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Edmond Locard’s exchange principle

“Every contact leaves a trace”

Who invented the locard principle?

Edmond Locard was an important forensic scientist of the 19th century, also called the
“Sherlock Holmes of France”. He played an extremely important role in the global
development of criminalistics and is regarded as one of the three founders of forensic
science (along with Joseph Bell and Archibald Reiss).

What were some of Edmond locard's contributions to forensic science?

Edmond Locard (13 December 1877 – 4 May 1966) was a French criminologist, the pioneer in
forensic science who became known as the "Sherlock Holmes of France". He formulated the
basic principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace". This became known as
Locard's exchange principle.

What is Edmond locard's exchange principle?

Locard's Exchange Principle states that with contact between two items, there will be an
exchange of microscopic material. This certainly includes fibers, but extends to other
microscopic materials such as hair, pollen, paint, and soil.

Hans Gross

Hans Gross

Hans Gross

Hans Gross was an Austrian jurist known for creating the field of


Born Hans Gustav Adolf Gross

26 December 1847

Graz, Austrian Empire

Died 9 December 1915 (aged 67)

Graz, Austrian-Hungarian Empire

Occupation Criminal jurist

Years active 1870–1915
Hans Gustav Adolf Gross or Groß (26 December 1847 – 9 December 1915) was an
Austrian criminal jurist and criminologist, the "Founding Father" of criminal profiling. A
criminal jurist, Gross made a mark as the creator of the field of criminality. Throughout
his life, Hans Gross made significant contributions to the realm of scientific criminology.
As Gross developed in his career as an examining justice, he noticed the failings of the
field of law. His book, classes, institutions, and methods helped improve the justice
system through his experience as a justice.

Academic impact
During his life, Gross did much to establish several institutions regarding criminology. Gross mainly
did this by reiterating the practice of criminal forensics.[3] He taught and developed several institutions
that furthered the influence of the field of criminology. Throughout the years, Gross taught and
engaged in constructive debate while professor at Chernivtsi University (1897 to 1902), Prague
University (1902 to 1905), and the University of Graz (1905 to 1915).[2][3] Later in 1898, he established
the Institute of Criminology of Graz. In August 1898, he began to teach criminal law in which he
presented the field of criminalities.[2] However, many people opposed this idea developing into a
study, claiming that it did not serve true beneficial value except to those involved in the justice
system.[2] Despite opposing views, Gross established the field of criminalities, branding him forever
as the “Founding Father” of criminal profiling.

Contributions to criminology
Gross noticed the faults in the justice system early on in his career. His efforts focused on expanding
deep investigation, professional ethics, and the scientific method.[2] He defined criminal psychology
from a technical viewpoint, considering it as pure research. [2] Along with studying a person's
behaviors, Gross stressed the use of careful judgement due to often misleading evidence. His view
of research, technical evidence, and methods also led to the creation of the "crime scene." Relating
the concept of the crime scene, Gross explains the necessity of balancing emotion with evidence
and evidence with logic.[3] Gross fully introduced the concept of criminalistics in 1893, a period in
which the notion of criminology expanded.[2] The concept of criminalistics is divided into two
branches: crime and political science.[2] Even though Gross found a new way in which the justice
system functioned, many believed the field of criminalistics proved useless, except for examining
justices. However, Gross still contributed in furthering criminology for other magistrates in law. He
called for the objective use and examination of evidence. He stressed the importance of
a judge remaining neutral in cases. He did this, mainly, by presenting new concepts in the
examination of crime scenes, such as crime scene photography, fingerprints, microscopy, and X-

Criminal Investigations, a Practical Textbook

Gross's book was written to cover philosophical and systematic aspects of criminology. [3] In 1893, his
book Criminal Investigations, a Practical Textbook (Handbuch für Untersuchungsrichter als System
der Kriminalistik) was published.[2] The purpose of the book was to make up for a deficiency in
criminalistics. He wrote it as an instructive book, focusing on human nature and the motives of a
criminal.[2] He presents his theories through psychological and material elements. [2] Gross especially
expanded on body language and the importance of the judge and the witness involved in a criminal
case.[2][3] He observes the behaviors of murderers, arsonists, thieves, and counterfeiters. [2] Gross
strongly focuses on the failings and inconsistencies of the judges and witnesses, the importance of
materialistic evidence, and relating facts with reason. [3] He believed that the study of psychology
allowed one to understand the motives of criminals. Also, he relates chemistry, physics, botany,
secret codes, and the use of blood to further determine facts and motives. [2] He believed an overall
education in these studies proved beneficial, especially to judges and investigating officers.


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