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How to stop Alopecia Areata from spreading

Alopecia Areata is also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. In this
condition the hair falls off from multiple patches all over the scalp. If it is not checked it can
result in alopecia totalis which is almost complete loss of hair on the scalp.
There is no known cure for this condition in the allopathic system of medicine. The only
method of treating alopecia is hair transplant. This is not only expensive but also causes a
lot of discomfort.
The best bet to overcome such so called incurable problems is Ayurveda. This is a 5000
year old science which treats the person holistically and cure many ailments for which there
is no treatment in allopathic system of medicine.
If you find that you have symptoms of Alopecia Areata, then you should immediately consult
a good Ayurvedic doctor. The best part about Ayurvedic treatment is that the modern day
Ayurveda doctors have conducted several experiments and improved the original ancient
Do not fall for the one size fits all cures that are marketed to make you believe that they will
cure your baldness. Instead the treatment of this problem is effective only if it is done from
inside out.
The modern day Ayurveda doctors will not only prescribe the herbal oils and lotions for
topical application, they will also treat you with the holistic method of panchkarma. Of
course, panchkarma has become very well-known nowadays. However, the right application
of the therapies included in panchkarma along with the herbs and minerals are very specific.
This is why you should be careful to ensure that you don’t hand over your health to a half-
baked quack. Instead you should opt for a qualified Ayurvedic doctor, who will prevent the
alopecia from spreading all over your scalp. This is the right method of treating alopecia
whether it is with males or females.

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