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University of Lusaka

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Gross Anatomy Practical

Course: BMHA221 System Human Anatomy Practical

System: Systematic Anatomy
Class: BMHA221 full Time
Topic: Anatomy of the Reproductive System
Lecturer: Professor Kasonde Bowa
Year of Study: Year 2 semester 2
Date: Monday 22th February 2022
Time: 14:30 – 16:30 Duration: 120minutes

1.0 Learning Objectives

1.Knowledge- to explain the Gross Anatomy of the Reproductive System

2.Skills- to demonstrate the key parts of the Gross Anatomy of the Reproductive System

3.Attitudes- to demonstrate commitment ,punctuality, discipline and hard work in the course

2.0 Practical


The Reproductive System Anatomy practical builds on the Lecture on the Anatomy of the
Reproductive System which was done last week. The key activities to find and recognize the
key organs in the Reproductive System describe din the lecture. You will use both models
and the cadaver to identify key Male and female Reproductive organs.

This Practical

You will need to examine both the male and female reproductive systems. Most of the
cadavers will be male so will need to use the models to identify most of the female
Reproductive organs. You will need to see the external and internal Male and female
reproductive organs. The male organs are mostly external. The Female Reproductive organs
are mostly internal.
Activity 1 Male Reproductive Organs

The cadaver will already have been dissected and the Abdomen is open. You should use the
models available to identify all the following

1.The External male organs- the penis, the scrotum and the Testis
2.Discuss the layers of the Scrotum
3.Discuss the parts of the Penis- identify the Glans, the coronal sulcus, the prepuce, the shaft
and the base of the penis.
4.Examine the Testis and describe the parts of the Testis
5.What is the Blood supply of the Testis and where does it arise from. What is an
undescended Testis and what can cause this problem?

2.The Internal male organs- the prostate, the seminal vesicles

Use the model to identify the Prostate Gland and the seminal vesicle
1.What is the blood supply to the prostate
2.How many lobes does the Prostate have
3.What are the Zones of Mc Neil
4.What symptoms does an enlarged prostate give

Activity 2 Examine the Female Reproductive system

You must use the Model provided mostly.Remember to examine also the Female
Breast.Compare it to the Male Breast

a. Where is the Breast located. What is the blood supply. What is the Lymphatic drainage
b. Look at the Female External Genitalia
c. Identify the Labia Majora and Minora
d .Identify the Clitoris
e. Identify the Vagina.What is a hymen?

When you have examined the External female genitalia .Examine the Internal female
organs.Discuss the pelvis.What is the difference between the male and female pelvis.

1.Find and describe the Uterus.Name the parts of the Uterus?What are is varied positions?
What is the most common disease of the cervix in Zambia?
2.What are the Uterine supports.What are the importance of this?What are Uterine Fibroids?
3.What is the blood supply to the Uterus?
4.Examine the Ovaries, what is the blood supply to the ovaries
5.Examine the Fallopian tubes.Discuss the parts of the fallopian Tubes

1.Write a report which summarizes the laboratory activity you have done comprising not
more than three to five pages. Use the outline provided below

3.Activities done(Use your own sketched diagrams to illustrate key structure in each section)
4.Conclusion(This should include the answers to the question in activity1 & 2).

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