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The introduction to a disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation policies

and programs will talk about salient features of the RA 10121 or the DRMM Act of 2010 and RA
9729 or the CC Act of 2009. This course shall highlight on the 100% utilization of the 5% agency
budget dedicated for the DRMM and CCA activities at the LGU Level, 100% utilization of the 5%
LDRRMF for the implementation of DRRM response-CLUP and CDP related activities. This shall
likewise have covered DRMM and CCA mainstreamed in various plans (CDP and CLUP), laws,
policies, and/or ordinance enacted. Local DRRM councils and offices creation and functions
LESSON 1: Global DRRM-related Policies
& Programs (HYOGO and SENDAI)

Learning Outcomes
 Acquire basic understanding on the history or evolution of Hyogo
 Summarize the priority areas of Hyogo Framework and its targets.
 Summarize the priority areas of Sendai Framework and its targets
 Differentiate the improvements from Hyogo to Sendai targets and priorities

Disaster risk arises when hazards interact with physical, social, economic, and
environmental vulnerabilities. Disaster loss is on the rise with grave consequences
for the survival, dignity, and livelihood of individuals, particularly the poor, and
hard-won development gains.

Disaster risk is increasingly of global concern and its impact and actions in one
region can have an impact on risks in another, and vice versa. There is now
international acknowledgement that efforts to reduce disaster risks must be
systematically integrated into policies, plans and programs for sustainable
development and poverty reduction, and supported through bilateral, regional, and
international cooperation, including partnerships.
 Over the past years, site any disaster in our country that you can
remember. This could be local or took place on other regions of the
country. What do you think are our improvements through the years to
make us resilient on this type of disaster?

 Which of the hazards are present or could happen in your local
community, and which ones are less likely to happen and why?
HYOGO FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION In 2005, as an outcome of the World
Conference on Disaster Reduction, the international community working on DRR
adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).

This 10-year plan has become the key global instrument for guiding the impleme ntation
of DRR within all levels of society. With the overarching goal of achieving a substantial
reduction of disaster losses, in lives and in the social, economic, and environmental assets
of communities and countries, the HFA set five priorities for action:

1. Ensure that DRR is both a national and a local priority, with a strong institutional basis
for implementation.

2. Identify, assess, and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning.

3. Use knowledge, innovation, and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at
all levels.

4. Reduce the underlying risk factors.

5. Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels.

Who is responsible for implementing disaster risk reduction and the Hyogo Framework?

Collaboration and cooperation are crucial to disaster risk reduction: states, regional organizations
and institutions, and international organizations all have a role to play. Civil society, including
volunteers and community-based organizations, the scientific community, the media, and the
private sector, are all vital stakeholders. Following is an indication of the variety and diversity of
actors and their core responsibilities.
Expected Outcomes of Hyogo Framework for Action:

The substantial reduction of disaster losses, in lives and in the social, economic and
environmental assets of communities and countries.


The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was adopted at the Third
UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, on March 18, 2015. It is the outcome of
stakeholder consultations initiated in March 2012 and inter-governmental negotiations
from July 2014 to March 2015, supported by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk
Reduction at the request of the UN General Assembly.

Sendai Framework

• the successor instrument to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-
2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters.
Goal: Prevent new and reduce existing disaster risk through the implementation of
integrated and inclusive economic, structural, legal, social, health, cultural, educational,
environmental, technological, political, and institutional measures that prevent and reduce
hazard exposure and vulnerability to disaster, increase preparedness for response and
recovery, and thus strengthen resilience

Expected Outcome of the Sendai Framework:

The substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods, and health and
in the economic, physical, social, cultural, and environmental assets of persons,
businesses, communities, and countries.
Compare Hyogo Framework and Sendai Framework – Determine similarities and





Research the following concepts:

o Climate change
o Global Warming
o Greenhouse effect
o Climate Change Adaptation

Recitation on our next class meeting.

-nothing follows-

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