Newsletter No. 97 Jan 26, 2021

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Royal Embassy of Cambodia

Cambodia Highlights
No. 97 January 26, 2021
4530 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20011

PM: Boosting Economic Recovery and Supporting

Vulnerable Families Tops Government Agenda
Prime Minister Samdech “Cambodia’s economy million the vulnerable and
Techo Hun Sen has called expects to grow by almost the jobless,” the Premier
for joint efforts to boost 4% this year and we need said on Januar y 2 2 .
economic recovery, and joint efforts to stimulate
suppor t three million economic growth, and Cambodia economic
vulnerable citizens. suppor t nearly three growth rate was 13.3
p ercent in 2 00 5, 12
percent in 2006, and
11 percent in 2007, but
due to global financial
crisis, C a m b o d i a ’s
e conomy fell to 6.8
percent, and 0.5 percent
i n 2 0 0 9, u n d e r l i n e d
t h e Pr i m e M i n i s t e r.
(Continue to page 4)

500,000 Cambodians Expected to Cambodian Milled

Receive C-19 Vaccine in April Rice Expected to
Prime Minister Samdech are willing to take the Increase in
Techo Hun Sen announced vaccine. He reiterated U.S. Market
on January 22 that around that he will be the first President of Cambodian
500,000 Cambodians are person in Cambodia Rice Federation and CEO
expected to be inoculated to take the vaccine. of Amru Rice (Cambodia)
against COVID-19 before Co. Ltd. Song Saran
Khmer New Year that As his quest to obtain announced during a
will be held in April. COVID-19 vaccines for recent visit to the rice
Cambodians , Prime mill by U.S. Ambassador
The Premier said Minister Samdech Hun Patrick Murphy that
300,000 doses of China’s Sen has sent a letter to with the American-
Sinopharm vaccine will Indian Prime Minister standard silo installed at
arrive in Cambodia in Narendra Modi asking if Amru Rice’s rice mill in
February and has asked he will consider supplying Battambang province,
the Ministry of Health to the Indian-made Covaxin the quality of Cambodia’s
conduct a survey to find and Covashield vaccines rice will be fur ther
out how many people (Continue to page 2) (Continue to page 3)
to Cambodia. He is also the population. We will The working groups have
considering asking for buy another one million done a lot to fight against
vaccines from South doses through Covax , human trafficking in 2020,
Korea and purchasing which could be a mixture such as the Ministry of
the Oxford-AstraZeneca of vaccines from different Education developing a
vaccine from the United c o u ntri e s ,” h e s a i d. textbook for primary and
Kingdom with funds secondary education
provided by the Asian Cambodia’s COVID-19 to train students about
Development Bank . tally now stands at the prevention of human
456 confirmed cases, trafficking, the Ministry
“We have many options, consisting of 329 of Health developing
and we will also receive Cambodians, including policies related to the
vaccines from Covax , 81 Cambodian migrant health of migrant workers
which may arrive in workers who have and the Ministry of Labor
Cambodia by March, returned from Thailand working to create more
which will allow us to a n d 1 2 7 fo re i g n e r s . than 20,000 jobs for
vaccinate 20 percent of returning workers who
recently came back from
Thailand, she highlighted.
Human Trafficking Combat
Intensified in 2020 “ We also work with
the United Nations to
create jobs for returning
workers who can grow
crops to support their
livelihoods and the
committee has made
good progress in 2020
despite the COVID-19
pandemic,” she added.

Despite the COVID-19 Murphy to discussed Hungary to Boost
c ri s i s , t h e Nat i o n a l progress , challenges Cooperation
Committee for Counter and solutions in the fight
Tr a f f i c k i n g ( N C C T ) against human trafficking. Cambodia and Hungary
worked hard to combat agreed to expand
human trafficking in The inter-ministerial cooperation in potential
Cambodia, underlined working groups, both areas including
Ms Chou Bun Eng , at the national and sub- trade and economy;
Secretary of State of the national, have worked agriculture, food security
Ministry of Interior and together to respond to and forestr y ; water
Vi c e - Cha i r wo ma n o f human trafficking and resources management;
NCCT, during a meeting “the results we have education, youth and
on January 22 with US made have improved sports; culture; tourism;
A m b a s s a d o r Pa tr i c k year by year”, she said. (Continue to page 3)

Cambodian Milled Rice Expected to... meeting to review the
implementation of the
enhanced and more rice Cambodia, especially in Tourism Infrastructure
exports are expected the rice sector, in order Development Project
for the U.S. market. to ensure the progress for Environmental
and sustainability Growth in the Greater
With the high technology o f t h e a g r i c u l t u r a l Me ko n g Su b -re g i o n
in the rice production sector in the Kingdom. i n th e fo u r c o ast a l
chain and government’s provinces of Cambodia.
efforts to promote milled C a m b o d i a ’ s m i l l e d
rice on the international rice was shipped to
m a r k e t s , A m e r i c a n 60 countrie s around
people will know and the world, including Hungary to ...
acknowledge the quality of China, 24 countries in industr y, technology
Cambodia’s rice, he added. the European Union, and innovation; and
six countries in ASEAN, civil aviation. The
Ambas sador Murphy and 29 other countries, agreement was reached
lauded the good and 76 companies by both sides during
cooperation between engaged in the exports. the First Session of
Amru Rice and U.S. Last year, milled rice Cambodia-Hungar y
firm reflected by this expor t accounted for Joint Commission on
American-standard silo 6 9 0, 8 2 9 t o n s wo r t h Economic Cooperation
installation, underlining nearly US$539 million, on Januar y 20-21.
the U.S. is happy to support up 11 percent from 2019.
In term of trade and
economy, both sides
Kampot Tourism Seaport have shown a strong
Construction to Finish by Year End will to implement the
existing agreement
on the promotion and
protection of investment
between Cambodia and
Hungary, which entered
into force in August
2017, and welcomed the
participation of stimulus
agencies, including the
Hungarian Investment
Promotion Agency to
facilitate and attract
Hungarian investors
The c onstruc tion o f Thong Khon, Minister of to Cambodia, as well
i n t e rn a t i o n a l t o u r i s t Tourism and Chairman as to learn more about
port in Kampot province of the National Project Cambodia's potential
is about 50 percent Management Committee, products for export to
complete and is expected announced this progress the Hungarian market.
to finish by the end of 2021. o n Ja nu a r y 2 0 at a

Bridge Linking Kampong Cham-Tbong trade procedures and
Khmum Provinces Nears Completion regulations and determine
the appropriate scope of
each court’s jurisdiction
regarding commercial
o r la b o r c o n f l i c t s .

PM: Boosting
The economy is
projected to contract
by 2 percent in 2020,
T h e S t e u n g Tra n g - “ The bridge will make a b u t i s e x p e c te d to
Krouch Chhmar Bridge significant contribution bounce back and
has reached 95 percent to transportation, travel grow by 4 percent in
c omple tion and will and cargo transport for 2 0 2 1, a c c o r d i n g t o
be finished ahead of the people of Kampong Restrained Recover y,
schedule in March Cham and Tbong Khmum the World Bank’s latest
2021. It was originally provinces,” according to economic update for
due for completion the Ministry. Construction Cambodia, published
in May 2021, said the star ted on Februar y in mid-December 2020.
Ministry of Public Works. 9, 2018 at a total cost
of nearly $57 million. FDI inflows to projects in
non-garment industries
Cambodia to Have Trade, and agriculture have
been rising, likely
Labor Courts by Year End attracted by Free Trade
The Ministry of Justice Th e c o m m i tte e s a re Agreements, according
has formed on January comprised of 20 to the report. It also
21 two committees to members from the notes the opportunities
begin the process of j usti c e m i n istr y, th e to facilitate an expansion
establishing separate Su p re m e C o u n c i l o f of domestic and foreign
courts for commercial and Magistracy, government investment arising
labor disputes. These two delegates, the heads from recent bilateral
committee will prepare o f th e Ph n o m Pe n h and regional free trade
documentation and legal Munic ipal Cour t and agreements, including
briefs to determine each Appeal Court, and some the Cambodia-China
court’s relationship to other relevant officials. Free Trade Agreement
the lower courts and the and Regional
higher courts, including The committees will Comprehensive
the Appeal Court also examine any E c o n o m i c
and Supreme Cour t. necessary changes to Par tnership (RCEP).

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