Reportsheet#4 Calorimetry Chem1103l

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Name: Subject: CHEM 1103L Schedule:

Report Sheet #4


A.Determination of the Calorimeter Constant


Trial 1 Trial 2

Volume of cold water used, mL 50mL 50mL

Temperature of cold water,ºC 4ºC 2ºC

Volume of hot water used, mL 50mL 50mL

Temperature of hot water, ºC 74ºC 76ºC

Final Temperature ºC 34ºC 34ºC

Change in temperature, ºC 34ºC 24ºC

Calorimeter constant, kJ/ºC 3.32 kJ/ºC 3.18 kJ/ºC


Specific heat of water = 4.18 J g-1ºC-1 or 4.18 KJ/Kg


-qhot = qcold + qcal

-mc∆thot =mc∆tcold + ccal∆t

-(0.05kg)(4.18 kJ/kg)(34º-74º) = (0.05kg)(4.18 kJ/kG)(34º(-4º)) + ccal(34º-4)

m1(c 1) Δt 1 0.05 kg(4.18 kJ /kGº C)(34 (−4))
C= = =
m 2( Δt 2) 0.05 kg(74−34)
0.05 kg (4.18 kJ /kG º C )(30 º C)¿ ¿
0.05 kg(40º C)
Calorimeter constant = 3.14 kJ/ºC


1. Why are styrofoam cups often used as improvised calorimeter? What would be the effect on the
determined calorimeter constant if glass were used instead of styrofoam?

A styrofoam cup is used because styrofoam is a relatively good insulating material. Heat given
off within it as a result of some physical or chemical change will not be lost to the surrounding
environment. Styrofoam is made mostly of air, meaning it is a poor conductor of heat, but an excellent
convector. It traps the air in small pockets, blocking the flow of heat energy. This reduces both conduction
and convection and makes Styrofoam a good insulator.

When you use glass you have more heat transfer (hot to cold) from the internal environment to
the surroundings. Theoretically delta H will be the same whether you do your reaction or experiment in
glass or Styrofoam but experimentally you will inevitably record lower temperatures in your glass
calorimeter making the calculated value delta H smaller.

2. Why is water used as the liquid inside the calorimeter?

Water takes a lot of energy to change temperature, therefore it can absorb a lot of heat without
having its temperature increase dramatically; water has a high specific heat. Also, water is the most
economical, effective, and accessible of liquids. Finally, water is used because its specific heat is
effectively constant over a range of temperatures.

3. Cite possible sources of errors in the measurement carried out.

More reliable results can be obtained by repeating the experiment many times. The biggest
source of error in calorimetry is usually unwanted heat loss to the surroundings. This can be reduced by
insulating the sides of the calorimeter properly and adding a lid. Human errors such as wrong
thermometer readings may also cause errors.

B.Heat of Solution


Trial 1 Trial 2

Volume of cold water used, mL 50mL 50mL

Initial temperature of water, ºC 30ºC 30ºC

Mass of NH4Cl dissolved, g 5.20g 5.30g

Minimum or maximum temperature

reached, ºC 25ºC 24ºC

Temperature difference, ºC 5ºC 6ºC

Heat absorbed or evolved by the

dissolving process, kJ 2.13 kJ 2.56 kJ

Experimental molar heat of solution

of NH4Cl, kJ/mol 14.2 17.06

Molar heat of solution of NH4Cl from

handbook, kJ/mol +14.7 KJ/mol +14.7 KJ/mol

Percent error, % 3.40 % 16.05%



=-(0.102kg(4.18 kJ/kG)(-5))

=2.13 kJ

molar enthalpy=
2.13 kJ
0.15 moles
= 14.2 kJ/mol

Percent error

= 14.7-14.2


= X 100


1. Is the dissolving of NH4Cl in water exothermic or endothermic?

When ammonium chloride dissolves in water, the temperature falls because the ammonium
chloride is pulling heat in from its surroundings (the water), causing the temperature to fall. Thus, the
energy change is when dissolved in water the solution becomes colder.

2. What makes the dissolving process exothermic or endothermic?

The process of dissolving can be endothermic (temperature goes down) or exothermic

(temperature goes up). When water dissolves a substance, the water molecules attract and “bond” to the
particles (molecules or ions) of the substance causing the particles to separate from each other. The
“bond” that a water molecule makes is not a covalent or ionic bond. It is a strong attraction caused by
water’s polarity. It takes energy to break the bonds between the molecules or ions of the solute. Energy is
released when water molecules bond to the solute molecules or ions. If it takes more energy to separate
the particles of the solute than is released when the water molecules bond to the particles, then the
temperature goes down (endothermic). If it takes less energy to separate the particles of the solute than is
released when the water molecules bond to the particles, then the temperature goes up (exothermic).

3. What are the possible sources of errors in the determination of the heat of solution?

Likely sources of experimental error in this experiment include improper mixing, the placement of
the thermometer bulb onto slowly dissolving solids, incorrect reading of the thermometer, not enough
thermometer readings, and spillages. The most probable sources of error are the first two. In each case
layering of the solution occurs so that the temperature of the region around the thermometer bulb is not
representative of the entire calorimeter. Consequently, good mixing of the solutions (with a stirring rod
and not the thermometer) is important.

C. Heat of Neutralization


Trial 1 Trial 2

Volume of 3 M NaOH, mL 50mL 50mL

Volume of 3 M HCl, mL 50mL 50mL

Initial temperature of NaOH, oC 30ºC 31ºC

Initial temperature of HCl, oC 30ºC 30ºC

Minimum or maximum temperature

reached, oC 51ºC 50ºC

Temperature difference, oC 21ºC 19ºC

Heat evolved by the neutralization -8.78 kJ -7.94

process, kJ

Experimental molar heat of

neutralization of HCl, kJ/mol -58.53 kJ/mol -52.93 kJ/mol

Molar heat of neutralization of HCl

from handbook, kJ/mol -55.2 kJ/mol -55.2 kJ/mol

Percent error, % 6.03% 4.11%


Heat evolved:


=-(0.1kg(4.18 kJ/kG)(21))

=-8.78 kJ

Molar heat of neutralization:

3.0 mol/L x 0.05L HCl = 0.15 mol HCl

3.0 mol/L x 0.050L NaOH= 0.15 mol OH

ΔHsoln = q ÷ n

Where q= amount of energy (heat) released or absorbed

n = moles of solute

−8.78 kJ
ΔHsoln =
=-58.53 kJ/mol

Percent error:

= -55.2-(-58.53)


= X 100

1. Is the neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base exothermic or endothermic?

This reaction is exothermic, ΔH < 0.Due to enthalpy change by the formation of water along with
salt.No matter which acid or base has been taken. When strong acid is taken it dissociates into
H+ ions strongly which reacts with strong base's OH- ion during which there is strong enthalpy
change due to high temp. N it evolves a lot of heat.Same happens with any acid or base.With
weak acid or weak base only less amount of H+ or OH- dissociates so less heat is produced,
They are completely dissociated in water, thus only enthalpy change to consider is exothermic
formation of water from H+ and OH– ions

2. What is the net ionic equation for the reaction?

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

H+ + Cl- + Na+ + OH- → Na+ + Cl- + H2O

H+ + Cl- + Na+ + OH- → Na+ + Cl- + H2O

H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)

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