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The quality of a learning process can be seen in terms of students' critical thinking skills in
the learning process carried out or from the learning outcomes of students. Lesson study is
one of the learning approaches that can increase the effectiveness of collaborative learning.
This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using the stages in lesson study,
namely planning (plan), implementation (do), reflection (see). As for seeing the critical
thinking ability of students by conducting an assessment that refers to the ideal assessment
criteria. The application of lesson study with a collaborative learning model affects the
critical thinking skills of students in class XI IPA SMA X. The analysis of the collaborative
learning model is able to improve students' critical thinking skills which can be seen from the
results of the increase in the percentage of the four aspects. In the aspect of formulating
problems in the first cycle, an average of 15 was obtained with a percentage of 75% and
increased in the second cycle, namely an average of 19 with a percentage of 95%. Aspects of
conducting experiments in the first cycle obtained an average of 27 with a percentage of 90%
and in the second cycle obtained an average of 28 with a percentage of 93.33%. At the stage
of analyzing and presenting the results obtained the same results, namely an average of 14.5
with a percentage of 96.67%. The communicating stage in the cycle obtained an average of
11% with a percentage of 73.33% and an increase in the second stage of 11.75 with a
percentage of 78.33%.
Keywords: lesson study, collaborative learning, critical thinking skills

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