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The Retrotracheal

Space: Normal Ana-

tomic and Pathologic
Tomás Franquet, MD ● Jeremy J. Erasmus, MD ● Ana Giménez, MD
Santiago Rossi, MD ● Rosa Prats, MD

A variety of diseases can arise from the normal contents of the retrotra-
cheal space or from adjacent structures. Mediastinal diseases in the
retrotracheal space typically manifest radiographically as a contour ab-
normality or an area of increased opacity, although computed tomog-
raphy (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is usually required
for diagnosis. The most common aortic arch anomaly, a right subcla-
vian artery that originates from an otherwise normal left-sided aortic
arch, appears at posteroanterior chest radiography as an obliquely ori-
ented soft-tissue area of increased opacity that extends superiorly to the
right from the superior margin of the aortic arch. CT and MR imaging
can reveal associated vascular or mediastinal abnormalities. Aortic an-
eurysms and pseudoaneurysms can manifest radiographically as fusi-
form or saccular masslike lesions that protrude into the retrotracheal
space. Thoracic MR imaging and spiral CT angiography are the diag-
nostic procedures of choice for evaluating diverse pathologic condi-
tions of the thoracic aorta. Esophageal diseases can manifest as an ab-
normality in the retrotracheal space, which may be the initial clue to
the diagnosis. At CT, lymphatic malformations in the mediastinum
manifest as lobular, multicystic tumors that surround and infiltrate ad-
jacent mediastinal structures. Familiarity with the normal radiologic
appearance of the retrotracheal space and with the clinical manifesta-
tions of diseases that affect the retrotracheal space and adjacent struc-
tures can facilitate detection, diagnosis, and management.
RSNA, 2002

Index terms: Aneurysm, aortic, 56.73 ● Aorta, abnormalities, 562.1521, 562.1532 ● Esophagus, abnormalities, 71.141, 71.142 ● Esophagus, neo-
plasms, 71.3131, 71.321 ● Mediastinitis, 67.272 ● Mediastinum, abscess, 67.272 ● Mediastinum, hemorrhage, 67.4128 ● Mediastinum, neoplasms,
67.31, 67.3151, 67.319

RadioGraphics 2002; 22:S231–S246

1From the Department of Radiology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Avda Sant Antoni M. Claret 167,
08025 Barcelona, Spain (T.F., A.G., R.P.); the Department of Radiology, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Tex (J.J.E.); and the Depart-
ment of Radiology, Fundación Dr Enrique Rossi, Buenos Aires, Argentina (S.R.). Presented as an education exhibit at the 2001 RSNA scientific as-
sembly. Received February 22, 2002; revision requested April 2 and received May 29; accepted June 12. Address correspondence to T.F. (e-mail:
RSNA, 2002
S232 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 1. Normal radiologic anatomy of the retrotracheal space. (a) Lateral chest radiograph shows
the lung tissue posterior to the trachea as a radiolucent triangular space (*). This space extends from the
thoracic inlet superiorly to the aortic arch inferiorly and is bounded posteriorly by the spine. The anterior
edge of the scapula (arrow) projects over the space and may sometimes be misidentified as the posterior
border of the retrotracheal space (arrowheads). (b) Computed tomographic (CT) scan shows the normal
retrotracheal space occupied by a dilated esophagus.

Introduction facilitate the detection and diagnosis of intratho-

The retrotracheal space (also known as the Raider racic disease. In this article, we review the anat-
triangle or retrotracheal triangle) is a radiolucent omy and normal radiologic appearance of the ret-
area that extends from the thoracic inlet to the rotracheal space and discuss and illustrate dis-
aortic arch and is visible on lateral chest radio- eases that affect the retrotracheal space. These
graphs (1). A wide spectrum of diseases can occur disease entities include congenital vascular mal-
in this region; they may arise either from the nor- formations, acquired vascular lesions, esophageal
mal contents of the retrotracheal space (esopha- abnormalities, tumors, and infections.
gus, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, thoracic duct,
lymph nodes, lung) or from adjacent structures. Normal Anatomy
Mediastinal disease in the retrotracheal space The retrotracheal space is best visualized on lat-
typically manifests radiographically as a contour eral chest images as a radiolucent triangular area
abnormality or an area of increased opacity (1,2). bounded anteriorly by the trachea, posteriorly by
Although lung diseases may project over the ret- the spine, inferiorly by the aortic arch, and superi-
rotracheal space, they have been excluded from orly by the thoracic inlet. Both lungs contribute to
this discussion because they do not occur within the radiolucency of the space: The right lung ex-
the retrotracheal space. A comprehensive under- tends posterior to the trachea and outlines the
standing of the normal radiologic appearance of tracheal wall, whereas the left lung extends above
the retrotracheal space and of the manifestations the transverse aorta and outlines the aortic arch
of diseases that affect the retrotracheal space can (1,2). The retrotracheal space is triangular and
varies in size depending on the patient’s age and
habitus (Fig 1). The size of the space is also af-
fected by the degree of lung inflation. In patients
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S233

RadioGraphics the air-filled esophagus or, in some instances, the

Lesions of the Retrotracheal Space
collapsed esophagus outlined by retroesophageal
Congenital vascular lesions lung tissue (3,4).
Left aortic arch with aberrant right subclavian
artery Pathologic Conditions
Right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian A wide spectrum of abnormalities can occur in
the retrotracheal space (Table). The most com-
Double aortic arch
mon lesions are vascular in origin and are due to
Acquired vascular lesions
Aneurysm of an aberrant subclavian artery developmental anomalies of the aortic arch (5).
Aortic aneurysm
Esophageal abnormalities Congenital Vascular Lesions
Zenker diverticulum Anomalous development of the aortic arch can
Achalasia result in a variety of anatomic variants that en-
Esophageal atresia circle the trachea or esophagus (2,5,6). The most
Duplication cyst frequently encountered vascular rings in the ret-
Esophageal carcinoma rotracheal space are (a) a left-sided aortic arch
Esophageal leiomyoma
with an aberrant right subclavian artery, (b) a
Mediastinal masses
right-sided aortic arch with an aberrant left sub-
Intrathoracic goiter
Schwannoma and neurofibroma clavian artery, and (c) a complete double aortic
Hemangioma arch (6 –10). Vascular rings are often asymptom-
Lymphatic malformation atic but can produce symptoms in infants (stri-
Posttraumatic and iatrogenic hematoma dor, wheezing, dysphagia) that are due to com-
Infections pression of the trachea or esophagus (7). Aneu-
Tuberculous and pyogenic mediastinitis rysmal dilatation of the vascular rings may also
Abscess occur in adults (8,9).

Left-sided Aortic Arch with an Aberrant

with emphysema, the space is typically larger and Right Subclavian Artery.—The most common
its upper margin is extended and may appear aortic arch anomaly is an aberrant right subcla-
trapezoidal. A vertically oriented line behind the vian artery that originates from an otherwise nor-
tracheal air column, the posterior tracheal line, mal left-sided aortic arch. This anomaly occurs in
usually forms the anterior margin of the retrotra- approximately 1% of the population and is fre-
cheal space (3,4). This line is produced by lung quently encountered incidentally at upper gas-
tissue in contact with the posterior wall of the tra- trointestinal or chest radiographic examination
chea and is up to 2.5 mm in thickness. On occa- (5,9). The aberrant right subclavian artery arises
sion, a stripe up to 5.5 mm in thickness, the tra- from the posterior portion of the aortic arch and
cheoesophageal stripe, will form the anterior mar- crosses the mediastinum obliquely from left to
gin of the normal retrotracheal space (3,4). The
tracheoesophageal stripe is composed of the pos-
terior wall of the trachea and the anterior wall of
S234 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 2. Left-sided aortic arch with an aberrant right subclavian artery in an asymptomatic 53-
year-old man. (a) Close-up view of a lateral chest radiograph shows an area of increased opacity in
the retrotracheal space and displacement of the trachea anteriorly (arrows). (b) Contrast material–
enhanced CT scan shows an aberrant right subclavian artery that arises as the last branch of a left-
sided aortic arch posterior to the esophagus.

Figure 3. Aberrant right subclavian artery in a 64-year-old man with esophageal carcinoma and
dysphagia. (a) Close-up view of a lateral chest radiograph shows an area of increased opacity in the
retrotracheal region (arrows). (b) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows the retrotracheal space occu-
pied by an aberrant right subclavian artery that courses posterior to an esophageal carcinoma.

right, posterior to the esophagus and trachea (Fig mal, but the anomalous artery often manifests as
2). Dilatation of the origin of the right subclavian an area of increased opacity in the retrotracheal
artery (Kommerell diverticulum) is common in space associated with a focal indentation on the
the elderly, occurring in up to 60% of all elderly posterior wall of the trachea (2,6,9). Posteroante-
patients, and can manifest as dysphagia (2,9). rior chest radiography reveals an obliquely ori-
Findings at lateral chest radiography can be nor- ented soft-tissue area of increased opacity that
extends superiorly to the right from the superior
margin of the aortic arch. CT and magnetic reso-
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S235


Figure 4. Right-sided aortic arch with an aberrant left

subclavian artery in a 58-year-old man. (a) Posteroante-
rior chest radiograph shows a right-sided thoracic aorta.
(b) Lateral esophagogram shows an aberrant left subcla-
vian artery as a masslike area of increased opacity in the
retrotracheal space. The artery displaces the trachea ante-
riorly and leaves its classic posterior impression on the
esophagus. (c) Contrast-enhanced CT scan reveals the
origin of the anomalous left subclavian artery.

aberration may be associated with dysphagia and

may be exacerbated if the origin of the aberrant
subclavian artery from the aorta is dilated. Recog-
nition at radiography of the absence of a left-sided
aortic arch associated with a well-defined soft-
tissue area of increased opacity in the right para-
tracheal region is useful in suggesting the diagno-
sis. Lateral radiography typically reveals a mass-
nance (MR) imaging can be helpful by revealing like area of increased opacity in the retrotracheal
associated vascular or mediastinal abnormalities space that silhouettes the upper aspect of the aor-
(Fig 3) (7–10). tic arch (Fig 4) (2,5,8). CT and MR imaging are
useful in confirming the diagnosis and differenti-
Right-sided Aortic Arch with an Aberrant ating this abnormality from a right-sided aortic
Left Subclavian Artery.—The most common arch with mirror image branching (an anomaly
right-sided aortic arch anomaly is an aberrant left associated with a high prevalence of congenital
subclavian artery. This anomaly has a prevalence heart disease) and a double aortic arch (7). In
of approximately 0.05%, is usually diagnosed in- addition, CT and MR imaging can demonstrate
cidentally, and is usually not associated with con- associated abnormalities or complications (Fig 5)
genital heart disease (11). Like a left-sided aortic (8,9,12).
arch with an aberrant right subclavian artery, this
S236 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 5. Right-sided aortic arch with an aneurysmal left subclavian artery in an asymptomatic 74-year-old man.
(a) CT scan shows a partially calcified, aneurysmal retrotracheal left subclavian artery. An azygous lobe (arrowheads)
is seen adjacent to a right-sided aortic arch. (b) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows the aneurysm without associated
mural thrombus.

Figure 6. Double aortic arch that was incidentally discovered in an

asymptomatic 58-year-old man. (a) Frontal chest radiograph reveals
bilateral paratracheal masses that represent double aortic knobs. Fo-
cal wall calcification is present in the right aortic arch (arrowheads).
(b) Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows right and left aortic arches.
(c) On a sagittal T1-weighted MR image, the retrotracheal space is
obscured by both aortic arches.
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S237


Figure 7. Progressive enlargement of an aneurysm of the transverse aortic arch in an 82-year-old man. (a) Unen-
hanced CT scan shows a mass that was caused by a large aortic aneurysm and fills the retrotracheal space. The
esophagus (arrowhead) is displaced to the right and posterior to the mass. (b) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows a
penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer and a contained rupture or mediastinal hematoma (arrow).

Double Aortic Arch.—The double aortic arch disease (15,16). Aneurysmal dilatation can also
is one of the most common symptomatic arch be due to pseudoaneurysms of the aorta (false
anomalies (10). Because of esophageal and tra- aneurysms that do not contain all components of
cheal compression, it usually manifests in infancy the aortic wall), which are usually the result of
as respiratory distress or difficulty in feeding. The chest trauma, infection, or surgery (14,17). A
anomaly is rarely associated with congenital heart penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the aorta (ul-
disease and can, in rare cases, remain undiag- ceration of an atheromatous plaque that disrupts
nosed into adulthood (13). The right arch is usu- the internal elastic lamina and results in an intra-
ally larger, higher, and more posterior than the mural hematoma) is another cause of aortic pseu-
left arch. The arches join posteriorly to form a doaneurysm (18,19). A potential complication of
single descending aorta that is typically left-sided. thoracic aneurysms is rupture, the prevalence of
Chest radiography shows a right paratracheal which is as high as 70% (Fig 7). Because the risk
masslike area of increased opacity with a focal of rupture increases fivefold if the aneurysm is
tracheal impression that can simulate mediastinal over 6 cm in diameter, most aneurysms with di-
adenopathy (5,13). Lateral chest radiography ameters over 5–5.5 cm are surgically repaired
typically shows a large area of increased opacity in (14,15). Aortic aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms
the retrotracheal space. Diagnostic imaging mo- can manifest radiographically as fusiform or sac-
dalities include surface echocardiography in in- cular masslike lesions that protrude into the retro-
fants and children and MR imaging and CT in tracheal space. Thoracic MR imaging and spiral
adults (Fig 6) (13). CT angiography are the diagnostic procedures of
choice to evaluate diverse pathologic conditions
Acquired Vascular Diseases of the thoracic aorta (14,16,20 –22).
Aneurysmal dilatation of the thoracic aorta, de-
fined as enlargement of the aorta to more than Esophageal Abnormalities
twice its normal caliber, is common, occurring in Diseases of the esophagus can manifest as an ab-
up to 10% of elderly adults (14). Dilatation usu- normality in the retrotracheal space, which may
ally occurs as a result of degenerative changes in be the initial clue to the diagnosis.
the aorta associated with aging or as a result of
congenital abnormalities, connective tissue disor-
ders, infections, prior surgery, trauma, or valvular
S238 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 8. Esophageal atresia in a newborn. Frontal (a) and lateral (b) radiographs show an air-dis-
tended pouch in the retrotracheal space (arrows in a) that deforms the adjacent portion of the trachea. A
radiopaque tube has been placed on the blind pouch of the proximal portion of the esophagus (arrow in
b). (Case courtesy of Elida Vázquez, MD, Hospital Vall D’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain.)

Figure 9. Esophageal duplication cyst in a 23-year-old woman in whom a mass was incidentally found at chest ra-
diography. (a) Lateral chest radiograph reveals an area of increased opacity in the retrotracheal region and anterior
displacement of the trachea. (b) CT scan shows a well-circumscribed mass with water attenuation adjacent to the
esophagus. The appearance and location of the mass are typical for an esophageal duplication cyst.

Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal esophagus with or without abnormal communica-

Fistula.—Esophageal atresia and tracheoesoph- tion with the trachea (23). Esophageal atresia can
ageal fistula are congenital anomalies charac- manifest as an air-distended pouch or, owing to
terized by incomplete formation of the tubular mucosal secretion, as a masslike lesion in the ret-
rotracheal space that deforms the adjacent part of
the trachea (Fig 8) (23).
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S239


Figure 10. Zenker diverticulum in a 54-year-old man with dysphagia and cough. (a) Posteroanterior
chest radiograph shows abnormal widening of the superior portion of the mediastinum. An air-fluid level
is also seen (arrows). (b) CT scan shows a large retrotracheal diverticulum with an air-fluid level due to
retained alimentary content.

Duplication Cyst.—Esophageal duplication Esophageal Dilatation and Diverticula.

cysts are congenital abnormalities that account —Esophageal dilatation and diverticula may in-
for 0.5%–2.5% of all tumors and tumorlike le- clude focal dilatation in the Zenker (pharyngo-
sions of the esophagus (24,25). Approximately esophageal) diverticulum (upper part of the
60% of duplication cysts are in the lower part of esophagus), traction diverticula due to granulo-
the esophagus (24). Many patients are asymp- matous disease (middle part of the esophagus),
tomatic, the abnormality sometimes being discov- and epiphrenic diverticula (lower right part of the
ered incidentally at an advanced age. Bleeding or esophagus). The Zenker diverticulum usually ex-
infection may cause mediastinal cyst enlargement tends dorsally into the postcricoid area and, if
and associated symptoms. Cysts may also be large, can be detected in the retrotracheal space
complicated if ectopic gastric mucosa is present as a large air-filled or fluid-filled masslike lesion
in the lining of the cyst. Esophageal duplication (Fig 10) (27). Diffuse dilatation of the esophagus
cysts, either symptomatic or asymptomatic, are can occur as a result of motility disorders (achala-
treated with complete surgical excision to prevent sia, postvagotomy syndrome, Chagas disease,
complications (26). Duplication cysts that arise in scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, pres-
the upper portion of the esophagus can manifest byesophagus, diabetic neuropathy, esophagitis) or
as masses in the retrotracheal space (2). At CT, distal obstruction (carcinoma, stricture, extrinsic
they typically manifest as spheric or tubular compression) (28). Achalasia, a motor disorder
masses in proximity to the esophageal wall (Fig 9) that results in dilatation of the esophagus because
(24). They are usually homogeneous and have of aperistalsis of the lower part of the esophagus
water attenuation. However, they may have soft- and inadequate relaxation of the lower esophageal
tissue attenuation owing to intracystic hemor- sphincter, frequently manifests as an abnormality
rhage or proteinaceous debris. At MR imaging, in the retrotracheal space (29). Retained fluid,
duplication cysts have variable signal intensity on food debris, and an air-fluid level are common, as
T1-weighted images, depending on cyst contents,
and markedly increased signal intensity on T2-
weighted images (26).
S240 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 11. Achalasia in a 47-year-old woman with chest pain. (a) Close-up
view of a posteroanterior chest radiograph shows abnormal widening of the
superior part of the mediastinum. An air-fluid level is seen (arrowheads). A
calcified paratracheal lymph node is also visible. (b) Lateral radiograph
shows anterior displacement and bowing of the trachea caused by the fluid-
filled esophagus. An air-fluid level within the retrotracheal space is also ap-
parent (arrowheads), a finding that suggests the diagnosis of achalasia.

Figure 12. Esophageal carcinoma in a 68-year-old man with dysphagia and stridor. (a) Lateral chest
radiograph shows marked widening of the retrotracheal stripe. Posterior indentation and irregularity of
the tracheal air column, produced by neoplastic infiltration of the tracheal wall, are also apparent (arrow-
heads). (b) CT scan shows marked inhomogeneous thickening of the esophageal wall. Infiltration of the
posterior tracheal wall is also seen (arrowhead).

are anterior displacement and bowing of the tra- Esophageal Tumors.—Esophageal tumors that
chea by the fluid- or food-filled esophagus. Aspi- affect the retrotracheal space include esophageal
ration pneumonia is an associated complication carcinoma and leiomyoma (25,31). On lateral
(Fig 11) (30). chest radiographs, widening of the posterior tra-
cheal-tracheoesophageal stripe and the presence
of an esophageal air-fluid level are the two most
common manifestations of esophageal carcinoma
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S241


Figure 13. Lymphatic malformation of the superior

mediastinum in an asymptomatic 46-year-old woman.
(a) Axial T1-weighted MR image shows a large, lobu-
lated lymphatic malformation with intermediate signal
intensity. (b) T2-weighted MR image shows a charac-
teristic hyperintense lesion that surrounds but does
not displace the trachea and great vessels. The tumor
extends toward the anterior soft tissues of the chest
wall. (c) Photomicrograph (original magnification,
⫻40; hematoxylin-eosin stain) of a biopsy specimen
shows large, dilated lymphatic channels (*) with walls
that contain connective tissue and lymphocytes

(32). Approximately 75% occur in the neck and

5% in the mediastinum (33). Most mediastinal
lesions are due to tumor extension from the neck
in the retrotracheal space (Fig 12) (3,4). Widen- into the superior and anterior mediastinum, al-
ing of the posterior tracheal-tracheoesophageal though such tumors can extend into the retrotra-
stripe may be secondary to (a) paratracheal and cheal space. They usually occur in patients less
paraesophageal lymphatic engorgement due to than 2 years old, and they have a male predilec-
obstruction or direct invasion by a tumor, or (b) tion. In adults, lymphatic malformations in the
retained secretions due to a tumor that occludes mediastinum are usually due to recurrence of an
the esophagus at a lower level (3,4). incompletely resected childhood tumor. At CT,
Leiomyomas, the most frequently occurring these lesions manifest as lobular, multicystic tu-
benign tumors of the esophagus, nevertheless rep- mors that surround and infiltrate adjacent medi-
resent less than 1% of all esophageal neoplasms astinal structures. They can appear solid at CT
(32). They are usually slow-growing tumors that because of intracystic protein or hemorrhage
range from 2 to 8 cm in size (31). Although (34). MR imaging can be useful in confirming the
leiomyomas typically occur in the lower part of cystic nature of these lesions; lymphatic malfor-
the esophagus, those that arise in the upper por- mations usually have markedly increased signal
tion can manifest as masses in the retrotracheal intensity on T2-weighted images (Fig 13) (34).
space. Their appearance on T1-weighted images is more
variable: Although most have low to intermediate
Miscellaneous Mediastinal Masses signal intensity, they can occasionally have high
signal intensity similar to that of fat (34).
Mediastinal Lymphatic Malformations.
—Lymphatic malformations (previously de-
scribed as lymphangiomas) are rare benign lesions
S242 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 14. Mediastinal hemangioma in a 67-year-old

man. (a) CT scan shows a well-defined heterogeneous
mass that lies behind the trachea and displaces the
esophagus laterally. A small, rounded calcification
(phlebolith) appears within the mass (arrow). (b) Con-
trast-enhanced CT scan demonstrates the mass with
intense central and rimlike peripheral enhancement.
(c) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ⫻40;
hematoxylin-eosin stain) of a surgical specimen shows
multiple vascular spaces lined by a thin endothelial
layer (arrow).

Hemangiomas.—Hemangiomas are rare medi-

astinal tumors that usually occur in the anterior or
posterior mediastinum (68% and 22% of cases,
respectively) (35,36). Most are cavernous heman-
giomas composed of large interconnecting vascu-
lar spaces with varying amounts of interposed
stromal elements such as fat and fibrous tissue. become markedly hyperintense on T2-weighted
Focal areas of organized thrombus can calcify as images, a potentially diagnostic feature (Fig 14)
phleboliths. At radiography, hemangiomas mani- (35,36).
fest as smooth, well-marginated mediastinal
masses. Phleboliths are present in less than 10% Thyroid Goiter.—Most thyroid masses in the
of cases (36). CT typically reveals a heteroge- mediastinum are caused by intrathoracic exten-
neous mass with intense central and rimlike sion of thyroid goiters, a condition that occurs
peripheral enhancement after intravenous admin- most often in women in their 60s and 70s and
istration of contrast material. Hemangiomas typi- accounts for up to 10% of mediastinal masses
cally have heterogeneous signal intensity on T1- resected at thoracotomy (36). True ectopic thy-
weighted MR images. In lesions with significant roid masses in the mediastinum are rare. A thy-
stromal fat, linear areas of increased signal inten- roid goiter typically extends into the thyropericar-
sity on T1-weighted images can occasionally be diac space anterior to the recurrent laryngeal
identified. The central vascular lakes typically nerve and brachiocephalic vessels, although pos-
terior extension behind the esophagus and adja-
cent to the trachea in the retrotracheal space oc-
curs in 20% of cases (36). Many patients with
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S243


Figure 15. Intrathoracic goiter in a 62-year-old woman. (a) Lateral chest radiograph shows a large thy-
roid mass that fills the retrotracheal space and displaces the trachea anteriorly. (b) CT scan shows a well-
defined, homogeneous soft-tissue mass that fills the retrotracheal space and displaces the trachea, esoph-
agus, and supraaortic vessels anteriorly.

an intrathoracic goiter are asymptomatic, the injury (39,40). Transection typically occurs be-
anomaly being incidentally discovered at screen- tween the origin of the left subclavian artery and
ing chest radiography. On radiographs, posterior the attachment of the ligamentum arteriosum
intrathoracic thyroid goiters can manifest as (ligament of Botallo), although the ascending and
sharp, smoothly marginated mediastinal masses descending portions of the aorta at the level of the
that displace the trachea anteriorly and occupy diaphragmatic hiatus are other sites of injury. Ra-
the retrotracheal space (Fig 15). CT scans typi- diographic manifestations of traumatic aortic in-
cally reveal a heterogeneous mass continuous jury are nonspecific and include widening of the
with the cervical thyroid gland. Areas of hemor- mediastinum, tracheal displacement, inferior dis-
rhage, necrosis, and calcification are common placement of the left primary bronchus, displace-
(36). ment of a nasogastric tube to the right of the T4
spinous process, and extrapleural blood tracking
Mediastinal Hemorrhage.—Mediastinal hem- along the subclavian vasculature (apical pleural
orrhage can result from iatrogenic procedures cap) (41). Mediastinal hemorrhage, an indirect
such as central venous catheter placement or sign of aortic injury, can extend posteriorly and
from vascular injuries secondary to chest trauma manifest as a masslike area of increased opacity in
(37,38). Traumatic aortic injury typically occurs the retrotracheal space. Spiral CT is the initial
in patients who sustain rapid deceleration injury procedure of choice for evaluating a mediastinal
or blunt injury to the chest. Traumatic transec- abnormality after traumatic injury to the chest
tion of the aorta is usually immediately fatal, al-
though 10%–25% of patients survive the initial
S244 October 2002 RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue


Figure 16. Aortic transection in a 36-year-old man who had sustained a rapid deceleration injury. (a) CT scan
shows a mediastinal hematoma that obscures the mediastinal vessels, occupies the retrotracheal space, and displaces
the trachea to the right. (b) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows a pseudoaneurysm (*) medial to the proximal de-
scending thoracic aorta. Bilateral pleural effusions are also seen.

(40 – 42). Aortic transection can manifest as ex-

travasation of contrast material, a pseudoaneu-
rysm (Fig 16), abrupt change in aortic caliber, or
an intimal flap with diffuse mediastinal hemor-
rhage (38).

Infectious Lesions
Infection can spread to the retrotracheal space
from contiguous structures such as the thoracic
spine and paravertebral spaces or from retropha-
ryngeal and prevertebral spaces.

Cervical Abscess with Mediastinal Exten-

sion.—Infections in the retropharyngeal and pre- Figure 17. Retropharyngeal infection with mediasti-
vertebral spaces can spread caudad to the retro- nal abscess formation in an 18-year-old man with iatro-
tracheal space. In children, cervical abscesses genic pharyngeal perforation. CT scan shows widening
usually result from tonsillar infection or traumatic of the middle mediastinum with a large retrotracheal
perforation of the pharynx (Fig 17) (42– 44), abscess that fills the retrotracheal space and displaces
whereas in adults, they are often associated with the trachea and esophagus anteriorly. An air-fluid level
within the abscess cavity is also seen.
mediastinal tuberculosis and pyogenic spondylitis
impactions occur in children who accidentally or
Acute Mediastinitis.—Rupture of the esopha- intentionally ingest coins, toys, or other foreign
gus may be due to diagnostic and therapeutic en- objects (43). In adults, the most common foreign
doscopic procedures as well as to blunt thoracic bodies within the esophagus are animal or fish
trauma and foreign body impaction (41,44). The bones. Esophageal foreign bodies can manifest
cervical and upper thoracic portions of the esoph- radiographically in the retrotracheal space as a
agus are the most common sites of rupture. The focal area of increased opacity or as a retrotra-
majority of pharyngeal or esophageal foreign body cheal abscess or mediastinitis due to esophageal
perforation. Esophageal fistulization secondary to
esophageal carcinoma may also be a cause of me-
diastinal abscess (Fig 18) (47,48).
RG f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Franquet et al S245

RadioGraphics References
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