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Infographic describes it simply as a visual representation of information and data.

By combining elements of text image, chart, diagram and, more recently, video,
an infographic is an effective tool to present data and explain complex issues in a
way that can quickly lead to insight and better understanding.

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An infographic is:
A data-rich visualization of a story.
A tool to educate and inform.
A way to build brand awareness.

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Infographics have the power to present complex data in a concise, highly visual way.
When done right, they tell data stories effectively by making information easy to digest,
educational, and engaging.
Good infographics need to be focused with a clear idea of who the target
audience is and what the core message will be.

A good infographic is like a good story.

It has the ability to walk you through different phases, offering you facts and intriguing
visuals along the way. You can control the flow of your infographic using numbers,
headers, color, white space, pictures, and of course - charts. Your number one job is to
show people the data. This is why you should aim to have the proper balance of charts
and visual elements. While your data might work with multiple chart types, it’s up to you
to select the one that ensures your message is clear and accurate. Always follow best
charting practices. The key thing to remember when designing infographics is that
simplicity is key.
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Infographics are a valuable tool for visual communication. The most visually
unique, creative infographics are often the most effective because they grab our
attention and don’t let go. But it’s crucial to remember that the visuals in an
infographic must do more than excite and engage.

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Why should you use infographics?
- Infographics are great for making complex information easy to digest.

- They can be helpful anytime you want to:

- Provide a quick overview of a topic
- Explain a complex process
- Display research findings or survey data
- Summarize a long blog post or report
- Compare and contrast multiple options Raise awareness about an issue or

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The Benefits of Infographics for Education
1. Targeting different learning styles
2. Holding attention
3. Improving retention and recall
4. Simplifying complex topics
5. Enhance storytelling
6. Applying visuals for a variety of uses
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According to several studies:

Creating visual explanations improve learning
The average person can recall 65 percent of visual information ten days later
(only 10% of what they heard)

It’s easy to see why more and more teachers are seeking ways to incorporate visual
elements into their units and lessons.
A study on the impact of visual aids on the learning process of students revealed
that visual aids help students in the following areas:
 Student’s motivation to learn
 Clarification of content
 Vocabulary enhancement
 Saves time with lesson preparation
 Avoid dullness during class
 Provide direct experience as sensory objects which initiate or stimulate

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How infographics help students learn

Making infographics from scratch is one of the essential learning tools to

promote and broaden visual literacy. It helps us communicate with one
another, infer meaning, and seek multiple perspectives.
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Using infographics in classroom is effective as:

1. It helps students think critically about a subject, data set, or complex idea.
2. It helps students organize information in a logical way.
3. It helps meet tech literacy standards.
4. It allows students to exhibit their understanding of a subject in different
ways. In short, it makes them more creative and look at things from a
different perspective.
5. It helps students improve their research chops and find trustworthy
sources of information.
6. It helps teachers save time and resources in creating visual aids.
7. It’s also a great opportunity for teachers to learn something new.


Infographics are often confused with data visualizations. Differences are not so
apparent to a casual observer, and there is a lot of misinformation out there. It is
commonly thought that these two are completely different - but they are not. Both are
visual representations of data. An important difference is that a data visualization is just
one (i.e. a map, graph, chart or diagram), while an infographic often contains multiple
data visualizations. A second key difference is that infographics contain additional
elements like narrative and graphics. Besides that, more work tends to go into the
design of infographics, to make them more impactful and aesthetically pleasing.

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