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Author: - Amey Thakare & Ansh Khandelwal

Project Guide: - prof. Vijaya Huchche & prof. Uday Mujumdar

College: - Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management,
India is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture is the most
important occupation for the most of the Indian families. It plays vital
role in the development of agricultural country. In India, agriculture
contributes about 16% of total GDP and 10% of total exports. Water is
main resource for Agriculture. Irrigation is one method to supply water
but in some cases, there will be lot of water wastage. So, in this regard
to save water and time we have proposed project titled automatic
irrigation system using Soil moisture Sensor. In this proposed system
we are using Arduino micro controller which is controller to process
the information and soil moisture sensors which senses the various
parameters of the soil and based on soil moisture value land gets
automatically irrigated by ON/OFF of the motor. These sensed
parameters and motor status will be displayed on Lcd display. This
Embedded project is to design and develop a low-cost feature which is
based on embedded platform for water irrigation system. The aim of
the implementation was to demonstrate that the automatic irrigation can
be used to reduce water use. which in turn helps the farmers by
managing the water supply to the crop fields and further maintains the
moisture levels of soil that helps in better crop production.

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