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3 (2004
For t < D/6, the internal pressure design thickness for straight pipe shall not be less
than that calculated by following equation,

t = PD/2(SEW+PY)

where P = Internal Design Pressure,

D = Outside Diameter of Pipe,
S = Allowable Stress of the Material
at Design Temperature from Table A-1 of ASME B31.3
E = Joint Quality factor from table A-1A or A-1B of ASME B31.3
W = Weld Joint Strength Reduction factor as per para 302.3.5 (e)
Y = Coefficient from Table 304.1.1 valid for t < D/6 & for materials shown
in the following table;
for t ≥ D/6 ,
Y = (d + 2c)/(D+d+2c) where
d = Inside Diameter of Pipe
c = Sum of Mechanical Allowances Plus Corrosion & Erosion Allowances

Corrosion Allowance & Mill Tolerance shall be added in thickness obtained from
above equation in order to get ordering value of thickness of Pipe as explained in
following example.
(2004 EDITION) CLAUSE 304.1.1


b = Subscript referring to branch

d1 = Effective Length removed from pipe at branch

[Db - 2(Tb - C)]
d1 =
sin β
d2 = Half Width of reinforcement zone
= d1 or (Th - C) + (Tb - C) + d1/2
Whichever is greater but not more than Dh

h = subscript referring to header

L4 = Height of reinforcement zone outside of run pipe

= 2.5 (Th - C ) or 2.5 (Tb - C ) + Tr whichever is less

Th = Thickness of header pipe excluding mill tolerancre

Tb = Thickness of branch pipe excluding mill tolerancre.

Tr = Minimum thickness of reinforcing ring or saddle made from pipe
= 0 , if there is no reinforcing ring or saddle
th = Pressure design thickness of header pipe
tb = Pressure design thickness of branch pipe
β = Smaller angle between header & branch

• Required Reinforcement Area :

Reinforcement Area A1 required for branch connection under internal pressure is

A1 = thd1 (2 – sin β)

• Available Reinforcement Area :

Available Reinforcement Area is defined as A2+A3+A4
Where A2+A3+A4 are areas within Reinforcement zone & described below

1) A2 is area resulting from excess thickness in header pipe

A2 =(2 d2-d1) (Th - th -C)

2) A3 is area resulting from excess thickness in branch pipe

A3 =2L4 (Tb - tb -C ) / sin β

3) A4 is area of other metal provided by weld & properly attached reinforcement.

This is based on minimum dimensions provided in para. 328.5.4, except that larger
dimension may be used if the welder has been specifically instructed to make weld of
those dimensions.

Reinforcement is required when A1 > A2+A3+A4


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