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III III0II0I 0101101010II0III 0II0III0II0I0101110

US 20200116617A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2020/0116617 Al
Singh et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 16, 2020

(54) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR LABEL-FREE, Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 62/524,006, filed on Jun.
23, 2017.
Publication Classification
(71) Applicant: Texas Tech University System,
Lubbock, TX (US) (51) Int. Cl.
GO1N 15/02 (2006.01)
G03H 1/04 (2006.01)
(72) Inventors: Dhananjay Kumar Singh, Lubbock,
G03H 1/08 (2006.01)
TX (US); Caroline C. Ahrens, Ambler,
PA (US); Wei Li, Lubbock, TX (US); (52) U.S. Cl.
Siva A. Vanapalli, Lubbock, TX (US) CPC ....... GO1N 15/0205 (2013.01); G03H 1/0443
(2013.01); GOJN 2015/1 006 (2013.01); GO3H
2001/0452 (2013.01); GO3H 2001/0447
(21) Appl. No.: 16/621,307
(2013.01); GO3H1/0866 (2013.01)

(22) PCT Filed: Jun. 22, 2018 (57) ABSTRACT

The present invention includes method and device for label-
(86) PCT No.: PCT/U52018/038939
free holographic screening and enumeration of tumor cells
§ 371 (c)(1), in blood for use in connection with cancer treatments and
(2) Date: Dec. 11, 2019 monitoring.






~ i_ j MEASUREMENT VOLUME (mm3) : 1.02(x) x 1(y) x 0.35(z)
\&' FRAME RATE, F : 100 fps
F' FLOW RATE, 0 : 1400 pL/min

Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 1 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

w 0


U)CI) <0

-- E ' -
)< C Q

- '- C' 1.0,-.-


w o w--
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Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 2 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al


I F(Z)

I 0
I 0 175 350 I
I zQJm) I
L -------------------J


Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 3 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al



'MAX 8

04- FIG. 1E
-20 -10 0 10 20


'MEAN = 12A5


y(pm) 0


'MAX = 16.05

-9 FIG. iF
-9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 4 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

30 - 30 -

25 -
r O46 25 -

20 - 20 -

0 0
wj5- 0 w15-
I- -I

0 0 0
10- 10 -

5 4 0

0- I I 0- I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 o 5 10 15 20 25 30

30 -
FIG. 2C 30 -
25 -
r=019 25 -
20 - 20-
wj5- 15- 0

10- 10- o 0

% 00o
0- I I o - I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 o 5 10 15 20 25 30
'MAX D(pm)

30 -
FIG. 2E 30
MDA-MB-231 - MCF7
25 r=O.30 25 - r=O.33 0 oo
0 c9

20- 20-

15 j15_
• 0
10- 10-
- L y0Q

0- I 0- I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
D(pm) D(pm)
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet S of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

25 r O.21



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
D(pm) FIG. 2H
25 r=O.38



o 5 10 15 20 25 30
FIG. 21 D(pm)
25 r O45


o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 6 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

FIG. 3







- -

0.8 - _______ MDA-MB-231

- -


- I_I
i i
i i

I RBC (T6pm ± 10%)
0.2 PBMC (14.l2ijm ± 3%)
MB-231 (16.61pm ± 3%)
0 MCF7 (17.87pm ± 6%)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 7 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al


- - -
_______ MDA-MB-231
- - -

- MCF7


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

- - -
- - -
- MCF7



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 8 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

PBMC + MB231
- p- _Q_ - p pg

0.4 -
/ _____________________
a D(AUC = 0.9990)
0.2 -
- - - IMEAN(AUC = 0.9798)
IMAX(AUC = 0.9598)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0 0 0 ,
0.8 /
/ ____________________
p D(AUC=O.9990)
0.2 -

- IMEAN(AUC = 0.9942)
- -

// IMAX(AUC = 0.9961)

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 9 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al


0.8 -


04 -

O2 -

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 OO8 O1





0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 10 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

PBMC: 150000
MB231: 125000
/// A\

PBMC: 150000 '

MB231:95 VMB23I: 124905

PBMC: 150000 VPBMC: 0

MB231: 57 I,MB231: 38

7 39_

PBMC: 55 PBMC: 149945

MB231:14 fl MB231:43

'MAX =4.87

FIG. 6A r----------- 1


Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 11 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

PBMC: 150000
MCF7: 125000


'rit' PBMC: I
MCF7: 124905

PBMC: 150000
MCF7: 57
1,'PBMC: 0 / NPBMC: 1 N r
I ,MCF7: 38 A K MCF7: 0 \ I VMCF7: 124905

\ \ \
149945"I 1/A
'MAX = 487

PBMC: 54N 1' PBMC: 0

MCF7:O \I I,MCF7:14

r ----------


Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 12 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al



0 0
0 \

N c..J I.C)

o\\' \ \ A





0 0
0 0
0 N
0 0 0
0 00 0 •
0 0 0
0 0 0
o 0
0 0 00
0 00 0
Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 13 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

150 - MB231 150 - MCF7

010 50 100 010 50 100



100 -

8O- .
mmC p

4o -

0 - 9 I I II!III 1 1 111

0.0001 O01 1 100

Patent Application Publication Apr. 16, 2020 Sheet 14 of 14 US 2020/0116617 Al

0.15 0.15 -

0.1 o1


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

0.2 0.2
0.15 O15


0.05 OO5

LI 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

METHOD AND DEVICE FOR LABEL-FREE, channel and interacts with the numerous cells to generate a
HIGH THROUGHPUT HOLOGRAPHIC respective hologram at the detector; wherein the detector
SCREENING AND ENUMERATION OF obtains a numerical reconstruction from the respective holo-
TUMOR CELLS IN BLOOD gram; and wherein the detector obtains a focused image of
the numerous cells using the numerical reconstruction. In
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION one aspect, the numerous cells are enumerated by looking at
10001] The present invention relates generally to methods a size, a maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the
and compositions used in connection with holographic focused image. In another aspect, the sample chamber
screening, identifying, classifying and enumeration of tumor comprises more than two parallel paths to accommodate
cells in blood. more than two parallel samples. In another aspect, the device
further comprises a loading stage having more than two
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION parallel sample paths in parallel communication with more
10002] Without limiting the scope of the invention, its than two parallel paths in parallel communication with more
background is described in connection with cancer treat- than two parallel microchannels to accommodate more than
ments and more specifically to method and device for two parallel samples. In another aspect, the detector or a
holographic screening and enumeration of tumor cells in processor finger-prints the numerous cells based on wherein
blood. the numerous cells are enumerated by looking at a size, a
10003] Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cells that have maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the focused
entered the peripheral blood of cancer patients after having image. In another aspect, the hologram is recorded and
left primary or metastatic tumors. IdentiFying the presence transferred to computer and a three-dimensional numerical
and assessing the characteristics of these CTCs through reconstruction of the focused image of sample in the 3D
liquid biopsies has shown great promise for improving volume is generated using the hologram and a z-location of
cancer patient care by enabling early cancer detection the focused image formed by the profile of the gradient of
through point-of-care diagnostics, more accurate patient intensity along a z-direction. In another aspect, the detector
prognosis, and the better direction longitudinal treatments records an in-focus image of the sample; the detector records
options. the interference pattern (hologram) between light scattered
10004] Current methods of selective CTC identification from the sample and the un-scattered light or both.
require coupled labeling with fluorescent markers and anti-
10007] In one embodiment, the present invention includes
bodies. Although this antibody method has proven success-
a digital holographic microscope comprising: a laser source
ful, it requires the fixation and permeabilization of cells for
for providing a laser beam; a micro-objective, a pinhole
analysis, which eliminates future phenotypic assays and
device and a collimating lens in optical communication with
further downstream processing. Ideally, identification tech-
the collimated laser beam; a mirror in optical communica-
niques should permit label-free marking, high-throughput
tion with the collimated laser beam; a sample chamber in
potential, and platform flexibility.
optical communication with the mirror, wherein the sample
10005] U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2014/
chamber comprises a sample flow inlet on a first side of the
0349336, entitled, "Sample vial for digital holographic
sample chamber connected to a sample flow outlet on a
analysis of a liquid cell sample," discloses a sample vial for
second side of the sample chamber by a microchannel,
receiving a liquid cell sample, to be used in conjunction with
wherein a sample is transported at a flow rate through the
a digital holographic microscope (DHM), said sample vial
microchannel from the sample flow inlet to the sample flow
comprises at least two compartments in fluid connection
outlet; and a detector in optical communication with the
with one another, said compartments comprising at least one
microchannel, wherein the collimated laser beam passes
pair of screening surfaces, said screening surfaces are essen-
through microchannel and interacts with the sample to
tially flat; and characterized in that the distance between the
generate a hologram at the detector. In one aspect, the
pair of screening surfaces of the second compartment is
numerous cells are enumerated by looking at a size, a
smaller than the distance between the pair of screening
maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the focused
surfaces of the first compartment.
image. In another aspect, the sample chamber comprises
more than two parallel paths to accommodate more than two
parallel samples. In another aspect, the microscope further
10006] In one embodiment, the present invention includes comprises a loading stage having more than two parallel
a digital holographic microscope to enumerate cells in bulk sample paths in parallel communication with more than two
flow comprising: a laser source for providing a laser beam; parallel paths in parallel communication with more than two
a micro-objective, a pinhole device and a collimating lens in parallel microchannels to accommodate more than two
optical communication with the collimated laser beam; a parallel samples. In another aspect, the detector or a pro-
mirror in optical communication with the collimated laser cessor finger-prints the numerous cells based on wherein the
beam; a sample chamber in optical communication with the numerous cells are enumerated by looking at a size, a
mirror, wherein the sample chamber comprises a sample maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the focused
flow inlet on a first side of the sample chamber connected to image. In another aspect, the hologram is recorded and
a sample flow outlet on a second side of the sample chamber transferred to computer and a three-dimensional numerical
by a microchannel, wherein a sample comprising numerous reconstruction of the focused image of sample in the 3D
cells is transported at a bulk flow rate through the micro- volume is generated using the hologram and a z-location of
channel from the sample flow inlet to the sample flow outlet; the focused image formed by the profile of the gradient of
a detector in optical communication with the microchannel, intensity along a z-direction. In another aspect, the detector
wherein the collimated laser beam passes through micro- records an in-focus image of the sample; the detector records
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

the interference pattern (hologram) between light scattered DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
from the sample and the un-scattered light or both.
10009] For a more complete understanding of the features
10008] In one embodiment, the present invention includes and advantages of the present invention, reference is now
a method of quantifying tumor cells using a digital holo- made to the detailed description of the invention along with
graphic microscope comprising the steps of: providing a the accompanying FIGS. and in which:
digital holographic microscope comprising a laser source for 10010] FIGS. lA-iF show principle of inline digital
providing a laser beam, the microscope comprising: a micro- holography microscopy (DHM) for characterizing cells in
objective, a pinhole device and a collimating lens in optical flow. FIG. 1A shows the arrangement of inline-DHM for
communication with the collimated laser beam; a mirror in recording holograms of cells in bulk flow and the experi-
optical communication with the collimated laser beam; a mental parameters used in this study. Here MO: Microscope
sample chamber in optical communication with the mirror, objective, PH: Pinhole, CL: Collimating lens. FIG. lB
shows the hologram cropped from the original hologram of
wherein the sample chamber comprises a sample flow inlet
MCF7 cells. FIG. 1C shows the three-dimensional numeri-
on a first side of the sample chamber connected to a sample
cal reconstruction to generate the focused image of cells in
flow outlet on a second side of the sample chamber by a
the 3D volume, a 2D in-focus image corresponding to the
microchannel, wherein a sample is transported at a flow rate hologram pattern encircled in (FIG. 1B) and the z-location
through the microchannel from the sample flow inlet to the of the focused image shown by the profile of the gradient of
sample flow outlet; and a detector in optical communication intensity along the z-direction. FIG. 1D shows a represen-
with the microchannel, wherein the collimated laser beam tative in-focus image of a single MCF7 cell. FIG. 1E shows
passes through microchannel and interacts with the sample the intensity profile along a line passing through the center
to generate a hologram at the detector; passing a sample of the in-focus image on the xy-plane. FIG. iF is a heat map
through the microchannel; contacting the sample with the of (FIG. 1D). The maximum intensity (Im ) corresponding
collimated laser beam to form a sample image; recording to the single brightest pixel is indicated with an arrow and
one or more sample characteristics; providing a catalog of the perimeter of the region of mean intensity (Im ) corre-
reference images defining one or more reference character- sponding to 6x6 im2 is indicated by a dashed area.
istics; comparing the one or more sample characteristics to 10011] FIGS. 2A-21 are images of binary correlations
the one or more reference characteristics to generate an between the three metrics of size (D), maximum (Im ,x) and
analyzed sample; and using the analyzed sample to quanti- mean (Im ) intensity.
fying the sample content. In one aspect, the method further 10012] FIG. 3 shows the workflow which is well estab-
comprises enumerating the numerous cells by analyzing at a lished within the field of machine learning to develop
size, a maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the classifiers from features extracted from the simplified train-
focused image. In another aspect, the sample chamber ing sets.
comprises more than two parallel paths to accommodate 10013] FIGS. 4A-4C show characteristic features of pure
more than two parallel samples. In another aspect, the populations of different cell types.
method further comprises a loading stage having more than 10014] FIGS. SA-SD are graphs showing the receiver
two parallel sample paths in parallel communication with operating characteristics (ROC) curve showing the false
positive rate (FPR) versus the true positive rate (TPR) with
more than two parallel paths in parallel communication with
respect to three characteristic metrics: size (D), mean inten-
more than two parallel microchannels to accommodate more
sity (Im ) and maximum intensity (Imx).
than two parallel samples. In another aspect, the method
10015] FIGS. 6A-6D illustrate a decision tree based on the
further comprises fingerprinting the numerous cells based on
CART-algorithm to develop classifiers using the character-
wherein the numerous cells are enumerated by looking at a istic metrics of size (D), maximum intensity (Im ) and mean
size, a maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the intensity (Im ) to discriminate populations of PBMC &
focused image. In another aspect, the method further com- MDA-MB-231(MB231) and PBMC & MCF7.
prises recording the hologram is recorded to computer and 10016] FIGS. 7A-7D are graphs of identification and enu-
a three-dimensional numerical reconstruction of the focused meration of tumor cells spiked in lysed whole blood.
image of sample in the 3D volume is generated using the 10017] FIGS. 8A and 8B are images of parallelize DHM
hologram and a z-location of the focused image formed by cytometry for drug response analysis.
the profile of the gradient of intensity along a z-direction. In 10018] FIGS. 9A-9D are graphs of the in line DHM
another aspect, the method further comprises transferring cytometry for drug response analysis.
the hologram to computer and a three-dimensional numeri-
cal reconstruction of the focused image of sample in the 3D DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
volume is generated using the hologram and a z-location of
the focused image formed by the profile of the gradient of 10019] While the making and using of various embodi-
intensity along a z-direction. In another aspect, the method ments of the present invention are discussed in detail below,
further comprises recording and transferring the hologram to it should be appreciated that the present invention provides
computer and a three-dimensional numerical reconstruction many applicable inventive concepts that can be embodied in
of the focused image of sample in the 3D volume is a wide variety of specific contexts. The specific embodi-
generated using the hologram and a z-location of the focused ments discussed herein are merely illustrative of specific
image formed by the profile of the gradient of intensity along ways to make and use the invention and do not delimit the
a z-direction. In another aspect, the detector records an scope of the invention.
in-focus image of the sample; the detector records the 10020] To facilitate the understanding of this invention, a
interference pattern (hologram) between light scattered from number of terms are defined below. Terms defined herein
the sample and the un-scattered light or both. have meanings as commonly understood by a person of
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

ordinary skill in the areas relevant to the present invention. Biochemical techniques typically involve the selective arrest
Terms such as "a", "an" and "the" are not intended to refer of tumor cells through surface binding of proteins prefer-
to only a singular entity, but include the general class of entially expressed on the tumor cell surface 5. In physical
which a specific example may be used for illustration. The separation approaches, the larger average size of tumor cells
terminology herein is used to describe specific embodiments compared to blood cells and their distinct viscoelastic prop-
of the invention, but their usage does not delimit the erties6 allow for CTC isolation using various filtration and
invention, except as outlined in the claims. inertial separation techniques3. Following CTC enrichment,
10021] As used herein, the term "DHM" refers to a Digital additional characterization, most often via immunofluores-
Holography Microscopy. Digital Holographic Microscopy cence, is used to identify CTCs among contaminating blood
(DHM) is a non-invasive, label-free, 3-dimensional imaging cells5. This subsequent processing is necessary to allow
tool which makes it possible to image all micron-sized accurate CTC enumeration and is useful in identifying and
objects like biological cells across entire depth of a sample isolating a pure CTC population appropriate for genomic,
volume using single camera and single illuminating source. proteomic, or phenotypic assays5'7. As the field of CTC
In DHM imaging, the interference pattern (hologram) isolation and characterization continues to develop, tradi-
between light scattered from cells in the sample volume and tional techniques involving selective enrichment followed
the incident laser beam is recorded on a camera. The light by label-based CTC identification have become increasingly
scattered from a cell is its unique signature. It depends on the limiting. Labeling molecules including antibodies used in
refractive index, intracellular properties, size and morphol- immunofluorescent staining must be validated for each
ogy of the cell. Thus, the numerical reconstruction of population with varied resolution dependent on label selec-
hologram provides the fingerprint of the cell. Any change in tion8. Further, while select immunofluorescence detection
the size and refractive index of cells is manifested in the strategies preserve cell viability,9 fixation and permeabiliza-
intensity distribution of focused images obtained using tion remain standard for antibody-based characterization7" 0.
DHM. This destructive processing improves cell retention and
10022] The present invention provides an inline digital stability but eliminates the potential for subsequent pheno-
holographic microscopy as a label-free technique for detect- typic assays. A more optimal characterization technique
ing tumor cells in blood. The optimized DHM platform would be label free, high-throughput and platform flexible".
fingerprints every cell flowing through a microchannel at Most importantly, the approach should be non-destructive,
10,000 cells per second, based on three features —size, allowing the recovery of both viable tumor cells and even
maximum intensity and mean intensity. To identify tumor tumor cell clusters'2 for further downstream processing.
cells in a background of blood cells, The inventors devel- Such a technique might be integrated into existing CTC
oped robust gating criteria using machine-learning isolation strategies or serve as a stand-alone method for CTC
approaches. The inventors established classifiers from the detection. Several cell characterization technologies have
features extracted from 100,000-cell training sets consisting begun to meet these demands for alternative detection. Most
of red blood cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and common are inertial methods introduced above in which
tumor cell lines. The optimized classifier was then applied to cells are flowed through highly structured microfluidic
targeted features of a single cell in a mixed cell population chips. Differences in size and deformability between tumor
to make quantitative cell-type predictions. The inventors cells and blood cells in flow are used to isolate a cell
tested the classification system with tumor cells spiked at population enriched in CTCs'3. However, the overlapping
different levels into a background of lysed blood that con- physical properties of the cell types limit recovered cell
tained predominantly peripheral blood mononuclear cells. purity, requiring secondary processing7" °" 4. The present
Results show that the holographic screening method can invention identified CTCs in a single metastatic prostate
readily detect as few as 10 tumor cells/mL, and can identify cancer patient based on cell passage time through a con-
tumor cells at a false positive rate of at most 0.001%. This striction and buoyant mass, however this developing
purely optical approach obviates the need for antibody approach has limited throughput (.-45 giL/h) and imperfect
labeling and allows large volumes of sample to be quickly resolution, detecting spiked cells with a true positive rate of
processed. Moreover, the in-line DHM approach can be less than 0.7 even with stringent gating'5. Label-free Raman
combined with existing circulation tumor cell enrichment spectroscopy is an optical technique used to differentiate
strategies, making it a promising tool for label-free analysis tumor cells from blood cells based on inherent differences in
of liquid-biopsy samples. amino acid and lipid compositions in the two cell popula-
tions'6, but the label-free technique has limited throughput
10023] Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have been identi-
with demonstrated characterization of less than 500 cells.
fied in the blood of cancer patients as those cells that have
Other strategies include so-called dielectrophoresis'7 and
left primary or even metastatic tumors and entered into
acoustophoresis,'8 in which electrical and acoustic forces,
peripheral blood. As part of so-called liquid biopsies',
respectively, have been integrated into microfluidic devices
identifying the presence and assessing the character of CTCs
to direct label-free cell separation. These separations are
has shown great utility for improving patient care including
broadly based on a variety of factors including difference in
enabling early cancer detection, determining patient prog-
cell size, density, mass, compressibility, shape, and, in the
nosis, and directing longitudinal treatments24. Clinical suc-
case of dielectrophoresis, electrical properties, but both
cess has motivated the development of a variety of tech-
methods have limited throughput and purity.
nologies to identiFy, isolate, and characterize the extremely
rare subpopulation of CTCs in patient blood (approximately 10024] Here, the inventors introduce inline digital holog-
1-10 CTCs in 1 billion blood cells).5 Established methods raphy microscopy (inline-DHM) as an optical, label-free
for CTC characterization largely rely on differences in technique for tumor cell identification in mixed samples. In
biochemical and physical properties between CTCs and DHM, the interference pattern (hologram) in an image
blood cells to recover a population enriched in CTCs 5. contains information not only about the cells that are in
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

focus but also cells that are out-of-focus i.e. from entire onto a CCD sensor. FIG. lB shows a portion of hologram
volume. Using diffraction theories, numerical reconstruction from MCF7 cells flowing in a rectangular PDMS channel.
is pursued to obtain the in-focus image of every cell in the 10028] The numerical reconstruction of the 2D hologram
3D volume. Because mechanical scanning across sample provides the focused images of cells in the full volume. The
depth is not needed, holograms can be acquired at much size and intensity distributions of the focused image can be
obtained numerically. The intensity distribution across the
faster rates using high-speed cameras, making the method
focused image manifests the recorded intensity in the form
suitable for large-scale single cell phenotyping. The inven-
of a hologram. FIG. iC shows the plane-wise 3D numerical
tors recently optimized the DHM set up and demonstrated reconstruction carried out in the full sample volume from the
the label free fingerprinting of thousands of tumor cells in 2D digital hologram shown in FIG. lB. The reconstruction
bulk flow'9. is performed using the angular spectrum method2022 where
10025] Building on these capabilities of DHM, the main the gradient of intensity23 of the cell image along z-direction
challenge the inventors seek to address here is how to inside the reconstruction volume indicates the plane of best
identify rare cancer cells that are present in a mixed popu- focus of each cell image. The focused image provides the
lation of other cells. The inventors exploit both the size and size and intensity distributions. FIG. 1D shows a represen-
optical characteristics of different cell types to enumerate tative focused image of a single MCF7 cell and FIG. 1E
tumor cells spiked in blood. Training sets of red blood cells shows the intensity distribution along the line passing
(RBCs), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and through the center of this image. Detailed reconstruction
tumor cell lines are used to establish rigorous single- and methodology for characterization of partic1es2426 and of
multidimensional gating strategies for cell identification cells is described in the previous work'9. From the focused
with a focus on limiting false positives. These optimized image the inventors extract three metrics quantiFying the cell
selection criteria are applied to identify tumor cells spiked size and image intensity. As established in the previous work
into lysed whole blood based on key physical differences the equivalent circular diameter (D) of the focused image
between the blood and tumor cell types. provides a characteristic metric of cell size. As shown in
10026] FIGS. lA-iF illustrate the principle of inline digi- FIG. 1E, two optical metrics Im and Im further charac-
tal holography microscopy (DHM) for characterizing cells terize the cell. Here Im is the intensity of the single
in flow. FIG. 1A shows the experimental arrangement of brightest pixel (2x2 tm2) within a given cell image, and
inline-DHM for recording holograms of cells in bulk flow Im is the average intensity of the 6x6 tm2 region centered
and the experimental parameters used in this study. Here around the most intense pixel.
MO: Microscope objective, PH: Pinhole, CL: Collimating 10029] Label-free, high throughput tumor cell enumera-
lens. FIG. lB shows the hologram cropped from the original tion via inline-DHM relies on precise and accurate charac-
hologram of MCF7 cells. FIG. 1C shows the three-dimen- terization of the size and optical properties of cells flowing
sional numerical reconstruction to generate the focused through the chosen geometry. In this section, the inventors
image of cells in the 3D volume, a 2D in-focus image characterize beads of known character flowing through a
corresponding to the hologram pattern encircled in (FIG. straight rectangular PDMS channel to systematically estab-
1B) and the z-location of the focused image shown by the lish the accuracy and precision of inline-DHM recorded
profile of the gradient of intensity along the z-direction. FIG. particle size and optical properties. The inventors chose
1D shows a representative in-focus image of a single MCF7 cell-sized beads having varied refractive indexes to establish
cell. FIG. lE shows the intensity profile along a line passing three distinct metrics, size (D) and maximum (Im ,x) and
through the center of the in-focus image on the xy-plane. mean (Im ) intensities. Finally, the inventors explore the
FIG. iF is a heat map of (FIG. iD). The maximum intensity interdependence of these metrics and suggest their additive
(Im ,x) corresponding to the single brightest pixel is indicated utility when characterizing both beads and cells. The inven-
with an arrow and the perimeter of the region of mean tors first quantiFy bead diameters, confirming the accuracy
intensity (Im ) corresponding to 6x6 im2 is indicated by a and precision of high throughput inline-DHM based imaging
dashed area. of particles throughout the depth of a 350 im rectangular
10027] Basic principle of inline-DHM for characterizing PDMS channel. The manufacturer and DHM data for cell-
cells in bulk flow. This section presents the basic principles sized (nominal 8 and 15 tm) polystyrene (PS) and silica
of recording and reconstruction of optical signatures from (SILICA) beads were compared. Bead average diameters
cells in bulk flow using inline-DHM. FIG. lA shows the and variances of all four bead types, as quantified by DHM,
experimental arrangement of inline-DHM. In brief, the closely match those reported by the manufacturer (Table 1).
sample volume containing flowing cells in a transparent Further the inventors observed no statistically significant
microchannel is illuminated by a collimated beam of laser positional variance in diameter measurements (data not
light. The forward scattered light from cells and un-scattered shown) confirming the previously published work which
light interfere and generate a 2D hologram. The interference established both accurate and precise jartic1e size measure-
pattern is magnified by a microscope objective and imaged ments throughout this depth of flow'

The distribution [ ± CV(%)] of diameter (D), maximum
intensity and mean intensity of polystyrene (PS)
and silica (SILICA) beads obtained from inline-DHM. The data was
generated from atleast 100000 particles for each bead type.

Manufacturer Data DHM Data

BeadType D RI D I

Polystyrene 8.23 jim ± 6% 1.59 8.32 jim ± 9% 0.86 ± 25% 0.37 ± 20%
SILICA 8.32 jim ± 6% 1.4 8.39 jim ± 9% 1.68 ± 25% 0.47 ± 20%
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

TABLE 1-continued
The distribution [ji ± CV(%)] of diameter (D), maximum
intensity (I,, ), and mean intensity (I,, ), of polystyrene (PS)
and silica (SILICA) beads obtained from inline-DHM. The data was
generated from atleast 100000 particles for each bead type.

Manufacturer Data DHM Data

Bead Type D RI D I,,

Polystyrene 15.13 jim ± 6% 1.59 15.14 jim ± 3% 2.41 ± 32% 0.49 ± 24%
SILICA 15.14 jim ± 3% 1.4 15.32 jim ± 4% 4.68 ± 32% 0.91 ± 24%

10030] The inventors next introduce the two optical met- pixel at the core of a focused image hence is primarily
rics, and and explore their dependencies on both affected by the size of the cell due to forward scattering;
bead size and inherent optical properties. In the present whereas a 3x3 pixel2 region of the focused image, is
study, the holograms are generated using the forward scat- expected to be influenced by the optical properties of a
tered light from the beads/cells. A study characterizing beads region extending throughout both the nucleus and regions of
suspended in water found that S=0.15 D3 and 0.29 D3'3 for the cytoplasm.
beads having refractive indices 1.59 and 1.40 respectively, 10033] FIGS. 2A-21 are images of binary correlations
where S is the forward scattering intensity collected within between the three metrics of size (D), maximum (Im ,x) and
a 2° angle and D is the diameter of the beads27. Thus, the mean (Im ) intensity. Cell types and the correlation coef-
forward scattered light predominantly depends on the size of ficient (r) between the metrics are shown as an inset. The
the beads and increases with the increase in bead diameter number of cells analyzed to generate each plot is 100,000.
and decreases with the increase in the bead refractive To further explore the dependencies in cells among the three
index28. These previous findings support that the forward metrics, D, Im,x and Im 100,000 cells from each of the
scattered light contains the information of size and refractive three cell populations were characterized. Specifically, the
index of a particle but, predominantly, depends on the inventors characterized PBMCs isolated from donor blood
particle size. through red blood cell lysis and two breast cancer cell lines
10031] Experimentally observed values of and (MDA-MB-231 and MCF7). Scatter plots suggest a strong
for the four bead populations generally follow expected relationship between Im and Im,x with a covariance quan-
trends (Table 1). Considering first I, , the average recorded tified as 0.46, 0.87, and 0.79 for PBMC, MDA-MB-213 and
intensities for the four bead types range from 0.86 to 4.68 MCF7 cells, respectively (FIG. 2A-C). That these correla-
(Table 1). The inventors find I,, is higher for beads having tion coefficients are not closer to 1 support the non-redun-
the same diameter but lower refractive index, and is higher dant nature of these two intensity metrics in characterizing
for larger beads with the same refractive index (Table 1). cells. Further, the correlation coefficients between D and
The second intensity metric, follows similar depen- Im ,x (FIG. 2D-F) as well as D and Im (FIG. 2G-I) are less
dencies on bead size and refractive index as does I, . than 0.5 for all cell three cell populations and is not
However, for all bead populations the average values and increased when comparing with D3, further supporting that
coefficients of variance (CV) of are less than those of the optical signatures are not exclusively dictated by cell
Imax as is calculated from the average intensities of the size.
Imax pixel and the surrounding eight pixels. 10034] This focuses on method development that might be
10032] The observed close correlation between the two readily extended to detecting tumor cells in patient blood.
optical signatures, Imax and is expected for homoge- Here, MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines act
neous particles having uniform refractive indexes. However, as models for patient-derived CTCs. Like CTCs, these cell
unlike beads, cells have greater internal complexities and lines have similarly increased average sizes and refractive
local variations of optical properties. For example, in live indices compared to blood-derived cells31'32. Although the
HeLa cells, an ovarian cancer cell line, the refractive indices inventors anticipate applications using inline-DHM to quan-
of the nucleus, nucleolus and cytosol have been measured tiFy tumor-like cells in patient whole blood, this work
using tomographic phase imaging to be 1.355-1.365 RIU, focuses on identifying tumor cells among the PBMC sub-
1.375-1.385 RIU, and 1.36-1.39 RIU, respectively29. Con- fraction of healthy donor blood. A background of the red
sidering applications focused on identiFying tumor cells in blood cell lysis derived PBMC sub-population was chosen
blood, it is useful to also consider those of lymphocytes and for preliminary experiments rather than whole blood to
monocytes, two populations of white blood cells. Based on allow rapid development of metrics differentiating tumor
light scattering and multiple layer spherical models lympho- cells from normal blood while minimizing computational
cytes were found to have a nuclear and cytoplasmic refrac- processing required to characterize large numbers of readily
tive index of 1.43±0.05 RIU and 1.356±0.009 RIU, respec- differentiated red blood cells.
tively; whereas monocytes were found to have a nuclear and 10035] FIG. 3 shows a workflow that is well-established
cytoplasmic refractive index of 1.43±0.04 RIU and 1.348±0. within the field of machine learning to develop classifiers
004 RIU, respectively30. The above analysis indicates that from features extracted from the simplified training sets. The
for same size of cells their internal complexities may differ inventors used single populations of blood cells including
from each other which in turn may affect the scattered light RBCs and PBMCs isolated from donor blood through red
from cells. For tumor and white blood cells, I, represents blood cell lysis as well as of two breast cancer cell lines
the maximum intensity corresponding to the single bright (MDA-MB-231 and MCF7) as training sets. Optimized
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

classifiers were then applied to identify cancer cell lines increase overall accuracy, but also risks overfitting the
within a background of blood cells. system and unnecessarily complicating downstream pro-
10036] FIGS. 4A-4C show characteristic features of pure
populations of different cell types. Probability density with 10039] FIGS. SA-SD are graphs showing the receiver
respect to (FIG. 4A) diameter, D, (FIG. 4B) maximum operating characteristics (ROC) curve showing the false
positive rate (FPR) versus the true positive rate (TPR) with
intensity, Im , and (C) mean intensity, Im , of different
respect to three characteristic metrics: size (D), mean inten-
types of pure cellular populations. The data was generated
sity (Im ), and maximum intensity (Im ). The ROC curve
from at least 100,000 cells of RBCs, PBMCs, MDA-MB-
is shown for distinguishing (FIG. SA) PBMC & MDA-MB-
231 cells, and MCF7 cells. The inventors extracted the 231 and (FIG. SB) PBMC & MCF7 where the line
characteristic features of cells from the numerical recon- TPR=FPR corresponds to random guessing. For visual clar-
struction of digital holograms of single populations of blood ity the zoomed-in ROC curves to a false positive rate of 0.1
cells including RBCs, PBMCs and the two cancer cell lines are presented in (FIG. SC) and (FIG. SD) corresponding to
(MDA-MB-231 and MCF7). For each subpopulation, the (FIG. SA) and (FIG. SB) respectively. The inventors first
three metrics: D, I Im,x and Im were recorded from quantify the capabilities of the simple classification strategy,
100,000 flowing cells. The average diameters of the cell binary classifiers, for differentiating targeted tumors cells
populations closely follow expected values (FIG. 4A). Lit- among a background of PBMCs. To visualize the classifi-
erature suggests that the mean diameter across the long axis cation accuracy, the inventors use a receiver operating
of disk-like red blood cells is around 8 im compared to the characteristic (ROC) curve which is generated by plotting
DHM-recorded average diameter of 7.6 tim. Of note, the lOx the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) at
magnification employed here generates a 3 to 4 pixel recon- various threshold settings. FIGS. SA and SB show the ROC
structed image for each RBC making the optical resolution curve visually demonstrating the accuracy of each of the
and intensity based characterization insufficient to resolve three metrics, D, Im,x and Im in differentiating PBMCs
the asymmetric character of RBCs as the size of each pixel from each of the cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and
is 2x2 im2. The mean size of PBMCs is reported to be MCF7). FIGS. SC and SD are zoomed in presentations
around 14 tm closely matching the recorded cell diameter corresponding to FIGS. SA and SB respectively for visual
of 14.12 tm. Similarly, reported tumor cell diameters fall clarity. From these FIGS., it is clear that the area under the
between 15 and 20 tm compared to recorded average curve (AUC) is more than 0.9 for all three characteristic
diameters of 16.61 im and 17.87 im for MDA-MB-231 and curves of D, Im,x and Im for both the populations PBMC
MCF7 cells, respectively. & MDA-MB-231 and PBMC & MCF7. This indicates that
while diameter is the most robust independent discriminat-
10037] As established in the previous section, intensity ing metric, all three metrics can be used as strong classifiers
metrics are expected to incorporate aspects of both the cell to identiFy tumor cells in a lysed blood population of PBMCs
size and optical properties. Comparing the average value with a high TPR and with a very low FPR.
mean (Im ) and maximum (Im ,x) intensities indicates the
10040] FIGS. 6A-6D illustrate a decision tree based on the
strong correlation of cell size with observed intensities.
CART-algorithm to develop classifiers using the character-
Broadly, the rank order of cell types by increasing diameter
istic metrics of size (D), maximum intensity (Im ) and mean
mirrors that by both Imax and Im (FIG. 4). Finally,
intensity (Im ) to discriminate populations of PBMC &
comparing the overall probability densities with respect to
MDA-MB-231(MB231) and PBMC & MCF7. (FIG. 6A) &
diameter, Im and Im from pure population of RBCs,
(FIG. 6B) show the decision tree and the predicted values of
PBMCs, MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 supports red blood cells
PBMC and MB231 cells with respect to their true values.
having much smaller average diameters might be readily
Similarly, (FIG. 6C) & (FIG. 6D) show the decision tree and
distinguished from PBMCs and both cancer cell lines.
the predicted values of PBMC and MCF7 cells with respect
However, it is clear from FIG. 4 that, as would also be
to their true values. Applications requiring more resolved
expected for patient derived samples, the individual inten-
separations are expected to benefit from more developed
sity and diameter distributions of the PBMCs and tumor
gating strategies integrating multiple classifiers. FIG. 6
cells are not discrete. The overlapping individual metrics
shows one such approach, the decision tree based on the
demand further optimization of classification strategies,
CART-algorithm, to develop a classifier from the pure
including those incorporating intensity metrics, to achieve
subpopulations of PBMC & MDA-MB-231 (FIG. 6A) and
robust cell identification.
PBMC & MCF7 (FIG. 6C), respectively. The maximum
10038] The training sets of known cell populations can be split limit has been set as 6 for both cases. At every
used to train classifiers able to identiFy cells within mixed branching point of the tree, the towing method is used to
populations. Each classification strategy balances the toler- optimize the classifier among three characteristic metrics D,
ance for false positives, the tolerance for false negatives, and Im ,x and Im . FIG. 6B shows that 124,957 MDA-MB-231
computational simplicity where the optimal process is cells out of 125,000 cells within the training set were
dependent on the end application. For example, screening predicted as true positive and with 0 false positives from
for CTCs in dilute blood might require an extremely low 150,000 cells of PBMCs. Similarly, FIG. 6D shows that
tolerance for false positives (i.e. blood cells identified as 124,957 MCF7 cells out of 125,000 cells were predicted as
tumor cells) as the great excess of blood cells compared to true positives and with only one false positive from the
tumor cells would lead both healthy and normal patients to population of 150,000 PBMCs. It can be concluded that the
have a large number of cells classified as tumor cells. present machine learning algorithm provides high accuracy
Screening on subpopulations enriched in CTCs might favor identifying targeted cells based on their three characteristics,
classification strategies with limited false negatives. In all D, Im and Im . As expected from single cell metrics,
cases, incorporating multiplexed metrics has the potential to diameter is the overriding discriminating metric for both
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

decision trees; however, incorporating data from both inten- The concentration of spiked tumor cells is targeted to be 10,
sity metrics is necessary for optimal differentiation. The 50, and 100 cells/mL of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 each.
inventors also verified that linear discriminant analysis and The classification strategy corresponding to MCF7 and
support vector machines generated similar improved accu- MDA-MB-231 has also implemented to non-spiked concen-
racy over binary discriminants by incorporating all three tration (i.e. C=0 cells/mL) to suggest a minimum detection
metrics. In summary, these results suggest the potential for limit. The total analyzed sample volume and number of cells
each of the three metrics, D, I, and to support (tumor cells+PBMCs) is 1 mL and 450,000 respectively.
enumeration of tumor cells within a background of blood.
10041] The classification strategies developed above were TABLE 2
used to identify breast tumor cells within a background of
Spiked Cancer Cells in
lysed blood based on the inline-DHM metrics of size, Input PBMCs from Donor 1
maximum intensity, and mean intensity. In more detail,
samples containing crude ACK Lysing Buffer-processed Concentration Standard
healthy donor blood cells containing white blood cells Cell Line (Cells/mL) n1 n2 n3 Mean deviation

(WBCs) and residual RBCs at a total cell concentration of MCF7 0 0 0 0

0.45 millionlmL were spiked with breast tumor cells (MDA- 10 17 4 18 13 8
MB-231 or MCF7) at approximately 100, 50 and 10 tumor 50 17 63 10 30 29
100 67 73 113 84 25
cells/mL. Significantly, the blood donor was distinct from MDA- 0 6 0 0
the donor used to develop the classifier. In these experi- MB231 10 21 26 2 16.33 12.66
ments, each hologram corresponds to measuring approxi- 50 59 8 63 43 31
mately 100 cells. Since the inventors acquired 100 holo- 100 123 146 61 110 44

grams per second for 45 s, the inventors processed 4500

holograms and characterized450,000 cells per spiked 10044] Differences in exact values are attributed to chal-
sample, or equivalently 10,000 cells per second. lenges in making accurate stock solutions due to manual
10042] FIGS. 7A-7D are graphs of identification and enu- counting errors using a hemocytometer at low concentra-
meration of tumor cells spiked in lysed whole blood. (FIG. tions and dilutions of a stock solution35 as well as variable
7A) The hologram of lysed blood sample spiked with MCF7 cell settling prior to imaging sub fractions of the prepared
cells, (FIG. 7B) 3D model generated from numerical recon- solutions. That differences between the intended and
struction of single hologram in (FIG. 7A). Identification of observed cell number do not vary systematically supports
spiked cells (FIG. 7C) MDA-MB-231 and (FIG. 7D) MCF7 this hypothesis of random error. The low false positive rate
cells at three different concentrations of spiking in the lysed cancer cells identified in the PBMC sample was replicated in
blood populations of 0.45 millionlmL. With respect to blood processed from two additional donors (Table 3).
computational analysis, each hologram was numerically 10045] Table 3 shoes the detection of tumor cells in lysed
reconstructed and the position, size, and intensity of each blood of three different donors in non-spiked condition is
cell were determined. FIG. 7A shows the cropped hologram presented. The classification strategy corresponding to
(500x500 im2) of cells flowing through the channel, from MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 has been implemented to non-
the original hologram of size 1024x1024 im2. The decision spiked concentration (i.e. C=0 cells/mL) to suggest a mini-
classifier developed through training data (FIG. 6) was used mum detection limit. The total analyzed sample volume and
to differentiate blood cells from each cancer cell line number of cells (tumor cells+PBMCs) is 1 mL and 450,000
enabling a 3D reconstruction of the location and inferred respectively.
identity of the mixed cells within the channel (FIG. 7B).
This single snap-shot shows the location of thirty cells TABLE 3
classified as PBMCs (red) and two cells classified as MCF7
cells (blue) flowing along the x-direction within the rectan- Input
gular microfluidic device (FIG. 7B). The inventors note that Cell Concentration Standard
Line (Cells/mL) Donor-i Donor-2 Donor-3 Mean deviation
the laminar nature of flow introduces the complication of
counting slower cells multiple times in sequential frames. MCF7 0 0 3 1 1.33 1.5
The multiple counting of cells has been eliminated using the MDA- 0 6 3 0 3 3
streamline coordinates, y and z, of reconstructed cells. The
detailed process of eliminating multiple counts has been
reported in the previous work'9. FIGS. 7C and 7D report the 10046] In this work, the inventors have introduced inline-
number of feed (input) and the identified (output) breast DHM as a label-free imaging platform appropriate for the
tumor cells, MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 respectively. At a identification and characterization of cells in bulk flow, with
spiked concentration of C=0 tumor cells, 6 cells were a focus on detecting tumor cells in blood. The inventors have
identified as false positive out of 450,000 reconstructed established three suitable metrics, cell diameter, Im and
lysed blood cells using classifier defined for MDA-MB-231 Im , for characterizing blood components and tumor cells.
in FIG. 6Awhereas; using the classifier for MCF7 as defined The inventors applied machine-learning approaches to iden-
in FIG. 6B, no false positives were identified out of 450,000 tif tumor cells within a background of blood cells. Testing
reconstructed lysed blood cells. At spiked concentrations of the classifier on the distinct blood sample used for the spiked
C=10, 50, and 100, for each breast tumor cell line the experiments resulted in, at most, 0.001% false positives
numbers of feed (input) cells are in close agreement with (blood cells identified as tumor cells). Below the inventors
those of the identified (output) cells (FIGS. 7C, 7D, Table 2). discuss how the existing approach can be advanced to
10043] Table 2 shows a comparison of minimum detect- achieve significantly more throughput and also present
able spike in amount to non-spiked detection is presented. avenues for configuring DHM technology for analyzing real
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

CTCs in patient samples. In this study, the inventors ana- DHM-imaged in <60 seconds. Finally, in this study the
lyzed100 cells per 3D image volume and 4500 holograms, inventors have demonstrated detection of 10 tumor cells/mL
achieving a throughput of 450,000 cells per sample. In the at a false positive rate of 0.001%. In the patient samples, the
future, it is possible to increase the throughput of cellular inventors will have a need to detect 1 Ox lower number of
analysis to 106107 cells per sample. The main limiting tumor cells. The accuracy of detection can be improved by
factors for increasing throughput is the camera system incorporating additional metrics (e.g. gradient of intensity)
needed to record/store the holograms and the computational from the data-rich holograms. Thus, the DHM technology
time required for numerical reconstruction. In this work, the has the potential to robustly identiFy CTCs and classiFy their
inventors used a CMOS camera (Phantom v.310) to record subpopulations without destructive processing and labeling
at 100 fps and store 4500 holograms per sample. The 16 GB of cells. This embodiment, analyzing donor blood and
RAM available on this camera can be used to store as many cancer cell lines suggest that the combined DHM-derived
as 20,000 holograms, indicating that 2x106 cells can be signatures of single cell diameters and intensity profiles
analyzed with the existing hardware. However, the time- provide a new and promising metric for differentiating
consuming step then becomes the computational processing tumor derived cells from background hematopoietic cell
of the holograms. Here, the inventors used a standard types. Using these metrics, inline-DHM provides rapid,
desktop computer (3.6 GHz processor, 8 GB RAM) to highly accurate, platform-flexible, and label-free discrimi-
analyze the 4500 holograms, which took7 s per hologram nation of tumor cells in patient blood. Moving beyond CTC
and 8.75 hours per sample. Rather than a single processor, applications, the present invention provides a generic label-
by pursuing distributed computing, along with optimized free method for detecting target cells in mixed populations,
reconstruction algorithms, the inventors anticipate the com- which is useful in cytopathology, drug resistance, and iden-
putational analysis time can be reduced significantly. Given tification of rare stem cells. Microfluidic Device Fabrication.
that the computational processing can be done off-line and The microfluidic channels of width, w=1000 tim, and height,
is not labor intensive, the label-free approach out-competes h=350 tim, were fabricated using soft lithography39. Nega-
tedious immunofluorescence staining methods to detect can- tive photoresist (SU-8 2050) were used to make the mold.
cer cells in mixed populations. Polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) prepolymer and curing
10047] Moving DHM towards analyzing CTCs in cancer agent were mixed in a 10:1 ratio, degassed, poured on the
patient samples: Looking towards applications targeting mold and cured for a minimum of two hours at 65° C. The
patient screening, it is generally accepted that at least 3 mL PDMS replica was cut with a scalpel and peeled. Inlet and
of patient blood needs to be processed to achieve reliable outlet reservoirs were defined by punching holes and the
information about CTCs where whole blood is estimated to channel was irreversibly bonded to a glass slide 25 mmx75
contain approximately 4-5x109RBCs and 5-11x106WBCs mmxl mm; Fisher) after exposing the bonding surfaces of
per mL. In this study, the inventors have used lysed blood the PDMS device and glass slide to plasma for 2 minutes.
and since the sample injection flow rate is 1400 tL/min, the 10049] For bead validation assays, polystyrene beads
volume processing rate is 23 tL/s. Sample preparation (Polyscience Inc., NIST traceable polystyrene beads) and
involving lysis of RBCs in 3 mL of patient blood silica beads (Corpuscular Inc., Monodisperse Silica Micro-
yielded107 WBCs/mL in 22 mL, which is imaged by DHM spheres) of mean diameters of 8 and 15 tm were used. Beads
in50 minutes @ 100 fps. The inventors note that the were diluted into phosphate buffered saline to a final con-
injection flow rate or sample processing rate can be centration of 0.45 million beads per ml prior to character-
increased to beyond what the inventors used in this embodi- ization. For single cell type characterization tumor cell lines
ment, in which case the camera frame rate would need to be MDA-MB-231 (passage 9, purchased from ATCC, Manas-
increased. This will also lead to reduced image acquisition sas, Va.) and MCF-7 (passage 10, provided by Dr. Lauren
time. Gollahon at Texas Tech University) were cultured in DMEM
10048] Rather than lysing blood, non-invasive CTC media supplemented by 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 1%
enrichment strategies can also be pursued in combination penicillin-streptomycin solution (Gibco) and 1 nM sodium
with DHM detection. For example, RBCs can be removed pyruvate. Prior to DHM imaging, adherent cultured cells
through deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) debulking were detached by incubating with trypsinlEDTA solution,
in which fluid under laminar flow regimes is passed through neutralized with serum and suspended in phosphate buffered
asymmetric micropillar arrays in a microfluidic device36'37 saline. Cells were filtered through a 30 tm pre-separation
Samples might be further enriched by additionally removing filter (Miltenyi Biotec) and adjusted to the designated con-
a subpopulation of PBMCs through a variety of inertial centrations by further dilution with phosphate buffered
techniques such as those incorporated into spiral devices saline. Whole human blood was obtained from consenting
using Dean Flow Fractionation (DFF)'°'38, the Vortex Chip7, healthy donors under IRB-approved protocols and processed
and the multi orifice flow fractionation (MOFF) microfluidic three days after blood donation. RBCs were characterized as
device'4. Using the above enrichment methods, it is useful a concentrated subpopulation purified from platelets and
to estimate the amount of image acquisition that is needed to white blood cells using Ficoll-Paque with SepMate separa-
DHM-process the entire sample volume. Integrating the tion inserts (Stemcell Technologies) as directed by manu-
DFF38 method which enriches the sample by iO fold over facturers. WBCs were isolated from whole blood using ACK
RBCs and iO fold over WBCs, 3 mL of injected blood Lysing Buffer (Life Technologies) as directed by manufac-
sample results in25 mL of enriched sample containing turer including a secondary lysing step to support more
1300 WBCs/mL. Given the sample processing rate of 23 complete RBC removal. Cancer cell lines were cultured on
giL/s the inventors can DHM-image the 25 mL in 19 minutes tissue culture polystyrene using standard tissue culture pro-
@ 100 fps -which is 3x less time than the lysis method. cedures and imaged within one hour after trypsin mediated
Processing methods such as the Vortex Chip7, which recover detachment. Suspensions of cancer cell lines or blood com-
highly enriched samples in small volumes (<1 ml) might be ponents were filtered through a 30 im filter and diluted to
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

approximately 0.45 million cells/mL in PBS prior to DHM samples. Red arrows indicate the recording window for
processing. More than 100,000 cells were processed for each DHM cytometry for drug response analysis. FIG. 8B is a
sample. graph showing a dose-dependent cytotoxicity of the doxo-
10050] Details of the Digital Holography Microscopy set rubicin for the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 using standard
up are identical to those described in the previous study'9. epifluorescence microscopy. Parallel analysis of samples is
Briefly, as shown in FIG. lAthe in-line DHM arrangement required in many applications in drug screening, consumer
consists of a laser, a spatial filter and collimator assembly, industry and biotechnology. For example, in drug screening
and an inverted optical microscope (IX-71, Olympus Inc.). there is a need to conduct dose response analysis where
A He -Ne laser (10 mW, X, =0.6328 tm, Thorlabs) is used different drug concentrations are used to test their impact on
as a light source, operating in continuous wave (CW) mode. the viability of cells (see FIG. 8B for viability analysis using
The laser beam is filtered and expanded by a spatial filter standard fluorescence imaging). To achieve parallel analysis,
assembly consisting of a microscope objective (lOx, NA=0. cells treated with different doses of drug can be introduced
25; Thorlabs) and a pinhole (25 im diameter). The expanded into the multi-inlet device and label-free DHM can be used
beam is then collimated using a plano-convex lens (focal to obtain dose-response curves. Cell culture and drug treat-
length, f=100mm, Thorlabs). The diameter of the collimated ment can also be conducted in the inlet wells of the device
beam is approximately 5 mm. This collimated beam of laser or additional microfluidic devices can be daisy-chained prior
light illuminates cells or beads flowing in the microfluidic to DHM interrogation.
channel. The flow through the channel is generated by a 10054] FIGS. 9A-9D demonstrate the capability and sen-
syringe pump (KD Scientific). The cross-sectional dimen- sitivity of DHM cytometer to respond to the effect of
sions of the channel are 1000(y)x350(z) im2. The 2D anti-cancer drug (doxorubicin) dose to breast cancer cells
hologram of cells or beads is generated in the focal plane of MCF7. FIGS. 9A-9D are graphs of the inline-DHM cytom-
the microscope objective (M=l0x, NA=0.25; Thorlabs) of etry for drug response analysis. The probability distribution
the optical microscope. The magnified image of the holo- corresponding to maximum intensity (Im ) of center pixel of
gram is recorded on a CMOS camera (Phantom v310, Vision focused image of breast cancer cells (MCF7) at different
Research) at a resolution of 512x512 (20 tmIpixel) and doses of doxorubicin (FIG. 9A) 0.0 tiM, (FIG. 9B) 0.0001
12-bit gray level quantization. The influence of DHM tiM, (FIG. 9C) 0.01 tiM, and (FIG. 9D) 0.1 tiM. When the
recording parameters on accuracy of determining axial posi- cells are treated with drug, each cell responds differently.
tion and scattered intensity are described in the previous Some cells are susceptible to the drug and others resist it. As
work 19. the dose of the drug increases more and more cells are
10051] The recoded holograms were transferred to a com- affected and they start losing viability. FIGS. 9A-9D show
puter for numerical reconstruction and data analysis. how the maximum intensity (Im ,x) is affected as MCF-7 cells
Detailed reconstruction methodology for characterization of are treated with different drug concentrations. FIG. 9A
partic1es2426 and of cells is described in the previous shows Im distribution for normal cells. When the cells are
work'9. The inventors implemented numerical reconstruc- treated with 0.0001 iM doxorubicin some are affected and
tion procedure in MATLAB, using a standard desktop com- their peak intensity shifts to lower values (FIG. 9B). Simi-
puter (Intel® CoreTM i7-4790 3.60 GHz, RAM: 8.00 GB). larly, as the drug dose increases to 0.01 and 0.1 tiM, FIG. 9C
The processing time is about 1.94 hours to analyze 1000 and FIG. 9D demonstrate that the number of cells showing
holograms. The present invention provides a first-generation lower intensity (Im ) increases. This study demonstrates
in-line DHM cytometer which is capable to enumerate cells that DHM is sensitive to capture the response of drugs in a
in bulk flow and finger-printing cells based on three fea- tumor cell population. Protocol adopted to obtain low con-
tures—size, maximum intensity and mean intensity of centration of spiked tumor cells. PBMCs were isolated from
focused image of cells obtained from numerical reconstruc- whole blood using ACK Lysing Buffer following manufac-
tion of recorded hologram of cells. The inventors demon- turer protocol. Suspensions of blood components were fil-
strated the capacity to enumerate and fingerprint more than tered with a 30 im filter and diluted in PBS to a final
450,000 cells at the rate of 10,000 cells/s and highlighted the concentration 0.45 million cells/mL. Adherent tumor cell
power of the label-free and high throughput technology by lines, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7, were cultured to 60-80%
characterizing breast tumor cell lines with different meta- confluence, trypsinized using standard protocols, resus-
static potentials and distinguishing drug resistant ovarian pended in PBS (1 million cells/ml), and serially diluted to
cancer cells from their parental cell line. 1000 cells/mL. For both MD-MBA-231 and MCF 7
10052] FIGS. 8A and 8B are images of parallelize DHM samples, cancer cell suspensions were spiked in technical
cytometry for drug response analysis. The present invention triplicate into PBMC suspensions (2 mL) at 20, 100 and 200
provides for analyzing multiple samples simultaneously tL cancer cell suspension for target concentrations of 10, 50
using in-line DHM. and 100 cancer cells per mL. Finally, 1 mL of sample was
10053] The method involves using a microfluidic device analyzed corresponding to each data point. The counting of
with multiple inlets to flow different samples adjacent to cells was performed by hemocytometer.
each other as shown in FIG. 8A. Since the flow is laminar, 10055] It is contemplated that any embodiment discussed
there is no mixing and identity of each sample is encoded in this specification can be implemented with respect to any
spatially into the microfluidic device. Integrating DHM into method, kit, reagent, or composition of the invention, and
this multi-inlet device, the inventors can capture holograms vice versa. Furthermore, compositions of the invention can
where each hologram contains information of the multiple be used to achieve methods of the invention. It will be
samples that are spatially segregated. This multiplexed understood that particular embodiments described herein are
DHM analysis approach has several areas of application, as shown by way of illustration and not as limitations of the
discussed below. FIG. 8A is an image showing a multiple invention. The principal features of this invention can be
entry microfluidic device for parallel loading of multiple employed in various embodiments without departing from
US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

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US 2020/0116617 Al Apr. 16, 2020

sample in the 3D volume is generated using the hologram a sample chamber in optical communication with the
and a z-location of the focused image formed by the profile mirror, wherein the sample chamber comprises a
of the gradient of intensity along a z-direction. sample flow inlet on a first side of the sample chamber
7. The device of claim 1, wherein the detector records an connected to a sample flow outlet on a second side of
in-focus image of the sample; the detector records the the sample chamber by a microchannel, wherein a
interference pattern (hologram) between light scattered from sample is transported at a flow rate through the micro-
the sample and the un-scattered light or both. channel from the sample flow inlet to the sample flow
8. A digital holographic microscope comprising: outlet; and
a laser source for providing a laser beam; a detector in optical communication with the microchan-
a micro-objective, a pinhole device and a collimating lens nd, wherein the collimated laser beam passes through
in optical communication with the collimated laser microchannel and interacts with the sample to generate
beam; a hologram at the detector;
a mirror in optical communication with the collimated passing a sample through the microchannel;
laser beam; contacting the sample with the collimated laser beam to
a sample chamber in optical communication with the form a sample image;
mirror, wherein the sample chamber comprises a recording one or more sample characteristics;
sample flow inlet on a first side of the sample chamber providing a catalog of reference images defining one or
connected to a sample flow outlet on a second side of more reference characteristics;
the sample chamber by a microchannel, wherein a comparing the one or more sample characteristics to the
sample is transported at a flow rate through the micro- one or more reference characteristics to generate an
channel from the sample flow inlet to the sample flow analyzed sample; and
outlet; and using the analyzed sample to quantifying the sample
a detector in optical communication with the microchan- content.
nd, wherein the collimated laser beam passes through 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising enumer-
microchannel and interacts with the sample to generate ating the numerous cells by analyzing at a size, a maximum
a hologram at the detector. intensity and a mean intensity of the focused image.
9. The microscope of claim 8, wherein the numerous cells 17. The method of claim 15, wherein the sample chamber
are enumerated by looking at a size, a maximum intensity comprises more than two parallel paths to accommodate
and a mean intensity of the focused image. more than two parallel samples.
10. The microscope of claim 8, wherein the sample 18. The method of claim 15, further comprising a loading
chamber comprises more than two parallel paths to accom- stage having more than two parallel sample paths in parallel
modate more than two parallel samples. communication with more than two parallel paths in parallel
11. The microscope of claim 8, further comprising a communication with more than two parallel microchannels
loading stage having more than two parallel sample paths in to accommodate more than two parallel samples.
parallel communication with more than two parallel paths in 19. The method of claim 15, further comprising finger-
parallel communication with more than two parallel micro- printing the numerous cells based on wherein the numerous
channels to accommodate more than two parallel samples. cells are enumerated by looking at a size, a maximum
12. The microscope of claim 8, wherein the detector or a intensity and a mean intensity of the focused image.
processor finger-prints the numerous cells based on wherein 20. The method of claim 15, further comprising recording
the numerous cells are enumerated by looking at a size, a the hologram is recorded to computer and a three-dimen-
maximum intensity and a mean intensity of the focused sional numerical reconstruction of the focused image of
image. sample in the 3D volume is generated using the hologram
13. The microscope of claim 8, wherein the hologram is and a z-location of the focused image formed by the profile
recorded and transferred to computer and a three-dimen- of the gradient of intensity along a z-direction.
sional numerical reconstruction of the focused image of 21. The method of claim 15, further comprising transfer-
sample in the 3D volume is generated using the hologram ring the hologram to computer and a three-dimensional
and a z-location of the focused image formed by the profile numerical reconstruction of the focused image of sample in
of the gradient of intensity along a z-direction. the 3D volume is generated using the hologram and a
14. The microscope of claim 8, wherein the detector z-location of the focused image formed by the profile of the
records an in-focus image of the sample; the detector records gradient of intensity along a z-direction.
the interference pattern (hologram) between light scattered 22. The method of claim 15, further comprising recording
from the sample and the un-scattered light or both. and transferring the hologram to computer and a three-
15. A method of quantifying tumor cells using a digital dimensional numerical reconstruction of the focused image
holographic microscope comprising the steps of: of sample in the 3D volume is generated using the hologram
providing a digital holographic microscope comprising a and a z-location of the focused image formed by the profile
laser source for providing a laser beam, the microscope of the gradient of intensity along a z-direction.
comprising: 23. The method of claim 15, wherein the detector records
a micro-objective, a pinhole device and a collimating lens an in-focus image of the sample;
in optical communication with the collimated laser the detector records the interference pattern (hologram)
beam; between light scattered from the sample and the un-
a mirror in optical communication with the collimated scattered light or both.
laser beam; * * * * *

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