Explorers 5 - Unit1

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Say the rap. @)§ We're the Explorers, We're ready to go! I'mA,I'mE, I'm, mo. Hey! Hello! We're Explorers too. My name's Y, And her name's U. We hunt for clues On the pages of the book Join our team And help us look! Then find. Listen and repeat bike trainers T-shirt sandwich chocolate pizza cheese orange fish book bag computer game brush three eleven thirteen fifty-six eighty-one ninety-nine one hundred Listen. What's the word? @)$” ‘Ask and answer in pairs. ® Can you guess this word? C -H @ Chocolate! @® No. C-H-E @ Cheese! ® Yes! Your turn now. Read and say True or False. 1 Aisin ona bus. 2. Ehas got a radio. 3 is happy. 4 Olikes pizza. 5 U hasn't got a telescope. 6 Y can ride a bike. Name: Josh eleven Ag Re ectrotters Family: on brother andone iter Fevourtes Fovoutes ‘© number: 5 © number: 8 feats crocolave Shoes pia Name: Aifis geen : Family: one sister hal brother ones © number: 99 nmber 100 IS ooo © food: big sandwiches Nome: Poppy Name: Hayley ' Age: ten Age: eleven Family: two sisters Family: ro brothers or sisters ’ Favourites Favourites | ® number: 64 Snwmber: 5 © food: © food: fish © Match the questions and answers. ee 4 How old is Josh? @ Big sandwiches. 2 What's Becca's favourite number? b No, she hasn't 3 What's Alfie's favourite food? ¢ Yes, he has. One brother and one sister. 4 Has Liam got any brothers and sisters? d He's eleven, 5 Has Hayley got any brothers and sisters? e Ninety-nine, © Make more questions. Ask and answer in pairs. How old is Liam? | ~~ | He's ten, ‘Yes, that’s right. Your turn. Sa | Winean What's Poppy's Ae le number? j= \ Sity-tor Listen and read. not’s Hayley’s favourite colour? MALLETT 3) Read the questions. Listen and match. ( The boys and girls are in the shed. motsinthe tube? a some books prey fecal oes = box? —b_ some CDs | L the bag? ¢ a poster l ») © Look. Listen and repeat. “ Explore grammar Possessives: ’s © What's this? > What are these? 2 It's Alfie's poster. Q They're Becca's books. Pe Read and say True or False. 7 & It's Josh's hat, 4 2 It’s Becca's book. 5 It's Hayley's bag, They're Poppy's brushes. 3 They're Alfie's trainers, 6 They're Liam’s computer games & Listen and read. (%) x When's your a When's your “ag °s on the 24th serhaay? D7 W's onthe Tes onthe 20m, pag September to Oth of July. OK. Let's write it on the calendar. Look at the Explorers and read the questions. Find the answers on pages 2-4. Write the answers. poses Rd ahd eet3 i the} | ff + High Tree Trail 1. What's Becca doing? @ She's sleeping RCRA 2 What's Josh doing? b a 3 What's Alfie doing? He g to an MP3 player. A 4 What's Jenny doing? d_ He's eating popcorn ead a magazine Liam: Make more questions. Ask and answer in pairs Hcy iya) ce \_ What's Peppy doing? } » shou $ ? She's laughing, ay Let's revise! ‘© Listen and say the number. @)%2" © Listen again. Repeat. og © Listen. what’s Bernard doing? ©)?’ © sing Noisy Bernard. Tinkle, smash, bang ba Tinkle, smash, bang Bernard's very noisy. He's making such a Tinkle, smash, bang bai What's he doing now? Chorus He isn’t eating popcor He isn’t playing his gi He isn’t dancing hip | He's making a new Chorus © Read. 1 organize my vocabulary with word spiders like this... The children are at the High Tree Trail. Josh and Becca are Listen and answer. in the trees. The instructor is talking to Liam and Poppy. Does Liam like the High Tree Trail? A Z ‘oes Poppy like the High Tree Trail? 4 2 Listen again. Write Tue or False. | Liam is talking to Poppy. Becca is walking to the tree house. Becca is wearing a green jacket The instructor can't see Josh. r 2 3 4 Poppy is taking photos. 5 6 Josh is climbing a tree Look. Listen and repeat. ©)'5 Explore grammar Present Continuous: questions © |s Becca wearing a red jacket? © Is Josh jumping? Yes, she is. Q No, he isn’t Read and guess. Listen and check. Play the game in pairs. @ Ishe laughing? No, he isn't @ Ishe climbing? R Yes, he is. ® | know! It’s number Gi! Listen and read. ‘Look at Hayley. he's climbing that, Yes, she is. Wow She's good! < E < mw et 2 Ned Look out! She's j coming this way. Be careful, Josh. WY Don't fal on that banana skin! BOD essen 5) Listen and repeat. scared tired hungry excited Read and listen. 1 We're ready te start! We're wearing our harnesses and yockets. We're very excited ond wa'te laughing o lot! This is our frst time here. It's fin. 3 This is our instructor. She's helping us today. She’s giving me some weber. {in realy thirsty. 2 dosh and Aifie are next to the first: big tree. It’s really tig. Leok! Theyre scared! 4 Becca is at the end Sho con't stand up. She's very, very tired. She isn t excited now! the trail 5 Liam is hungry. Leok! He's eating fan enormaus agg and salad sardwich And he's got « banana too! a es 1 Is Becca tired? 3 Is Liam hungry? 5 Are Alfie and Josh scared? 2 Is she scared? 4 Ishe thirsty? 6 Are they hungry? Read again. Answer. Look. Listen and repeat. (© grammar Verb to be: questions Ishe hungry? Yes, he is. Are they scared? Yes, they are. Is she excited? No, she isn’t. Are they thirsty? No, they aren't. @\ = ead Se oe : Woodland as EE ee Talk about the flashcards. Read, listen and answer. $8’ How many layers can you find in this wood? This is the canopy layer. It’s sunny with lots of green leaves. Ee) . md. £2 This layer is the leaf litter. It's made of dead leaves, Read again, Answer. |“ Where can you find plants with flowers? 3. Where is it light and sunny? 2 Where can you find small trees and bushes? 4 What's made of dead leaves? Listen and find. @)53 spider 2 robin 3 owl 4 mouse 5 nuts 6 berries 7 hedgehog @ squirrel 9 worm ) Look at the picture. Write True or False. | —{~ 4 Spiders and insects live in the canopy layer. 5 Mice and hedgehogs live in the ground layer. 2 Spiders and insects are food for robins. 6 Owls eat small animals like mice. 3 You find berries in the canopy layer. 7 Worms live in the shrub layer. 4 Berries and nuts are food for squirrels and birds. 8 Hedgehogs eat owls. Explore the Internet with your teacher. Li Ree ER aC Lc met G}-texon®) Let's explore! — Read and listen. 1 Where are Marek and his class? jat can you learn at this centre? Clara and | are washing the dishes. The Dera ome I'm at the Rangers Centre with my class CT aC a tro eet a UR ee ee aad Moke ee aes Re es eee CO eae ees Pen tar een Meena and Clara are happy with their ee © Read the postcards quickly. Match the text and photos. ( 4 — Dear & 2 ) Dear Granny - ue } Today I'm in the woods. I'm at the 1? Hato georgt | Rangers Centre with my class and ; my friends. It's hot and ‘sunny e's Lunchtime and we're Learning to cook on a fre. Leo is cooking sausages. We're cooking potatoes in the fire too. We're ‘all hungry! We're taking photos! T'mat the Rangers Centre with | my class. It's a beautiful place, We're learning to tive in the woods. We're having a great time! We're making a shelter and we're using trees and branches. It's nearly finished now. I've got a photo for you, Love Clara Arranger iswith us and we're ooking | | at plants and animals, We're Learning lots of : things about them. Take care a Marek See you soon © Read again and listen. @)S!" Write True or False.| Postcard 1 Postcard 2 Postcard 3 7 Marek is writing to his sister. 4 Marek is writing to his mum. 1 Clara is writing to her mum. 2 it's hot'and sunny. 2 Leis cooking hamburgers. 2 Clara is having a horrible time. k is with a ranger. 3° Marek is thirsty. 3 She’s making a shelter with trees and branches. Toes Rangers Centre! oO Look at Mare! ’s phot s. List d say the le te © Listen and repeat. ©): ©) Make a new dialogu leisy Hello Are you having | No, it’s horrible, cd time? eerie “ it's OK Yes, it’s great! What ore you doing? | } I'm cooking potatoes } I'm making a shelter.

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