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hi teacher, I'm good at cooking so I want to show you a cooking recipe.

this mango cheesecake recipe is from the youtube channel "hidamari cooking".

Teacher, could Ior someone transmit the video to explain the recipe?

This cheesecake is a Japanese cheesecake, so it doesn't need eggs or an oven. the cheesecake has
4 tiers, each tier has a different flavor, the bottom tier is a cookie crust, then a mango cheesecake
tier, then a cheesecake tier, and finally a mango jelly topping

First we must gather the ingredients for the cheesecake and what are the ingredients for the

-to make the cookie crust we need:

90 grams of cookies

25 milliliters of milk

-to make both cheesecakes we need:

200 grams of cream cheese

50 grams of sugar

30 milliliters of milk or koumiss

5 grams of gelatin

a little lemon zest

one third of lemon juice

200 milliliters of heavy cream

60 grams of mango puree

--to make the mango jelly we need:

30 milliliters of water

2 grams of gelatin

10 grams of sugar

40 grams of mango puree

now we must prepare the cookie crust

first we must crush the crackers, in the video the lady crushes the crackers with a plastic bag and
any kitchen tool (in this case is a rolling pin), but I recommend using the cheese grater to make the
cookie powder, if we use the cheese grater we will have a smoother cookie crust. I also
recommend sieving the cookie powder to crush the missing cookie pieces for the same reason.

after that, you need to mix the 25 milliliters of milk and the 90 grams of cookie powder to create a
cookie dough.

flatten the cookie dough in the mold of your choice, you must create a uniform surface with the
cookie dough that covers any space in the mold. this method is recommended when using a
removable cake molds because the liquid content can escape from low quality molds.

lastly, store the cookie crust in your fridge.

And now we must prepare the cheesecake

First, in a bowl, mix the 200 grams of cream cheese and the 30 grams of sugar, always remember
to use wrapping movements so that the mixture does not lose air.

then in another bowl mix the 30 milliliters of milk or koumiss and the 5 grams of gelatin using the
bain-marie method to melt the gelatin in the milk, the bain-marie method is to heat the contents
of a bowl with hot water, it is usually used to melt chocolate. For this recipe I recommend using
more gelatin because the gelatin of our country is usually less effective, is what I think of the times
I've done it.

after that you must mix the cream cheese mixture and the gelatin mixture. then, you must add the
lemon zest and a one third of lemon juice. remember Do not mix too much because you may
break the mixture.

then you must whip the whipped cream in the mixer using 200 milliliters of heavy cream and 20
grams of sugar. remember again Do not mix too much because you may break the mixture.

and it is recommended to use a special heavy cream to make whipped cream, it must have at least
30% fat content, it must also have been refrigerated for at least 12 hours and a last tip is to mount
it on a cold water and ice bowl, it is like making a bain-marie but to cool the mixture.

after that, you must mix the cheesecake mixture and the whipped cream. Again remember Do not
mix too much because you may break the mixture.

Now, separate the cheesecake mixture into two parts, keep one part of the mixture and mix the
other part with the mango puree.

finally, you must bring the mold that has the cookie crust layer and add the cheesecake mango
mixture you must refrigerate the mixture for a few hours and when the mixture is firm add the
other cheesecake mixture and refrigerate the mixture again. I recommend 1 or 2 hours because if
the mixture is not firm it would ruin the decoration.

now we must prepare the mango jelly

First in a bowl mix the 30 milliliters of water and the 2 grams of gelatin using the bain-marie
method to melt the gelatin in the water. remember it is better to have more than less, if you use
more gelatin it will help you.
in the video, the girl mixes the 10 grams of sugar and the mix gelatin but I recommend mixing the
sugar and the water before adding the gelatin.

after that, you should add the mango puree to the mixture and mix it all together. this mixture will
be the mango jelly.

Finally, add the mango jelly to the mold with the dessert and refrigerate for 1 or 2 hours.

after some time, you can demodulate and the dessert is ready, now we only have to decorate it.
for example, you can add pieces of mango or whipped cream or mint leaves or some other fruit.
the only thing that limits you is your imagination.

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