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Memoirs of Her Scent Ch3: The Game


Edward is my brother and I like to see him happy, if seeing him happy means that I've got to be very careful around this Bella, so be it. Thank you, Bella, for coming into his life someday, I'll be able to tell you this, face to face, for now I'll watch over the both of you and make sure that no harm comes to either of you. My Alice, my Goddess likes you, so that's good enough a reason for me to like you. And so, until I can express my 'thank you' keep making Edward happy, you are family now; you are our sister and Edward's girl that's funny, there's- Nah, it couldn't be possible, anyway Bella, you are now a part of the Cullen's clan. That definitely puts a smirk on my face, welcome to the family Bella Swan.

"Can we come in?" Alice asked softly from the hall as she wrapped the door with knocks as I, tersely, struggled to sort out the feelings emanating through Edward's closed doo r towards me. There seemed to be some kind of struggle going on, however, laughter could be heard. Alice opened the door as Edward's voice carried itself to us.

"Go ahead, come in, please." My expression as I saw the scene before me must be a trifled shoc ked, I'm sure, Bella was conventionally seated on Edward's lap and upon seeing us her cheeks burned with a sweet taunting song making me pause at the door for precarious reasons, all in all Edward seemed at ease and in control. Edward. However, Alice seemed to find nothing wrong with their embrace, she walked- danced really, in that peculiar graceful way of hers- to the center of the room, where she folded herself

lithely onto the floor, content. All the while I stared at Edward, tasting the atmosphere with my unusual sensitivity and sensed the curiosity that radiated from Bella and Edward's contented ease.

"It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share, investigating you see," my Alice announced. Bella stiffened for an instant, until she realized that Edward was grinning- her trust of Edward impeccable.

"Sorry, I don't think I have enough to spare," Edward replied, his arm holding Bella recklessly close, causing her to blush and once again I was impressed and shocked, but it quickly passed.

"Actually," I said, smiling despite myself as I allowed myself to walk into the room, "Alice says there's going to be a real storm tonight, and Emmett agreed to play ball once she told him. Are you game?"

Apparently the context of my words confused Bella, however, I could tell that she gathered Alice to be more reliable than the weather man and she was right, if that's what she was thinking, which, even though I can't read minds like Edward - and he can't even read hers- seemed to be the case.

I saw Edward's eyes lit up, but he seemed hesitant as his gaze turned to Bella. I stared at the both of them with curiosity, a frown adorning my granite features, and thought of the

abandonment with which Edward expressed himself in front of his Bella, his human girlfriend. He seemed completely at ease being himself in front of Bella and she, too, seemed at ease as if the events that unfolded before her were second nature to her. Normally, the human reaction to us would be to feel scared witless

and flee or simply have the urge to kill such appalling creatures that tarnished their society and threatened their existence. Bella was different, and this had been the cause of Edward's suffering for he couldn't believe, though it made him happy, tha t Bella would so easily accept him and return his feelings, it disturbed him to no end. I wondered what would have happen if he had never confessed his feelings for her; would he have gone mad, lost in his own grievance as we began to loose a member of our family? His dilemma had really troubled us all, especially Rosalie.

Then again, what Rosalie was feeling was jealousy and yes, there was depth to her jealousy more than I could have fathomed if had been looking from the outskirts. Rosalie seemed to be un able to come to terms with the fact that someone was, willingly, wanting to be a part of our damnation, to go as far as to abandon everything that she, herself, had been so brutally stripped of and would have given anything to have once more and knowing th at it was impossible simply idled her and put her on edge making the sound of Bella's name and any mention of Bella herself like a curse. And the fact that Edward desired this child didn't improve her odds for Edward hadn't given the always desired Rosali e a second glance when she had joined them, though, admittedly she had been brought to Edward in the hope that he would choose her as his mate, but he hadn't. Edward was a stubborn teenager who would eternally remain so, never changing.

"Of course you can bring Bella," Alice chirped, causing me to throw a quick glance at her, but not quick enough, Bella had probably caught.

"Do you want to go," Edward asked Bella, excitedly, his expression vivid.

"Sure." Bella had replied; she seemed to struggle as not to disappoint Edward, though her answering voice hadn't given any of that away. "Um, where are we going?"

"We have to wait for thunder to play ball- you'll see," Edward promised in reply.

"Will I need an umbrella?"

The three of us laughed aloud. Leave it to Bella Swan to be worried about such trifle matters. Once more Bella's peculiarity reached out to me, she seemed so comfortable, here, talking with us even though she was completely surrounded in a home that was packed with seven lethal vampires that cou ld strike at any given moment. I assure you, had that been our resolve she wouldn't have been able to survive, there was no escaping her fate, had we chosen to end her life, however we hadn't and we wouldn't. Now I found myself amazed at her boldness, she had willingly stepped into our den, the child had guts I give her that, and unable to ignore such acts I found myself admiring her.

"Will she?" I asked my sweet Alice.

"No." Alice was positive and that seemed to be the only reassurance that Bella needed, however Alice continued to explain. "The storm will hit over town. Leaving the clearing where we'll play dry enough."

"Good then," I was ecstatic with enthusiasm and it was catching, naturally Bella seemed eager, rather than rigidly scared.

"Let's go see if Carlisle will come," Alice bounded up to the door, grabbing my hand in the process, in a fashion of heart breaking fluidity.

"Like you don't know," I teased, and we were swiftly on our way. I managed to inconspicuously close Edward's door behind me.

"What will we be playing?" I heard Bella ask Edward, in a fashionably demanding tone.

"You will be watching," Edward had clarified. "We will be playing baseball."

"Vampires like baseball?"

Bella's tone was incredulously

amused as I vividly pictured her rolling her eyes.

"It's the American pastime," Edward had said with mock solemnity as Alice and I reached the door to Carlisle's study and silently pushed it open. Without knocking we entered and there sat Carlisle, with an open book in hand, reading and Esme, holding his free hand, at his side as she watched him, trying not to miss anything, not even a frown. They looked up, acknowledging our presence with a warm and inviting smile as we made our way to the foot of the desk where they sat.

"What's in your mind, my dear Alice," Carlisle inquired with a smile, putting his book down, as he spotted Alice's mischievously excited face, he knew her well. I couldn't help but cough in an attempt to cover the laughter that had escaped my lips, it hadn't worked, Alice swiftly glared at me and I gazed back, attempting to look remorseful and failing terribly; I would be in sweet trouble for that later.

"Yes, what brings you here; speak your mind for you seem to want to ask us something. Alice, Jasper?" Esme urged.

"There's going to be a real storm tonight, we figured we could play ball and the others already agreed and so we wasted to see if you would join us," Alice announced, voice laced with implication. Carlisle and Esme looked at each other with a swift smile a nd a glint in their eyes, understanding.

"I believe, I'm sure, that you already know my answer to your invitation." It wasn't a question, it was a statement and I could taste the excitement and amusement that dominated both Carlisle and Esme.

"Clearly," Alice nodded, "I just thought it polite to ask."










appreciatively, with a calm smile adorning his lips. Esme nodded.

"Will Bella, alongside Edward, be joining us?" Inquired Esme looking hopeful, she had clearly loved Bella and had adopted her as one of her daughters without hesitation; that was Esme for you.

"Yes, Bella has agreed to it and now they are on their way to Charlie's to see if he agrees," Alice replied smugly, I grinned.

"Obviously, he'll say yes?" I offered.

Alice huffed, smugly, rolling her eyes and nodded eagerly causing Carlisle, Esme and I to burst out laughing as she pretended to look indignant while attempting to hide her own fits of laughter that were beginning to curve the corners of her lovely mouth.

Her lips fleetingly distracted me, and my laughter ceased, as they allured me and begged to be kissed as a chant of silvery laughter escaped them. My desires most have been showing for Carlisle chose to interrupt my longing at that moment as he cleared his throat and called my name, I pretended not to have heard.


"Hmm" came my distracted response, as he called my name for the third time, it sounded far as if from a stranger. Alice had caught my gaze as I tried to tear my gaze from my flawless goddess whose gaze had become sheepishly seductive and

invitingly with a daring glint. I loved how I could make her feel sheepish, a woman who was never shy in any way, who would have thought looking at her now.

"You said the other's had agreed, even Rosalie?" Carlisle continued, once my eyes, with much regret, had sought his and now found them.

"Yes," I sighed, "they where the first to know."

"Right, thank you, off you go now." We were dismissed.

"Alice," I said, offering my hand for her to take, she gladly twined her fingers with mine, sending waves of electricity from her fingertips to mine up my arm, I smiled and so did she. Her serenity told me that she felt the shock too; in one swift movement we were out of Carlisle's study and on our way to drown ourselves in each others embrace.

Apart from our lips seeking each other urgently and longingly, we had no need for physicality at the moment, I would simply relish in the senseless way that her touch made me feel as they left icy traces of fire upon my skin as she touched me, knowing as I tasted her that I had the same effect on her. Like I said before, I had eternity to make love to her, there was no rush and besides, even though we had nothing but time it seemed like at the moment we did not have the sufficient amount, the time we were provided with before the game would only be adequate for staring and seducing.

It had been drizzling as we began to make our way towards the clearing that would witness, once more, like many times before our crazed baseball game. As we waited for Edward and Bella to arrive Carlisle occupied himself with marking the perimeter, while Alice and I chatted away and Esme, Emmett and Rosalie sat on a bare outcropping of rock about a hundred yards away from were Bella and Edward would be arrive thru.

A roar of laughter interrupted us momentarily and we looked in the direction it had come from. I was positive it had been Edward laughing, at what exactly had he been laughing I wasn't sure, but that didn't matter at the moment. I was beginning to feel the rush of the game, they were here and Bella was with him, I could smell her and I almost doubted my nose when I realized that she smelled even more appetizing in the rain, her damp hair, even from such a distance, was tantalizing me but I would be in control.

As they appeared and everyone closest to them, but Rosalie, greeted them Alice glided her way towards them and announced, "It's time." And sure enough, as soon as she had spoken a deep rumble of thunder began to shake the forest beyond us, and then crashed westward toward town. A few more words were exchanged

before Edward and the others that had been greeting Bella, except for Esme, joined Carlisle and I in the field. Esme and Bella began to walk towards us, at human rhythm, to the clearing were Bella would be able to watch the game, all the whilst Esme talking to Bella.

Judging from the different surges of emotions that ran through Bella I knew that Esme must have been telling Bella her story of how she came to be. Esme stopped and so did Bella beside her; they had reached the edge of the field. We had by now organized ourselves into teams, all we needed was for Esme to give us the word and we would start.

"All right," Esme called in a clear voice that carried to us. "Batter up."

Alice stood straight, holding the ball in both hands at her waist, and then, like the strike of a cobra, her right hand flicked out and the ball smacked into my hand. The games had begun. I hurled the ball back into my Alice's awaiting hand. She permitted herself a brief smile that she sent my way and I in turn returned. And then her hand spun out again.

This time when the bat made it around in time to make contact with the ball I felt understanding coming off of Bella's emotion.

"Home run," I heard her mutter, just briefly.

"Wait," Esme cautioned her, listening intently, one hand raised. Emmett ran around the bases and Carlisle shadowed him. Edward had gone to fetch the ball, his emotions vivid with the want of showing off for his mate and doing the thing he loved most,

running. Though I suppose that came in second now, or whatever priority that was in, for he loved being with Bella most and would never exchange that for anything. Now he seemed to have fallen into the habit of taking her with him to do the things he most cherished, and showing it to her making it even more memorable every step of the way.

As we continued playing I couldn't help but, for some unknown reason, feel embarrasses as I raced to first base and Carlisle collided with me, the sound thunderous like two massive falling boulders. Amidst my embarrassment, however, I contented myself in realizing that Bella had jumped up in concern, so her love did extend as far as to the family and not just when Edward wa s concerned. That was good, proved that she could easily fit into a large household, even if that household was one filled with vampires.

When Edward had caught the third out Emmett's team was up by one. He sprinted to Bella's side, sparkling with excitement to question her opinion on what she thought. I vaguely listen to their conversation until something Bella said caught my attention -

"I'm a little disappointed," she had pointed out, I frowned.

"Why?" Edward had asked, as puzzled as I was.

"Well, it would be nice if I could find just one thing you didn't do better than everyone else on the planet." Oh, so she had been teasing him, by now I could feel that Edward was smiling, leaving her breathless- for some reason that

"I'm up," Edward informed her, heading for the plate.



the score constantly changed


the game

continued and we razzed each other like street ballplayers as we took turns in the lead. The thunder rumbled on, but we stayed dry, as my Alice had predicted.

Carlisle was up to bat, Edward was catching, when suddenly my goddess gasped and I raced to her side. Edward, as usual, met her eyes and something flowed between them in that instant. He was at Bella's side before I or any of the others could ask Alice what was wrong. I never thought it fair, how he knew what was wrong with my Alice before I did.

"Alice?" Esme's voice was tense, just like I felt.

"I didn't see- I couldn't tell," she whispered upon meeting my concerned and questioning gaze. All the others had gathered by this time.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked with the calm voice of authority that he always took when addressing a reluctant Alice.

"They are traveling much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before," she murmured. I flinched; I knew how much Alice hated to admit that she was mistaken.

I leaned over her, my posture protective. "What changed?" I asked her, I needed to let her understand that it might have been a change rather than a mistake.

"They heard us playing, and it changed their path," she answered, contrite; feeling responsible for what had frightened her, for what she had witnessed.

My eyes, along with six other pairs, flashed to Bella's face and away.

"How soon?" Carlisle asked, now directing his words to Edward. A look of intense concentration crossed his face.

"Less than five minutes. They're running- they want to play." Edward scowled to my dismay. I could feel the tides of anger, frustration, and annoyance that flooded through his body.

"Can you make it?" Carlisle asked him, his eyes flickering to Bella again.

"No, not carrying-" He cut short. "Besides, the last thing we need is for them to catch the scent and start hunting."

"How many?" Emmett asked Alice. He seemed excited a nd I fought the urge to growl at him.

"Three," she answered tersely.

"Three!" he scoffed. "Let them come." His steal bands of muscle flexed along his massive arms, that was Emmett for you, always looking for a challenge. Carlisle deliberated for a long p ause, yes even to me it seemed long. Only Emmett seemed unperturbed; I along with the rest stared at Carlisle's face with anxious eyes.

"Let's just continue the game," Carlisle finally decided. My eyes narrowed incredulously. His voice, however, was as co ol and leveled as always. "Alice said they were simply curious." All this was exchanged in a flurry of fluid words that lasted only a few seconds.

"Are they thirsty?" I heard Esme ask Edward with the silent vibrations of her lips, so that Bella wouldn't hear. Edward shook his head and a look of relief spread across her face.

"You catch, Esme," he said. "I'll call it now." And he planted himself protectively in front of Bella.

The rest of us returned to the field, warily we all swept the dark forest with sharp eyes. Alice and Esme orientated themselves in the direction were Bella and Edward stood.

"Take your hair down," Edward was telling Bella in a low, even voice. Only I could feel the war brewing beneath the reserved mask.

Obediently, Bella slid the rubber band holding her hair in place out of her hair and shook it around her. I couldn't help but think that this wasn't going to work.

"The others are coming now." She stated the obvious.

"Yes, stay very still, keep quiet, and don't move from my side, please." Edward hid the distress from his voice well, but I was sure Bella could hear it as did I. He pulled Bella's long hair forward, around her face, trying but failing to cover up her scent.

"That won't help," Alice said softly. "I could smell her across the field." As did I, unfortunately.

"I know." A hint of frustration colored his tone, Bella had not missed it.







we joined

the game

halfheartedly. The seconds ticked by; the game progressed with apathy now, all our previous vividness gone. No one dared to hit harder than a bunt, and Emmett, Rosalie, and I hovered in the infield. Now and again Rosalie's eyes darted toward Bella, something that she had not missed despite the fear that numbed her. To Bella's eyes they migh t have seemed expressionless, but to mine they showed a very livid Rosalie, as I had never seen before.

Edward paid no attention to the game at all, eyes and mind ranging the forest. He was aggravated with himself.

"I'm sorry, Bella," I heard him mutter fiercely to his Bella. "It was stupid, irresponsible, to expose you like this. I'm so sorry." A wave of remorse washed over me, from his direction, as he said this.

Suddenly his breathing stopped, and his eyes zeroed in on the right field, I followed suit and I heard them before I saw them. Edward angled himself in front of Bella, taking a half step to stand between Bella and what was coming. Carlisle, Emmett, and the others turned in the same direction, hearing as well the sounds of passage before seeing the intruders themselves.

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