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Received: 29 February 2020 Accepted: 13 March 2020

DOI: 10.1002/nse2.20008

Enhancing Natural Sciences Education in Postsecondary Settings

Combining problem-based learning and team-based

learning in a sustainable soil management course

Maja Krzic1 Sandra Brown2 Arthur A. Bomke2

1Faculty of Land and Food

Systems/Faculty of Forestry, University of Abstract
British Columbia, 2357 Main Mall, Professional natural resource managers require a solid understanding of sustain-
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
able soil practices. Postsecondary institutions are increasingly integrating inno-
2Faculty of Land and Food Systems,
University of British Columbia, 2357 Main
vative approaches such as hybrid problem-based learning (PBL) and team-based
Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada learning (TBL) to train future professional land managers to tackle complex prob-
lems. This article describes the application of a hybrid PBL–TBL approach in a
Maja Krzic, Faculty of Land and Food Sys- combined undergraduate and graduate level course, Sustainable Soil Manage-
tems/Faculty of Forestry, University of ment, offered at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada.
British Columbia, 2357 Main Mall, Vancou-
The course utilizes 15 modified PBL cases, where “modified PBL” refers to a
ver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
Email: maja.krzic@ubc.ca hybrid PBL–TBL approach. The course aims to provide experiential learning
opportunities for students to connect with practicing professionals and commu-
nity partners in addressing real-world issues. Course instructors identified sev-
eral challenges related to the modified PBL approach including multiple out-
comes based on data interpretation, imbalanced team composition, and com-
plex cases that demand advanced education and/or experience. However, course
instructors and students were favorable of the enhanced teaching and learning
opportunities offered by the hybrid PBL–TBL format. Student engagement was
facilitated by the practical relevance of the cases, the opportunity to incorporate
fieldwork, and interactions with external (guest) case contributors; and a bal-
ance between knowledge-based and competency-based learning outcomes was
achieved. This hybrid PBL–TBL approach could serve as a framework for other
postsecondary courses focused on sustainable management of natural resources.

1 INTRODUCTION impact the environment. Active, student-centered, and

group-based learning approaches are increasingly being
Professional natural resource managers require a solid implemented in postsecondary natural resource education
understanding of soil science concepts to be able to make in an attempt to develop career relevant competencies.
decisions and recommendations on how land use may These approaches aim to enhance student engagement,
improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and
Abbreviations: OER, open educational resources; PBL, problem-based contribute to peer-learning (Prince, Borrego, Henderson,
learning; TBL, team-based learning; UBC, the University of British Cutler, & Froyd, 2013; Santos, Figueiredo, & Vierira, 2019).
Columbia; VRH, variable retention harvesting. In soil science education, however, traditional forms of
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Natural Sciences Education published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society of Agronomy

Nat Sci Educ. 2020;49:e20008. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/nse2 1 of 11

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instruction (lectures, labs, and field trips) remain predom-

inant (Krzic et al., 2018; Parr, Trexler, Khkanna, & Battisti, Core Ideas
2007). Although the importance of active learning has
been stressed (e.g., David & Bell, 2018; Valley, Wittman, ∙ Hybrid problem- and team-based learning
Jordan, Ahmed, & Galt, 2018), widespread adoption of approach is used to train future land managers.
innovative teaching practices within agricultural, natural ∙ This approach involves no pre-determined out-
resource, and soil science curricula has been limited come, imbalanced team composition, and com-
(McKim, Pauley, Velez, & Sorensen, 2017). In contrast, plex cases.
professional programs, such as medicine and engineering, ∙ Student engagement is achieved by real-world
have adopted problem-based learning and team-based case studies and incorporation of fieldwork.
learning strategies in efforts to achieve both knowledge- ∙ Students gain soil science knowledge and soft
based and competency-based learning outcomes (Burgess, skills (communication, problem-solving, team-
McGregor, & Mellis, 2014; Farmer & Wilkinson, 2018). work).
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered
approach in which problems are the focal point for learn-
ing (Barrows & Tamblyn, 1980). Students are engaged
in solving open-ended, professionally relevant problems the knowledge that is needed to solve a particular prob-
in a small group setting (commonly 6–10 students per lem. In TBL, instructors define the content for pre-class
group). Learning is self-directed with the instructors study based on the knowledge required, and students are
facilitating group work by answering questions, providing exposed to new content prior to team discussions. A sec-
resources, and intervening when needed to keep groups ond difference between PBL and TBL involves the role
on-task (Barrows, 1996; Dolmans, Michaelsen, van Mer- of the instructor. In PBL there are many teachers, com-
rienboer, & van den Vleuten, 2015; Wurdinger & Rudolf, monly one per group, whereas in TBL one instructor may
2009). In PBL, “students formulate and pursue their own facilitate 20 or more teams. Consequently, building effec-
learning objectives by researching a situation, devel- tive, independent, self-managed teams is critical for the
oping appropriate questions, and producing their own successful implementation of TBL (Michaelsen & Sweet,
solution to a problem” (Maxwell, Mergendoller, & Bel- 2008). Recently, courses and programs have combined ele-
lisimo, 2005, p. 326). By engaging students with complex ments of PBL and TBL (e.g., Singh, Gupta, & Mahalak-
issues, PBL encourages communication, collaboration, shmi, 2018; Vogeltanz-Holm, Olson, Borg, & Hill, 2014) to
knowledge integration, problem solving, and critical create hybrid approaches to learning.
thinking skills. In this article we describe the application of a hybrid
Team-based learning (TBL) is a learner-centered PBL–TBL approach in a combined undergraduate and
approach in which self-managed student teams are the graduate-level course, Sustainable Soil Management,
focal point for learning (Parmelee, Michaelsen, Cook, & offered at the University of British Columbia (UBC),
Hudes, 2012). Team-based learning is characterized by Vancouver, Canada. The course utilizes 15 modified PBL
pre-testing of individual and team knowledge through cases to provide experiential learning opportunities for
a “readiness assurance process” designed to ensure students to connect with professionals and community
familiarity with key concepts prior to students using this partners in addressing real-world issues. We provide an
knowledge to solve relevant problems. Student teams overview of the course, followed by a description of the
(commonly 5–7 members) stay together for the duration structure of the modified PBL case studies. Reflective
of the course and multiple teams are facilitated by a single recommendations from the course instructors and select
instructor. All teams work on the same problem simulta- student reflections are provided to assist instructors
neously, commit to a position, simultaneously report, and interested in incorporating a hybrid PBL–TBL approach
defend their decisions during class-wide discussions. As in postsecondary courses focused on the sustainable
teams work independently, peer assessment and feedback management of natural resources.
are fundamental to groups evolving into self-managed
learning teams (Michaelsen, Davidson, & Major, 2014;
Parmelee et al., 2012; Sibley & Parmelee, 2008). 2 COURSE OVERVIEW
Both PBL and TBL engage students through real-world
problems and students apply knowledge to solve problems. 2.1 Approach and learning outcome
The two approaches differ, however, in how students are
exposed to key content (Dolmans et al., 2015). In PBL, stu- We use the hybrid approach in a combined upper-level
dents identify the relevant content for self-study based on undergraduate and graduate-level course, Sustainable
KRZIC et al. 3 of 11

Soil Management (https://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:APBI402- framework for each of the three modified PBL cases on
SOIL502), offered by the Faculty of Land and Food Sys- which they work during the course. From the data set pro-
tems, UBC, Vancouver, Canada. The course is generally vided or generated during the course, students then need
taken by 25–40 students. The student demographic of to identify soil quality indicators and assess if the specific
the course is diverse, from third-year undergraduates land-use is degrading or enhancing soil quality on the site
(e.g., agroecology/applied biology, forestry, science, addressed by their study case. This task is well-aligned with
environmental sciences) to graduate students in either the PBL approach that learning is organized around inves-
research-based programs or course-based professional tigation, explanation, and resolution of real-world prob-
masters programs in forestry and land–water systems. The lems (Barrows, 2000; Spronken-Smith, 2005).
overarching course learning outcome is that students will The Sustainable Soil Management course, which is
be able to apply soil physical, chemical, and biological 13 weeks in duration, is divided into three modules: soil
principles in the sustainable management of forest, agri- physics, soil chemistry, and soil biology (Table 1), followed
cultural, urban, and constructed ecosystems. To address by their integration. For each module, there are several
this learning outcome, we simulate a real-world evalua- modified PBL case studies (Table 2), and students rank
tion of soil properties for the establishment of sustainable cases based on their interest. Their preferences are taken
management practices in a range of ecosystems. into consideration by instructors when designating teams
Similar to standard PBL courses, our course focuses on containing 4–6 members. Although students’ preferences
professionally relevant problems and small group learning; are considered in the construction of teams, instructors
however, unlike PBL, each instructor works with multi- purposefully assign students to teams with the objective of
ple teams, and corrective feedback from instructors is pro- distributing academic backgrounds and strengths among
vided during group discussions. Multiple student teams the groups. Student teams work together for the duration
may work on the same case or on different cases simul- of one case, and new teams are formed for the next set of
taneously. By incorporating elements from both PBL and cases. In this manner our course is both similar and dif-
TBL, we are able to maintain a problem-based focus and ferent to TBL, where groups are purposely formed but stay
effectively engage a larger cohort of students through semi- together for the entire course (Dolmans et al., 2015).
autonomous teams. During the course, each student works on three 4-week
long modified PBL case studies. Even though cases dif-
fer in terms of type of ecosystems and management prac-
2.2 Course structure tices, all cases are structured in a similar manner and have
the same overall learning objectives as shown in Figure 1.
The Sustainable Soil Management course is structured For the duration of each case, students work in teams in
around the soil quality concept, which is defined as the a face-to-face classroom setting (Figure 2) to address the
capacity of a soil to function, within land-use and ecosys- learning outcomes of the case. At the beginning of each
tem boundaries, to sustain biological productivity, main- case, students receive background information, week-by-
tain environmental quality, and promote plant, animal, week learning outcomes with associated tasks and guid-
and human health (Doran, 2002). As described by Carter ing questions, and suggested references for their specific
et al. (1997), soil quality can be evaluated through a frame- case. Student teams assess site characteristics, determine
work based on the following hierarchy: functions, pro- key soil indicators, and evaluate the data for their case
cesses, attributes or properties, indicators, and methods. with respect to the impact of management practices on
Functions deal with “what the soil does” and each func- soil properties. The two instructors are present in the class-
tion is supported by a set of specific soil processes. Soil room during teamwork sessions with the intent to ensure
quality attributes are measurable soil properties that reflect that each team is focussing on the most important learn-
changes in soil processes of interest. If the specific soil ing issues and is on track toward solving their unique soil
property cannot be measured directly, an indicator (or management problem.
proxy) is used to serve as an indirect measure. Conse- At the end of the 4-week period, each team shares their
quently, indicators should: (a) be easily measured and ver- findings with the entire class in an oral, team presenta-
ifiable, (b) be sensitive to changes in soil management, and tion. During the week following presentations (Table 1),
(c) have a relatively low sampling error. Soil indicators that individual students are required to prepare a 1,000-word
are found in historical records (e.g., soil surveys) are par- report detailing their learning with respect to the learn-
ticularly useful. ing outcomes of a particular case. The report must also
To mimic the real-world site assessments carried out by include a brief comparison of key soil science principles
land managers, students enrolled in the Sustainable Soil that were relevant for all case studies addressed during the
Management course are asked to develop a soil quality 4 weeks. This last step was designed to reinforce the notion
4 of 11 KRZIC et al.

T A B L E 1 Organization of student and instructor activities carried out in the Sustainable Soil Management course offered at the
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Week Course module Students’ activity Instructors’ activity
1 Soil physics Teamwork Lecture to introduce module
2 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
3 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
4 Team presentations Instructors’ feedback on presentations
5 Soil chemistry Preparation of individual report no. 1 and teamwork Lecture to introduce module and report marking
6 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
7 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
8 Team presentations Instructors’ feedback on presentations
9 Soil biology Preparation of individual report no. 2 and teamwork Lecture to introduce module and report marking
10 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
11 Teamwork Guiding teamwork
12 Team presentations Instructors’ feedback on presentations
13 Preparation of individual report no. 3 Report marking
– Take-home final exam Preparation of the exam report Preparation of the exam case and exam marking

T A B L E 2 List of the modified, problem-based learning (PBL) case studies used in the Sustainable Soil Management course offered at the
University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada
Course module Case study
Soil physics • Impacts of soil rehabilitation on forest landings sites on soil quality in central British Columbia
• Cattle grazing effects on grassland soils in southern interior of British Columbia
• Managing the effects of forest harvesting on soil quality in southern British Columbiaa
• Irrigation system installation and its impacts on soil quality in Rajasthan, Indiaa
• Soil erosion on sloping agricultural lands in Nepal
Soil chemistry • Effects of agricultural production on soil chemical properties at the UBC Farm
• Designing soil mixtures for closure of the Vancouver Landfilla
• Effects of site preparation treatments on soil properties and tree growth of plantation forests in the Southern
Cape forest region of South Africaa
• Soil mixtures used to cover Dunakeszi Landfill in Hungarya
• Land-use impacts on soil quality and formation on the University of British Columbia Endowment Lands
• Uneven tree growth at a woodlot on northern Vancouver Island as affected by soil propertiesa
• Soil quality assessments of community gardens in Vancouver
Soil biology • Cattle grazing effects on meso-fauna in grassland soils in the southern interior of British Columbia
• Soil fauna and forest long-term soil productivity in central British Columbiaa
• Effects of variable retention harvesting types on soil microbial communities as determined on the long-term
study sites near Campbell River on Vancouver Islanda
Note: During each course module, students chose one case that they will work on for 4 weeks.
Indicates cases that were developed by guest contributors from either academia, government organizations, or private consulting sector.

that soil science principles are universal across ecosys- vided. Students are offered two to three options of land-use
tems and are a basis for sustainable soil management. types and asked to select one of them as the focus of the
It is also intended to encourage students to learn from soil quality assessment. Using the information provided,
their peers. students write a final exam paper comprised of the fol-
At the end of the Sustainable Soil Management course, lowing four sections: (a) key soil properties of importance
students are given a 3-day, take-home exam where they will for the selected land-use type; (b) soil quality framework
integrate soil physical, chemical, and biological properties for the selected land-use with justification of each of the
following a format similar to case studies included in the soil indicators; (c) proposed management options for the
course. Site-specific climate and soil information are pro- chosen land-use type; and (d) comparison of soil quality
KRZIC et al. 5 of 11

F I G U R E 1 All modified problem-based learning (PBL) case studies, used in the Sustainable Soil Management course, have the same three
learning objectives

F I G U R E 2 The Sustainable Soil Management course is offered through a hybrid problem-based learning–team-based learning format,
where students work in teams for 4 weeks at the time. During this course, each student works on total of three case studies (photo credit: Wayne
Tamagi, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)

indicators for one of the alternative land-use options. The lower-level undergraduate courses. Through team discus-
final exam mark comprises 35% of the overall mark, which sions, students identify knowledge gaps and assign tasks,
also includes team presentations (21%), individual reports work independently outside of class time, and reconvene to
(39%), and class participation (5%). share their individual findings and provide peer-feedback.
Teamwork skills are developed through accountability to
their peers.
2.3 Students as teachers

The diversity of students enrolled in this course provides 3 MODIFIED PROBLEM-BASED

rich opportunities for students to learn from each other LEARNING CASE STUDIES
during teamwork, in turn strengthening students’ confi-
dence in their own knowledge. All cases used in the Sus- 3.1 Guest contributors
tainable Soil Management course, are sufficiently complex
that teamwork is required for students to complete the Since the initiation of the Sustainable Soil Management
tasks needed to address case outcomes. Emphasis is placed course in 2004, a total of 15 modified PBL cases (Table 2)
on strengthening of students’ understanding of connec- have been developed by course instructors and nine
tions among individual soil science concepts covered in guest contributors, who have contributed their expertise,
6 of 11 KRZIC et al.

research data, and time to prepare cases and interact with course instructors. This approach has allowed develop-
students. Those nine colleagues came from academia (e.g., ment of consistent soil sampling and analytical protocols,
UBC; Stellenbosch University, South Africa; University and provided on-going help to the UBC farm managers
of Sopron, Hungary), international organizations (e.g., (Krzic, Bomke, Sylvestre, & Brown, 2015) and Riley Park
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, community gardeners.
Rome, Italy), governmental research organizations (e.g.,
British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Canada;
British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Canada), and pri- 3.3 An example case study: Variable
vate consulting industry (e.g., SYLVIS Environmental Inc., retention harvesting
Canada). In addition to developing modified PBL cases
based on their past projects, guest contributors are also The variable retention harvesting (VRH) study carried out
actively involved in student learning through guest lec- on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada is one
tures (in person, via Skype, or similar avenues) and provid- example of the cases used in the soil biology module of
ing guidance through in-person and email communication the course (Table 2). Through this case, teams evaluate
with students during the 4 weeks of their case. Guest con- the effects of green tree retention during timber harvest-
tributors enrich student learning by broadening experien- ing on soil microbial communities and their functions.
tial learning opportunities beyond the research focus of the Specifically, how dispersed, and aggregate retention har-
course instructors. Through interactions with guest con- vesting influence microbial biomass, enzyme activities,
tributors students are able to learn not just about land-use and species diversity. Learning outcomes, tasks, and guid-
issues specific to their case study, but also about potential ing questions specific for the VRH case are outlined in
job opportunities, and the range of issues facing natural Table 3, and the case is richly supported by online multi-
resource professionals addressing sustainable soil manage- media resources (see https://biology.soilweb.ca).
ment in British Columbia, Canada, and around the world. Data for this case study were provided by a colleague
in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC, who conducted several
studies at the Silviculture Treatments for Ecosystem Man-
3.2 Open case studies project at agement in the Sayward long-term experiment near Camp-
University of British Columbia bell River on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. The study site
is located in the Coastal Western Hemlock (CWH) biogeo-
The approach of the Sustainable Soil Management course climatic zone, where the dominant tree species are western
is well-aligned with the ongoing Open Case Studies hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.] and Douglas-
project at UBC (https://cases.open.ubc.ca) focused on find- fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb.), the climate is humid-
ing ways for students to contribute to public knowledge maritime, and soils are loamy sand textured and classified
and the creation of open educational resources (OER). as Duric Humo–Ferric Podzol (Soil Classification Working
For example, graduate students in our course develop Group, 1998).
Wikipedia articles on topics of their interest, that are of As per the learning outcome for Week 1 of the VRH
relevance to the course, and for which there is limited con- case (Table 3), students review background information
tent in Wikipedia. Students are very enthusiastic about this on the climate, topography, and the dominant soil type at
task as illustrated by this student’s quote: “I really appre- the study site as provided in the soil survey report (Day,
ciated the grad essay being tailored to serve the Wiki com- Farstad, & Laird, 1959) and the case’s website (https://
munity. It’s awesome to have your work actually out there biology.soilweb.ca). This review allows students to identify
in the world. . . ” the key site characteristics of importance for tree growth.
Another example of students’ contribution to OER is the During Week 2 of the VRH case, students focus on
compilation of long-term student-generated soil datasets the soil data collected in forested stands with treatments
achieved through collaboration with UBC Farm managers that included: (a) uncut (100% retention), (b) dispersed
and community gardeners in Riley Park in Vancouver, retention (11% retention, single trees 14–16 meters apart),
British Columbia. In the majority of case studies used (c) aggregate retention (18% retention, retention patches
in our course, students are given data that were gath- of 0.02 hectares—about 20 meters in diameter), and
ered during past projects. However, in the UBC Farm (d) clearcut (0% retention). Dispersed and aggregated
and Riley Park cases, students gather soil samples in col- retention are designed to maintain the presence of liv-
laboration with the farm manager or community gar- ing biological legacies on a harvested site. Aggregated
deners, samples are sent to a local soil testing lab, and retention has a greater potential to preserve undisturbed
students then develop interpretations and recommenda- patches of forest floor and root activity, but its effects are
tions about management practices with the help of the not evenly distributed throughout the harvested area.
KRZIC et al. 7 of 11

T A B L E 3 Student learning outcomes, associated tasks, and guiding questions of the variable retention harvesting (VRH) modified,
problem-based learning (PBL) case study used in the Sustainable Soil Management course, offered at the University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Learning outcome Students’ tasks Guiding questions
Week 1
No. 1. Identify the key ∙ Become familiar with the “It’s Alive” website ∙ What is VRH?
features of VRH. (https://biology.soilweb.ca). ∙ What are the key soil properties that are of
No. 2. Identify the major ∙ Discuss the major types of microbes in forest soils. an importance for management of Coastal
groups of microbes in Western Hemlock (CWH) biogeoclimatic
forest soils. zone forests?
∙ What are the most common types of soil
microbes in forest soils?
∙ What are the key roles of soil microbes in
forest ecosystems?

Week 2
No. 3. Evaluate the effects ∙ Review background information on management ∙ Which groups of soil microorganisms are
of VRH on soil practices carried out on the study sites. responsible for enzymes that decompose
microbial biomass and ∙ Gain basic understanding of enzymatic activities that organic matter in forest ecosystems?
enzymatic activity. affect belowground processes. ∙ How do soil microbial communities
∙ Review the soil microbial biomass and enzymatic data influence healthy soil functioning? How
collected from four study treatments, and qualitatively does enzymatic activity impact soil quality?
relate those data with ectomycorrhizal species ∙ Based on the data, what can you infer about
richness data. the effects of VRH on soil microbial biomass
∙ Assess how changes in microbial biomass and and enzymatic activity?
enzymatic activity after harvesting might affect soil

Week 3
No. 4. Identify potential ∙ Review the soil microbial biomass and enzymatic ∙ How far beyond retention patches were
soil biological indicators activity data collected from the dispersed and effects of VRH noticeable on microbial
to monitor sustainable aggregate retention treatments to assess effects of biomass and enzymatic activity?
management in CWH living trees. ∙ Were there any differences between
forests. ∙ Qualitatively relate soil microbial biomass and aggregate and dispersed treatments
enzymatic data with ectomycorrhizal species richness regarding their effects on microbial biomass
data. and enzymatic activity?
∙ Develop a soil quality framework that links microbial ∙ What are some strengths and limitations of
communities and enzymatic activity to VRH. using soil microbes and enzymatic activity
∙ Preparation for team presentations. to monitor soil quality in CWH forests?

Week 4
– ∙ Team presentations about key findings of the case –

Note. CWH, Coastal Western Hemlock; VRH, variable retention harvesting.

Dispersed treatments more evenly maintain soil microbial In Week 3, students continue to review soil data and
communities across the harvested area, likely due to identify additional soil biological indicators that could
overlap in root systems, but are more prone to windthrow potentially be used to monitor the sustainability of man-
(Beese, Deal, Dunsworth, Mitchell, & Philpott, 2019). The agement practices in CWH forests. Data provided to the
clearcut system manages successive, even-aged stands students include information on enzymatic activities (e.g.,
by cutting the entire stand of trees at planned intervals. phosphatase, peroxidase activity rates), microbial biomass,
Clearcutting provides baseline data for comparing forest and ectomycorrhizal species diversity. By sharing their
health and productivity in silvicultural systems that use knowledge and experience with other members of the
partial harvesting. An even-aged (60–70 years) stand of team, students are able to address a complex task in a rela-
western hemlock and Douglas-fir adjacent to the study tively short period of time and to gather the relevant infor-
treatments was also sampled. mation needed to address case outcomes.
8 of 11 KRZIC et al.

In Week 4, each team gives a 20-minute oral presen- was the choice to be involved with a commu-
tation to the whole class outlining the key findings from nity group interested in the same topic as the
their study case. Team presentations are judged based on class assignment.”
content, structure, and delivery. Instructors provide writ-
ten feedback on student presentations by the end of the All modified PBL case studies used in the Sustainable
following day. In the subsequent week, each student Soil Management course have an open-ended outcome(s),
prepares a written report demonstrating their individual complex content, and representation of multiple stake-
learning; and individual reports are assessed based on the holders’ interests; core components necessary for the
content (i.e., how well the student addresses all learning successful incorporation of PBL in a postsecondary
outcomes in the context of the specific case scenario), orga- curriculum (Arthur & Thompson, 1999). This course
nization, and quality of writing. typically includes upper-level undergraduate and grad-
uate students; therefore, they are able to address the
complex content and students generally find the course
4 REFLECTIONS BY COURSE approach to be useful to their learning as shown by

Recommendations from the course instructors (i.e., the co- “I liked that this class focused on cases
authors of this article) highlight key challenges faced in and looked at real data; and that some-
the development and implementation of the hybrid PBL– times the data was not always clean/easy to
TBL approach and the impact of this approach on student understand.”
engagement and learning. Our reflections are further sup-
ported by comments extracted from annual student evalu- “I was often challenged by this course and crit-
ation of teaching surveys (i.e., the routine course surveys) ical thinking was emphasized along with cre-
conducted by the university. ativity in finding solutions to the issues we dis-

4.1 Case studies based on

real-world scenarios 4.2 Student teamwork
Teaching the Sustainable Soil Management course is a Cases with no pre-defined outcome prior to in-class data
rewarding experience for instructors as we observe stu- interpretation are challenging for students, but they also
dents gaining the knowledge and skills required in pro- provide numerous opportunities for teaching and learn-
fessional settings (e.g., farm management, private consult- ing (Lyon & Teutschbein, 2011). For example, instructors
ing, policy development). Shifting the focus of teaching help students gain a deeper understanding of soil sci-
and learning from the need to obtain the “right answer” ence concepts by guiding discussions during the teamwork
to learning how to approach a problem is challenging, sessions. Since instructors split their time among several
but it enhances students’ career preparation. Several stud- teams, they do not lead the discussions, but provide guid-
ies have also found that inclusion of real-world scenar- ance when needed and encourage students to learn from
ios into postsecondary courses has positive effects on stu- each other. Students’ responses to this approach have been
dent learning (e.g., Barak & Dori, 2004; Herrington, 2006). very positive:
Findings of those studies is consistent with feedback from
students in this course, as shown by representative stu-
“The ability to interact so closely with the pro-
dent quotes:
fessors, as we worked through the cases, was
extremely helpful.”
“Having real-life examples to work with, this
is a rare opportunity offered in university to
“They didn’t feel like profs in your traditional
apply knowledge, rather than memorize the-
sense of ‘I lecture and mark you’ but more,
ory. The opportunities were given to apply my
‘We’re here to help guide you’. . . ”
knowledge from previous soil classes into real-
life situations.”
“I really enjoyed the diversity of students and
“I really enjoyed that some of the cases were backgrounds that were present in this course.
applicable to real situations and that there Everyone brought something different to the
KRZIC et al. 9 of 11

table and it really allowed for a great learn- course and implications for the development of career rel-
ing environment.” evant skills:

Having students with diverse backgrounds and diverse “[This] course is integrative, challenging, and
levels of soil science knowledge in the same course is a helps you hone a variety of skills (working
great opportunity; however, it also brings some challenges. in groups, presentation, conciseness in both
For example, all cases in this course require a solid under- writing and speaking).”
standing of soil science concepts, and not all students
will have the necessary academic background. Although “This course is very helpful with getting a
instructors purposefully assign students to teams, a bal- more holistic view of soils as well as working
anced team composition is not always possible, which on public speaking, writing, and teamwork
may, in turn, impact the quality of teamwork and students’ skills, and also to get a feel for being in a con-
learning. This student comment summarized these issues: sulting role.”

“This was my first PBL course and so I was “The case studies and the industry lectures
very lost in the beginning as to what was where amazing. It was really nice to have
expected of me. It got clearer along the way, those guest lecturers come in and be able to
but it was somewhat of a difficult transition. give a very in-depth lecture on the cases they
There is a large continuum of skill-sets and helped develop.”
knowledge among peers, and so it was chal-
lenging to work alongside them at times.” Guest contributors definitely enrich the course, but
course instructors need to work closely with them during
The small group approach of PBL is recognized for the development of case studies. Guest contributors are
developing critical thinking, integrating knowledge, and intimately familiar with details of a given case, but they
problem solving within a team setting. However, the one are not fully cognizant of the level of students’ soil science
tutor per group approach of PBL has financial implications knowledge, nor mindful of the weekly tasks and final out-
and limits class size (Wells, Warelow, & Jackson, 2009). puts which the students are generating. Guiding princi-
In contrast, the TBL approach centers on independent ples to develop and implement cases include: (a) consis-
teams enabling large class size (Michaelsen et al., 2014), tency in case structure such as weekly tasks and guiding
but students receive limited input from tutors/instructors. questions, (b) maintaining appropriate technical language
Our hybrid PBL–TBL approach is an intermediate solution, for the background of students taking the course, (c) pro-
where two instructors work with multiple teams. All teams viding supplemental online materials for concepts which
work within the same classroom, so that instructors can may not be familiar to all students, and (d) ongoing guid-
rotate between groups and provide feedback in 15- to 20- ance from instructors, particularly when case contributors
minute mini-sessions. Class time is scheduled twice per are interacting with students during a case. It is also worth
week (total 3 hours) so feedback is continuous. Our experi- noting that finding the right balance between case content
ence suggests that three teams per tutor is ideal (potentially and time available for each case is often quite challeng-
increasing to four teams per tutor), accommodating classes ing. For example, in one of the case studies developed rela-
of 36–48 students. tively early in the course’s history, instructors attempted to
address the effects of land-use on soil physical, chemical,
and biological properties (i.e., holistic soil quality) (Striv-
4.3 Guest contributors elli et al., 2011). That, however, turned out to be too dif-
ficult for students to complete in the 4-week time frame.
Guest case contributors enrich the course content and After running that case for 2 years, and attempting to refine
bring a wealth of knowledge regarding what is required it, the case has been dropped. Even though that partic-
from practicing professionals. As an example, having the ular case turned out to be too complex, it provided the
CEO of a successful private environmental company tell template for development of online multimedia resources,
students that written reports need to address the so-called with background information for study cases focused on
five Cs of communication (i.e., correct, clear, concise, con- locations far away from the UBC campus. That template
sistent, and complete) is extremely valuable to students has been followed during development of the VRH case
who are about to embark on their own professional careers. and more recently, a case focused on forest plantations in
Student reflections reiterate the practical nature of this South Africa.
10 of 11 KRZIC et al.


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Enhancing professional education with team-based learning. New

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