1972 Jeep Bodies - Subassemblies - Panels - Fram - 1252783552

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rgrtr tEs-lrANELs- 14-1

Poge roge
C H E C K I N GF R A M EA L I G N M E N T / DOORS ....5
F R A M ED I M E N S I O N S /11
T E T A LP A N E L S . .. . . . 5
.. A
HOOD .... 6
F R A M ES P E C I F I C A T I O.N. .S 5 F R O N TF E N D EARN D A P R O NR E M O V A L . .. .. , . 7
A N D A S S E M B L I E. S 5 REAR Q U A R T EORU T E R PANEL ......... 9

@ Rodiotot
@l:',Jo.*" @l".iJo"*" @i'",tJ
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Hold Down
Hold Down
I ns</o s

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</, v :3 (e)

n <7?,1

A. Fromefor CJ-5 10. 38.40"
B. Fromefor CJ-6 I l. 18.61"
12. 10.63"
l. 84.00" Wheolboce(CJ-5) 13, 11.69"
2. 29.25" l,{. 3.19"
3. 11.62" 15. 17.88"
4. 39.36" 1 6 . 1 3 r . 3 8 "( C J - 5 )
5.3r.50" 17. 104.00" Wheelbose(CJ-6)
6. 32.12" r8. r5r.38" (CJ-6)
8. 21.72" 9.81" 3-Specd Troncmis:ion
9. 12.26" 14.,{4" 4-Speed Tronrmicrion

The f rome is the foundolion ond
structurolcenterof the vehicle.In od- FfGUREI - Frome -CJ-5/CJ-6
dition to corryingthe lood, it mounts
ond supporis the power unit while sive weor, siressond stroin. Of rugged roils in direct relotionshipto eoch
mointoiningcorrect relotionshipond design, ihe f rome is constructed of other,thereby,providingmoximumre-
o l i g n m e n to f t h e p o w e r t r o i n . T h i s heovy chonnel sfeel side roils ond sistonceto torsionoltwist ond stroins.
relolionshipossuresnormolfunctioning crossmembers. The crossmembersmoin- FiguresI through 5 illusirqtefromes
of the unitsond freedomfrom exces- toin the proper positions of the side for oll models.
t. 101.00,,
2. 29.25"
3. 11.62"
1. 33.25,'
5. I f.88. 13. 53.52.
6. 23.75" 11. 161.88"
7. 33.25" 15. 1t.oo,,
8, 32.25', t6. 5.22"
9. 39.20" t7. 19.96',
10. 24.72" 18. 31.78"
I l. 51,16. /i^,. \k 19. 8.72"
\g/ Kocliotor Guord Hold 20. n12"
t2. 44.52" Down
"A" DttA:
l.-lccca Tronsmirsio
-.uu,, f.Jpcod
,,r.g r TronrmisriO;
AUtonolic Trcnrmi$i


2 - Frome_ Commondo 172W

l. Jl.or;,Yt""'t"'
3. 30.00-
1. t5.06"
5. 42.11" 12. 20.@,
6. 12.50" 13.36.3t"
7. 15.88" t1. 12.87,,
8. 37.30,, t5.5.t3.
9. 46.75" 16. 13.69"
to. 52.60" t7. 15.31"
tt.2t.t2" r8. l3.oo"
20. 12.19'
22. 173.96

fIGURE3 _ Frome_
- FRAMES t4-3

L l20" Wheelbose 9. 11.12"

2. 31.38"
11. 18.79"
1, 12.56" Hold Down Hold Down Hold Down 12. 12.78"
s. 45.88" 13. 6.72"
6. 15.72" | 1 . 5 1. 3 7 "
7. 11.50" 15. 13.79"
8, 16.75" 16. 183.75"

4 - Frome- J-2000SeriesTruck

l. 132" Whcelbore
Body Body
o 9. 6.72"
5" 3.17.18" I l. 40.00"
Hold Oown Hold Down Hold Down
1. 12,50" _]rlr 12. 60.69"
5. 45.88" q4 _ 13. 42.78"
6. 15.72" :-Z-l Lt'1' 6 11. 56.18"
7. 11.50" l-t 15. 7.99"
8. 16.75" #,#*r-
tf\- Tttr
n Nl i
t6. 196,75"


5 - Frome- J-4000SeriesTruck

In the event of collision domoge,

it is importont thot lhe frome olign- SPRINGHANGERSTEPDIMENSIONS
ment be checked ond, if necessory,
r e o l i g n e d t o f r o m e d i m e n s i o n ss h o w n VEHICLE I _ FRONTSET 2 - REARSET
on ihe individuol dimension chorts.
Also wheel geometryond oxle olign-
ment should be checked. 4 . 15 " 3.22"
CJ.6 3.34"
CHECKINGFRAME Commondo 5.96" 4.94"
\A/^^^^a-. 6.04" 2.37"
ALIGNMENT Truck,J-2000 4.57" 2.49"
The most efficieni ond sotisfoctory T r u c kJ, - 4 0 0 0 4.53" l e(/,

method of checkingirome olignment

is with o frome olignmeni mochine
ond fixture equipped with the neces-
sory gouges ond bending tools for To check points thot hove been tween those poinis ihot ore not equol.
s i r o i g h t e n i n gt h e f r o m e m e m b e r s .N o m o r k e d , c o r e fu l l y m o v e t h e v e h i c l e
NOIE, During lhe process ol stroight-
otlempt will be mode in this monuol owoy from the loyout on ihe floor,
ening the frome, be extremely coreful
t o i m p l y o r i n s t r u c ti n t h e u s e o f s u c h ond proceed os follows,
not lo overstrefchlhe frome. Thrs could
equipment os eoch monufocturerof Check the {rome ot front ond reor
couse fhe olreody o/igned sections of
f r o m e s t r o i g h t e n i n gm o c h i n e sf u r n i s h e s e n d u s i n g c o r r e s p o n d i n gm o r k s o n t h e
the frome fo become misoliqned or
required operoiing instructions. lf o floor. lf widths correspond to frome
f rome stroightening mochine is not specificotions,drow o center line the
ovoiloble, frome olignment moy be l u l l l e n g t h o f t h e v e h i c l e ,h o l f w o y b e -
d e t e r m i n e db y u s i n g t h e " X " o r d i o g - tween the morks indicoiing front ond FRAMED]MENSIONS
onol method of checking from given reor widths. lf frome width is not cor- P o i n t sf o r c h e c k i n gf r o m e o l i g n m e n t
poinfs on eoch side roil. Figure 6 rect ond lhe cenler line connot be o r e i l l u s i r o t e di n F i g u r e sI t h r o u g h 6 .
illustrotesthe method of checking the loid out from checking points oi the The correct dimensions ore provided
frome. Figures I through 5 provldes end of frome, it con be drown through in the legend thot occomponies eoch
frome checking dimensions. i n i e r s e c l i o n os f o n y i w o p o i r o f e q u o l illustrolion.
T h e m o s i c o n v e n i e n tm e t h o do f m o k - d i o g o n ol s .
ing this check, porticulorlywhen the With the center line correctly loid
b o d y i s o n t h e c h o s s i s ,i s b y m o r k i n g o u t , m e o s u r et h e d i s t o n c ei r o m i t t o
on ihe floor oll dimensionol points severol opposite points over the entire A bent or twisted frome moy be
f r o m w h i c h m e o s u r e m e n t ss h o u l d b e length of the frome. lf the frome is stroightened provided the extenl of
ioken. This is known os "plumb-bob- i n p r o p e r o l i g n m e n t ,o p p o s i t em e o s u r e - misolignmentis not excessive.To ovoid
bing" the frome. Seleci o spoce on ment should be ihe some. weokening the frome. stroightening
the floor which is extremely level. lf To locote the points ot which the should be performed without the op-
working on o cement floor, cleon it f rome is sprung, meosure the diog- plicotion of ocetylene heot. li is rec-
so thol the cholk morkswill be visible onols morked AB, BC, ond CD os ommended thot severely domoged
underneolh the frome to be checked. shown in Figure 6. lf the diogonols frome poris be reploced.
lf working on o wooden floor, it is in eoch poir ore within /s", thot port
NOTE: A fechnigue known os "con-
o d v i s o b l et o l o y s h e e t so f p o p e r u n d e r - of the frome included between points
trolled heot" con be utilized where o
neoth the vehicle ond corefully tock of meosurementmoy be considered os frome seclion is "squoshed" ond rnusf
t h e m i n p l o c e . D r o p o p l u m b - b o bf r o m s o t i s f o c t o r i l yo l i g n e d . T h e s e d i o g o n o l s be brought out wtthout "feoring" or ex-
e o c h p o i n t i n d i c o t e di n F i g u r e6 , m o r k - s h o u l d o l s o i n t e r s e c to i t h e c e n t e r l i n e . cessive sfrelch lo lhe melol.
ing the floor directly underneoththe l f t h e m e o s u r e m e n t sd o n o t o g r e e
poini. Sotisfoctory checking depends w i t h i n t h e o b o v e l i m i t s ,i t m e o n s t h o t
e n t i r e l y o n t h e o c c u r o c yo f t h e m o r k s o f r o m e o l i g n m e n t c o r r e c t i o ni s n e c e s -
in relotion to the frome. sory ond will hove to be mode be-
W h e nt h e f r o m ei s p r o p e r l yo l i g n e d ,
t h e f r o n t o x l e o l i g n m e ntto t h e f r o m e
shouldolso be checked.The front oxle
is squorewith the frome i{ the distonce
betweenthe front ond reor oxles is
the some on bolh sides.
T h e d i s t o n c ef r o m t h e s p r i n gu p p e r
bushingsto the oxle on both sides
should be equol. Check both oxles.
NOfE, A/woysinspeclfhe springsfor
6 - TypicolFromeAssembly
FIGURE brokenspring cenlerbolts when check-
- FRAMES r4-5


cJ-s 29.25" 29.25" I3l.38"

cJ-6 5 29.25" 29.25" 1 5 1. 3 8 "
17" Commondo 4 29.25" 29.25" 164.88"
+, Wogoneer 5 34.25" 38.00" 173.96"
I (/'
TruckJ-2000 34.38" 44.50" 183.75"
TruckJ-4000 34.38" 44.50" 19s.75"

:re not equol.

essof slroight- ing the frome ond oxle olignmenl. wore, ond other ports moy be re- Golvonized Ponels
remelycoreful p o i r e d o n d r e u s e d .W h e n t h i s i s t h e
GENERATBODY cose, it is less expensiveto use o As on odded protectionogoinstrust,
me.Ihis could
ed sectionsof "skeletonbody" to which the undom o l l o r e o s v u l n e r o b l et o c o r r o s i o no n
oged or repoired porls con be trons- Wogoneer ond Truck Vehicles ore
All vehiclesore oll steel consfruc- ferred. golvonized,which,of course,requires
tion, hoving insulotedbody mounting o n e u t r o l i z e rp r i o r t o p o i n t i n g .T h e
poinls thot provide o secure ottoch- d i r e c t i o nosn t h e c o n i o i n eor f o l l p o i n t
rs menl to the chqssisfrome. The body INDIVIDUAL
PANELSAND moteriolsshould olwoys be followed
rme olignmenl hos been designed os o structurolly ASSEMBLIES for best possibleresulls.
s I through 6. soundunil, entirelyindependent of lhe
chossisfrome. All mojor body ponels Mony times replocing domoged
ore provided DOORS
ore of heovy gouge sieel, reinforced, ponelswith new portsis lessexpensive
> m p o n i e se o c h
flonged ond welded. The bodies ore l h o n r e p o i r i n gt h e d o m o g e ds e c i i o n . The completedoor, with outer ond
completelydetochoblefrom the chossis The vorious ossembledsectionsor i n n e rd o o r p o n e l sf l o n g e do n d w e l d e d
unit ond ore insulotedfrom the frqme o n y o f t h e i n d i v i d u opl o n e l st h o i o r e t o g e i h e ro n d p r i m e d .i s o v o i l o b l eo s
\ING ovoiloble for replocementore com- w e l l o s t h e o u t e rp o n e lo n l y .
by rubberspocersploced betweenthe
rome moy be body ond frome qnd held in position plete ond moy be instolledos o com- Thesemoy be used in coseswhere
the extent ol with body bolts. plete unit. However, in some coses t h e i n n e rp o n e l o n d p i l l o r o s s e m b l i e s
rssive. To ovoid only o portionof the unit is domoged ore not domoged, soving the extro
s t r o i g h t e n i n g Body Hold-DownSpocer beyond repoir, but to instoll o com- expenseof usingo completedoor.
,ithoutthe oP' plete new ponel or unil would require
reot. lt is rec' o consideroble omounto{ unnecessory
ely domogec Body spocersore locoted between lobor. lt is, there{ore,odvisoblethot
the body ond chossismountingpoints in suchcosesthe domogedseclionsbe Front ond reor bumperson CJ-S/

lo insuloteogoinstvibrotionsond rood cul from the body ot the locotionbest CJ-6 ond Commondoore of one-piece
nown 05 "COn'
noises. s u i t e di o r w e l d i n gT. h en e w u n i ts h o u l d construction.
ilizedwhere c
A periodicmointenonce inspection
is then be cut to the desired size ond Front bumpers on the Wogoneer
red" ond musl
necessoryto determinethe condition welded in oloce. ond Truckore of three-oiececonstruc-
leoring"or ex'
of body spocersond hold down bolts. tion. Reorbumpersof three-piece con-
rlol. Worn, looseor fotiguedbody spocers structionore used on the Wogoneer.
permitthe body to settlecousingpossi- REPLACEMENT
OF NEW However,Trucks,when equippedwilh
AXLE ble interferencebetweenthe floor pon PANELS o reor bumperhoveonly the two outer
ond vorious chossiscomponents.All bumper bors (no centerbumperbor).
In cosesof domoge to the vorious Bumperbor ends on the Wogoneer
lperly oligned, body hold down bolts ore occessible.
ponels of the body, where reploce- ond Truck moy be removedindivid-
I l o l h e f r o m e Wheneverthe body spocersond rodi-
ment will be required,coreful exomi-
The froni oxle otor hold downs ore reploced, the uolly. However,if the bumperis being
porfs (spocers, woshers ond notion shouldbe mode os to lhe ex- removed to provide occessto other
lf ihe distonce lotest
bolts) must be instolled. tent of lhe domogeto determinewhich components,it is recommendedthot
reor oxles it
ponels will be required for reploce- the three-piecebumperbe removedos
t springuPPet BODIES- SKETETON ln mosicoses,the weld lointsof one
o unit.
cn both sider
Primedskelelonbodiesore qvoiloble p o n e lt o o n o t h e ro r e v i s i b l eo n d i t c o n
k both oxles
in oll modelsos replocements
whenthe be eosilydeterminedhow they moy be
lhe springs for cor body is domoged beyond repoir seporoted for instollotionof o new
fi when check while the doors, trim moteriol, hord- oonel. Serviceproceduresfor removingond

replocingthe front end ossemblyos o Detoch the hood oonel from the the respectivemountingponels.Torque
unit, os well os the procedures for the hingesby removingihe ottochingbolts, oll ottoching bolts.
i n d i v i d u ocl o m p o n e n tosp p l y w h e t h e r lock woshersond flot woshers. Checkhoodolignment.lf not correci.
the completeossemblyis ottochedor Disossembly of the CJ-5/CJ-6hood opply the followingprocedure.
removedfrom the vehicle. is occomplished by removingthe hood
prop rod. hood prop rod retoinerclip, Hood Alignment
NOIE' When inslolling ony sheel
hood sidecotchbrockets, footmonloop
metol componenlor ossembly,it is rec- The hood hinge mountingholesore
ond windshield bumpers.
ommendedthot the finol tighteningof oversizedfor o ronge of odiustments:
Disossembly of the Commondohood
ottochinghordworebe deloyed until oll forword ond bockword.ond side to
is occomplished by removingthe loop
boltsond/or screwshove beenproperly side.
positioned ond the item properly lf the hood mustbe movedto either
Disossembly of the Wogoneer ond
oligned to its moting port. side,the hood lock loop striker,hood
Truckhood is occomplished by remov-
ing the hood lever lock ossembly,left lever lock, ond/or the sofety hook
HOOD o n d r i g h th o o d p o n e l b r o c er o d s ,o n d ossembly.occordingto vehiclemodel,
olso on the Wogoneerthe insulotion musifirstbe loosened. Thenloosenthe
The O-5/CJ-6 hood consistsof on
pod thot is cementedto the hood h i n g e m o u n t i n gb o l t s s l l g h t l yo n o n e
outer flonged ponel wiih inner U-
ponel. s i d eo n d t o p t h e h i n g ei n t h e o p p o s i t e
c h o n n e lw
s e l d e do t t h e f r o n t o n d r e o r
directionthe hood is fo be moved.Se-
of the hood oonel.
cure the bolts. Repeotthe procedure
The Commondo, Wogoneer ond HoodPonelAssembly
ond o n t h e o p p o s i t eh i n g e .
Truck hood consistsof on inner ond Instollotion The hood lock loop striker, hood
outer ponel flonged ond welded to- fever lock,ond/or the sofetyhook os-
gether ot the outer edges. Finger tighten reloted component
ports ond ossemblies to the hood sembly,occordingto the vehiclemodel
ponel. lf the Wogoneer hood ponel mustbe moved occordinglyto ensure
Hood Ponel Removol ond positivelocking.
insulotion pod hos been removed,
Disossembly cleon oft qll loose cement ond pod- On the Commondo.Wogoneerond
lf the somehood is to be reinstolled, porticles from ponel to ensure good Truck,shimbetweenthe hingeond the
hood wiih coslerond combershimsor
morkthe positionof the hingeson their odhesion when recemented.
flot woshersot the reor bolt, if the
respectivemountingponelsbefore re- Position hood ponel ossembly ond
hood is low in relotionto the cowltop.
movingthe hood ponel. olign the hinges with scribe morks on
lf the hood is too high ot the cowl,
shim ot the front bolt.

Hood Lock
The hood lock ond sofety cotch of
the Commondo,Wogoneerond Truck
incorporoteso releosesystem,whereby
the releoseleveroperotesthe lockond
the sofetycotch.
The O-5/CJ-6 hood is securedto
the front fendersby two hood retoin-
ing lotches.To releose,pull the lotches
stroightup ond turn slightlyot the end
of trovel.The hood moy now be roised
with the releoseof the sofeiycotchby
inserting fingers between the grille
bors to the right of center ond by
pulling to the left on the cotch. To
secureihe hood in the roisedposition,
remove the support bor from its re-
toining clip ond insert ihe free end
into the supportbor brocket.
The hood lock releose lotch on the

Commondo is locoted between the
centergrill bors. Pushup, movingthe
uS'--sid'corcn releoselever to its full trovel ond lift
€ the hood.
The hood lock releose lotch of the
Wogoneerond Truckis locotedunder
7 - HoodondRelotedPorls- q-5/CJ-6
F|GURE the front centerof the hood,obovethe

ng ponels.Torque

renl.lf not correct,


e of odiusiments:
rrd, ond side to

e movedto either
oop striker,hood
the sofety hook
lo vehiclemodel, t72oe0
FIGURE8 - Hood ond Reloted Ports- Commondo
l. Thenloosenthe
i slightlyon one g r i l l e . T o r e l e o s et h e l o t c h , r e o c h u n d e r
te in ihe opposite the hood, lift up with the fingers ond
to be moved.Se- lifi the hood. 9 - Hoodond RelotedPorts- WogoneerondTrr
rt lhe procedure The hood lock striker, hood lever
lock ond,/orthe sofety hook ossembly Remove bolts, woshers ond nuls se- l e n s o n d d i s c o n n e clfo m o s o c k e,t
op striker,hood o r e o d j u s t o b l e .L u b r i c o t eo l l p i v o t curing fender to rodioior grille guord s e m b l yf r o m l e n s .
>sofetyhook os- p o i n t sp e r i o d i c o l l y . Poner. Working f rom underside,rem
thevehiclemodel Pull fender outboord ond lift from b o l t s o n d w o s h e r sh o l d i n gf e n d e r
'dinglyto ensure vehicle. g r i l l e fo c e p o n e l . T h e n d i s c o n
Hood Bumper
broce ot fender. Working throu
A c o m b i n o t i o nw e o t h e r s t r i po n d Commondo wheel opening,removethe boltso
, Wogoneerond
r e h i n g eo n d t h e hood bumper is locoted ocross the R e m o v es i d e m o r k e r l i o h t f r o m woshersthot ottochthe fenderext
combershimsor t o p o f t h e r o d i o t o rg r i l l e g u o r d i n o fender. s i o n b r o c k e t o t h e { e n d e ro p r o n .R
reor bolt, if the fixed posiiionon the Jeep CJ-5ICJ-6 Removefront bumper. move bolts ond woshers ottoch
r to the cowltop. vehicles. Apply severol loyers of mosking fender io rockerponel iust belowt
gh ot the cowl, T h eh o o db u m p e ro n t h e C o m m o n d o . tope on the {ront {ender extension h i n g e p i l l o r s .N o t e t h e n u m b e ro
h. W o g o n e e ro n d T r u c ko r e o d j u s t o b l e . ponel to protect the point f rom positionof shimsbetweenthe fend
Rubbercops must be removedto od- scrolchesor mors. o n d r o c k e rp o n e l ss o t h e y c o n b e r
i u s t t h e b u m p e rb o l t s . L o o s e nt h e g r i l l e o n d p u l l o w o y t o instolledin the somewoy.
permit occessto the bolts ottoching Removelhe bolts ond woshersih
sofetycoich of FRONTFENDER the forword sectionof the fender ond ottoch the top of the fender to tl
tneerond Truck opron. f e n d e ro p r o n ,t h e h o o d h i n g es u p p
system, whereby Removebolts,woshersond nutsse- brocket, ond the fender-to-fire
rtesthe lock ond curing fender to firewoll,opron upper brocket.
chonnel, lower opron broce ond With the doorsin the open positi
I is secured to Remove or disconnect oll items ot- brocket. removethe fenderfrom the vehicle
vo hood retoin- toched io the opron of fender being Pull fender forword from flrewoll The fender opron con now be r
pullthe lotches removed. ond lift fromthe vehicle. moved.Removeor disconnect oll iie
ghtlyot the end Remove hood retoining lotch ond The fender opron con now De re- ottochedto the opron. Then remo
l now be roised side morker light from fender. moved.Removethe hood os described bolts ond woshers thot ottoch tf
sofetycotch by Remove bolts, woshers ond nuts se- in the "Hood" outline.Removeor dis- fender opron to the rodiotor supp
'een the grille curing fender ond fender broce to conneci oll items ottoched to the ond to the two brocketson the firewo
centerond by firewoll. opron.Then removeboltsond woshers
the cotch. To thot ottoch the fender opron to the
roisedposition, rodioJorsupportond to the firewoll. FRONTFENDER AND APRO
lr from its re-
the free end
Wogoneerond Truck
tcket. Spreodseolerevenlyoverqnd olo
e lotch on the Removethe front bumpersos de- surfoces whereferrderond ooronmo
between the scribed in the "FRONT AND REAR melol-to-metol contoctwith othershe
rp, movingthe B U M P E Ro" u t l i n e . metol oorls.
trovelond lift Removethe heodlightto goin occess Instolo l p r o n o n d f e n d e rh o l d i n g
t h r o u g ht h e o p e n i n g . ploce with finger tightenedbolts un
e lotch of the R e o c h t h r o u g h h e o d l i g h to p e n i n g oll bolts ond woshershove been i
t72c,3 ond removethe bolis ond woshersot- stolled.Thensecureoll nutsond bol
tod,obove the t o c h i n gf e n d e rt o g r i l l ef o c e p o n e l . I n s t o l lo n d r e c o n n e cot l l i t e m sn
l0 - FrontFender- CJ-5/CJ-6
Removeside morker lomp 16flss16p moved from the fender ono opro



F I G U R lE3 - G r i l l eP o n e l -
I I - FrontFenderond Relotedporfs- Commondo

P .t a\
o a



l4 - Grille Ponel-

- --Aeron Grille Removol
On the CJ-5/CJ-6, remove screws
ond wosherssecuringrodiotorto rodi-
otor guord ponel. Removebolts ond
woshers securing guord ponel lo
fenders. Remove rodiotor grille to
frome crossmember holddown ossem-
bly. Note sequenceof ports. Loosen
nutssecuringthe two rodiotorsupport
l2 - FrontFender- Wogoneerqnd Truck
FIGURE rods to the rodiotor grille guord sup-
port brockets. Remove rods from
brockets.Tilt guord ponel forwordond
suchos wiring horness,electricolcom- form o moximumstrengthtype rodiotor disconnectelectricolwiring ot heod
ponents,etc. guord. l o m p s e o l e db e o m u n i t , o n d p o r k i n g
Secureilemssuchos heodlight,grille The Commondogrille is one-piece lomp ossemblywire hornessot con-
ond/or front bumper which were re- melol construction, utilizingo seporote nectors.Lift rodiotorguord ponel from
leosed or removed to focilitote re- support ond boffle. vehicle.
movol of fender ond opron. Wogoneer ond Truck grilles ore On the Commondo, disconneci
one-piecemetol construction.A sep- ing light wiring ot hornessconnectors.
o r o t e g r i l l e f o c e p o n e lo n d o s u p p o r t Remove bolts ond wosherssecuring
TheCJ-5ICJ-6grille ond the support ond boffle ore used for rigidity ond g r i l l e . R e m o v eg r i l l e .
ond boffle ore welded together to serviceeconomy. On the Wogoneer ond Truck, re-
Y seoled beom unii. On the Wogoneer,
removethe side morkerlomp reflector
lens ond disconnectlomo socketos-
sembly from lens. Then remove side
morker housing.Removescrews,bolts
ond wosherssecuringgrille. Remove
/ I

-'\ lli
The reor quorter outer ponels ore I
welded to the body os indicotedby I
d o t t e dl i n e si n F i g u r e sl 6 t h r o u g h1 8 .
Whenever o reor quorter outer
ponel is reploced,it is very importont
to opply o suitoblerust preventotive
s u c ho s o w e l d p r i m e r t o o l l m o t i n g
surfocesprior to welding. lt is olso
very necessory to seol oll welded ioints
with Jeep Metol Joint Seoler. 72115

l6 - ReorQuorlerPonel- CJ-s/CJ-6

Grille Ponel
- Wogoneer

\r-----r. ///

Grille Ponel
- Truck

l5 - Grille Ponel- Wogoneerond Truck


rk- 721/€

re- l7 - ReorQuorterPonel- Commondo

FIGURE l8 - ReorQuorlerPonel- Wogoneer

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