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Earth & Life Science

First semester, S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year/Section: ________________ Score: _____________

Instruction: Choose the correct answer by writing the letter of choice on the blank provided right before the each number/item.
C 1. What are the first three most abundant elements on the universe?
a. Hydrogen, Beryllium, Helium c. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
b. Helium, Beryllium, Lithium d. Hydrogen. Lithium, Beryllium
B 2. What is an “ordinary” matter consisting of protons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies nebulae and
Other bodies?
a. Cold dark matter b. Baryonic matter c. Dark energy d. Dark Matter
B 3. What is the building block of galaxies which are born out of clouds of gas and dust in galaxies?
a. Protostar b. Star c. Baryonic Matter d. Dark Energy
B 4. How old is the universe?
a. 13.5 billion years old b. 13.8 billion years old c. 12.5 billion years d. 12.8 billion years
C 5. What idea of Big Bang Theory assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic when averaged
Over large scales?
a. General Relativity b. Redshift c. Cosmological Principle d. Doppler Effect
B 6. Who discovered the Law of Gravity?
a. Albert Einstein b. Isaac Newton d. Edwin Hubble d. Johannes Kepler
A 7. Solar System is younger than the universe based on radioactive dating of meteorites?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the above
C 8. Which of the following does NOT describe a large scale feature of the Solar System?
a. Much of the mass of the Solar System is concentrated at the center (Sun)
b. Orbits of the planets elliptical and are on the same plane
c. Most planets rotate prograde
d. All planets are located at regular intervals from the Sun
C 9. A star is much bigger than the Sun passing by the Sun and draws gaseous filaments from both. What
Particular Encounter Hypothesis is being described?
a. Sun-comet b. Sun-star c. Planetesimal d. Proto-planet
B 10. What specific model explained that planets moved on small circles that in turn moved on larger circles?
a. Geocentric Model b. Ptolemy’s Model c. Heliocentric Model d. Copernicus’s Model
C 11. Who proposed that the universe has a beginning and an end and that it is infinite with no limits?
a. Frank Drake b. William K. Hartmann c. Stephen Hawking d. Harlow Sharpley
A 12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mineral?
a. Organic b. With similar chemical make-up c. Naturally occurring d. crystalline structure
B 13. What do you call the type of rocks formed when hot magma or lava cools and hardens?
a. Sedimentary rocks b. igneous rocks c. metamorphic rocks d. granites
A 14. Which of the following is an earth’s subsystem?
a. Lithosphere b. HydoSphere c. Altosphere d. Geosphere
B 15. What do you call the process of breaking up of big rocks into small fragments without changing the
Mineral content of the rock?
a. Endogenous b. disintegration c. oxidation d. hydrolysis
B 16. Which of the following is a mechanical or physical weathering?
a. Hydrolysis b. disintegration c. oxidation d. carbonation
C 17. Gravity pulls down slope the soil or rock in different directions over time. What type of mass
Movement is described?
a. Landslide b. slump c. soil creep d. fall
D 18. What process is observed when rocks that are weathered into smaller fragments and sediments are
Easily moved from one place into another?
a. Oxidation b. Erosion c. Carbonation d. Mass wasting
B 19. Who set the theory that explained how continental landmasses shift position on Earth’s surface?
a. Albert Einstein b. Alfred Wegener c. Alfred Wong d. Albert Hurt
B 20. Edward is a geologist who visited Southern Africa and accidentally discovered remains of a freshwater
Crocodile-like reptile known to live during early Permian times. What specific remains was discovered
By Edward?
a. Lystrosaurus b. Mesosaurus c. Cynognathus d. Glossopteris
A 21. What is Seafloor Spreading?
a. Movement of two oceanic plates away from each other
b. Movement of two or more oceanic plates away each other
c. Movement of two or more oceanic plates near each other
d. Movement of two oceanic plates near each other
B 22. What principle is described when rock layers extend for some distance over Earth’s surface?
a. Original Horizontality b. Lateral Continuity c. Superposition d. Faunal Succession
C 23. What do you call the process of determining an age on a specified time scale in archaeology and
a. Relative dating b. Carbon Dating c. Absolute dating d. Continuous dating
C 24. Cities that are located along shoreline are the most vulnerable to the devastating effects of a certain
Natural phenomenon. What type of natural phenomenon will usually occur on the areas described?
a. Typhoon b. Hurricane c. Tsunami d. Earthquake
C 25. How many volcanoes are recorded as active in the Philippines?
a. 300 b. 145 c. 22 d. 12
D 26. Which of the following is NOT a natural cause of landslides and avalanches?
a. Volcanic eruptions c. undercutting of cliffs
b. vibrations caused by earthquakes d. overloading slopes
B 27. What type of hazard which is characterized to have a rapidly rotating storm system having low-
Pressure center strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain?
a. Thunderstorms b. Tropical Cyclone c. Hailstorms d. Tornados
C 28. What type of natural event where a certain piece of land or area that is usually dry land suddenly
Submerged under water?
a. Monsoons b. Thunderstorms c. Floods d. Tornadoes
C 29. Monsoons are generally broken into two types, summer and ________?
a. Rainy b. Storm c. Winter d. Spring
B 30. Which of the following areas Tornadoes usually occur?
a. Dry land b. Moist Rocky Mountains c. Watery Land d. Rocky & wide land areas
Earth & Life Science
First semester, S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year/Section: ________________ Score: _____________

Instruction: Choose the correct answer by writing the letter of choice on the blank provided right before the each number/item.
1. What are the first three most abundant elements on the universe?
c. Hydrogen, Beryllium, Helium c. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
d. Helium, Beryllium, Lithium d. Hydrogen. Lithium, Beryllium
2. What is an “ordinary” matter consisting of protons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies nebulae and
Other bodies?
b. Cold dark matter b. Baryonic matter c. Dark energy d. Dark Matter
3. What is the building block of galaxies which are born out of clouds of gas and dust in galaxies?
b. Protostar b. Star c. Baryonic Matter d. Dark Energy
4. How old is the universe?
b. 13.5 billion years old b. 13.8 billion years old c. 12.5 billion years d. 12.8 billion years
5. What idea of Big Bang Theory assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic when averaged
Over large scales?
b. General Relativity b. Redshift c. Cosmological Principle d. Doppler Effect
6. Who discovered the Law of Gravity?
b. Albert Einstein b. Isaac Newton d. Edwin Hubble d. Johannes Kepler
7. Solar System is younger than the universe based on radioactive dating of meteorites?
b. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the above
8. Which of the following does NOT describe a large scale feature of the Solar System?
e. Much of the mass of the Solar System is concentrated at the center (Sun)
f. Orbits of the planets elliptical and are on the same plane
g. Most planets rotate prograde
h. All planets are located at regular intervals from the Sun
9. A star is much bigger than the Sun passing by the Sun and draws gaseous filaments from both. What
Particular Encounter Hypothesis is being described?
b. Sun-comet b. Sun-star c. Planetesimal d. Proto-planet
10. What specific model explained that planets moved on small circles that in turn moved on larger circles?
b. Geocentric Model b. Ptolemy’s Model c. Heliocentric Model d. Copernicus’s Model
11. Who proposed that the universe has a beginning and an end and that it is infinite with no limits?
b. Frank Drake b. William K. Hartmann c. Stephen Hawking d. Harlow Sharpley
12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mineral?
b. Organic b. With similar chemical make-up c. Naturally occurring d. crystalline structure
13. What do you call the type of rocks formed when hot magma or lava cools and hardens?
b. Sedimentary rocks b. igneous rocks c. metamorphic rocks d. granites
14. Which of the following is an earth’s subsystem?
b. Lithosphere b. HydoSphere c. Altosphere d. Geosphere

15. What do you call the process of breaking up of big rocks into small fragments without changing the
Mineral content of the rock?
b. Endogenous b. disintegration c. oxidation d. hydrolysis
16. Which of the following is a mechanical or physical weathering?
b. Hydrolysis b. disintegration c. oxidation d. carbonation
17. Gravity pulls down slope the soil or rock in different directions over time. What type of mass
Movement is described?
b. Landslide b. slump c. soil creep d. fall
18. What process is observed when rocks that are weathered into smaller fragments and sediments are
Easily moved from one place into another?
b. Oxidation b. Erosion c. Carbonation d. Mass wasting
19. Who set the theory that explained how continental landmasses shift position on Earth’s surface?
b. Albert Einstein b. Alfred Wegener c. Alfred Wong d. Albert Hurt

20. Edward is a geologist who visited Southern Africa and accidentally discovered remains of a freshwater
Crocodile-like reptile known to live during early Permian times. What specific remains was
By Edward?
b. Lystrosaurus b. Mesosaurus c. Cynognathus d. Glossopteris


Direction: Choose the correct answers for the following questions from the words inside the box.

21.) It is the layer which protects the Earth’s living organisms from the solar flares and gives a beautiful sight named Aurora
Borealis and Aurora Australis. _______________________
22.) It is where the Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere are found. _______________
23.) It is where the crust and mantle are located and where many of the lands are found. ________________________
24.) It includes all the water in land, oceans and atmosphere. This includes the seas, the icebergs, the ice at the North Pole and
the clouds that will later fall as rain. _______________________
25.) It is the phase on the Earth’s surface where life thrives. Most of the living organisms are found here from the simplest forms
to the complex ones. _______________________
26.) An English astronomer who gave us the three laws of motion and studied on the gravitational pull of the Earth and the gravity
of other heavenly bodies. He gave us the Law of Gravity. ________________________
27.) The Greek astronomer who proposed that the center of the Solar System is the Earth. All other heavenly bodies are revolving
around it. ________________________
28.) A German physicist who is considered as the greatest mind in the human history. He said that the speed of light in a vacuum
is constant. ________________________
29.) He proposed that the universe has a beginning and an end and it has no limits or boundaries. __________________
30.) His work was on the extraterrestrial intelligence and founded SETI known as Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Using his
equation, he gave an estimate of the extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. __________________
31.) He was an American astronomer who proposed the widely accepted theory that the moon was debris from the Earth.
32.) An Italian astronomer and mathematician who defended the idea of Copernicus and Kepler about the Heliocentric theory of
the Solar System. He improvised the Optical telescope leading to the discovery of Jupiter’s four primary moons and rings of
Saturn. ________________________
33.) A Danish astronomer who made calculations of the planets and proposed that the Earth revolves around the sun in elliptical
motion in circular. ________________________
34.) A Greek mathematician, astronomer and geographer who measures the size of the Earth through Mathematics and stated that
the Earth is 39,690 kilometers in diameter. ________________________
35.) A Polish astronomer who proposed the Copernican Model or Heliocentric model of the Solar System. _____________


-Ma’am Ampol-
Earth & Life Science
First semester, S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Year/Section: ________________ Score: _____________

Instruction: Choose the correct answer by writing the letter of choice on the blank provided right before the each number/item.
____1. What are the three most abundant elements on the universe?
e. Hydrogen, Beryllium, Helium c. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
f. Helium, Beryllium, Lithium d. Hydrogen. Lithium, Beryllium
____2. What is an “ordinary” matter consisting of protons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies nebulae
and other bodies?
c. Cold dark matter b. Baryonic matter c. Dark energy d. Dark Matter
____3. What is the building block of galaxies which are born out of clouds of gas and dust in galaxies?
c. Protostar b. Star c. Baryonic Matter d. Dark Energy
____4. Based on the recent data, how old is the universe?
c. 13.5 billion years old b. 13.8 billion years old c. 12.5 billion years d. 12.8 billion years
____5. What idea of Big Bang Theory assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic when
averaged over large scales?
c. General Relativity b. Redshift c. Cosmological Principle d. Doppler Effect
____6. Who discovered the Law of Gravity?
c. Albert Einstein b. Isaac Newton d. Edwin Hubble d. Johannes Kepler
____7. Solar System is younger than the universe based on radioactive dating of meteorites?
c. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the above
____8. Which of the following does NOT describe a large scale feature of the Solar System?
i. Much of the mass of the Solar System is concentrated at the center (Sun)
j. Orbits of the planets elliptical and are on the same plane
k. Most planets rotate prograde
l. All planets are located at regular intervals from the Sun
____9. A star is much bigger than the Sun passing by the Sun and draws gaseous filaments from both. What
Particular Encounter Hypothesis is being described?
c. Sun-comet b. Sun-star c. Planetesimal d. Proto-planet
____10. What specific model explained that planets moved on small circles that in turn moved on larger
c. Geocentric Model b. Ptolemy’s Model c. Heliocentric Model d. Copernicus’s Model
____11. Who proposed that the universe has a beginning and an end and that it is infinite with no limits?
c. Frank Drake b. William K. Hartmann c. Stephen Hawking d. Harlow Sharpley
____12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mineral?
c. Organic b. With similar chemical make-up c. Naturally occurring d. crystalline structure
____13. What do you call the type of rocks formed when hot magma or lava cools and hardens?
c. Sedimentary rocks b. igneous rocks c. metamorphic rocks d. granites
____14. Which of the following is an earth’s subsystem?
c. Lithosphere b. HydoSphere c. Altosphere d. Geosphere
____15. What do you call the process of breaking up of big rocks into small fragments without changing the
Mineral content of the rock?
c. Endogenous b. disintegration c. oxidation d. hydrolysis
____16. Which of the following is a mechanical or physical weathering?
c. Hydrolysis b. disintegration c. oxidation d. carbonation
____17. Gravity pulls down slope the soil or rock in different directions over time. What type of mass
Movement is described?
c. Landslide b. slump c. soil creep d. fall
____18. What process is observed when rocks that are weathered into smaller fragments and sediments are
Easily moved from one place into another?
c. Oxidation b. Erosion c. Carbonation d. Mass wasting
____19. Who set the theory that explained how continental landmasses shift position on Earth’s surface?
c. Albert Einstein b. Alfred Wegener c. Alfred Wong d. Albert Hurt
____20. Edward is a geologist who visited Southern Africa and accidentally discovered remains of a
freshwater Crocodile-like reptile known to live during early Permian times. What specific remains
was discovered by Edward?
c. Lystrosaurus b. Mesosaurus c. Cynognathus d. Glossopteris
____21. What is Seafloor Spreading?
e. Movement of two oceanic plates away from each other
f. Movement of two or more oceanic plates away each other
g. Movement of two or more oceanic plates near each other
h. Movement of two oceanic plates near each other
____22. What principle is described when rock layers extend for some distance over Earth’s surface?
b. Original Horizontality b. Lateral Continuity c. Superposition d. Faunal Succession
____23. What do you call the process of determining an age on a specified time scale in archaeology and
b. Relative dating b. Carbon Dating c. Absolute dating d. Continuous dating
____24. Cities that are located along shoreline are the most vulnerable to the devastating effects of a certain
Natural phenomenon. What type of natural phenomenon will usually occur on the areas described?
b. Typhoon b. Hurricane c. Tsunami d. Earthquake
____25. How many volcanoes are recorded as active in the Philippines?
b. 300 b. 145 c. 22 d. 12
____26. Which of the following is NOT a natural cause of landslides and avalanches?
c. Volcanic eruptions c. undercutting of cliffs
d. vibrations caused by earthquakes d. overloading slopes
____27. What type of hazard which is characterized to have a rapidly rotating storm system having low-
Pressure center strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain?
b. Thunderstorms b. Tropical Cyclone c. Hailstorms d. Tornados
____28. What type of natural event where a certain piece of land or area that is usually dry land suddenly
Submerged under water?
b. Monsoons b. Thunderstorms c. Floods d. Tornadoes
____29. Monsoons are generally broken into two types, summer and ________?
b. Rainy b. Storm c. Winter d. Spring
____30. Which of the following areas Tornadoes usually occur?
b. Dry land b. Moist Rocky Mountains c. Watery Land d. Rocky & wide land areas

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