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Anesthetic Action and “Quantum Consciousness”

A Match Made in Olive Oil

Stuart R. Hameroff, M.D.

A NESTHETIC gases block

consciousness selectively,
sparing nonconscious brain activi-
motion, and meaning is processed
at different times in different areas
of visual cortex (V1, V2, V3, and
ties, and thus their specific action so forth). Yet somehow, the dispa-
could unravel the age-old mystery rate content is “bound together”
of how the brain generates, or in unified scenes, e.g., a red kite
mediates, consciousness. In this flapping in the wind. More gen-
issue, Li et al.1 make a significant erally, auditory, tactile, olfactory,

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contribution to our understanding and visual sensory modalities,
of both anesthesia and conscious- along with memory and feelings,
ness, showing that an isotope of all apparently processed in dif-
the anesthetic xenon (129Xe) with ferent brain locations at different
the quantum property of nuclear times, are also bound together,
spin 1/2 is significantly less potent integrated, in unified conscious
than xenon isotopes without perceptions. (Indeed, Mashour2
spin, despite identical chemical has suggested “unbinding” as the
actions. Li et al. suggest that the “In which proteins do key effect of anesthetic action.)
xenon nuclear spin antagonizes Einstein’s “spooky action at a
its own anesthetic action by pro- anesthetics act to erase distance”—entanglement—may
moting consciousness, and that quite literally bind and integrate
consciousness involves quantum
consciousness?” disparate brain content into uni-
brain processes, thus supporting a genre of theories known fied conscious moments, like frames in a film or video.
as “quantum consciousness.” Sequences of such moments can give rise to our familiar
“Quantum” implies the strange physics governing very small stream of consciousness.
scales, but with large-scale implications via field effects, “nonlo- In addition to nuclear spin entanglement, quantum
cal entanglement” (separated particles are somehow connected dipole oscillations among π electron resonance clouds in
over space and time, in what Einstein called “spooky action at a membrane and cytoskeletal proteins have been implicated in
distance”), coherence (multiple particles condense into unitary consciousness, and are apparent targets of anesthetic action.3
entities, governed by a wave function), and quantum superposi- Taken together, entanglement, coherence, and superposition
tion of multiple coexisting possibilities (used in quantum com- from nuclear spin and electron cloud dipoles in critical brain
puting, with information as quantum bits, or “qubits,” of both proteins can account for (1) binding; (2) precise brain-wide
1 and 0 collapsing to either 1 or 0 as the solution). synchrony; (3) ultrafast, massively parallel quantum com-
“Spin” is a particular quantum property related to angular puting (e.g., in microtubules); (4) anesthetic action; and (5)
momentum, or torque with a magnetic moment at discrete, a link to fundamental aspects of the universe.4
quantized levels. Atoms with imbalances of protons and neutrons But quantum consciousness proposals have been dis-
can have nuclear spin, and such particles (“fermions,” obeying missed and disregarded because technologic quantum
the Pauli exclusion principle) have half integer quantized spin computers are disrupted by thermal vibrations, and must
values: 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, and others. These spin states can entan- operate near absolute zero temperature. Delicate quantum
gle—be intimately connected with—other spin states, although processes in the “warm, wet, and noisy”5 brain would surely
separated in space and time. When one member of an entangled “decohere”—be drowned out—by chaos in the aqueous bio-
pair is perturbed, the other “feels it,” and responds immediately. logic milieu. Or would they?
“Quantum consciousness” theories suggest that entangle- Anesthesia to the rescue! In the nineteenth century, gases
ment, coherence, and quantum computing occur in the with diverse chemical structures were found to reversibly
brain, offering potential solutions to challenges in cogni- render humans and animals immobile, unresponsive and
tive neuroscience, e.g., the “binding problem.” In conscious unconscious. Seeking a unifying factor, Hans Meyer (1899)
vision, perceptual information for an object’s shape, color, and Charles Overton (1901) discovered that anesthetic

Image: A. Johnson, Vivo Visuals/J. P. Rathmell.

Corresponding article on page 271.
Accepted for publication April 26, 2018. From the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and Center for Consciousness Studies,
Banner-University of Arizona Medical Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Copyright © 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2018; 129:228-31

Anesthesiology, V 129 • No 2 228 August 2018

Copyright © 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Editorial Views

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Fig. 1. Top three levels in a six-level recursive brain hierarchy. (A) Cerebral cortex, with thalamic inputs processed in three waves
through six cortical layers before converging on layer V pyramidal neurons. (B) Cell body of pyramidal neuron with internal net-
works of microtubules. (C) Single microtubule comprised of peanut-shaped tubulin proteins.

potency correlated strongly with gas solubility in a non- support unitary anesthetic action,7 and some results point
polar, “hydrophobic” lipid-like medium akin to olive oil. to cytoskeletal microtubules inside neurons.8 Polymers of
Potency is quantified by the ED50 (effective dose producing the protein tubulin, microtubules have quantum resonance
immobilization in half the population), which, for volatile oscillations in terahertz, gigahertz, megahertz, and kilohertz
anesthetics, came to be known as the minimum alveolar con- frequency ranges,9 and are proposed to host quantum com-
centration. The solubility binding involves weak quantum puting regulating neurons, controlling behavior and mediat-
dipole couplings (van der Waals London forces6) between ing consciousness.4 Computer simulations suggest anesthetic
electron outer shells of anesthetic molecules, and, e.g., gases dampen (and nonanesthetic gases do not dampen) tubu-
“π electron resonance” clouds of aromatic amino acid rings lin terahertz resonance (proportional to anesthetic potency).3
inside certain brain proteins. Other “quantum consciousness” theories involve membrane
The Meyer-Overton correlation thus defines an intrapro- proteins, ordered water, lipids, or DNA.
tein, olive oil–like medium that is “quantum-friendly,” non- Nuclear spin 1/2 is far more stable than electron cloud
polar, hydrophobic (not “wet”), and potentially suitable for dipole states, and Fisher10 has suggested that adenosine
quantum information processing relevant to consciousness. triphosphate hydrolysis can encode memory as geometric
As for “warm,” plant photosynthesis proteins use quantum arrays of 31phosphorous nuclear spin 1/2. Now Li et al.1 sug-
coherence to transfer photon energy from sunlight through π gest nuclear spin 1/2 antagonizes anesthetic potency by pro-
resonance groups, facilitated by coherent mechanical vibra- moting factors supporting consciousness.
tions, and thus are not “noisy” but rhythmic. Unlike olive How? The Meyer-Overton correlation relates to electron
oil, or bulk benzene (e.g., gasoline), π resonance electron cloud dipoles rather than nuclear spin states. Could xenon’s
clouds in protein interiors are arrayed at, or near, the van nuclear spin affect its electron cloud, altering van der Waals
der Waals radius, conducive to quantum interactions (e.g., forces and reducing anesthetic effect? Apparently not, it
similar to the quantum material graphene). turns out. Li et al. calculated electron cloud polarizability for
In which proteins do anesthetics act to erase consciousness? the xenon isotopes and found no change with nuclear spin.
Membrane ion channels and/or receptors for γ-aminobutyric Could xenon nuclear spin 1/2 promote consciousness
acid receptor type A, glutamate, acetylcholine, glycine, and directly? As Li et al. point out, spin 1/2 is optimal for entan-
serotonin were presumed targets, but evidence failed to glement, having the longest coherence time (lowest spin

Anesthesiology 2018; 129:228-31 229 Stuart R. Hameroff

Copyright © 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Editorial Views

number). Hypothetically, if there were endogenous spin 1/2 states at small, fast scales inside proteins in the neuronal
states binding consciousness among nuclei of relevant brain membrane and/or cytoskeleton. These may amplify and
proteins, whatever they may be, membrane, cytoskeletal, or resonate upward over many orders of magnitude (figs.  1
both (a “quantum Wi-Fi”), addition of 129Xe, or other spin and 2). Rather than a computer, the brain may be more like
1/2 carrier, could increase entanglement, and consciousness, an orchestra; rather than a computational output, conscious-
like adding more routers to improve Wi-Fi service. ness may be more like music.
But anesthetic action suggests consciousness also involves The work by Li et al. also suggests various drugs, or
electron cloud dipole pairs. Such pairs have integer spin numbers supplements with nuclear spin 1/2, may enhance quantum
and are “bosons,” which disobey the Pauli exclusion principle brain vibrations and entanglement, possibly benefiting men-
and can condense into unitary coherent states. The relationship tal and cognitive states. The authors are to be congratulated
between (nuclear spin) fermions and (electron pair) bosons is for a significant breakthrough.
unclear. Perhaps the rotational force of nuclear spin magnetic

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“In a spin, lovin’ that spin I’m in.”11
moments (torque) “tunes” or pumps quantum electromechani-
cal activity in neuronal membrane and/or microtubule proteins Acknowledgments
to increase their vibrational frequency, the opposite of anesthetic
Thanks to Sir Roger Penrose, O.M., F.R.S., Ph.D., ­Professor
dampening, and thus “promote” consciousness. Emeritus, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, for
Quantum consciousness theories portray the brain as a ­suggestions regarding nuclear spin and magnetic ­moment,
multiscale hierarchy originating in quantum vibrational and for collaboration toward understanding consciousness.

Fig. 2. Lower three levels in a six-level recursive brain hierarchy. (A) Schematic row of three tubulins with oscillating dipole states.
(B) Single tubulin with its 86 π resonance rings (red spheres indicate anesthetic binding sites). (C) Schematic row of π resonance
clouds with dipole states. (Bottom) Anesthetic dampens π resonance dipole oscillations.

Anesthesiology 2018; 129:228-31 230 Stuart R. Hameroff

Copyright © 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Editorial Views

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with the topic of this article.
5. Abbott D, Davies PC, Pati AK: Quantum Aspects of Life.
London, Imperial College Press, 2008, p 117
Correspondence 6. Schuttler J, Schwilden H: Modern Anesthetics. Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 2008, p 13–5
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JM: Is a new paradigm needed to explain how inhaled anes-
thetics produce immobility? Anesth Analg 2008; 107:832–48
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Copyright © 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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