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Hooray! You are visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) this afternoon!
Now, what educational field trip would be complete without a worksheet companion? Youre right, it wouldnt. So please
read the directions below carefully and have a wonderful time intrepidly exploring the mysterious world of
contemporary art with unrestrained zeal!
You will be interacting with a number of art exhibits that may not follow what your traditional perception of what art
is, but that doesnt take away from their artistic value! Like literature, there will be some pieces that are easily
comprehended and some that are intentional enigmas.
OBJECTIVE: Select five artistically different art pieces that you found the most appealing. Remember to take a picture of
each and fill out the following information boxes for each.

Title of the Exhibit: ____________________________________

Artist Name: ____________________________________________
Year: ____________________________________________________
Materials Used: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you choose this exhibit? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Title of the Exhibit: ____________________________________

Artist Name: ____________________________________________
Year: ____________________________________________________
Materials Used: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you choose this exhibit? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Title of the Exhibit: ____________________________________

Artist Name: ____________________________________________
Year: ____________________________________________________
Materials Used: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you choose this exhibit? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Title of the Exhibit: ____________________________________

Artist Name: ____________________________________________
Year: ____________________________________________________
Materials Used: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you choose this exhibit? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Title of the Exhibit: ____________________________________

Artist Name: ____________________________________________
Year: ____________________________________________________
Materials Used: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you choose this exhibit? _______________________________________________________________________________________


After reviewing the art pieces you saw this afternoon and drawing from your own personal knowledgebase, what do you
think the term contemporary (as in, Museum Of Contemporary Art) means?
Thats primarily the only portion of this worksheet that needs to be done at the MOCA. Once weve completed our tour
of the museum, Id like you to turn your attention to the blog prompt below:
Now that youve finished your tour of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Id like you to turn your brains back on to the
concept of literary analysis. Every art piece you saw today was inspired and developed by an artist(s); every single
cut, line, design, choice of material was intentional. Select ONE art piece from your choices above and write a journal
1) I will be emailing you your photographs as soon as Im at a computer. So make sure you include one in your blog
2) Introduce the art exhibit you chose to discuss (who, what, when, why).
3) I want you to think about what the art piece represents to you as a whole. What kind of a message is the artist
trying to express? How is the artist successful in conveying that message to the general public?
4) Now write about the art exhibits individual components/elements (the materials, the time it was made, the
way it was made, etc). How do these individual parts help the art exhibit as a whole? How does it help the artist
send his/her message across?
Example: If I believed that the artist was using his art piece to talk about recycling I would talk about how
his/her use of recycled bottles helped send the message across because it demonstrates how you can
make something beautiful and new out of something used and discarded.
5) Finally, remember to include a title and put your name at the end.

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