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(Từ ngày 23/8/2021 đến ngày 29/8/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


I. Lý thuyết
1. come to an end: dừng, đến hồi kết
2. make a donation to sb/sth: đóng góp cho ai/ cái gì
3. make/earn money: kiếm tiền
4. enact a law: ban hành luật
5. show/take/have/express interest in sth/sb: bày tỏ/có/thể hiện sự hứng thú với cái gì/ai
6. in so many words = directly: một cách trực tiếp
7. in other words: nói cách khác là (khi bạn muốn diễn tả điều nào đó theo một cách khác đơn giản hơn,
làm người đọc dễ hiểu hơn)
8. devote/ dedicate yourself/sth to doing sth: cống hiến/hi sinh cái gì/bản thân để làm gì.
9. have discussion with sb (about sb/sth): thảo luận, bàn bạc với ai về ai/ cái gì.
10. do a degree: học lấy bằng
11. find fault with sb/sth: tìm kiếm và phát hiện ra những sai lầm ở ai đó/ điều gì đó; phàn nàn về ai đó/
điều gì đó
12. break/ beat the record: phá vỡ kỉ lục >< hold a record: giữ một kỷ lục
13. break/ bend the rules: phá vỡ quy định, quy tắc
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. Festivities ________________ to an end well after the sun had risen the next morning.
A. went B. made C. got D. came
2. Every year she ________________ a large donation to a worthy cause.
A. takes B. gets C. does D. makes
3. ________________ money is the only reason I work on Wall Street.
A. Doing B. Making C. Taking D. Turning
4. He enjoyed acting but he wasn't ________________ much money.
A. doing B. earning C. taking D. showing
5. The government is to enact a law ________________ safety on construction sites.
A. improve B. improving C. to improve D. to improving
6. He never seems to ________________ any interest in his children.
A. make B. get C. do D. show
7. I told her, __________ so many words, to stop interfering.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
8. He was economical with the truth –__________other words, he lied.
A. On B. In C. At D. Of
9. He devoted his life ________________ his family, friends, and neighbors.
A. serve B. to serve C. serving D. to serving
10. We had a discussion with them _____________ the differences between Britain and the US.
A. on B. in C. around D. about
11. My teacher – Mrs. Lucy ________________ a double honors degree in English and philosophy.
A. takes B. gets C. does D. makes
12. Customers are expressing a lot of interest ________________ this new design.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
13. Some people ________________ fault in everything they see.
A. meet B. catch C. strike D. find
14. If she continues like this she could ________________ the world record.
A. crash B. crack C. hit D. break
15. She is at worst corrupt, and at best has been knowingly ________________ the rules.
A. crashing B. cracking C. hitting D. breaking


I. Lý thuyết
1. make impression on sb: gây ấn tượng với ai
2. in accordance with: phù hợp với, đồng tình với, ăn khớp với cái gì
3. brazen cheating: sự gian lận một cách trắng trợn, không có ý định che giấu
4. close to the bone: thiếu tế nhị, cợt nhả, làm cho bạn cảm thấy khó chịu
5. get access to: vào, tiếp cận với cái gì
6. get permission to do sth: được phép làm gì
7. commit a foul: phạm lỗi trong thể thao
8. compliment sb on sth = pay sb a compliment: khen ngợi ai
9. follow in one’s footsteps: nối nghiệp ai, tiếp bước ai
10. do/ cause damage to sb/sth: gây thiệt hại cho ai/ cái gì
12. decide to do sth: quyết định làm cái gì>< decide against doing something: quyết định không làm
cái gì
Make a decision to do sth = decide to do sth: quyết định làm gì
Make a decision on/about sth: quyết định điều gì
13. follow/ take one’s advice (on/about sth): nghe lời khuyên ai về cái gì >< ignore one’s advice: bỏ
ngoài tai lời khuyên của ai
14. have (bad/ good/ huge/…) influence on/over sth/sb: có ảnh hưởng (xấu/ tốt/ rất lớn/…) đối với cái
gì/ ai
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. His trip to India ________ a strong impression on him.
A. made B. did C. paid D. turned
2. The suspect's statement is not________________ accordance with the information witnesses have given
A. on B. in C. at D. of
3. There were instances of brazen ________________ in the exams.
A. cheating B. breaking C. depriving D. divesting
4. Of course I'm mad - dad's remarks about how I'm wasting my life were close to the ________________.
A. skin B. face C. eye D. bone
5. Community radio stations ________________ access to public funding.
A. take B. get C. do D. make
6. We had to________________ permission from the city to build an extension to our house.
A. take B. get C. do D. make
7. The goalkeeper can also be ejected for twenty seconds if a major foul is____________.
A. done B. made C. enacted D. committed
8. I must compliment you ________________ your handling of a very difficult situation.
A. in B. out C. of D. on
9. She complained that her husband never ________________ her any compliments.
A. made D. did D. paid D. turned
10. I am ________________in my sister's footsteps and becoming a doctor.
A. chasing B. following C. coming D. going
11. Recent discoveries about corruption have ________________ serious damage to the company's reputation.
A. gone B. done C. got D. come
12. After a gap of five years, Jennifer decided ________________ back to work full-time.
A. go B. going C. to going D. to go
13. I will consult colleagues before ________________ a final decision about how to proceed.
A. doing B. making C. taking D. going
14. You should have no further problems as long as you ____________ the advice above.
A. follow B. proceed C. come D. get
15. My grandmother had a huge influence ________________ my early childhood.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
I. Lý thuyết
1. have ability to do sth = be able to do sth: có khả năng làm gì
2. hurt one’s feeling: làm tổn thương ai
3. a long-term/short-term/immediate benefit: lợi ích lâu dài / ngắn hạn / trước mắt
4. in a word: tóm lại, nói một cách ngắn gọn
5. by word of mouth: truyền miệng
6. in ruins: trong tình trạng bị hủy hoại, tàn phá
7. commitment to do/doing sth: cam kết làm gì
8. make contribution to/ towards sth: đóng góp vào cái gì
9. meet a need/demand/requirement/condition: đáp ứng yêu cầu / nhu cầu / điều kiện
10. mark a milestone in one’s life: là một bước ngoặt trong cuộc đời của ai
11. face to face: trực diện, gặp nhau trực tiếp, thay vì gặp nhau qua điện thoại hay gặp trực tuyến.
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. A good leader has natural ability ________________ people.
A. motivate B. motivating C. to motivate D. to motivating
2. Lou is very sensitive - you can't say the slightest critical word to him without ________________ his
A. hurting B. damaging C. injuring D. bruising
3. To get the ________________ benefit, this plan should be viewed as a short-term investment.
A. interested B. observant C. interesting D. immediate
4. ________________ a word, ‘stupid’ is how I’d describe him.
A. On B. In C. At D. Of
5. All the orders were given ___________word of mouth so that no written evidence could be discovered
A. by B. about C. at D. under
6. Their life was ________________ ruins after the death of their only child.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
7. This project demonstrates our commitment ________________ the quality of the city's green spaces.
A. improve B. improved C. to improving D. improving
8. He ________________ a very generous contribution to our church restoration appeal.
A. went B. made C. got D. came
9. The research will assess how effectively the supply chain has ________________ customer demands.
A. got B. made C. turned D. met
10. This invention ____________a major contribution to road safety.
A. took B. gave C. made D. paid
11. The man stood up to ________ room for the old lady on the bus.
A. make B. get C. do D. show
12. If you quit your job at the hospital, how will you ________________ a living?
A. do B. earn C. take D. show
13. Right now, I have to work three jobs just to________________ a living.
A. make B. get C. do D. show
14. He felt that moving out of his parents' home ________________ a real milestone in his life.
A. turned B. made C. took D. marked
15. She met face ________________ face with her attacker in the courtroom.
A. on B. in C. out D. to
I. Lý thuyết
1. be on a diet: ăn kiêng
2. make a/ no/ some difference (to sb/to sth/in sth): tạo ra một/ không/ một số… sự khác biệt tới ai/
cái gì
3. make a fuss: cằn nhằn, cãi cọ, phàn nàn với ai về điều gì = kick up a fuss (about something)
4. make a promise to do sth: hứa hẹn làm gì
break a promise: thất hứa
5. make one’s wish: thực hiện nguyện vọng, mong ước của ai
6. accept/face/meet a challenge: chấp nhận/ đối mặt một thách thức
7. meet/miss a deadline: kịp/không kịp thời hạn đã định
8. try sth in vain: cố gắng làm gì nhưng không có kết quả
9. the risk of doing sth: có nguy cơ làm gì
10. have intention of doing sth/to do sth: có ý định làm gì
11. make criticism (about sth): đưa ra chỉ trích về cái gì
12. make discovery: phát hiện, khám phá
13. make friends with sb: làm bạn, kết bạn với ai
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. A: "Would you like some of my lemon meringue pie?" B: "No, thank you. I'm ________________ a diet."
A. on B. in C. out D. under
2. Exercise can ________________ a big difference to your state of health.
A. make B. get C. do D. show
3. She ________________ such a fuss when Richard spilled a drop of wine on her blouse!
A. turned B. made C. took D. did
4. He simply _________every single promise he ever made me.
A. made B. took C. paid D. broke
5. They don't have enough food to ________________ their needs.
A. get B. bring C. turn D. meet
6. Students who fail to ________________ the requirements of the course will fail.
A. do B. go C. make D. meet
7. He________________ his father’s wish to become a good doctor.
A. paid B. made C. got D. did
8. After significant losses last year, the company now ________________ the challenge of trying to repair its
reputation with investors.
A. does B. comes C. shows D. meets
9. I'm afraid you've ________________ the deadline - the deadline for applications was 30 May.
A. said B. paid C. saw D. missed
10. I tried to convince the other board members, but my efforts were ________________ vain, and they
outvoted me.
A. on B. in C. out D. at
11. Smoking can increase the risk ________________ developing heart disease.
A. from B. of C. for D. to
12. I ______________no intention of going to the wedding.
A. pay B. do C. make D. have
13. The designs for the new mosque have ________________ widespread criticism.
A. paid B. made C. took D. did
14. The two scientists both ________________ the same discovery independently, at roughly the same time.
A. turned B. did C. met D. made
15. I've ________________ friends with one of the guys who works in my department.
A. got B. made C. took D. did


I. Lý thuyết
1. join hands = work together: chung tay (làm cùng nhau)
2. judge sb by appearance: đánh giá ai qua vẻ bề ngoài
3. keep fit: duy trì sự mạnh mẽ, khỏe mạnh; giữ dáng
stay healthy: giữ sức khỏe.
4. keep sb awake: khiến ai tỉnh táo, không thể ngủ được
5. make an appointment: thu xếp một cuộc hẹn
6. make a comparison = compare: so sánh
7. keep sb occupied = make sb busy: khiến cho ai trở nên bận rộn
8. in the company of sb: cùng với ai đó
9. make improvements in/ on/ to/ over sth: cải thiện cái gì
10. make plans to do sth: đề ra kế hoạch, lên kế hoạch làm gì
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. We haven't got a hope in hell of ________________ such a tight deadline.
A. taking B. turning C. going D. meeting
2. We ________________ no intention to launch a pre-emptive strike, but we will retaliate if provoked.
A. have B. get C. do D. make
3. Everyone in my community ________________ hands to help those impacted by the hurricane.
A. carried B. cut C. broke D. joined
4. You have no right to judge other people________________ their appearance.
A. by B. about C. at D. under
5. The only reliable way to ________________ fit is to eat more fruits and vegetables, cut down on junk food,
and exercise regularly.
A. do B. make C. take D. keep
6. "What do you do to ________________ healthy?" "I jog and go swimming."
A. stay B. blow C. beat D. break
7. The noise from their party ________________ me awake half the night.
A. kept B. made C. did D. gave
8. I'd like to ________________ an appointment with Dr Evans, please.
A. do B. go C. make D. meet
9. They ________________ a comparison of different countries' eating habits.
A. made B. did C. paid D. turned
10. I thought myself very sophisticated compared ________________ my friends in the countryside.
A. from B. for C. in D. with
11. We need something to ________________ the children occupied.
A. do B. give C. take D. keep
12. I've got plenty of jobs to ________________ you busy.
A. turn B. make C. take D. give
13. I travelled in the company ________________ two teachers as far as Istanbul.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
14. We ________________ some improvements to the house before selling it.
A. made B. did C. took D. kept
15. They ________________ plans to have dinner at a local restaurant.
A. laid B. gave C. got D. made

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