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Life also to your mortal bodies because of His opportunity to trust God in faith and respond as

Spirit who dwells in you. Therefore, brethren, the Word says], because the days are evil” Ephe-
it is not to our lower natures that we are under sians 5:15-16.
obligation that we should live by their rule. We must be willing to do God’s will con-
13 ”For if you so live, death is near; but if, cerning everything. Ephesians 5:17-20 ”Wherefore
through being under the sway of the spirit, you be ye not unwise, but understanding what the
††† are putting your old bodily habits to death, you will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine,
#1962 0406 14A
will live. For those who are led by God’s Spirit wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Restarting a computer often restores the are, all of them, God’s sons.” Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns
operation of the machine; restarting our life also This restart begins a new interest in Bible and spiritual songs, singing and making melody
takes care of past problems and restores our re- reading, so God’s will can be known. Romans in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always
lationship with God. If our faith was only 10:17 ”Faith comes from a Message heard, and for all things unto God and the Father in the
words, we need to start again with acting faith that the Message comes through its having been name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
on the power of God. The apostle said James 2:22 spoken by Christ.” We then obey instruc- Having been blessed in many ways al-
”that [Abraham’s] faith was co-operating with tions—James 1:21 ”Ridding yourselves, therefore, ready—with health, healing, homes, vehicles,
his actions”—because 23 “Abraham believed of all that is vile and of the evil influences clothing, food, finances, friends, a church hall,
God, so God declared him to be righteous.” which prevail around you, welcome in a humble a Christian school, and so many other good
Past sins are out of the way when they are spirit the Message implanted within you, which gifts from God the Father, that we should con-
sincerely confessed to God. Now we start over, is able to save your souls.” tinually thank Him and praise His holy Name.
but this time by the power God will supply. Satan is determined to destroy our soul for- It is a tremendous privilege to have our sins
Our faith must be real—the kind that really ever—so a high state of alert is needed. We re- erased by God’s grace, but it is also our respon-
trusts God for all things in life. We take ad- sist him by using the Word as a weapon, and sibility to trust God in believing faith each day
vantage of the opportunity God gives to restart the Spirit as the power. 1 John 2:14 ”The word of to remain in His grace. Millions have once
the day with all sins of the past erased. 2 Corinthi- God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the been saved, but later were lost—due to unre-
ans 6:2 “Behold, now is the accepted time; be- wicked one”—a deceiver who wants us to de- pentant sin, rebellion toward God, or an unwill-
hold, now is the day of salvation.” pend on some power, some plan, some pre- ingness to trust in faith on an unseen God.
We willingly admit past mistakes; are scription, or anything other than God. Exodus 20:3 Jonah 2:8 "Those who cling to worthless idols
ready to confess any sin of rebellion or unbelief "You shall have no other gods before Me;” be- forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Pride
God reveals; and we truly repent before Him— cause 5 “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous defiled the devil; rebellion removed Adam from
restarting each day with a renewed faith that is God.” Eden Genesis 2-3, and wickedness resulted in the
willing to believe and trust without seeing. We Today 1 John 5:19 “the whole world is under destruction of all life on earth—except for eight
just make the choice to believe—then His Holy the control of the evil one.” It is a dangerous faithful believers Genesis 6.
Spirit inspires faith in us to trust Him. place, because a deceitful devil is controlling Fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah be-
We should not judge the intentions of oth- the majority of people. Revelation 12:9 ”The an- cause of immorality and evil actions Genesis 19.
ers, because we have all sinned Romans 3:10. Jesus cient serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one The ground split under Korah, Dathan, and
said Luke 6:37 ”Judge not, and ye shall not be deceiving the whole world”—is determined to Abiram Numbers 16:33—“the earth closed over
judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be con- destroy forever, anyone who is not aware of his them, and they perished from among the as-
demned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” plan, and who makes no effort to resist. sembly.”
It is our responsibility to ask God for the “Be very careful, then, how you live—not Life is a serious walk Galatians 6:7-8 ”Be not
ability to trust Him in faith. Romans 8:11-14 “He as unwise but as wise, making the most of every deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
who raised up Christ from the dead will give opportunity [redeeming the time—using every man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he
that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap ney in the wrong direction. We must recognize faith for—health, healing, finances, protection,
corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit the devil’s deceit and take corrective measures. provisions, correcting injustices, and every oth-
shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” We must also be open to conviction, and er issue. The world will not trust God for any-
Jesus spoke of the last days—Matthew 13:41-42 ready to change what God shows us needs to be thing—but will trust every plan, policy, proce-
“The Son of Man will send out his angels, and changed—attitudes, activities, reading material, dure, prescription, or pill the devil offers.
they will weed out of his kingdom everything entertainment, or anything. Children must see a Every promise of God is already ours to
that causes sin and all who do evil [iniquity]. scriptural example in the home—it is the only enjoy. 2 Corinthians 7:1 ”Having therefore these
”And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: way they can follow the same in their life. promises, beloved friends, let us purify our-
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Sin is crouching at the door Genesis 4:7, but selves from all defilement of body and of spirit,
An intense spiritual war rages and it will not we must resist the devil, and overcome in the and secure perfect holiness through the fear of
stop until Christ returns. faith by the power of the Spirit. “Watch out God.”
We must not be deceived by delusions that that no one deceives you” Matthew 24:4. Children We should not be in close fellowship with
omit the importance of trusting God in faith on are listening, watching, and following older anyone who does not trust God in faith for
the Atonement Blood of His Son. God’s grace Christians. It is a serious responsibility on eve- things in this life. 2 Corinthians 6:17 "’Therefore
is not a license to sin Jude 1:4, but it is freedom ryone in the home to show a right example by come out from them and be separate, says the
from sin to trust Him in faith. Romans 4:16 ”There- their life. Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will re-
fore it is of faith, that it might be by grace.” We must always act from divine love; be ceive you.’ ‘I will be a Father to you, and you
Ananias and Sapphira deliberately sinned patient with children; and bring peace whenever will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord
by keeping some money that should have been possible—Hebrews 12:14 “Persistently strive for Almighty.’"
given to the poor. The apostle asked, Acts 5:3 peace with all men, and for that growth in holi- Past sins are forgiven when we truly con-
”Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the ness apart from which no one will see the fess them to God, forsake them by the power of
Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of Lord.” His Spirit, and hold firmly to our faith in Christ
the land for yourself?” It is always maintaining a willingness to to the end. The time approaches when God will
They were deceived by the devil to tell a forgive everyone—no matter what was said or give the command for His Son to return—the
deliberate lie—and lost their souls. Revelation 21:8 done. Attitudes of the world cause arguments leaves on the tree are about to open.
"All liars shall have their part in the lake which in the home. Jesus paid our debt for sins, so Revelation 22:12-14 ”Behold, I come quickly; and
burns with fire and brimstone, which is the sec- now we can follow His example in our home. my reward is with me, to give every man ac-
ond death," but anyone who overcomes by We must take advantage of the opportunity cording as his work shall be. I am Alpha and
keeping their faith in the Atonement of Christ to repent and restart our life—this time trusting Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and
Revelation 2:11 "shall not be hurt by the second God for the ability. Sin can still be an issue, the last. Blessed are they that do his com-
death.” Sin was still an issue under grace— but it will not be, if we will repent, restart, and mandments, that they may have right to the tree
repentance and a restart were needed. confess our mistakes before God. Isaiah 43:25 ”I, of life, and may enter in through the gates into
Every head of household is responsible to even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgres- the city.”
make scriptural choices and right decisions sions for mine own sake, and will not remember What a privilege and responsibility God
concerning the home—it is an important issue. thy sins”—but we must be willing to repent and has given us—to repent and restart—this time
What is heard, what is read, and what is viewed restart our life. by real faith that really trusts in Him!
in the home must be in harmony with Bible Un-confessed sin can corrupt James 3:6; soil †††
teaching. If it is not, we are being misled, and our spiritual clothing Revelation 3:4; entangle our
being a spiritual hindrance to someone in that feet Hebrews 12:1; defile us Hebrews 12:15; make us un- PO Box 24283; Phila., PA 19120
home. It can be a gradual but a continual jour- clean Mark 7; or enslave us again 2 Peter 2:20-21. Our
response to God’s forgiveness is to trust Him in #1962 0406 14A

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