.3

Observe the fan indicators. 2.4

Connect the PC. 2.5

Start up the T2000-LCT. 2.6

Log in to the NE. 2.7

Configure the commissioning data of the NE. 2.8

Test the fiber connection. 2.9

Test specifications of the optical interfaces. 2.10

Test the board protection switching. 2.11

Test PDH channels. 2.12

End the NE commissioning. 2.13

Network Test the received optical power of optical interface 3.1

commissioning boards.

Test network-wide fiber connection. 3.2

Check the connection of the T2000 computer. 3.3

Create and configure the network. 3.4

Check the network-wide software versions. 3.5

Test the clock protection switching. 3.6

Test the orderwire phone. 3.7

Test network protection switching. 3.8

Test Ethernet service channel. 3.9

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-11

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Item Sub-Item Section

Test the point-to-point bit error. 3.10

1.8 Testing Connection Points

This sections describes the positions of the testing connection points.
Figure 1-6 shows the testing connection points of the OptiX OSN 7500.

1-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

Figure 1-6 Testing connection points of the OptiX OSN 7500

EU08 N2OU08 N1OU08 MU04 TSB8 D34S D75S ETF8 EFF8 ETS8 DM12

5 38 4 13 6 14 14 12 18 12 39 40

Interface board
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38



20 29

21 30
23 31
33 PIU

16 25 34
17 36
26 18

37 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Processing board

1 2 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 3 43 41 42 44

Regarding the OptiX OSN 7500, the testing connection points are located on the corresponding
boards. Table 1-4 shows the boards and the corresponding testing connection points.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-13

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Table 1-4 Descriptions of testing connection points of the OptiX OSN 7500
Access Board Connection Point Connection
Point Type

1 N1SL64, T2SL64, T2SL64A, STM-64 optical LC

N1SF64, N1SLD64 interface

2 N1SL16, N2SL16, N3SL16, STM-16 optical LC

N3SL16A, N2SLQ16, N1SF16 interface

3 N1SL4, N2SL4, R1SL4, N1SLQ4, STM-4 optical LC

N2SLQ4, N1SLD4, N2SLD4, interface

4 N1SLT1, N1SLQ1, N2SLQ1, STM-1 optical LC

N1SL1, N2SL1, N2SLO1, N1OU08, interface

5 N1SEP1, N1EU08 STM-1 electrical SMB


6 N1PL3A, N2PL3A, N1D34S, E3/T3 electrical SMB

N1C34S interface

7 N1LWX 34 Mbit/s to 2.5 LC

Gbit/s optical
interface at WDM

8 N1LWX 34 Mbit/s to 2.5 LC

Gbit/s optical
interface at client

9 N1MR2A, N1MR2C Adding and LC

Dropping optical

10 BA2, BPA Optical amplifier LC


11 N1EGT2, N2EGS2, N1EGS4, GE optical interface LC


12 N1ETF8, N1EFS4, N2EFS4, FE electrical RJ-45

N1ETS8, N1EFT8A , N2EMR0 interface

13 N1MU04 E4/STM-1 electrical SMB


14 N1D75S, N1D12S, N1D12B E1/T1 electrical DB44


15 N1EFF8 FE optical interface LC

16 N2GSCC, N3GSCC Reset Button

1-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning

Access Board Connection Point Connection

Point Type

17 N2GSCC, N3GSCC Alarm cut switch Button


18 T1PIU 50 W power output Common 4-pin

interfaces "PS1" and socket
"PS2", supplying
power for COA or

19 T1PIU –48 V power input DB3

interface "PWR"

20 T1EOW 75-ohm clock input SMB

interface "CLKI1"
and output interface

21 T1EOW 120-ohm clock RJ-45

interface "CLK2"

22 T1EOW Extended subrack RJ-45

interface "EXT"

23 T1EOW Orderwire interface RJ-45


24 T1EOW Outgoing subnet RJ-45

orderwire interfaces
"V1" and "V2"

25 T1EOW RS-232 data circuit- RJ-45

terminal equipment
(DCE) remote
interface "OAM"

26 T1EOW Serial interfaces RJ-45

"S1", "S2", "S3" and

27 T1EOW Commissioning RJ-45

interface "COM"

28 T1EOW NM interface "ETH" RJ-45

29 T1AUX 75-ohm clock input SMB

interface "CLKI3"
and output interface

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-15

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
1 Preparations for Equipment Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Access Board Connection Point Connection

Point Type

30 T1AUX 120-ohm clock RJ-45

interface "CLK4"

31 T1AUX Serial interface RJ-45


32 T1AUX 64 kbit/s RJ-45

codirectional data
path interface "F1"

33 T1AUX Cabinet indicator RJ-45

output interface

34 T1AUX Cabinet indicator RJ-45

concatenating input
interface "LAMP2"

35 T1AUX Alarm concatenation RJ-45

output interface

36 T1AUX Alarm output RJ-45

interface "ALMO2"

37 T1AUX Alarm input RJ-45

interfaces "ALMI1",
"ALMI2", "ALMI3"
and "ALMI4"

38 N2OU08 STM-1 optical SC


39 N1DM12 Frame E1 interface DB28

40 N1DM12 N x 64 kbit/s DB44


41 N1FIB IN interface of comb E2000

filter board

42 N1FIB OUT interface of LC

comb filter board

43 N1MST4 SAN interface LC

44 N1DCU, N2DCU Dispersion LC


1-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2 Network Element Commissioning

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the commissioning items and methods concerning network element

2.1 Checking Power Jumpers on the GSCC

OptiX OSN 7500 supports –48 V or –60 V input power, which can be selected by setting the
jumpers on the GSCC board. There are two sets of power jumpers on the GSCC board. To prevent
damage to the equipment, make sure the settings of the power jumpers are in line with the
requirements of power supply. This task is performed to check the power jumpers on the GSCC
2.2 Powering on the Equipment
This section describes how to power on the equipment.
2.3 Observing Board Indicators
The indicators on the board indicate the working state of the board. If the indicator indicates that
the board is faulty, replace the faulty board in time. This section describes how to determine the
state of the board hardware by observing the board indicators.
2.4 Observing Fan Indicators
After a subrack is switched on, fans start to operate. The fan indicators indicate the working state
of the fans. If the indicator indicates that the fan is faulty, replace the faulty fan in time. This
section describes how to determine the state of the fan hardware by observing the fan indicators.
2.5 Connecting the PC
The NE commissioning is performed by using the T2000-LCT on a PC. This section describes
how to connect the PC to the equipment in a correct manner. Make sure the connection between
the PC and the equipment is fine during commissioning.
2.6 Starting the T2000-LCT
This section describes how to start up the PC, and how to start the T2000-LCT server and client
on the PC.
2.7 Logging in to an NE
After the T2000-LCT client interface is displayed, log in to the NE for NE commissioning. This
section describes how to use the T2000-LCT client to log in to the NE for commissioning.
2.8 Configuring NE Commissioning Data

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Some commissioning items require that the data should be configured to the NE. Configure the
NE commissioning data after checking the NE version. This section describes how to configure
the NE commissioning data.
2.9 Testing Cable or Fiber Connection
During installation, cables or fibers may be improperly connected, and the hardware may become
faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the cable or fiber connection is definitely
correct. This section describes how to test the cable or fiber connection.
2.10 Testing Specifications of Optical Interfaces
If the launched or received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment.
Services are then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged.
This section describes how to test the optical interface specifications. The test is performed to
make sure that the launched or received optical power of each optical interface is proper.
2.11 Testing Board Protection Switching
The board protection is configured to protect services. For this purpose, the board protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the board protection switching.
2.12 Testing PDH Channels
If any anomaly occurs to PDH channels, bit error is caused to services. This section describes
how to test PDH channels to make sure services run in a stable manner through the channels.
2.13 Ending NE Commissioning
To end the NE commissioning properly is very important for later network commissioning and
service configuration. To prevent effect to the network commissioning, end the commissioning
after each test. It is required to do the listed actions to end the NE commissioning.

2-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2.1 Checking Power Jumpers on the GSCC

OptiX OSN 7500 supports –48 V or –60 V input power, which can be selected by setting the
jumpers on the GSCC board. There are two sets of power jumpers on the GSCC board. To prevent
damage to the equipment, make sure the settings of the power jumpers are in line with the
requirements of power supply. This task is performed to check the power jumpers on the GSCC

The commissioning personnel should know the actual output voltage of the power supply.

Tools and Meters


Jumper Description
The GSCC board can be seated in slot 24 or 25 on the OptiX OSN 7500. Figure 2-1 shows the
position of J30 and J31 on the GSCC board. Figure 2-2 shows how to cap or decap the jumpers.
By default, the power jumpers are capped.

Figure 2-1 Positions of J30 and J31 on the GSCC board

Power J31


Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-3

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-2 Capping or decapping the power jumpers J30 and J31
Jumper cap

Capped power

Power jumper


Wear an anti-static wrist strap or a pair of gloves when performing the operation.

Step 1 Unlock the ejector lever on the front panel of the GSCC board. Remove the GSCC board from
slot 24. Figure 2-3 shows how to remove the GSCC board.

Figure 2-3 Illustration of removing a board

1 2

Step 2 Check the settings to the J30 and J31. Set the jumpers as required. Figure 2-1 shows the position
of J30 and J31 on the GSCC board. By default, J30 and J31 are capped.
l If the power supply is –48 V, leave the caps on the J30 and J31.

2-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

l If the power supply is –60 V, remove the caps from J30 and J31.

Step 3 Insert the GSCC board back into slot 24. Figure 2-4 shows how to insert the GSCC board.

Figure 2-4 Illustration of inserting a board

1 2

Step 4 Repeat steps 1–3 to check the settings to the jumpers of the GSCC board in slot25.


2.2 Powering on the Equipment

This section describes how to power on the equipment.

To power on the equipment, the following operations must be performed.

l Check the safety capacity of the power supply.

l Test the resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet.
l Power on the cabinet.
l Power on the subrack.

It is dangerous to touch the equipment power supply directly or indirectly through a damp object.

2.2.1 Checking Fuse Currents of the Power Supply

The fuse currents of the power supply device make sure that the OptiX OSN 7500 is normally
operating even with the maximum power consumption. This task is performed to check the
supply current of the power supply device and to ensure the fuse current meets the requirements
of the OptiX OSN 7500.
2.2.2 Testing Resistance Between Power Cable Poles of a Cabinet

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-5

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

To prevent short circuit or reverse pole connection while installing the power cables, the
resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet must be tested. This task is performed
to test the resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet.
2.2.3 Powering on a Cabinet
If the cabinet power voltage is abnormal, the OptiX OSN 7500 operates in an abnormal manner
or fails to operate. This section describes how to power on the cabinet and test the power voltage.
Perform this task to ensure the voltage of the power supply meets the requirements of the OptiX
OSN 7500.
2.2.4 Powering on a Subrack
To power on the subrack is the last step to power on the equipment. To prevent effect caused by
mis-installation to powering on the equipment, check the installation and the routing of power
cables before powering on the subrack. This section describes how to check the hardware
installation. This task is performed to make sure the equipment can be normally powered on.

2.2.1 Checking Fuse Currents of the Power Supply

The fuse currents of the power supply device make sure that the OptiX OSN 7500 is normally
operating even with the maximum power consumption. This task is performed to check the
supply current of the power supply device and to ensure the fuse current meets the requirements
of the OptiX OSN 7500.

The power supply device must have been installed and tested.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check the maximum power consumption and fuse current of the OptiX OSN 7500.
l Maximum power consumption: 1000W
l Fuse current: 32A

Step 2 Compute the fuse current of the power supply device with a joint consideration of the equipment
configuration in the equipment room.
Step 3 Check if fuse current of the power supply device meets the requirement.


2.2.2 Testing Resistance Between Power Cable Poles of a Cabinet

To prevent short circuit or reverse pole connection while installing the power cables, the
resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet must be tested. This task is performed
to test the resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet.

The cabinet power cables, power grounding cables, PGND cables must have been installed and

2-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Tools and Meters


Positions of the Power Cable Poles

The DC power distribution unit (PDU) is installed on the top of the cabinet to access 2 x –48 V
or 2 x –60 V DC power and to supply power for the cabinet. Figure 2-5 shows the positions of
the power cable poles of the DC PDU.

Figure 2-5 Positions of the power cable poles of the DC PDU

Power cable poles

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


RTN1(+) RTN2(+) NEG1(-)NEG2(-)

SW1/ SW2/ SW3/ SW4/ SW1/ SW2/ SW3/ SW4/
32A 32A 20A 20A 32A 32A 20A 20A

Subrack power switches PGND Power cable poles Subrack power switches

Ensure that the switch of the external power supply device is turned to “OFF” side.

If a power monitoring device is installed to the power supply device, disconnect the power supply
device and the power monitoring device before the test. Otherwise, the test result may be not

Step 1 Turn the subrack power switch to OFF side. The switch is on the DC PDU, which is on the top
of the cabinet.

Step 2 Use the multimeter to test the resistance between the following power cable poles. The value
should be ∞. Figure 2-5 shows the positions the power cable poles.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-7

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

l Resistance between NEG1 (–) and RTN1 (+)

l Resistance between NEG1 (–) and RTN2 (+)

l Resistance between NEG1 (–) and PGND ( )

l Resistance between NEG2 (–) and RTN2 (+)
l Resistance between NEG2 (–) and RTN1 (+)

l Resistance between NEG2 (–) and PGND ( )

If the test result shows that resistance is not ∞, it indicates that a fault occurs to NEG(–), RTN
(+) and PGND. Clear the fault and then perform step 2 again.

Step 3 Turn the subrack power switch to ON side. The switch is on the DC PDU, which is on the top
of the cabinet.
Step 4 Connect the positive pole of the multimeter to RTN (+) and the negative pole to NEG (–). Test
the resistance between the following power cable poles. The value should be larger than 20
l  Resistance between NEG1 (–) and RTN1 (+)
l  Resistance between NEG1 (–) and RTN2 (+)

l  Resistance between NEG1 (–) and PGND ( )

l  Resistance between NEG2 (–) and RTN1 (+)
l  Resistance between NEG2 (–) and RTN1 (+)

l  Resistance between NEG2 (–) and PGND ( )

If the resistance between the power cable poles is less than 20 kohm, there is a fault in the power.
Locate the fault and rectify it.
If the test result shows that the resistance is less than 20 ohms, it indicates that a short-circuit
occurs between the working power and the working ground. Clear the fault and then perform
step 4 again.

Step 5 After the test, turn the switches of all the subracks to the OFF side.


2.2.3 Powering on a Cabinet

If the cabinet power voltage is abnormal, the OptiX OSN 7500 operates in an abnormal manner
or fails to operate. This section describes how to power on the cabinet and test the power voltage.
Perform this task to ensure the voltage of the power supply meets the requirements of the OptiX
OSN 7500.

2-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

The following tasks must have been performed:
l Checking the fuse currents of the power supply.
l Testing the resistance between the power cable poles of the cabinet.

Tools and Meters


If the output voltage of the power supply device is not within this working range, reconstruction
should be made and power-on is forbidden.

Step 1 Make sure the switch of the OptiX OSN 7500 subrack is off.
Step 2 Switch on the power supply device.
Step 3 Connect the positive pole of the multimeter to NEG(–) and the negative pole to RTN(+). The
power cable poles are on the DC PDU, which is on the top of the cabinet. Figure 2-5 shows the
positions. Test the voltage between RTN(+) and NEG(–).
l The voltage should range from –38.4 V to –57.6 V, if the standard input voltage is –48 V.
l The voltage should range from –48.0 V to –72.0 V, if the standard input voltage is –60 V.


2.2.4 Powering on a Subrack

To power on the subrack is the last step to power on the equipment. To prevent effect caused by
mis-installation to powering on the equipment, check the installation and the routing of power
cables before powering on the subrack. This section describes how to check the hardware
installation. This task is performed to make sure the equipment can be normally powered on.

The cabinet must have been powered on.

Tools and Meters


Subrack Power Switch

Figure 2-6 shows the mapping relations between the subrack power switches and the PIU boards
of the OptiX OSN 7500.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-9

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-6 Mapping relation between the subrack power switches and the PIU boards
Power module A Power module B

1234 1234
Subrack power Subrack power
switchs switchs

Slot 32 PIU


Slot 33 PIU

Note: Subrack power switch No. 1 is used for the lower subrack.
Sburack power switch No. 2 is used for the upper subrack.

Do not insert or remove power plugs and the PIU when the power is on.

Step 1 Check if the subrack power cables are connected to PIU board of the subrack in a correct manner.
Regarding the OptiX OSN 7500, refer to Figure 2-6.
l The subrack power cables at the power module A must be connected to the PIU board in slot
l The subrack power cables at the power module B must be connected to the PIU board in slot
l Turn on the power switch 1 and 2 of the power module to supply power for the OptiX OSN

Step 2 Check if all power connectors are connected tightly. If not, use the screw driver to tighten the
captive screws on the connectors of power cables.

Step 3 Turn the subrack power switch to the ON side. The switch is on the DC PDU and is connected
to the PIU board.

Step 4 Observe the PROG indicator of the boards.

l If the PROG indicator starts to flash, it indicates that the board software is being initialised
and loaded.
l When the software is successfully loaded, the PROG indicator stays green.

Step 5 Observe the PWRA and PWRB indicators on the GSCC board.
l PWRA/PWRB (green): The power supply is normal.
l PWRA/PWRB (red or off): The power supply is faulty. Check and clear the fault.

2-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning


l If the equipment is equipped with two PIU boards but only one of them is supplied with external power,
only the PWRA or PWRB indicator stays green.
l If the equipment is equipped with only one PIU board, both the PWRA and PWRB indicators stay

Step 6 Check the cabinet power indicator on the top of the cabinet. The green indicator stays on.
The indicator on the top is driven by the AUX board. Hence, only when the subrack is powered on can the
indicators on the top of the cabinet be lit.


2.3 Observing Board Indicators

The indicators on the board indicate the working state of the board. If the indicator indicates that
the board is faulty, replace the faulty board in time. This section describes how to determine the
state of the board hardware by observing the board indicators.

The subrack must have been powered on.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Observe the PROG indicator of each board. Normally, it is lit and green.
l If the PROG indicator is green, it indicates that the board software or FPGA is uploaded
successfully, or the board software is initialized successfully.
l If the PROG indicator is red, it indicates that the board software or FPGA is lost, or fails in
uploading or in initializing. Change the board or download the software to clear the fault.
l If the PROG indicator is off, it indicates no power supply. Check for the cause and clear the

Step 2 Observe the STAT indicator of each board. Normally, it is lit and green.
l If the STAT indicator is green, it indicates that the board works normally.
l If the STAT indicator is red, it indicates the board hardware fails. Replace the board with a
good one.
l If the STAT indicator is off, it indicates that the board is not supplied with power.

Different boards have different indicators. For details of the board indicators, see Appendix "Equipment
and Board Alarm Indicators" of the OptiX OSN 7500Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware


Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-11

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.4 Observing Fan Indicators

After a subrack is switched on, fans start to operate. The fan indicators indicate the working state
of the fans. If the indicator indicates that the fan is faulty, replace the faulty fan in time. This
section describes how to determine the state of the fan hardware by observing the fan indicators.

The equipment must be powered on.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Observe the STATE indicator of the fan. Normally, it is lit and green.
l If the STATE indicator is green, it indicates that the fan operates normally.
l If the STATE indicator is red, it indicates that the fan, fan power board or fan control board
is abnormal.
l If the STATE indicator is off, it indicates that the fan is shut down automatically in case of
low temperature.
If the fan generates abnormal sound after the equipment is powered on, power off the subrack. Remove
the fan to check for objects as bundling tape. Clear the objects immediately to prevent damage to the fan.

Figure 2-7 shows the fan position.

2-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Figure 2-7 Fan location on the OptiX OSN 7500


Fan tray

Air filter



Step 2 If the STATE indicator is red, it indicates that the fan becomes faulty. Clear the fault in time.

Step 3 If it is required to replace the fan, refer to "Component Replacement" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Troubleshooting.


2.5 Connecting the PC

The NE commissioning is performed by using the T2000-LCT on a PC. This section describes
how to connect the PC to the equipment in a correct manner. Make sure the connection between
the PC and the equipment is fine during commissioning.

The Windows operating system must have been installed on the PC for commissioning.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Verify that the network cable is the cross-over network cable. Figure 2-8 shows the cross-over
network cable. Table 2-1 provides the sequence of lines at both ends.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-13

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-8 Pins of a network cable connector


Pin 8 Pin 1

Pin 1 Pin 8

RJ-45 connector RJ-45 connector

1 1
2 2
3 3
A 4 4 B
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

If a self-adaptive network interface card is installed to the PC, a straight-through network cable can also
be used. See "Checking Connection of the NM Computer to the Equipment Through a LAN" for details
on the straight through network.

Table 2-1 Sequence of lines at both ends of a crossover network cable

Pin Item A B

1 Orange white Green white

2 Orange Green

3 Green white Orange white

4 Blue Blue

5 Blue white Blue white

6 Green Orange

7 Brown white Brown white

8 Brown Brown

Step 2 Connect the PC to the OptiX OSN 7500. Figure 2-9 shows the connection.

2-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Figure 2-9 Connection of a PC to OptiX OSN 7500

Slot 23 EOW



Step 3 Power on the PC and observe the indicators for the ETH interfaces of the PC and the EOW board.
Normally, the LINK indicator must stay lit and green, and the ACT indicator must flash.





2.6 Starting the T2000-LCT

This section describes how to start up the PC, and how to start the T2000-LCT server and client
on the PC.

2.6.1 Starting the PC

This part describes how to start the PC installed with the Windows operating system.
2.6.2 Setting IP Address for a PC
The IP address of the PC and that of the equipment should be in the same network section.
Otherwise, the login to the NE by using the T2000-LCT fails. This part describes how to set the
IP address for the PC. Make sure you can log in to the equipment by using the T2000-LCT.
2.6.3 Starting the T2000-LCT Server
The T2000-LCT server provides services for the T2000-LCT clients. The T2000-LCT clients
can only be started after the T2000-LCT server starts. This section describes how to start the
T2000-LCT server on the PC.
2.6.4 Starting the T2000-LCT Client
The T2000-LCT must be used for NE commissioning. This section describes how to start the
T2000-LCT client on the PC. After started, the T2000-LCT client can be used for NE

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-15

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.6.1 Starting the PC

This part describes how to start the PC installed with the Windows operating system.


Tools and Meters


Step 1 Power on the monitor of the PC.
Step 2 Power on the PC. The Microsoft Windows starts automatically and the login window is
Step 3 Enter the user name and password for an administrator in the login window.
If the PC is powered on, start with step 3.

Step 4 Click OK to display the desktop of the Window operating system.


2.6.2 Setting IP Address for a PC

The IP address of the PC and that of the equipment should be in the same network section.
Otherwise, the login to the NE by using the T2000-LCT fails. This part describes how to set the
IP address for the PC. Make sure you can log in to the equipment by using the T2000-LCT.

The following tasks must have been performed:
l Connecting the PC
l Starting up the PC

Tools and Meters



Step 1 Right-click My Network Places icon on the desktop and selectProperties to display
Network Connections window.
Step 2 In the Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection to display the Local
Area Connection Properties dialog box.
Step 3 Click the General tab. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the This connection uses the
following items list.

2-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 4 Click Properties to display the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box.

Step 5 Select Use the following IP address from the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog
box. Set the IP address as follows:
l IP address:
l Subnet mask:
The IP section for the equipment is The IP address for the PC must be in the same network
section with the equipment. The IP address given in the step is just an example. If the IP address of the PC
is not the same as that of the equipment, the PC prompts the IP conflict. In this case, re-set the IP address
for the PC.

Step 6 Click OK.


2.6.3 Starting the T2000-LCT Server

The T2000-LCT server provides services for the T2000-LCT clients. The T2000-LCT clients
can only be started after the T2000-LCT server starts. This section describes how to start the
T2000-LCT server on the PC.

The T2000-LCT must have been installed in a correct manner.

The IP address of the PC must have been set.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Double-click the T2000LCT-Server icon. The User Login dialog box is displayed in a few

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-17

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step 2 Fill in the User Name, Password and Server fields in the login dialog box.
l User: admin (default)
l Password: T2000 (default)
l Server: Local

Step 3 Wait a few minutes until the "Ems server", "Security Server", "Topo server" and "Database
Server Process" are all in the Running state. Then, the T2000-LCT server is being started


2.6.4 Starting the T2000-LCT Client

The T2000-LCT must be used for NE commissioning. This section describes how to start the
T2000-LCT client on the PC. After started, the T2000-LCT client can be used for NE

The T2000-LCT server must have been started up.

Tools and Meters


After the T2000-LCT is installed, the user name is admin and the password is T2000. To ensure the system
security, the administrator should modify the password immediately and keep it in mind.

Step 1 Double-click the T2000LCT–Client icon on the desktop of the PC.

Step 2 Enter the user name and password in the login window.
l User: admin (default)
l Password: T2000 (default). If the password is modified, use the new password.

Step 3 Click Login to log in to the T2000-LCT.


2.7 Logging in to an NE
After the T2000-LCT client interface is displayed, log in to the NE for NE commissioning. This
section describes how to use the T2000-LCT client to log in to the NE for commissioning.

The following tasks must have been performed:
l Connecting the PC.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

l Starting up the T2000-LCT.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Choose File > Search for NE from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Click Modify to display the Input Search Domain dialog box.
l Select IP Section for Gateway NE. The default address is
l Enter the user name, which is ‘lct’ by default.
l Enter the password, which is ‘password’ by default.

Step 3 Click OK and close the dialog box.

Step 4 Click Start to display a dialog box.

Step 5 Click OK to start searching for the equipment.

Step 6 After the NE is searched out, click Stop. A dialog box is displayed.

Step 7 Click Yes.

Step 8 Select the NE to be created. Click Create NE. Enter the user name and password in the displayed
dialog box.
l User: lct (the default is lct)
l Password: password (the default is password)

Step 9 Click OK. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the NE has been created.

Step 10 Click Close.

Step 11 In the NE Information List of the T2000-LCT interface, right-click the created NE and click
Login. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds.

Step 12 Click Close.


2.8 Configuring NE Commissioning Data

Some commissioning items require that the data should be configured to the NE. Configure the
NE commissioning data after checking the NE version. This section describes how to configure
the NE commissioning data.

2.8.1 Setting NE ID
After logging in to the NE by using the T2000-LCT, modify the NE ID according to the actual
NE ID planning. This part describes how to set the NE ID by using the T2000-LCT. The set ID
must be line with the ID planning.
2.8.2 Configuring NE Name, Date and Time

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-19

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Use the T2000-LCT to configure the NE name, date and time to make sure that the recorded and
reported alarms and performance events are correct. This section describes how to configure NE
name, date and time.
2.8.3 Configuring Services to the NE for Commissioning
Some commissioning items are based on the configured services. Hence, it is required to
configure services for commissioning.

2.8.1 Setting NE ID
After logging in to the NE by using the T2000-LCT, modify the NE ID according to the actual
NE ID planning. This part describes how to set the NE ID by using the T2000-LCT. The set ID
must be line with the ID planning.

The commissioning engineer must have logged in to the NE by using the T2000-LCT client.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Choose Window > NE Information List from the Main Menu of the T2000-LCT,

Step 2 In NE Information List, choose the NE whose ID needs to be altered. Then, choose NE

Step 3 Choose Configuration > NE Attribute in the Function Tree.

Step 4 Click Modify NE ID and set the NE ID to the value 9. Click OK. The Warning dialog box is
displayed. Click OK.

The extended NE ID can also be modified.

Step 5 Return to NE Information List, and choose the NE whose ID is altered. Right-click the NE and
choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

Step 6 Choose File > Equipment Search from the menu. Click Start Searching. A dialog box is
displayed. Click OK.

Step 7 Search out the NE whose ID is modified. Click Stop Searching. A dialog box is displayed. Click

Step 8 Select the NE to be created. Click Create NE. Enter the user name and password is in the
displayed dialog box.
l User name: "lct" by default
l Password: "password" by default

Step 9 Click OK. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the NE has been created. Click Close. In
this case, the NE Status field displays Created.

2-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 10 In NE Information List of the T2000-LCT interface, right-click the created NE and click
Login. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.


2.8.2 Configuring NE Name, Date and Time

Use the T2000-LCT to configure the NE name, date and time to make sure that the recorded and
reported alarms and performance events are correct. This section describes how to configure NE
name, date and time.

The commissioning engineer must have logged in to the NE by using the T2000-LCT client.

Tools and Meters



The synchronization of NE time does not affect services. Before synchronizing the NE time, verify that
the time of the PC where the T2000-LCT server is installed is correct. If the PC time needs to be modified,
first log out of the T2000-LCT and then set the PC time. Then restart the T2000-LCT.

Step 1 Right-click the NE in NE Information List and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Configuration > NE Attribute from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Modify the NE name and click Apply.


The NE name must be of this format: NE ID – Name. For example, 1– Beijing

Step 4 The Operation Result dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click

Step 5 Choose Configuration > NE Time Synchronize. Click Query to obtain the current NE time

Step 6 Right-click the time in the Current NE Time and select Synchronize with the T2000. The
Synchronize Time Operation dialog box is displayed.

Step 7 Click Yes. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds.
Click Close.


2.8.3 Configuring Services to the NE for Commissioning

Some commissioning items are based on the configured services. Hence, it is required to
configure services for commissioning.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-21

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

The commissioning engineer must have logged in to the NE by using the T2000-LCT client.

Tools and Meters


This section describes how to configure services to the OptiX OSN 7500 for commissioning.
Figure 2-10 shows the assumed board configuration. Slots 2 and 3 are configured with the PQ1
boards. The PQ1 in slot 1 protects the PQ1 boards in slots 2 and 3. For details, refer to "Testing
the TPS of Electrical Interfaces."

Figure 2-10 Board configuration of the OptiX OSN 7500

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OptiX OSN 7500




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Configure services to all the PDH ports of the tributary boards.

Step 1 In NE Information List right-click the NE and choose Configuration. The NE Configuration
Wizard interface is displayed.

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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 2 Choose Manual Configuration and click Next. A dialog box is displayed. Click OK to confirm
the initialization.

Step 3 A dialog box is displayed. Click OK.

Step 4 Set NE Name. Choose Equipment Type and Subrack Type. Click Next.
For the OptiX OSN 7500, the NE type is OptiX OSN 7500, and the subrack type is I-Type Subrack.

Step 5 An NE Panel interface is displayed. Roll down the scroll bar and click Query Physical Slot
(s). Click Next.

Step 6 Choose Verify and Run and click Finish.


During this process, a dialog box may be displayed to prompt that the server is busy and cannot respond.
Click Finish and repeat Step 6. In the NE Information List, the configuration status of the NE is

Step 7 In NE Information List, right-click the NE and select NE Explorer.

Step 8 Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Click Create
and the Create SDH Service dialog box is displayed.

Step 9 Refer to Figure 2-10, and configure a bi-directional service from 2-PQ1 to 7-SL16.. Select
service parameters from the diglog box. Click OK. An operation result dialog box is displayed
to prompt that the operation succeeds.

Step 10 Click Close. The service configuration is complete.

Step 11 Repeat steps 8-10 to configure services to all the PDH ports of the tributary boards.


Reference Information
Table 2-2 lists the parameters to be selected for service configuration.

Table 2-2 Parameters to be selected for service configuration

Parameter Value Default Description

Range Value

Service level VC12, VC3, VC12 VC12 for E1 services; VC3 for E3 services;
VC4 VC4 for E4 services.

Service Bi- Bi- If the service is transmitted and received in the

direction directional, direction same trail, select "bi-directional".
uni- al If the servcie is transmitted and received in
directional different trails, select "uni-directional".

Source slot According to - Source slot should of the slot number + board
board name format. For example, 2-PQ1 means that
configuration the slot number is 2 and the board name is PQ1.

Source VC-4 1–64 - The number for the VC-4 channel at the source
slot that services travel through.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-23

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Parameter Value Default Description

Range Value

Source 1–64 - When VC-12 services are to be configured,

timeslot range select timeslot from 1-63. When VC-4 services
(for example, are to be configured, select timeslot from 1-64.
1, 3–6) l Only one VC-4 can be configured to an
STM-1 board.
l A maximum of four VC-4s can be configured
to an STM-4 board.
l A maximum of 16 VC-4s can be configured
to an STM-16 board.
l A maximum of 64 VC-4s can be configured
to an STM-64 board.

Sink slot According to - Sink slot should of the slot number + board
board name format. For example, 2-PQ1 means that
configuration the slot number is 2 and the board name is PQ1.

Sink VC-4 1–64 - The number for the VC-4 channel at the sink
slot that services travel through

Sink timeslot 1–64 - When VC-12 services are to be configured,

range (for select timeslot from 1-63. When VC-4 services
example, 1, are to be configured, select timeslot from 1-64.
3–6): 1–63

Activate Yes, No Yes Select Yes for the services to be activated

immediately immediately. Select No to save the services at
the NM side. Services are not activated.

2.9 Testing Cable or Fiber Connection

During installation, cables or fibers may be improperly connected, and the hardware may become
faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the cable or fiber connection is definitely
correct. This section describes how to test the cable or fiber connection.

2.9.1 Testing Connection of Cables to Service Interfaces

During installation, cables or fibers may be improperly connected to service interfaces, and the
hardware may become faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the cable or fiber
connection is definitely correct. This section describes how to test the connection of cables to
service interfaces.
2.9.2 Testing Optical Fiber Jumper Connection
During installation, cables or fibers may be misconnected to service interfaces, and the hardware
may become faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the fiber jumper connection is
definitely correct. This section describes how to test the connection of fiber jumpers to service

2.9.1 Testing Connection of Cables to Service Interfaces

During installation, cables or fibers may be improperly connected to service interfaces, and the
hardware may become faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the cable or fiber

2-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

connection is definitely correct. This section describes how to test the connection of cables to
service interfaces.

The following operations must have been performed:
l Cables must have been installed and routed from the service interfaces to the DDF.
l The T2000-LCT must have been started up.
l You must have logged in to the NE.

Tools and Meters

BER tester or SDH analyzer, T2000-LCT

Test Connection Diagram

The test does not require the configuration of test service. Use the software to set the outloop of
the tributary board. The transmit end of the meter transmits the test signal to the tributary board.
The test signal then returns to the receive end of the meter. Read the meters and make sure the
transmit and receive interfaces are of correct sequence.
Figure 2-11 shows how cables are actually connected to service interfaces. Figure 2-12 shows
how cables are actually connected to service interfaces.

Figure 2-11 Signal flow for test of cable connection to service interfaces
Interface Tributary
SDH analyzer board board
PRBS generator
D75S PQ1 Loopback
BER test

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-25

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-12 Actual connection of cables to service interfaces

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
SDH analyzer 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

OptiX OSN 7500

Rx Tx
Tx Rx




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Step 1 Connect the BER tester to the port to be tested on the DDF. Connect the receive end of the meter
to the transmit interface, the transmit end of the meter to the receive interface.

For services at the rate of 2048 kbit/s, use the 2M BER tester to replace the SDH analyzer for test.

Step 2 Set the pseudo-random serial code for the meter according to the rate of the configured service.
Table 2-3 lists the relations of the service rate, coding and pseudo-random serial code.

Table 2-3 Relations of service rate, coding and pseudo-random serial code

Service Rate (kbit/s) Coding Pseudo-Random Serial


2048 HDB3 215-1

34368 HDB3 223-1

44736 B3ZS 215-1

139264 CMI 223-1

155520 CMI 223-1

Step 3 Use the T2000-LCT to set outloop to the tributary port for test.
1. Right-click the NE in NE Information List and select NE Explorer.

2-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

2. Select the tributary board to be set to outloop. Choose Configuration > PDH Interface
from the Function Tree.
3. Select By Function. Select Tributary Loopback from the drop-down menu.
4. Set each channel for test to Outloop. Click Apply and a dialog box is displayed.
5. Click OK. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.
Step 4 Normally, the SDH analyzer indicates no bit error.
Step 5 Release the loopback of the port by setting the loopback mode to Non-Loopback. The SDH
analyzer reads the AIS alarm.
Step 6 Repeat steps 1–5 to test other ports of the tributary board in sequence.


2.9.2 Testing Optical Fiber Jumper Connection

During installation, cables or fibers may be misconnected to service interfaces, and the hardware
may become faulty. To prevent the effect on services, make sure the fiber jumper connection is
definitely correct. This section describes how to test the connection of fiber jumpers to service

The following operations must have been performed:
l Cables must have been installed and routed from the service interfaces to the DDF.
l The T2000-LCT must have been started up.
l You must have logged in to the NE.

Tools and Meters

Optical power meter

Test Connection Diagram

Perform the test at the ODF side.
Figure 2-13 shows how to connect the optical power meter to the ODF.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-27

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-13 Test connection diagram for OptiX OSN 7500.

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OptiX OSN 7500


Optical power meter PQ1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

During NE commissioning, avoid direct eye exposure to the laser beam.

Step 1 Log in to the T2000-LCT. Right-click the NE for commissioning and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select the optical interface board. Choose Configuration > Automatic Laser Shutdown to
check the setting of each optical interface. Make sure the Auto Shutdown function is

If the Auto Shutdown function of the interface of the OptiX OSN 7500 is set to Enabled, the transmit
laser of the optical interface is automatically shut down if the IN port of the optical interface board fails to
receive optical signals. In this case, use the optical power meter to test the output optical interface of the
OUT port, the meter reads Loss.

2-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 3 At the ODF side, connect the fiber jumper that is in connection to the OUT port of an optical
interface board to the optical power meter. The optical power meter reads the power. It indicates
that optical power is output from the OUT port.

Step 4 Remove the fiber jumper from the OUT port. The optical power meter reads Loss. No optical
signals are received.

Step 5 At the ODF side, connect the fiber jumper that is in connection to the IN port of the interface
board to the optical power meter. The optical power meter reads Loss. No optical signals are

Step 6 Insert the fiber jumper that is removed from the IN port into the OUT port. The meter reads an
optical power value. It indicates that optical signals are received.

Step 7 Remove the fiber jumper from the OUT port and insert it back to the IN port. Insert the fiber
jumper that is removed from the OUT port in step 2 back to the OUT port.

Step 8 Repeat steps 3–7 to test other optical interfaces.


2.10 Testing Specifications of Optical Interfaces

If the launched or received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment.
Services are then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged.
This section describes how to test the optical interface specifications. The test is performed to
make sure that the launched or received optical power of each optical interface is proper.

Two specifications of an optical interface board are to be tested, mean launched optical power
and received optical power.
2.10.1 Testing Mean Launched Optical Power
If the launched or received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment.
Services are then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged.
This section describes how to test the mean launched optical power of an interface board. The
test is performed to make sure the mean launched optical power of each interface is proper.
2.10.2 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface Board
If the received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment. Services are
then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged. This section
describes how to test the received optical power of an interface board. The test is performed to
make sure the received optical power of each interface is proper.

2.10.1 Testing Mean Launched Optical Power

If the launched or received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment.
Services are then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged.
This section describes how to test the mean launched optical power of an interface board. The
test is performed to make sure the mean launched optical power of each interface is proper.

The test of the optical fiber jumper must have been completed to ensure the correct fiber

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-29

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Tools and Meters

Optical power meter, fiber jumpers with different connectors, optical connectors, fiber cleaning

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-14 shows the connection for test of the mean launched optical power of an interface

Figure 2-14 Connection for the test of the mean launched optical power
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OptiX OSN 7500



Optical power meter


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

During NE commissioning, avoid direct eye exposure to the laser beam.

2-30 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 1 Remove the fiber from the OUT port of the optical interface board. Cap the optical fiber
Step 2 Use a fiber jumper to connect the OUT port to the optical power meter.
The interface of the optical power meter may be different. Select the fiber jumpers with different connectors.

Step 3 Refer to Figure 2-15 to obtain the information about the optical interface number. Refer to
"Board Feature Code" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Hardware
Description to obtain the corresponding type of an optical interface. According to the optical
interface number and rate to query the optical interface specifications from Table 2-4. Record
the working wavelength of the optical interface board.
Step 4 Set the test wavelength of the optical power meter according to the working wavelength of the
optical interface.
Step 5 Observe the value displayed on the optical interface meter. Record the value when it becomes
stable. The value is for the mean launched optical power and should be within the range specified
in Table 2-4.
Step 6 If the mean launched optical power is not within the range specified in Table 2-4, inspect and
clean the fiber connector. For details on how to inspect and clean the fiber connector, refer to
Appendix "Inspecting and Cleaning the Fiber-Optical Connectors" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Troubleshooting. Then repeat steps 1–5.
Step 7 Restore the fiber connection after the test shows the mean launched optical power is proper.


Reference Information
Figure 2-15 shows the specification label on the front panel of the optical interface board. Table
2-4 lists the specifications of optical interfaces.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-31

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-15 Specification label of an optical interface board


0364401055000015 -SSN1SL16A01
① ② ③ ④ 5

① Last six numbers of the BOM

② Internal code
③ Board version
④ Board name
5 Board feature code

Table 2-4 Specifications of optical interfaces

Rate Optical Optic Wavelength Mean Sensiti Min.

Interface al (nm) Launched vity Overlo
Type Sourc Optical (dBm) ad
e Type Power (dBm) (dBm)

STM-1 I-1 MLM 1260–1360 –15 to –8 –23 –8

S-1.1 MLM 1261–1360 –15 to –8 –28 –8

L-1.1 MLM, 1263–1360 –5 to 0 –34 –10


L-1.2 SLM 1480–1580 –5 to 0 –34 –10

Ve-1.2 SLM 1480–1580 –3 to 0 –33 –10

STM-4 I-4 MLM 1261–1360 –15 to –8 –23 –8

S-4.1 MLM 1274–1356 –15 to –8 –28 –8

L-4.1 SLM 1280–1335 –3 to 2 –28 –8

L-4.2 SLM 1480–1580 –3 to 2 –28 –8

Ve-4.2 SLM 1480–1580 –3 to 2 –34 –13

2-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Rate Optical Optic Wavelength Mean Sensiti Min.

Interface al (nm) Launched vity Overlo
Type Sourc Optical (dBm) ad
e Type Power (dBm) (dBm)

STM-16 I-16 MLM 1266–1360 –10 to –3 –18 –3

S-16.1 SLM 1260–1360 –5 to 0 –18 0

L-16.1 SLM 1280–1335 –2 to 3 –27 –9

L-16.2 SLM 1500–1580 –2 to 3 –28 –9

L-16.2Je SLM 1530–1560 5 to 7 –28 –9

V-16.2Je SLM 1530–1565 13 to 15 (with –28 –9

(BA) BA)
–2 to 3 (without

U-16.2Je SLM 1550.12 15 to 18 (with –32 –10

BA) (with (with
–2 to 3 (without PA) PA)
BA) –28 –9
(withou (withou
t PA) t PA)

STM-16 Ue-16.2c SLM 1550.12 13 to 15 (with –37 –10

(with BA) (with (with
FEC) –5 to –1 PA) PA)
(without BA) –27.5
t PA)

Ue-16.2d SLM 1550.12 13 to 15 (with –37 –10

BA) (with (with
–5 to –1 PA) PA)
(without BA) –27.5
t PA)

Ue-16.2f SLM 1550.12 15 to 18 (with –42 –10

BA) (with (with
–5 to –1 PA) PA)
(without BA) –27.5
t PA)

STM-64 I-64.2 SLM 1530–1565 –5 to –1 –14 –1

S-64.2b SLM 1530–1565 –1 to 2 –14 –1

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-33

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Rate Optical Optic Wavelength Mean Sensiti Min.

Interface al (nm) Launched vity Overlo
Type Sourc Optical (dBm) ad
e Type Power (dBm) (dBm)

L-64.2b SLM 1530–1565 13 to 15 (with –14 –1

–4 to 2 (without

Le-64.2 SLM 1530–1565 2 to 4 –21 –8

Ls-64.2 SLM 1530–1565 4 to 7 –21 –8

V-64.2b SLM 1550.12 13 to 15 (with –26 –10

BA) (with (with
–4 to –1 PA) PA)
(without BA) –14 –1
(withou (withou
t PA) t PA)

STM-64 Ue-64.2c SLM 1550.12 –4 to –1 –14 –1

FEC) Ue-64.2d SLM 1550.12 –4 to –1 –14 –1

Ue-64.2e SLM 1550.12 –4 to –1 –14 –1

GE 1000BASE- MLM 1480–1580 –4 to 2 –22 –3

ZX (70km)

1000BASE- MLM 1270–1355 –2 to 5 –23 –3

ZX (40km)

1000BASE- MLM 1270–1355 –9 to –3 –19 –3

LX (10km)

1000BASE- MLM 770–860 –9.5 to 0 –17 0


FE 100BASE- MLM 1261–1360 –15 to –8 –28 –7

FX (15km)

100BASE- MLM 1270–1380 –19 to –14 –30 –14

FX (2km)

2.10.2 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface Board

If the received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment. Services are
then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged. This section
describes how to test the received optical power of an interface board. The test is performed to
make sure the received optical power of each interface is proper.

2-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

l The test of the optical fiber jumper must have been completed to ensure the correct fiber
l The tested mean launched optical power is proper.
l The fiber from the opposite station is routed to the ODF of the local station. The NE
commissioning must have been completed at the opposite station, which must have been
powered on.

Tools and Meters

Optical power meter, fiber connector

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-16 shows the connection for the test of the received optical power.

Figure 2-16 Connection for the test of the received optical power

Fiber jumper
at IN port
Test optical
Fiber interface


Local station Adjacent station

Step 1 Remove the fiber jumper from the IN port of the optical interface board. Connect the fiber jumper
to the optical power meter by using the fiber connector.
Step 2 Refer to Figure 2-15 to obtain the information about the optical interface number. According
to the optical interface number and rate to query the optical interface specifications from Table
2-4. Record the working wavelength of the optical interface board.
Step 3 Set the test wavelength of the optical power meter according to the working wavelength of the
optical interface.
Step 4 Observe the value displayed on the optical interface meter. Record the value when it becomes
stable. The recorded value is of the received optical power.
Step 5 Refer to Table 2-4 to determine if the received optical power is proper.

The received optical power must follow the rule: minimum sensitivity + 3 dB ≤ received optical power
(tested) ≤ minimum overload threshold – 5 dB.

Step 6 If the received optical power is not proper, do the listed actions.
l If the received optical power is too low, check the fiber connector, flange at the ODF side
and attenuator, and clean the fiber connector. For details of inspecting and cleaning the fiber

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-35

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

connector, refer to Appendix "Inspecting and Cleaning the Fiber-Optical Connectors" in the
OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Troubleshooting.
l If the received optical power is too high, check if the attenuator is normal or add an attenuator
at the ODF side. Refer to Table 2-4 and the description in step 5 to determine the attenuator

Step 7 Repeat steps 1–6 until the test value is of the proper range.

Step 8 Restore the fiber connection to the optical interface after the test value is within the proper range.


2.11 Testing Board Protection Switching

The board protection is configured to protect services. For this purpose, the board protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the board protection switching.

2.11.1 Testing TPS of Electrical Interfaces

The TPS function is configured to protect services. For this purpose, the TPS protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the TPS.
2.11.2 Testing 1+1 Protection of the XCS
The 1+1 protection is configured to the XCS board for protection. For this purpose, the switching
must be normal. This section describes how to test the 1+1 protection switching of the XCS
2.11.3 Testing 1+1 Protection of the GSCC
The 1+1 protection is configured to protect the GSCC boards. For this purpose, the protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the 1+1 protection switching of
the GSCC board.

2.11.1 Testing TPS of Electrical Interfaces

The TPS function is configured to protect services. For this purpose, the TPS protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the TPS.

The NE commissioning data must have been configured.

Tools and Meters

T2000-LCT, attenuator, fiber jumper, BER tester

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-17 shows how the signal flows for TPS. Figure 2-18 shows the actual TPS protection
connection. In this test, The PQ1 board in slot 1 protects the PQ1 board in slots 2 and 3. In the
actual commissioning, the board configuration may be different from this test but the test method
is still similar.

2-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Figure 2-17 Signal flow for TPS

SDH analyzer Working unit
PRBS generator Interface interface
BER test board board
Protection Loopback

Figure 2-18 TPS test connection

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Step 1 Use the T2000-LCT to configure TPS to the tributary board.
1. Right-click the NE in NE Information List of the T2000-LCT main interface and select
NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > TPS Protection from the Function Tree.
3. Click Create and the Create SDH TPS Protection Group dialog box is displayed.
4. Select a protection board. Select the working boards from Available Working Board

List. Click to migrate the board to Working Board List. The WTR time is
600s by default. Click OK. Table 2-5 lists the mapping relation between the working boards
and the protection slots.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Table 2-5 Mapping relation between TPS protection slots

TPS Protection Board Slot for Slot for Working

Service Rate Protection Board

2 Mbit/s PQ1, PQM Slot 1 Slots 2, 3, 17, 18

34 Mbit/s PD3, PL3 Slot 18 Slots 2, 3, 17

155 Mbit/s SEP, SLH1, SPQ4 Slot 18 Slots 2, 3, 17

FE EFS0 Slot 18 Slot 17

DDN DX1 Slot 1 Slots 2, 3, 17, 18

5. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.

Step 2 At the ODF side, self-loop the transmit port and the receive port of the optical interface board.
Select proper attenuators for self-loop according to the mean launched optical power and the overload
threshold stated in Table 2-4. Make sure that the mean launched optical power after attenuation is 5 dB
lower than the overload threshold but 3 dB higher than the minimum sensitivity.

When performing self-loop, add proper attenuators at the ODF side if the transmit optical power
is too intense. Otherwise, excessive optical power causes damage to components.

Step 3 Refer to Figure 2-18, and connect the BER tester to the port of the tributary board with services
configured. The BER tester reads no bit errors.
Use the BER test to test 2 Mbit/s services. Use the SDH analyzer to test the services at other rates.

Step 4 Set the pseudo-random code for the meter according to the rate of the configured service. Table
2-3 lists the relations of the service rate, code and pseudo-random serial code.

Step 5 Observe the ACT indicators of the working boards and the protection board. The indicators of
the working board should stay lit and green. The indicator of the protection board should stay

Step 6 Remove one working board. Observe the BER tester A. It reads that service becomes normal
after a transient interruption. Observe the ACT indicator of the protection board. It should stay
lit and green.

After the TPS protection is configured, wait two minutes and then remove the working board to test
switching because the protocol needs a certain period to obtain the physical type of the processing board.
This period is not related to the restoring time.

Step 7 Insert the working board back. When the STAT indicator becomes lit and green, proceed to the
next step.

Step 8 Right-click the NE in NE Information List and select NE Explorer.

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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 9 Choose Configuration > TPS Protection from the Function Tree. Click Query. A dialog box
is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close. Verify that the switching state
of the protected board is WTR.
Step 10 Wait for ten minutes and then query the switching state of the protection board again. The state
should be read Idle.
Step 11 Observe the board indicator. The ACT indicator of the working board should be lit and green.
The ACT indicator of the protection board should be unlit.
Step 12 Observe the BER tester, which should show that the services are normal.


2.11.2 Testing 1+1 Protection of the XCS

The 1+1 protection is configured to the XCS board for protection. For this purpose, the switching
must be normal. This section describes how to test the 1+1 protection switching of the XCS

l Slots 9 and 10 should be installed with the XCS board.
l The NE commissioning data must have been configured.

Tools and Meters

T2000-LCT, BER tester or SDH analyzer

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-19 shows the signal flow for 1+1 protection of the XCS board.

Figure 2-19 Signal flow for 1+1 protection of the XCS board
Working cross-connect
and clock unit

SDH analyzer
PRBS generator Interface Tributary interface
BER test board board board Loopback

Protection cross-connect
and clock unit

Figure 2-20 shows the connection diagram for the test of the 1+1 protection switching of the
XCS board.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-39

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-20 Connection diagram for the test of the 1+1 protection switching of the XCS boards
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tester PQ1 Cross-connect and
timing board




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Step 1 At the ODF side, perform a self-loop to the transmit port and the receive port of the optical
interface board.

When performing self-loop, add proper attenuators at the ODF side if the transmit optical power
is too intense. Otherwise, excessive optical power causes damage to components.

Step 2 Connect the BER tester to the port of the tributary board with services configured. The BER
tester reads no bit errors.

Step 3 Observe the ACT indicators of the XCS boards in slot 9 and slot 10. The ACT indicator of the
working board should stay lit and green. Suppose that the Working Board is the working board.

The Working Board is the XCS board in slot 9, and the Protection Board is the XCS board in slot 10.
The Active Board is actually the XCS board that is working.

Step 4 Run the T2000-LCT. Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.

Step 5 Choose Configuration > Board 1+1 Configuration from the Function Tree. Select Cross-
Connect Protection Pair from 1+1 Protection List. Click Query. The Operation Result
dialog box is displayed to indicate that the operation succeeds. Click Close. The queried
Working Board should be the same as the Active Board.

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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Step 6 Select Cross-Connect Protection Pair and click Working/Protection Switching. The
Confirm dialog box is displayed. Click OK. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed to
prompt the operation succeeds. Click Close. Repeat step 5 for query. The queried Active
Board should be the same as the Protection Board.
Step 7 Observe the ACT indicator. In this case, the ACT indicator of the Working Board becomes
unlit while the ACT indicator of the Protection Board becomes lit and green. This phenomenon
indicates that switching is performed. The Protection Board becomes the Active Board.
Step 8 Observe the BER tester A. It may read transient service interruption and no bit error. It indicates
that services are normal after switching.
Step 9 Select Cross-Connect Protection Pair from 1+1 Protection List. Click Restore Working/
Protection. The Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click OK. An Operation Result dialog
box is displayed to indicate that the operation succeeds. Click Close. Repeat step 5 for query.
The queried Active Board should be the same as the Working Board.
Step 10 Observe the ACT indicator. In this case, the ACT indicator of the Protection Board becomes
unlit while the ACT indicator of the Working Board becomes lit and green. This indicates that
the switching is performed. The Working Board becomes the Active Board.

The 1+1 protection switching of the XCS boards is non-revertive. When the Protection Board becomes
the Active Board, return the XCS boards to the original working/protection state by removing the
Protection Board or issue a command (click Restore Working/Protection) on the T2000.

Step 11 Observe the BER tester A. It may read transient service interruption and no bit error. It indicates
that services are normal after reversion.


2.11.3 Testing 1+1 Protection of the GSCC

The 1+1 protection is configured to protect the GSCC boards. For this purpose, the protection
switching must be normal. This section describes how to test the 1+1 protection switching of
the GSCC board.

The equipment must have been configured with two GSCC boards. The NE commissioning data
must have been configured.

Tools and Meters

BER tester or SDH analyzer, T2000-LCT

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-21 shows the connection for the test of 1+1 protection switching.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-41

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 2-21 Connection diagram for the test of the 1+1 protection switching of the GSCC boards
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tester PQ1 Cross-connect and
timing board




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Step 1 At the ODF side, self-loop the transmit port and the receive port of the optical interface board.

When performing self-loop, add proper attenuators at the ODF side if the transmit optical power
is too intense. Otherwise, excessive optical power causes damage to components.

Step 2 Connect the BER tester A to the port of the tributary board with services configured. The BER
tester A reads no bit errors.
Step 3 Observe the ACT indicators of the GSCC boards in slot 24 and slot 25. The ACT indicator of
the Working Board should stay lit and green. Suppose that the Working Board is the board
that is working.
The Working Board is the GSCC board in slot 25, and the Protection Board is the GSCC board in slot
24. The Working Board is actually the GSCC board that is working.

Step 4 Remove the GSCC board from slot 25. Then, the ACT indicator of the Working Board turns
unlit while the ACT indicator of the Protection Board becomes lit and green. This indicates
that switching is performed. The Protection Board becomes the board that is working.

2-42 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Figure 2-22 Illustration of removing a board

1 2

Step 5 Observe the BER tester A. It may read transient service interruption and no bit error. This
phenomenon indicates that services are normal after switching.

Step 6 Insert the Working Board. Run the T2000-LCT. Choose Fault > Browse Anomaly.

Figure 2-23 Illustration of inserting a board

1 2

Step 7 Select the NE from the left-hand pane and click . Wait five to ten minutes and the
Refresh button becomes red. Click Refresh. The NE reports the Board in Service event related
to slot 25. It indicates that the Working Board is in position.

Step 8 Wait about five to ten minutes. Then, refer to Figure 2-22 in step 4 and remove the Protection
Board. Then, the ACT indicator of the Protection Board becomes unlit while the ACT indicator
of the Working Board becomes lit and green. This indicates that switching is performed. The
Working Board becomes the board that is working.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide


l After being inserted back, the GSCC board first synchronizes data with the current working board.
Hence, you need wait about five to ten minutes and then restore the working/protection status of the
l The 1+1 protection switching of the GSCC boards is non-revertive. Return the GSCC boards to the
original working/protection state by removing the board or issue a command on the T2000.

Step 9 Observe the BER tester A. It may read transient service interruption and no bit error. It indicates
that services are normal after reversion.

Step 10 Refer to Figure 2-23 in step 6 and insert the Protection Board. Run the T2000-LCT. Right-
click the NE in the NE Information List. Select Browse Alarm. The T2000-LCT shows that
the working GSCC board raises the BD_STATUS alarm, which indicates that the Protection
Board is resetting.

Step 11 Wait five to ten minutes and then select the alarm. Click Confirm. If the alarm is cleared, it
indicates that the GSCC board finishes resetting and is in the working state.


2.12 Testing PDH Channels

If any anomaly occurs to PDH channels, bit error is caused to services. This section describes
how to test PDH channels to make sure services run in a stable manner through the channels.

Services must have been configured for commissioning.

Tools and Meters

SDH analyzer, T2000-LCT, fiber jumper, attenuator

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 2-24 shows how to connect the meter to the service ports at DDF. Figure 2-25 shows
the actual connection for the test of PDH channels.

Figure 2-24 Connection of the meter to service ports in the test of PDH channels
SDH analyzer DDF


2-44 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Figure 2-25 Actual connection for the test of PDH channels

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tester PQ1 Cross-connect and
timing board




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Step 1 Connect the meter to service ports. At the ODF side, use fiber jumpers and attenuators to self-
loop the optical interface board.
Step 2 Set the pseudo-random binary sequence for the meter according to the rate of the configured
service. Table 2-3 lists the relations of the service rate, code and pseudo-random binary
Step 3 Detect bit errors in a 24-hour period. No bit error should be detected.
Step 4 If any bit error occurs, clear the fault first and then repeat the previous step until no bit error is
detected. For details, refer to "Troubleshooting Bit Error" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent
Optical Transmission System Troubleshooting.

2.13 Ending NE Commissioning

To end the NE commissioning properly is very important for later network commissioning and
service configuration. To prevent effect to the network commissioning, end the commissioning
after each test. It is required to do the listed actions to end the NE commissioning.
To end the NE commissioning, the following tasks must be performed.
2.13.1 Deleting Services Configured for Test
During NE commissioning, some services are configured to the NE. To prevent the service from
affecting the later commissioning, it is required to delete the services after each test. This section
describes how to delete these commissioning services. The deletion is performed to make sure
that the network commissioning can be performed normally.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-45

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

2.13.2 Releasing Software or Hardware Loopback

During NE commissioning, software or hardware loopback is set. To prevent the loopback from
affecting the later commissioning, it is required to release the loopback after each test. This
section describes how to cancel the loopback setting. To do this is to make sure that the network
commissioning can be performed normally.
2.13.3 Cancelling Permanent Alarm Cut-off Status of ALMC Button
The ALMC button can be used to cut off alarms permanently. To prevent that no ring is generated
to indicate alarms, it is required to cancel the permanent alarm cut-off state of the ALMC button.
This section describes how to cancel the permanent alarm cut-off state of the ALMC button. To
do this is to make sure that the later network commissioning can be performed normally.
2.13.4 Checking Orderwire Phone
Check the orderwire phone to make sure that it can be used normally after configuration.

2.13.1 Deleting Services Configured for Test

During NE commissioning, some services are configured to the NE. To prevent the service from
affecting the later commissioning, it is required to delete the services after each test. This section
describes how to delete these commissioning services. The deletion is performed to make sure
that the network commissioning can be performed normally.

Each commissioning item must have been completed.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Run the T2000-LCT. Right-click the NE in NE Information List and select NE Explorer.
Step 2 Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.
Step 3 Select all services and click Deactivated. A dialog box is displayed. Click OK.
Step 4 Another dialog box is displayed. Click OK.
Step 5 Click Delete. A dialog box is displayed. Click Confirm.
Step 6 A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.


2.13.2 Releasing Software or Hardware Loopback

During NE commissioning, software or hardware loopback is set. To prevent the loopback from
affecting the later commissioning, it is required to release the loopback after each test. This
section describes how to cancel the loopback setting. To do this is to make sure that the network
commissioning can be performed normally.

Each commissioning item must have been completed.

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Commissioning Guide 2 Network Element Commissioning

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check the equipment to cancel all hardware loopback at the ODF and DDF sides.
Step 2 Run the T2000-LCT. Right-click the NE in NE Information List and select Slot Layout.

Step 3 Click at the top of the slot layout and an illustration is displayed. Check the boards in the
slot layout according to the illustration. If is found at the left bottom of a board, it indicates
that loopback is set to the board.
Step 4 Cancel the software loopback set to the tributary board. Use the T2000-LCT to cancel the
1. Right-click the board and select Tributary Loopback.
2. Set Non-Loopback in the dialog box. Click Apply.
3. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.
4. Close the Tributary Loopback dialog box.
Step 5 Cancel the software loopback set to the line board.
1. Right-click the board and select VC-4 Loopback.
2. Set Non-Loopback and click Apply.
3. A dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation succeeds. Click Close.
4. Close the VC-4 Loopback dialog box.


2.13.3 Cancelling Permanent Alarm Cut-off Status of ALMC Button

The ALMC button can be used to cut off alarms permanently. To prevent that no ring is generated
to indicate alarms, it is required to cancel the permanent alarm cut-off state of the ALMC button.
This section describes how to cancel the permanent alarm cut-off state of the ALMC button. To
do this is to make sure that the later network commissioning can be performed normally.

The commissioning item must have been completed.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Observe ALMC indicator on the GSCC board.
l If the indicator is unlit, it indicates that the permanent alarm cut-off state is cancelled.
l If the indicator is lit and yellow, it indicates the permanent cut-off state. Follow Step 2 to
cancel the state.

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2 Network Element Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step 2 Press on the ALMCUT button for three seconds and the ALMC indicator must become unlit.


2.13.4 Checking Orderwire Phone

Check the orderwire phone to make sure that it can be used normally after configuration.

Each commissioning item must have been completed.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check the vibration switch on the orderwire phone. The switch state must be ON.
Step 2 Check the dialing switch on the orderwire phone. The switch state must be T.
Step 3 Press the TALK button and the red indicator at the right top must become lit and red. There must
be dialing sound.
Step 4 Press the TALK button again. The red indicator at the right top of the phone must be unlit. The
phone is in the hand-up state.


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Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

3 Network Commissioning

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the commissioning items and methods concerning network

3.1 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface Board

If the received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment. Services are
then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged. This section
describes how to test the received optical power of an interface board. The test is performed to
make sure the received optical power of each interface is proper.
3.2 Checking Network-Wide Fiber Connection
Fibers are connected in different manners for different networking schemes. If fibers are
connected in an incorrect manner, errors may be caused to the later commissioning. More
seriously, the running services may even be affected. To avoid incorrect fiber connection, the
network topology must be provided to check the fiber connection. This section describes how
to check network-wide fiber connection.
3.3 Checking Connection of an NM Computer to the Equipment
The NM software runs on the NM computer to manage equipment. If the computer is connected
in an incorrect manner, the NM cannot manage the NEs. To prevent the incorrect connection of
the NM computer, check the connection between the NM computer and the NEs. This section
describes how to check the connection of the NM computer.
3.4 Creating and Configuring Network
After the check of the fiber connection and the connection of the NM computer, use the T2000
to create and configure the network. This commissioning item is performed to make sure that
the T2000 can manage all NEs and fulfill the later network commissioning tasks.
3.5 Querying Network-Wide Software Versions
The version of the equipment must in line with the cartoon list. Query and check the versions
to make sure the correct equipment is delivered. This section describes how to query NE versions.
3.6 Testing Clock Protection Switching
The clock protection switching is performed to protect NE clocks and to make sure that the
clocks of all NEs are synchronous. If the protection switching cannot be performed normally,
the clocks may become faulty and services are severely affected. To prevent clock failure, it is
necessary to perform the clock protection switching.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

3.7 Testing Orderwire Phone

The orderwire phone can be used for audio communication between NEs. The test is performed
to check if the orderwire phone is installed and placed in a correct manner. This task is performed
to ensure that the network-wide orderwire phone works normally.
3.8 Testing Network Protection Switching
The network protection schemes are configured to protect services. The protection switching
must be normal. Otherwise, services cannot be protected in case of network fault. Hence, it is
necessary to test the network protection switching. This section describes how to test the network
protection switching.
3.9 Testing Ethernet Service Channels
If network cables are incorrectly connected or are faulty, the Ethernet service channels may go
faulty. Services are then affected. Hence, the Ethernet service channels must be normal. This
section describes how to test Ethernet service channels.
3.10 Testing Point-to-Point BER
The network-wide BER is tested at the end of the network commissioning. The test is performed
to discover potential problems of service channels and to ensure service stability. This section
describes how to test network-wide BER.

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OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

3.1 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface

If the received optical power is too high or low, bit error occurs to the equipment. Services are
then affected. More seriously, the equipment components may be even damaged. This section
describes how to test the received optical power of an interface board. The test is performed to
make sure the received optical power of each interface is proper.

Check if the received optical power has been tested in the NE commissioning. If yes, skip this
test item. If not, refer to 2.10.2 Testing Received Optical Power of an Optical Interface

3.2 Checking Network-Wide Fiber Connection

Fibers are connected in different manners for different networking schemes. If fibers are
connected in an incorrect manner, errors may be caused to the later commissioning. More
seriously, the running services may even be affected. To avoid incorrect fiber connection, the
network topology must be provided to check the fiber connection. This section describes how
to check network-wide fiber connection.

The network topology must be known to the commissioning personnel. The board must be seated
snugly and operate normally.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check the fiber connection at each node according to the network topology.
l Check the fiber connection of a two-fiber ring. See Figure 3-1.
l Check the fiber connection of a four-fiber ring. See Figure 3-2.
l Check the fiber connection of an unprotected chain. See Figure 3-3.
l Check the fiber connection of a 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS. See Figure 3-4.
l Check the fiber connection of a 1:N (N≤14) linear MS. See Figure 3-5.
Optical fibers in a ring network (two-fiber ring or four-fiber ring) are required to be connected along the
direction of the primary ring (anti-clockwise). That is, the east line board at the local station is connected
with the west line board at the opposite station.

Step 2 If you are on the commissioning site, check the indicators on line boards of NEs. The SRV
indicator should not be red.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-3

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

If the SRV is not lit and red, it indicates that the optical interface can receive optical signals. If some optical
interfaces are not used, the SRV indicator should be lit and red. In this case, you can use the T2000 to query
alarms and to check if the board works normally.


Reference Information
For easy illustration and configuration of two pairs of the optical interfaces at an ADM station, suppose
the observer is standing outside the ring, facing the NE, the optical interfaces on the left is defined as the
westward interfaces and the right optical interfaces are defined as the east interfaces. Be default, services
are sent in the east and received in the west.

Figure 3-1 shows the fiber connection of a two-fiber ring.

Figure 3-1 Fiber connection of a two-fiber ring

West East West East




West East West East




Figure 3-2 shows the fiber connection of a four-fiber ring.

3-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Figure 3-2 Fiber connection of a four-fiber ring






West East West East






West East West East

If one end of the fiber is connected to the "OUT" port, the other end should be connected to the "IN" port
of the interface board at the opposite end.

Figure 3-3 shows the fiber connection of an unprotected chain.

Figure 3-3 Fiber connection of an unprotected chain




Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-5

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 3-4 shows the fiber connection of a 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS.

Figure 3-4 Fiber connection of a 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS






Figure 3-5 shows the fiber connection of a protected 1:N (N≤14) linear MS.

Figure 3-5 Fiber connection of 1:N (N≤14) linear MS

1 1

2 2






3.3 Checking Connection of an NM Computer to the

The NM software runs on the NM computer to manage equipment. If the computer is connected
in an incorrect manner, the NM cannot manage the NEs. To prevent the incorrect connection of
the NM computer, check the connection between the NM computer and the NEs. This section
describes how to check the connection of the NM computer.

The NM computer can be connected to the equipment in either of the schemes.

3-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

l Direct connection: Use the cross-over network cable.

l Indirect connection through a LAN: Use the straight-through network cable.

3.3.1 Checking Direct Connection of an NM Computer to the Equipment

The network port of the NM computer connects to the ETH port of an NE through a cross-over
network cable. Check the connection between the NM computer and the NE to make sure they
can communicate normally. This section describes how to check the connection of the NM
3.3.2 Checking Connection of the NM Computer to the Equipment Through a LAN
The straight through network cables must be used to connect the NM computer to the NEs. If
the cross-over network cables are used, the NM computer cannot actually connect to the NEs.
Check the connection between the NM computer and the NEs to make sure they can
communicate with each other normally.

3.3.1 Checking Direct Connection of an NM Computer to the

The network port of the NM computer connects to the ETH port of an NE through a cross-over
network cable. Check the connection between the NM computer and the NE to make sure they
can communicate normally. This section describes how to check the connection of the NM

The NM computer must have been connected to the NE through a network cable.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check if one end of the network cable is connected to the ETH port of the PC and the other end
to the ETH port of the EOW board. For OptiX OSN 7500, the ETH port is located on the
EOW board. Figure 3-6 shows where the ETH is located.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-7

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 3-6 Direct connection of the NM computer

Slot 23 EOW



Step 2 Remove the network cable. Observe the pin sequence at both ends. The network cable must be
a cross-over network cable to connect the NM computer directly to the NE. Figure 3-7 defines
the pins of the connector. Table 3-1 shows the mapping connection relation of the pins at both

Figure 3-7 Pins of a cross-over network cable connector

Pin 8 Pin 1

Pin 1 Pin 8

RJ-45 connector RJ-45 connector

1 1
2 2
3 3
A 4 4 B
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

Table 3-1 Pin sequence at both ends of a cross-over network cable

Pin Item Head End Tail End

1 Orange white Green white

2 Orange Green

3 Green white Orange white

4 Blue Blue

5 Blue white Blue white

3-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Pin Item Head End Tail End

6 Green Orange

7 Brown white Brown white

8 Brown Brown

Step 3 Insert the network cable back. Observe the indicators at the network port of the NM computer
and the ETH port of the NE. The green LINK indicator must stay lit and the orange ACT indicator
must flash.





3.3.2 Checking Connection of the NM Computer to the Equipment

Through a LAN
The straight through network cables must be used to connect the NM computer to the NEs. If
the cross-over network cables are used, the NM computer cannot actually connect to the NEs.
Check the connection between the NM computer and the NEs to make sure they can
communicate with each other normally.

The NM computer and the NEs must have been connected to the LAN.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Check the network cable. Figure 3-8 shows the connection. The NM computer and the
equipment are connected to a LAN through the straight-through network cable. Regarding the
OptiX OSN 7500, the ETH port is located on the EOW board.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-9

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 3-8 Connection of the NM computer through a LAN

Slot 23 EOW

ETH network cable


network cable

Step 2 Remove the network cable. Observe the pin sequence at both ends. A straight through network
cable must be used to connect the NM computer to an NE through a LAN. Figure 3-9 defines
the pin sequence of the network cable connector. Table 3-2 shows the mapping connection
relation of the pins at both ends.

Figure 3-9 Pins of a straight through network cable connector

Pin 8 Pin 1

Pin 1 Pin 8

RJ-45 connector RJ-45 connector

1 1
2 2
3 3
A 4 4 B
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8

Table 3-2 Pin sequence at both ends of a straight through network cable

Pin Item Head End Tail End

1 Orange white Orange white

2 Orange Orange

3 Green white Green white

4 Blue Blue

5 Blue white Blue white

3-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Pin Item Head End Tail End

6 Green Green

7 Brown white Brown white

8 Brown Brown

Step 3 Insert the network cable back. Observe the indicators at the network port of the NM computer
and the ETH port of the NE. The green LINK indicator must stay lit and the orange ACT indicator
must flash.





3.4 Creating and Configuring Network

After the check of the fiber connection and the connection of the NM computer, use the T2000
to create and configure the network. This commissioning item is performed to make sure that
the T2000 can manage all NEs and fulfill the later network commissioning tasks.

Check the network-wide fiber connection and the connection of the NM computer to the

Tools and Meters


Table 3-3 lists the configuration procedure. For details, refer to the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent
Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.

Table 3-3 Configuration procedure

Configuration Reference

Logging in the Refer to section 1.5 "Logging in the T2000" in the OptiX OSN 7500
T2000 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Creating an NE Refer to section 1.6 "Creating an NE as root NE user" in the OptiX

OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-11

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Configuration Reference

Configuring Refer to section 1.7 "Configuring Communication" in the OptiX OSN

Communication 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Creating a Board Refer to section 1.10 "Creating a Board" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Creating a Fiber Refer to section 1.11 "Creating Fibers" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Creating a Topology Refer to section 1.12 "Creating a Topology Subnet" in the OptiX OSN
Subnet 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Creating a Refer to section 1.13 "Creating a Protection Subnet" in the OptiX OSN
Protection Subnet 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Configuring Clock Refer to section 1.14 "Configuring Clock" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Configuring SDH/ Refer to section 1.15 and 1.16 in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent
PDH Services Optical Switching System Configuration Guide

Configuring Board Refer to section 1.18 "Configuring Board Level Protection" in the
Level Protection OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration

3.5 Querying Network-Wide Software Versions

The version of the equipment must in line with the cartoon list. Query and check the versions
to make sure the correct equipment is delivered. This section describes how to query NE versions.

The T2000 server and clients must start up normally.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Log in to the T2000 client. Choose Report > Board Information Report from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Click to refresh the navigation tree. Select the NE for query and click .

Step 3 Click Query. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed to prompt that the operation

Step 4 Click Close. The information about the state of each board and their versions is displayed in the

Step 5 Check versions of the board software, the NE software, the Logic and the BIOS.

3-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Step 6 Compare the versions with those in the packing list and the software version list. In case of any
version discrepancy, contact local offices of Huawei.


3.6 Testing Clock Protection Switching

The clock protection switching is performed to protect NE clocks and to make sure that the
clocks of all NEs are synchronous. If the protection switching cannot be performed normally,
the clocks may become faulty and services are severely affected. To prevent clock failure, it is
necessary to perform the clock protection switching.

The clock protection switching must have been configured.

The clock parameters and clock protection subnet must have been configured. For details, refer
to "Configuration Process" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 Choose Configuration > Clock View from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Select each NE and choose Clock View > NE Clock Setting. Select Clock Synchronization
Status Clock Source Priority ListClock Source Recovery ParameterClock Source
Switching ConditionClock Subnet Settings to check if they are set in a correct manner.

Step 3 Remove the east optical fiber of an NE (or shut down the laser). Choose Clock View > Clock
Setting > Clock Source Switching to query if the clock of each NE is in a normal state.
If you cannot reach the NE to remove the fiber, use the T2000 to shut down the laser of the port. By doing
this, you simulate a fiber cut. For the method of shutting down a laser, refer to steps 2 and 3 in the 3.8.1
Testing Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection Switching.

Step 4 Choose Fault > Browse Current Alarms from the Main Menu. Select the NE chosen in step

3 from the left pane and click to query alarms. Normally, the SYNC_C_LOS alarm
If other alarms occur (for example LTI), clear them under the guidance of the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent
Optical Switching System Alarms and Performance Events Reference.

Step 5 Restore the fiber connection of the NE (or turn on the laser).

Step 6 Repeat steps 1–5 to complete the test of west clock switching of the NE.

Step 7 Test clock switching of the other NEs in the similar way.


Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-13

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

3.7 Testing Orderwire Phone

The orderwire phone can be used for audio communication between NEs. The test is performed
to check if the orderwire phone is installed and placed in a correct manner. This task is performed
to ensure that the network-wide orderwire phone works normally.

l The orderwire phone must have been installed at each NE. The orderwire must have been
configured by using the T2000.
l No conference call is made in the entire network.
l The fiber connection of each station is fine.
l Test personnel must be accessible on site when orderwire phone is tested.

Tools and Meters


Step 1 On an NE, dial the orderwire phone numbers of the other NEs. The orderwire phone of each
station should ring.
l If not, check if the setting is correct.
l If the orderwire is set correctly, replace the orderwire phone.

Step 2 Check the communication quality. The voice should be clear and free of noise.
If the phone is hung up for more than one minute, howl is generated for indication.

Step 3 Repeat steps 1–2 to test the orderwire of other NEs.


Reference Information
Before the test, it is necessary to:
l Use the T2000 to configure the orderwire phone and conference call at each NE. For details,
refer to "Configuring Orderwire" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching
System Configuration Guide.
l Correctly install and place the orderwire phone at each NE.

3.8 Testing Network Protection Switching

The network protection schemes are configured to protect services. The protection switching
must be normal. Otherwise, services cannot be protected in case of network fault. Hence, it is
necessary to test the network protection switching. This section describes how to test the network
protection switching.

3-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

3.8.1 Testing Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection Switching

If the network is configured as a two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, services carried by the
working trail can get protected. This section describes how to test the two-fiber bidirectional
MSP protection switching.
3.8.2 Testing Four-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection Switching
If the network is configured as a four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, services carried by the
working trail can get protected. This section describes how to test the four-fiber bidirectional
MSP protection switching.
3.8.3 Testing 1+1 or 1:1 Linear MS Protection Switching
The linear MSP is configured to the network to protect services that are carried by the working
trail. This section describes how to test 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS protection switching.
3.8.4 Testing SNCP Protection Switching
The SNCP protection is configured to a network to protect services that are carried by the
working trail. This section describes how to test the SNCP protection switching.

3.8.1 Testing Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection

If the network is configured as a two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, services carried by the
working trail can get protected. This section describes how to test the two-fiber bidirectional
MSP protection switching.

You must be an NM user with the authority of "NE and Network Operator" or higher.
The two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring must have been created and configured on the T2000. For
details, refer to "Creating a Protection Subnet" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical
Switching System Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters

T2000, SDH analyzer

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 3-10 shows the connection for the test of two-fiber bidirectional MSP protection
switching. It is assumed that a 2M service from NE1 to NE3 is configured and the service trail
is NE1-NE2-NE3.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-15

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3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Figure 3-10 Connection for the test of two-fiber bidirectional MSP protection switching
SDH Analyzer

Loopback OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 7500


D75S D75S
SL64 SL64


Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

Step 1 Connect the SDH analyzer to the service interface of NE3. At the DDF side, loopback the service
port of NE1. The meter reads that services are normal.

Step 2 Run the T2000. Right-click the NE1 icon and select NE Explorer.

Step 3 Select the optical interface board in Slot 12. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface from the
Function Tree. Check By Function checkbox and select Laser Switch.

Step 4 Select the port whose laser is to be shut down. Set Laser Switch to Shutdown. Click Apply. A
dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

Step 5 Observe the SDH analyzer. The meter shows that services are transiently interrupted and then

Step 6 Query the NE alarms. The cross-connect boards of NE1 and NE2 should report the APS_INDI
and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms. It indicates that MSP switching occurs to NE1 and NE2.

Step 7 Repeat steps 2–4 to start the laser of the interface board in slot 12.

Step 8 Wait 10 minutes and then observe the SDH analyzer. The meter shows that services are normal.

Step 9 Query and acknowledge NE alarms. The APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms reported
from NE1 and NE2 are ended. It indicates that the MSP switching for NE1 and NE2 completes.

Step 10 Release the loopback set in step 1.


3-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

3.8.2 Testing Four-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring Protection

If the network is configured as a four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, services carried by the
working trail can get protected. This section describes how to test the four-fiber bidirectional
MSP protection switching.

You must be an NE user with "NE and NM operator" authority or higher.
The four-fiber bidirectional MSP must have been created and configured on the T2000. For
details, refer to "Four-Fiber MSP Ring with Non-Protection Chain" in the OptiX OSN 7500
Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters

T2000, SDH analyzer

Test Connection Diagram

Perform the connection for the test of four-fiber bi-directional MSP ring protection switching
according to Figure 3-11. It is assumed that a 2M service from NE1 to NE3 is configured and
the service trail is NE1-NE2-NE3.

Figure 3-11 Connection for the test of four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring protection switching
SDH Analyzer

Loopback OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 7500


D75S D75S
SL64 SL64


Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 11 Slot 8
Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 11 Slot 12
Slot 12 Slot 11 Slot 8 Slot 7
Slot 8 Slot 11

Slot 7 Slot 12

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-17

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3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step 1 Connect the SDH analyzer to the service interface of NE3 according to the previous connection
diagram. At the DDF side, loopback the service port of NE1. The meter shows that services are
Step 2 Test section protection switching.
l Log in to the T2000. Right-click the NE1 icon and select NE Explorer.
l Select the optical interface board in Slot 12. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface from
the Function Tree. Check the By Function check box and select Laser Switch from the drop-
down switch.
l Select the port whose laser is to be shut down. Set Laser Switch to Shutdown. Click
Apply. A dialog box is displayed. Click Close.
l Observe the SDH analyzer. The meter shows that services are transiently interrupted and
then restored. The protection switching time is less than 50 ms.
l Query the NE alarms. The cross-connect boards of NE1 and NE2 should report the
APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms. It indicates that MSP switching occurs to NE1
and NE2.
l Choose Configuration > Protection View from the Main Menu. Choose Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.
l Select the subnet to be viewed. Check the switching state of the four-fiber MSP ring. One
direction of NE1 and NE2 must be Signal Fault Section Switching (near end). It indicates
that section switching occurs.
Step 3 Repeat step 2 to start the laser of the interface board in slot 12 of NE1.
Step 4 Wait 10 minutes and then observe the SDH analyzer. The meter reads that services are normal
and there are no bit errors.
Step 5 Query and acknowledge NE alarms. The APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms reported
from NE1 and NE2 are ended. It indicates that the MSP switching for NE1 and NE2 completes.
Step 6 Test the MSP ring switching.
l Follow step 2 to shut down the laser of the interface boards in slot 11 and slot 12 of NE1.
l Observe the SDH analyzer. The meter shows that services are transiently interrupted and
then restored. The protection switching time is less than 50 ms.
l Query the NE alarms. The cross-connect boards of NE1 and NE2 should report the
l Choose Configuration > Protection View from the Main Menu. Choose Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.
l Select the four-fiber MSP ring protection subnet and query the switching state. One direction
of NE1 and NE2 must be Signal Fault Ring Switching (near end). It indicates that MSP
ring switching occurs.
Step 7 Repeat step 2 to start the laser of the interface board in slot 12 and slot 11 of NE1.
Step 8 Wait 10 minutes and then observe the SDH analyzer. The meter reads that services are normal
and there are no bit errors.
Step 9 Query and acknowledge NE alarms. The APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms reported
from NE1 and NE2 are ended. It indicates that the MSP switching for NE1 and NE2 completes.


3-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

3.8.3 Testing 1+1 or 1:1 Linear MS Protection Switching

The linear MSP is configured to the network to protect services that are carried by the working
trail. This section describes how to test 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS protection switching.

You must be an NE user with "NE and NM operator" authority or higher.

The linear MSP must have been created and configured on the T2000. For details, refer to
"Configuring Linear MSP 1+1" and "Configuring a 1:1 Linear MSP Subnet" in the OptiX OSN
7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters

T2000, SDH analyzer

Test Connection Diagram

Perform the connection for the test of 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS protection switching according to
Figure 3-12. It is assumed that a 2M service from NE1 to NE2 is configured.

Figure 3-12 Connection for the test of 1+1 or 1:1 linear MS protection switching
SDH Analyzer

Loopback OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 7500


D75S D75S
SL64 SL64


Slot 7 Slot 7

Slot 12 Slot12

Step 1 Connect the SDH analyzer to a service port of NE2 according to the previous connection
diagram. Loopback the service port of NE1 at the DDF side. The meter shows that services are

Step 2 Log in to the T2000. Right-click the NE1 icon and select NE Explorer.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-19

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Step 3 Select the optical interface board in Slot 7. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface from the
Function Tree. Click the By Function check box and select Laser Switch from the drop-down
Step 4 Select the port whose laser is to be shut down. Set Laser Switch to Shutdown. Click Apply. A
dialog box is displayed. Click Close.
Step 5 Observe the SDH analyzer. The meter shows that services are transiently interrupted and then
restored. The protection switching time is less than 50ms.
Step 6 Query the NE alarms. The cross-connect board should report the APS_INDI and
MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms.
l If the switching scheme is set as Dual-End Switching, both NE1 and NE2 report these two
l If the switching scheme is set as Single-End Switching, only NE2 reports these two alarms.
Dual-End Switching and Single-End Switching are only meaningful for 1+1 linear MSP. For 1:1 linear
MSP, no optional switching schemes are available. The protections switching scheme is Dual-End

Step 7 Repeat steps 2–4 to switch on the laser.

Step 8 Wait ten minutes and then observe the SDH analyzer.
l Revertive mode: Revertive.
– The meter reads that services are transiently interrupted and then restored. The protection
switching time is less than 50 ms.
– Query and acknowledge NE alarms. The APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms are
l Revertive mode: Non-Revertive.
– The meter reads that services are normal. The APS_INDI and MS_APS_INDI_EX alarms
are not ended.
– Log in to the T2000. ChooseConfiguration > Protection View. Then, choose Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.
– Select the linear MS protection subnet. Choose Start/Stop Protocol > Stop the Protocol
Networkwide. Then choose Start/Stop Protocol > Start Networkwide Protocol.
– Click Query. Observe the state of the working channel. The state must be Normal (near


3.8.4 Testing SNCP Protection Switching

The SNCP protection is configured to a network to protect services that are carried by the
working trail. This section describes how to test the SNCP protection switching.

You must be an NM user with "NE and Network operator" authority or higher.
The SNCP protection must have been created and configured on the T2000. For details, refer to
"SNCP Ring with Non-Protection Chain" in the OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching
System Configuration Guide.

3-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Tools and Meters

T2000, SDH analyzer

Test Connection Diagram

Perform the connection for the test of the SNCP protection switching according to Figure
3-13. It is assumed that a 2M service from NE1 to NE3 is configured and the service trail is

Figure 3-13 Connection for the test of the SNCP protection switching
SDH Analyzer

Loopback OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 7500


D75S D75S
SL64 SL64


Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

Step 1 Connect the SDH analyzer to a service port of NE3. Loopback the service port of NE1 at the
DDF side. The meter shows that services are normal.

Step 2 Log in to the T2000. Right-click the NE1 icon and select NE Explorer.

Step 3 Select the optical interface board in Slot 12. Choose Configuration > SDH Interface. Check
the By Function check box and select Laser Switch from the drop-down menu.

Step 4 Select the port whose laser is to be shut down. Set Laser Switch to Shutdown. Click Apply. A
dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

Step 5 Observe the SDH analyzer. The meter reads that services are transiently interrupted and then
restored. The protection switching time is less than 50 ms.

Step 6 Log in to the T2000 to query performance events of NE3. If the SNCP Switching performance
event is reported, it indicates that SNCP switching is performed.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-21

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

When a node fails to receive services, the SNCP switching is performed. Although the laser of NE1 is shut
down in Step 3, the node where the SNCP switching is performed is NE3 that receives services from the
working channel.

Step 7 Repeat steps 2–4 to switch on the laser. Wait ten minutes.
l Observe the SDH analyzer. If the revertive mode of the SNCP is configured as Revertive,
the meter must read that services are transiently interrupted and then restored. The protection
switching time is less than 50 ms.
l If the revertive mode of the SNCP is configured as Non-Revertive.
– Log in to the T2000. Right-click the NE3 icon and select NE Explorer.
– Choose Configuration > SNCP Service Control from the Function Tree. Choose
Function > Forced Switching to Working. A dialog box is displayed. Click OK. A
dialog box is displayed. Click Close.
– Choose Function > Clear. A dialog box is displayed. Click OK. A dialog box is
displayed. Click Close
– Choose Function > Query Switching Status. A dialog is displayed. Click Close. The
Current Status must be shown Normal.


3.9 Testing Ethernet Service Channels

If network cables are incorrectly connected or are faulty, the Ethernet service channels may go
faulty. Services are then affected. Hence, the Ethernet service channels must be normal. This
section describes how to test Ethernet service channels.

You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.
The EPL services must have been configured and the port attribute is set to "Access". For
configuration details, refer to "Configuring the Point-to-Point EPL Service" in the OptiX OSN
7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters

Two PCs on which the Windows operating system is installed, two straight through cables

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 3-14 shows the connection for the test of the Ethernet service channels.

3-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Figure 3-14 Connection for the test of the Ethernet service channels
Laptop A

NE4 Laptop B




Step 1 Connect the network port of the PC to the Ethernet service port of the OptiX OSN 7500 according
to the previous connection diagram.

Step 2 Set the IP addresses for PC A and PC B. The two IP addresses must be set in the same network
l Set the IP address for PC A.
– IP address:
– Subnet mask:
l Set the IP address for PC B.
– IP address:
– Subnet mask:

Step 3 Choose Start > Run at PC A to display a dialog box. Enter the ping command: ping -n 20000 -l 2000 –t.

Parameters for the Ping command:

l -n Num: transit Num packets to the SCC of the opposite end

l -l Num: transmit buffer capacity is Num bytes

l -t: continuously transmit ping packets

Step 4 Click OK to run the ping command.

l A window is displayed to feedback the information "Reply from bytes=2000
time=1ms TTL=255". This information indicates the Ethernet channels are normal.
l If the displayed window feedbacks the information Request timed out, it indicates that the
Ethernet channels are abnormal. Check the network cable connection and the configuration
of the Ethernet services. Clear the fault and then continue the test.

The value of time and TTL depends on the actual test environment. The value discrepancy is of a normal


Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-23

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

3.10 Testing Point-to-Point BER

The network-wide BER is tested at the end of the network commissioning. The test is performed
to discover potential problems of service channels and to ensure service stability. This section
describes how to test network-wide BER.

You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.
Configure SDH services as required. For details, refer to "Configuration Process" in the OptiX
OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System Configuration Guide.

Tools and Meters

SDH analyzer, self-loop cables, fiber jumpers

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 3-15 shows the connection for the test of network-wide BER. It is assumed that 63 x 2
Mbit/s services are configured between NE1 and NE3. Connect the 2M ports in a serial manner
and connect them to the SDH analyzer according to Figure 3-16. Perform inloop at the DDF to
the service port for the 63 x 2 Mbit/s services at NE1.

Figure 3-15 Connection for the test of network-wide BER

SDH Analyzer

Loopback OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 7500


D75S D75S
SL64 SL64


Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

Slot 12 Slot 7

Slot 7 Slot 12

3-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide 3 Network Commissioning

Figure 3-16 Connecting 2M ports in a serial manner

2 Mbit/s BER DDF
tester RX TX


This section describes the BER test of 2 Mbit/s services. Follow the similar way to test the BER of services
at other rates.


l During the test, unrelated personnel should not be allowed to enter the test environment.
l Do not touch optical fibers, wires, or cables at will.
l Do not perform swapping operations to the power supply equipment within the test area.

Step 1 Connect the SDH analyzer to the service interface of NE3 according to the previous connection
diagram. At the DDF side, loopback all the service ports of NE1 that carry 2 Mbit/s services.

Step 2 Step 2 Log in to the T2000. Use the T2000 to start the 15-minute and 24-hour performance
monitoring for NE1 and NE3. For details regarding how to start the performance monitoring
function, refer to the OptiX iManager T2000 Online Help.
The performance monitoring is set to analyze and locate faults that occur during the test.

Step 3 Set the pseudo-random binary sequence for the meter according to the service rate. Table 3-4
provides the mapping relations of the service rate, coding scheme and pseudo-random binary
sequence serial code.

Table 3-4 Mapping relations of the service rate, coding scheme and pseudo-random serial code

Service Rate (kbit/s) Code Pseudo-Random Serial


2048 HDB3 215-1

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-25

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
3 Network Commissioning Commissioning Guide

Service Rate (kbit/s) Code Pseudo-Random Serial


34368 HDB3 223-1

44736 B3ZS 215-1

139264 CMI 223-1

155520 CMI 223-1

Step 4 Set the meter into the ‘Print’ state and perform the 24-hour BER test. Print the test result 24
hours later. The test result must show that no bit error occurs. Little pointer justification is
allowed. The number of justification must be less than 6.
For an MSP ring, perform 24-hour BER test for the working channel and 12-hour BER test for the protection
channel. The test result must show that no bit error occurs. The number of pointer justification must be less
than 6.
If the first 24-hour BER test shows that bit error occurs, perform another 24-hour BER test and clear the
fault. Continually perform the test until no bit error occurs.


3-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide A Glossary

A Glossary


1+1 A 1+1 protection architecture has one normal traffic signal, one working
protection SNC/trail, one protection SNC/trail and a permanent bridge.

add/drop A multiplexer capable of extracting and inserting lower-rate signals from a

multiplexer higher-rate multiplexed signal without completely demultiplexing the signal.

ADM add/drop multiplexer. See add/drop multiplexer.

AIS Alarm Indication Signal. A signal sent downstream in a digital network if an

upstream failure has been detected and persists for a certain time.

alarm A visible or an audible indication to notify the person concerned that a failure
or an emergency has occurred. See also Event.

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A transfer mode in which the information is

organized into cells. It is asynchronous in the sense that the recurrence of
cells containing information from an individual user is not necessarily
periodic. It is a protocol within the OSI layer 1. An ATM cell consists of a 5
octet header followed by 48 octets of data.

attenuation Reduction of signal magnitude or signal loss, usually expressed in decibels.

attenuator A passive component that attenuates an electrical or optical signal.

attribute Property of an object.

cabling frame The frame which is used for cable routing over the cabinet.

cabling The methods to route the cables or fibers.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary A-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
A Glossary Commissioning Guide

client A kind of terminal (PC or workstation) connected to a network that can send
instructions to a server and get results through a user interface. See also

clock tracing The method to keep the time on each node being synchronized with a clock
source in a network.

DDF Digital Distribution Frame. A frame which is used to transfer cables.

domain The domain of the T2000 specifies the scope of address or functions which
are available to a certain user.

drop The port on a network element where the service to an end customer may be
connected, e.g., a tributary card on a SONET ADM. For example, a drop for
a DS1 customer service may be provided by a VT1.5 card terminating a
VT1.5 trail.

ejector lever A component at the two ends of the front panel of a board, which is used for
inserting or removing the board.

Ethernet A data link level protocol comprising the OSI model's bottom two layers. It
is a broadcast networking technology that can use several different physical
media, including twisted pair cable and coaxial cable. Ethernet usually uses
CSMA/CD. TCP/IP is commonly used with Ethernet networks.

fiber A device mounted on the end of a fiber-optic cable, light source, receiver, or
connector housing that mates to a similar device to couple light into and out of optical
fibers. A connector joins two fiber ends, or one fiber end and a light source
or detector.

fiber jumper The fiber which is used to connect the subrack with the ODF.

frame A cyclic set of consecutive time slots in which the relative position of each
time slot can be identified.

hardware A method to use a fiber to connect the receiving optical interface with the
loopback transmitting one on a board. It performs transmission tests, which method
usually does not require the assistance of personnel at the served terminal.

A-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide A Glossary

jitter Short waveform variations caused by vibration, voltage fluctuations, control

system instability, etc.

label A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.

laser The device that generates the directional light covering a narrow range of
wavelengths. Laser light is more coherent than ordinary light. Semiconductor
diode lasers are the used light source in fiber-optic system.

loopback The fault of each path on the optical fiber can be located by setting loopback
for each path of the line. There are three kinds of loopback modes: No
loopback, Outloop, Inloop.

mapping A procedure by which tributaries are adapted into virtual containers at the
boundary of an SDH network.

mean The average power of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled into the fiber
launched by the transmitter.

MSP The MSP function provides capability for switching a signal between and
including two MST functions, from a working to a protection channel.

multiplex To transmit two or more signals over a single channel.

multiplexer An equipment which combines a number of tributary channels onto a fewer

number of aggregate bearer channels, the relationship between the tributary
and aggregate channels being fixed.

multiplexing A procedure by which multiple lower order path layer signals are adapted
into a higher order path or the multiple higher order path layer signals are
adapted into a multiplex section.

NE explorer NE Explorer is the main operation interface of the T2000. For easy
navigation, the NE Explorer window presents an expandable directory tree
(Function Tree) in the lower left pane. The configuration, management and
maintenance of the equipment are accessed here.

NE ID A unique identifier to which each NE corresponds in a network. In the OptiX

transmission equipment, it is specified that the NE ID is a 24-bit binary digit,
that is, three bytes. The DIP switch on the SCC board of the NE constitutes
the lower 16 bits of the NE ID. The higher eight bits of the NE ID is the
extended ID (default value: 9), which is also called the subnet number. The
extended ID is typically used to identify different subnets.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary A-3

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
A Glossary Commissioning Guide

non-revertive In non-revertive mode, when a protection switch occurs, the working service
will be switched to the protection service and the status will remain after it
returns normal.

ODF Optical Distribution Frame. A frame which is used to transfer and spool

optical A device to allow two or more corresponding optical transmitting units to be

interface connected.

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy.

pointer An indicator whose value defines the frame offset of a virtual container with
respect to the frame reference of the transport entity on which it is supported.

receiver Receiver overload is the maximum acceptable value of the received average
overload power at point R to achieve a 1 x 10-10 BER.

receiver Receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum acceptable value of average

sensitivity received power at point R to achieve a 1 x 10-10 BER.

ring network One type of network that all network nodes are connected one after one to
be a cycle.

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. A hierarchical set of digital transport

structures, standardized for the transport of suitably adapted payloads over
physical transmission networks.

search The range of IP addresses being searched.


subnet mask Also referred to as the network mask off code. It is used to define network
segments, so that only the computers in the same network segment can
communicate with one another, thus suppressing broadcast storm between
different network segments.

synchronous A network where transmission system payloads are synchronized to a master

(network) clock and traced to a reference clock.

A-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide A Glossary

T2000 The T2000 is a subnet management system (SNMS). In the

telecommunication management network architecture, the T2000 is located
between the NE level and network level, which can supports all NE level
functions and part of the network level management functions.

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Common name for the

suite of protocols developed to support the construction of worldwide internet

timeslot Single timeslot on an E1 digital interface — that is, a 64-kbps, synchronous,

full-duplex data channel, typically used for a single voice connection.

TPS Tributary Protection Switching. A function provided by the equipment, is

intended to protect N tributary processing boards through a standby tributary
processing board.

tributary A fault location method. A fault can be located for each service path by
loopback performing loopback on each path of the tributary board. There are three
types of loopback modes: Non-loopback, Outloop and Inloop.

unprotected Services transmitted through an ordinary way, once a failure or interruption

occurs, the data cannot be restored for lack of protection mechanism.

user The user of the T2000 client, and the user and password define the
corresponding authority of operation and management of the T2000.

washer A washer which is used to level the cabinet.

WDM Wavelength-Division Multiplexing.

working A specific service that is part of a protection group and is labeled working.

WTR time A period of time that must elapse before a – from a fault recovered – trail/
connection can be used again to transport the normal traffic signal and/or to
select the normal traffic signal from.

WTR Wait to Restore.

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary A-5

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide B Acronyms and Abbreviations

B Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADM Add/Drop Multiplexer

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

DDF Digital Distribution Frame

ECC Embedded Control Channel

EPL Ethernet Private Line

MSP Multiplex Section Protection

ODF Optical Distribution Frame

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary B-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
B Acronyms and Abbreviations Commissioning Guide

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TPS Tributary Protection Switching

VC Virtual Container

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing

WTR Wait to Restore

B-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Commissioning Guide Index


A cancelling alarm cut-off status of ALMC button,

anti-static protection, 1-4 checking oderwire phone, 2-48
anti-static wrist strap, 1-4 deleting service for test, 2-46
releasing loopback, 2-46
Board Protection Switching
1+1 Protection of the GSCC, 2-41 fiber
1+1 Protection of the XCS, 2-39 cleaning fiber, 1-3
TPS, 2-36 connecting fiber, 1-3
replacing fiber, 1-3
grounding, 1-6 logging in to NE, 2-18
hardware installation, 1-6
installation of NMS, 1-6 M
checking connection of NM computer to the equipment
direct connection, 3-7 meter, 1-5
through LAN, 3-9
checking fiber connection, 3-3 O
checking fuse currents, 2-6
checking jumper on the GSCC, 2-3 observing indicator
commissioning items, 1-11 board, 2-11
configuring NE fan, 2-12
data, 2-21
name, 2-21 P
time, 2-21
configuring network, 3-11 powering on cabinet, 2-9
configuring service for commissioning, 2-21 powering on subrack, 2-9
connection points powering on the equipment, 2-5
description, 1-12
position, 1-12 Q
connection the PC, 2-13
creating network, 3-11 querying software version, 3-12

design information, 1-6 reference documents, 1-6

Ending NE Commissioning setting NE ID, 2-20
starting the T2000-LCT

Issue 01 (2007-06-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary i-1

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching System
Index Commissioning Guide

setting IP address, 2-16

starting the PC, 2-16
starting the T2000-LCT server, 2-17
starting the T2000_LCT
starting the T2000-LCT client, 2-18
air filter, 1-2
APD, 1-2
ESD, 1-2
laser, 1-2

testing clock protection switching, 3-13
testing Ethernet service channel, 3-22
testing orderwire phone, 3-14
testing PDH channel, 2-44
testing point-to-point BER, 3-24
testing protection switching
testing 1+1 Linear MS, 3-19
testing 1:1 Linear MS, 3-19
testing four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, 3-17
testing SNCP protection switching, 3-20
testing two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, 3-15
testing resistance, 2-6
testing service interface
connection of cable, 2-25
connection of optical fiber, 2-27
testing specifications
mean launched optical power, 2-29
received optical power, 2-34
tool, 1-5

i-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-06-15)

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